Author Topic: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: Rebekah Simpson & Royce Taghon - Sedona Shamanic  (Read 56503 times)


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The Has Sedona Gone Mad??? thread is definitely relevant here too

This photo of Royce was labeled "Sacred Pipe Ceremony Shamans Cave"

(Later edit: deleted family history info)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 08:51:59 pm by Piff »

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sick people

Yeah, that says it all.

(Later edit: deleted family history info, due to Taghon's clarification later in this thread)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 08:59:08 pm by Piff »

Offline educatedindian

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Simpson contacted us. Below is her email, unedited, followed by my response. I'll post anything else she sends.


To whom it may concern, Recently I discovered a bunch of bad-mouthing about me in regards to sedona shamanic journeys on your website posted « by Piff on July 06, 2013, 02:45:16 PM ». I am asking you to please remove any and all talk about me, sedona shamanic journeys, royce medicine bear and anything else related to me that you and others have posted on your website named and NAFPS. Also, if I have done something wrong and unlawful then I am open to cooperation on fixing my wrong doings. Please reply promptly as to the status of this. Dated this day September 6th 2013

Kind regards, Rebekah Simpson


Ms. Simpson,
We do not remove evidence of wrongdoing simply because the person in question objects.

Your claims of being Native are very contradictory and dubious. You sell ceremonies that are clearly New Age. faux Hinduism, or European pagan and falsely present them as Native.

Your teacher and longtime partner is also of entirely European heritage according to the many censuses of his ancestors.

We always welcome more information that can clear these matters up. Could you provide evidence of being Native? Can you point to a Native community that knows you?

Can you explain why you falsely pass off non-Native ceremonies as Native? Do you just not realize they are not Native?

If so, shouldn't you realize just how little you actually know?

We will post your request below and our requests in turn to you.

We would welcome any statement of yours.

You also are welcome to join and post a response yourself, and answer questions from our members.
Al Carroll, moderator

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More good news to report. Simpson says she no longer sells ceremony, and neither does Taghon. First is her email then my reply.


Dear Al, thank you for your quick response. Just to bring things up to date, I no longer sell my services. In fact I work a full time job now and offer my services an a very small scale. Bear and I no longer work together and now have searate lives. He actually was learning this all from me and eventually decided that this is not for him. At this time I can't locate records of my ancestory, I've only been told by my mother that my great, great grandmother is Seminol and on my father was part blackfoot. I have updated the website best I could to cooperate with what you are saying. Please help me to help you clear my name and images off of your forums. Best regards, Rebekah

Ms. Simpson,

We certainly appreciate when someone offers to, and actually does, change and reform their ways and admit wrongdoing.

As of now, the shamanic journeys site still shows claims your mother was the medicine woman of an unnamed tribe, and has many elaborate claims about you.

There are 17 different articles on the site about or by you, making various claims. Thankfully several of those links showing you selling ceremony now appear to be gone. There is at least 1 link still up calling for customers for the medicine wheel ceremony, originally taught by the fraud Vincent Laduke/Sun Bear.

I will pass along your email to the forum, and we will discuss further moving your thread to Archives once we see all false claims removed online.

Typically once someone is no longer acting unethically, we post a message in all caps across the thread: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN.

Thanks again for being willing to take steps to doing the right thing, and I look forward to speaking with you more.

If your former partner is no longer doing anything unethical, this all applies to him as well. I believe the notice about doing medicine card tours is the only thing needing to be removed.
Al Carroll

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Good news, and also some amusing news. Neither Simpson not Taghon are selling ceremony anymore. The links on Simpson are down.

Is there any reason we should not move them to No Longer a Matter of Concern?

I got this angry email from Taghon. He confirms he quit selling ceremony but then threw a fit. First is his email, unedited, then my response.


Mr. Carrol, I have never spoke with you nor did I even know who you were. Recently someone brought to my attention all of the accusations and scandalous nonsense you have posted on your website. I, Royce A. Taghon did offer Services to people that were Native American based and Spiritual. I no longer do this but not necessarily by choice but rather do to life changing events. If I choose to partake in these ceremonies and  traditions, who the hell are you to tell me I'm wrong or unethical? As far as my family history and genealogy, you are seriously way off base here. The information you posted about the "Taghon" family name is grossly wrong. For your information the Taghon's are from Belgium not Russia and Bulgaria, and yes we are all related. The one thing you didn't know was that my father was adopted so this is not a bloodline name. I do not appreciate your verbal attacks, especially when you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. PLEASE, remove any information about me and my name from your web posts. This is one of the most slanderous bullshit posts I have ever read and when it comes down to it ,you don't know the first thing about me or who I am, Don't judge, not your place to do so. Thank You, Royce A. Taghon


Mr. Taghon, apparently you didn't read what was written about you.

Throwing a temper tantrum like a child and cursing like a boy who thinks cursing makes him sound tough only make you look foolish and far too immature to be entrusted with ceremony.

"Native based"? So they were phony knockoffs of Native ceremony just like we said.

But I am glad you are no longer offering them. As we said (but you did not bother to actually read) we gladly will move you and Ms Royce out of the Research section. We are glad she removed a weblink where she was selling ceremony, but there are over a dozen more where she has not yet removed them.

And yes, we have every right to defend Native traditions from frauds or those seeking to profit off of traditions. If you were actually Native or raised in the traditions you would know that.

You need to quit judging on what you know little about, and also to quit falling for New Age ideas. Judging is not a bad thing. It means using the brains you were born with.


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Good to hear they are no longer selling ceremony, I'm fine with moving them to No Longer a Matter of Concern too.

I've gone back through the thread and edited out the incorrect family history info.


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I am fine with moving them also.

Offline educatedindian

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Taghon is proving to be an obnoxious little twit, but that won't stop us from doing the right thing. He may be a jerk, but he's no longer selling ceremony even while huffing and puffing he can if he wants.

First his latest, then my response.


I am not throwing a temper tantrum. You wanna see a little boy or a child, I invite you to come to Arizona and meet with me personally! You don't know the first thing about me and I am a free man able to pursue any venture I choose of my own will. I will ask again that you remove my name as I have nothing to do with Rebekah or the business. [Rants and personal attacks]


Well, you certainly proved your maturity... ;D

And you're about as scary as a wet noodle.

Not to mention you're still too lazy to read and too gullible in what you do believe.