This is what I found on Mr Young on German language sites.
According to information found at various sites, his legal name seems to be Philip Young, but apparently he also goes by the name of 'Philip Kansa' as he claims his g-grandmother was a Kansa shaman and by the 'ndn name' of Spirit Bear. Young seems to be married to a German citizen and at one site was said to live in Germany."Spirit Bear is clearvoyant, a shaman and comes from the USA. He is of Indian descent, has studied psychology and obtained a BsC. His book "Soul and Psyche" has been brought out by Messrs Schirner.""Our travel guide Spirit Bear is of Indian descent and a psychologist. The ancient history of the Indians says that when all four human races are at peace with each other, all beings will be redeemed. It is Spirit Bear's path to contribute to this."
This site offers a review of a CD produced by Young, and although presumably done by someone into esoterics, is none too favourable: author's name here is: "Philip Kansa (Spirit Bear)"
"Involuntarily funny adventure trip to the Ego
"Does somebody remember Bill Ramsey? No? Some time during the 60ies, Ramsey sang "I'd like to buy a Tirolean hat" [in German language] and ... got well-known for his funny, typically American accent. The very same accent as on this meditational CD from Messrs Schirner. It is called 'Journey to Mother Earth' and a genuine American Indian is the verbal guide and companion. And this genuine American Indian not only goes by the funny name of Philip Kansa aka Spirit Bear. His pronounciation is so funny one might be inclined to believe that this is a comedy CD produced by a clever German-American doing a caricature of the esoteric
scene and its 'lait beck' attitudes. Although later it does become evident that the gentleman is in full earnest and in fact means to lead us to Mother Earth.
The quality of this CD will also be found lacking as to its content, especially regarding the relaxing part in the beginning. [...]
[The reviewer says that SB's accent makes this CD so hilarious that instead of relaxing one's muscles, one will end up with aching muscles and gasping for breath due to laughing so hard.] [...]
This site gives a little info on SB's vita; site owner is a German person, Elke Kircher, who at another site (cf further down) is said to be his wife:"Philip (Spirit Bear) is clairvoyant, shaman, and comes from the USA. He is of Indian descent.
His training and initiation was done with several shamans, e.g. with Medizin [sic] Hawk, a shaman of the Cherokee. Due to his long spiritual path he got into contact with the wisdom of his ancestors which he now transfers into the New Age. Philip channels Red Deer, a wise Anasasi [sic] shaman full of love, and Akanthos, a light being. He wrote the book "Soul and Psyche" on this. Philip has studied psychology and obtained a BSc."
This is the site of a well-known esoteric bookshop in Hamburg. They also organize events like lectures, seminars etc. They got several announcements for Spirit Bear: first one is for two weekend seminars SB does with a person by the name of 'Cloud Eagle':
"When the power of the Eagle joins force with the Spirit of the Bear
Spiritual teacher Cloud Eagle of the tribe of Pueblo Indians will visit Germany and, with his friend and brother Spirit Bear, will do two weekend seminars on rituals and prophecies of the North American Indians.
Cloud Eagle and his people live at the Nambé Reservation in New Mexico/USA. Elke Kirchner and her husband Philip Kansa, who live in the South of Hamburg and run a seminar centre for shamanism and angel work, met Cloud Eagle several years ago together with the American psychologist Chuck Spezzano.
Elke Kirchner and Philip Kansa support Cloud Eagle's work with the donation project "The Good Red Path" (we reported in July 2006, please also see at our site) to help Indian children and youths in a financial way to learn about their ancient traditions and abilities so that these aren't lost and the young people of the First Nations stay in connection with their roots.
During the seminar "Power Bear made of stone", Cloud Eagle - who is also a sculptor - will teach participants to create their own power bear from stone. The bear is a symbol of healing on all levels for the Pueblo Indians. Further contents of the seminar will be a power animal journey and the blessing of the power animals.
During the second weekend, participants will be given the possibilty to experience what it is like to live in accordance with the rhythm of nature and to find their own soul path. Cleansing rituals and sun rising and pipe ceremonies will support this. You will also hear about the Pueblo Indians' prophecy: 'When all four human races (white, yellow, red, black) will live in peace with each other, all beings will be redeemed." It is the path of Cloud Eagle and Spirit Bear to contribute to this vision. "When the white animals are born, the time of peace will be near", it is said and this
is what is happening these days all over the world.
