Author Topic: Donald Montoya aka Emaho  (Read 21390 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Donald Montoya aka Emaho
« on: August 08, 2007, 02:40:15 pm »
I found a link to this person going by the name of Emaho at a nuage site. The first part is from a website probably maintained by followers:

"Emahó is a teacher of life. With clarity and compassion, he accompanies persons on their way. He experienced the process of awakening permanently himself in his own life and has a deep understanding for the development of
the individual.

Emahó teaches to see with one's heart and the 'eyes of life', in order to develop a larger perspective. This 'farsightedness' leads us beyond our personal view which we developed about the world and life over the years.

He shows us that it is possible and makes sense for us busy people of the Western world to lead an inspired life. This also means to integrate our 'shadowy' sides and to learn understand the paradoxies of life.

In the fire dance, Emaho puts his hands into the fire for us and transfers the energy of the fire onto every person. The fire is an agent for heart and mind. Although Emaho's teachings include Western and Eastern views, his focus is on the 'Western Way'. In a unique way, he includes the way of thinking and living of the Western person and teaches us to value the achievements of our culture anew and to make use of them.

Emahó teaches with humour, power, and wisdom and has effects beyond his words by his strong presence, his warmth and simplicity. Emaho is an American, of Indian descent, and was born in Albuquerque/New Mexico. He lives in New Mexico with his family and does seminars in the USA and in Europe."

This is an article from a Berlin daily newspaper from 1996:

Soot in the face and rhythmic walking - Fire dance at Koethener Strasse: 100 participants are eager to have energy transfered to them
by: Claudia Fuchs
"About 100 persons gathered at Koethener Strasse 38 to participate in a fire dance. The event taking several hours was lead by the American Emaho who said he was going to transfer energy through the fire. "Better take off your silk stockings", Petra K. said to her neighbour in a low voice. "It's going to get pretty hot". The nurse and social worker knows what she is talking about: she has come to Emaho's fire dance for the fourth time. "He's got such an aura', she says, "and an open heart", her neighbour adds. Both pay a sum of DM 365 to participate in the fire dance and a three-day seminar led by Emaho. Same has the other 100 participants, among whom are engineers, psychologists, and business people. It is almost 7 p.m., the room fills. [...] Emaho arrives 45 minutes late. [...] Emaho looks at every person with his big dark eyes, murmuring an occasional 'Hello'. Ten minutes later, he starts with his lecture. He speaks about priviledges of education, about igniting oneself, to change the world and not to hate any longer. And about how important it is to say: "There's more than me". The audience is listening in devotion. After 30 minutes, Emaho says: "Let's dance". Chairs are being pushed aside quickly, people take off their shoes, and Emaho spreads a black and red blanket in the middle of the room. Two huge candles get put up. Then he disappears backstage, comes back after 10 minutes, clad all black, barefooted, little bells dangeling at his ankles and jewelry made of eagle bones at his chest.

He has never learned the fire dance, he explains. "It came to me", says the 48-year-old man. Meanwhile, people put down necklaces, rings, and fotos on the blanket to have them blessed. The lights are switched off. Rhythmic knocks start, and participants who formed a circle start stomping to this rhythm. Emaho begins to pant noisily. All of a sudden he walks over to the candles and puts his hands into the flames for about 15 seconds. He pants louder. Then he pulls a woman from the circle of dancing persons, pushes her to the ground forcefully and runs his sooty hands over her face. She is breathless. Emaho bends down over her and shouts: "Breathe". A few seconds later, he pushes her back into the circle. Still out of breath, she says "What is happening there is hard to describe." A few metres across the room, the teacher Wolfgang Vollmer is dancing: "Since I know Emaho, I changed," he explains. He says he is less arrogant. Some minutes later, it's his turn. Shortly before 10 p.m. the crowd is still stomping, more and more participants have sooty faces. A strong odour of sweat is in the room. Volker (doing political sciences) comes back from the phone: "There is a strong power in this room", he says. He does not have time to participate right now, his 4 year old son is tired. He just phoned for his son's Mum to pick him up, Volker wants to stay on."

From the same paper:

Emaho and his story
Local reports - page 24

"His real name is Donald Monty Montoya and was born 48 years ago in the US-State of New Mexico. Until he was 21, his life had been 'normal'. Then there was a sudden change from one day onto the other. "It was a sunny day and I drove my car", he says. Then it happened. Donald Monty Montoya saw his life from birth to death. "Those persons who never had a vision", he explains, "have a hard time understanding this." Who or what sent this vision to him he doesn't know until this day. He knows just one thing: "It did not come from me."

Three years later, he says, he lost his ambition. He took ill: Diabetes, Parkinson, his brain stopped working again and again. "My body was dying slowly", he says today. "Whoever showed me this vision also took my life. So why should I have to live it twice?" Therefore, at the age of 24, he decided to die and 'let his body go'. This did not happen. When the man regained consciousness after a short time, his diseases had gone. And something else had changed: "I wasn't the same person any longer. I had gained wisdom. Like I was 10,000 years. Suddenly I knew things which were beyond what others knew." It was like snipping your fingers, suddenly it was there. Everybody wondered how this could have happened. "It was life", Emaho is certain. He decided to use the wisdom given to him. Just not at once, since he lacked experience: "I was too young to make use of the gift." At the age of 37, he felt that people came to him to ask his advice. His own philosophy, he says, is a 'mixture of Western and Eastern religion'. This philosophy came to him. Like the vision."
They offer courses in ndn horse riding, but also advertise a seminar done by Emaho (further down on the site, complete with a photo).

This is a guest column from a paper dated October 29, 2000; the name is an aka. I abbreviated the column and took out parts describing the way valuables confiscated from Jewish families in Nazi Germany are still hold back by Swiss banks today instead of returning them to the descendants of the former owners.

"Scusi Boilchen

Letter from Switzerland

Imagine there's Switzerland and no one goes there.... This is an appealing thought when you sit in a village up a mountain which got ruined by huge and shoddy pre-fab tourist accomodation and a gigantic sports hall, just because you promised a friend to accompany her. The premises get promoted as a "Celtic Olympian Mountain of the North-Western Alps" by tourism managers (apparently a Celtic person centuries ago dropped his hat here when passing through) [...]


All this isn't even the worst there's to report from this hell-hole of a place. Directly next to the sports hall, a Californian guru has chosen to put up his tents. Sorry - his tipis. Under the stage name of 'Emaho', the sympathetic Latino married to a German therapist sells international initiation for young persons to credulous Germans, Irish, Swiss, and of course Americans. "Goodbye to Childhood" including "Vision Quest", three days and nights. Fasting in the beautiful Swiss mountains. At about SFR 1,000 per person. Their parents, at the same time, can book at fortnightly "Retreat" at about SFR 100 per day. Just do the maths yourself and you'll know what the man takes in with 60 children and, say, 300 parents resp. some more voluntary participants in the retreat... And my friend had booked her 14-year-old daughter for this holiday course