There will also be two evenings of experience with CE and SB, dedicated to the prophecy, to world peace and peace rituals. They will also deal with personal issues [of participants].
Evenings of Experience: Nov 16 and 21, 2007, 19:30 - app 22:00
Fee: EURO 25 per participant.
"Power Bear made of Stone" Nov 17/18, Fee: EURO 210 incl accom and food
Indian Days of Culture and Shamanism, Nov 24/25 2007. Fee: EURO 95 per day incl food
Another announcement from the site maintained by the Hamburg bookshop:"New: once monthly Vision of Love
Shamanic Circle of Healing and Meditation in Hamburg at Wrage's. With shaman and spiritual teacher Spirit Bear-Philip. There will be shamanic healing rituals, meditations and channelings.
Philip has the gift of touching people and open their hearts with his spiritual power and the wisdom of his heart in order to let healing happen. He is of Indian descent. His trainings and iniations [sic - plural forms] were done with various shamans. [...]
Sep 18, Oct 16, Nov 29, 2997, 19:30 - app 22:00
Fee: EURO 25 [...]
Shaman's Day with Spirit Bear
The shaman will introduce you to the powerful world of the buffalo and bear nation. Healings, visions, and the true connection to the power of our four-legged brothers is what you can experience. You will be initiated and opened for this path. The power of the spiral of the Hopi Indians with its redeeming effects will be part of this seminar.
Sep 9 2007, 11:00 - 19.00, Fee: EURO 90 incl food [...]" site also offers SB's CD and offers more or less the same regarding the CD's description and info on his vita. However, the author(s) seem to be puzzled by Young's use of different names, as they alternately speak of him as 'Philip Kansa' and 'Philip Young'. They also say Mr Young has been working as a shaman for more than 25 years, and more than 20 of these years outside of the USA, mostly in Europe.
This site is for SB's CD again, but with another detail re his CV:"Journey to Mother Earth by Kansa, Philip
EURO 13.95
[...] Philip Young [sic!] whose shamanic name is Spirit Bear, comes from the USA and is of Indian descent, his great-grandmother was a shaman with the tribe of Kansa Indians. He studied psychology (Bachelor of Science) as well as German (magister artium) and has been working for more than 25 years as a shaman after having been trained by various shamans, among them Medicine Hawk of the Cherokee as well as teachers of the tribes of Lakota and Anasasi{sic!!!], and has worked for more than 20 years outside of the USA, mostly in Europe. In his seminars, participants will learn about the valuable teachings of Indian shamans which serve to heal people and mother earth."
The following site presents ads for a seminar and sweat sold by a person claiming to have been trained by Spirit Bear and Kachinas Kutenai:"andreas wesemann
First regular weekend Fri Feb 08 19:00, end Sun 10, 17:00.
Contents: Shamanic traditions of knowledge, the role of shamanism in modern Middle Europe, ..., introduction to shamanic basic techniques. [...]
Fee: EURO 230 PLUS accom, please bring own food.
Sat Mar 08 15:00 till Sun Mar 08, 13:00 Lakota Sweatlodge at [...] Veronika Knoche will lead the women's sweat.
Fee: EURO 60 plus EURO 10 for accom
My teachers: Winfried Picard, shaman and lecturer at FSS Germany.
Philip Kansa Spirit Bear, shaman, Germany & USA.
Elke Kircher, shaman and angel medium, Germany.
Katchinas Kutenai, Apache medicine woman, USA."
And an entry in an Austrian esoteric forum by another person claiming SB as his teacher:"July 03, 2006, 22:43
User White Wise Bear
registered since Jul 2006
Place: Bremen
postings 12
"My name is Tim Oliver [...]. I was born in Bremen in 1982 and am on my spiritual path for more than seven years. My shamanic name is White Wise Bear. I am a trained shaman; I say thanks to my teachers "Spirit Bear" (an Indian shaman) and his wife "Holy Waterfall" for their lessons.
I am also a trained mental healer; I say thanks to my teacher "Christian Stippekohl" and the renowed healers Anne Hübner & Pyotr Elkunoviz. My further fields are cleansing of interfering radiation, cranio-sacral therapy, channeling and much more... [...]"
(translator's note: "Holy Waterfall"

? - holy sh**! I'd apply for a divorce from a husband giving me that name!)
He further mentions crystal surgery, shamanic work, a metamorphosis method, spiritual alchimy, energetic balance massaging, programming of healing foils, spiritual life counceling, symbol channeling.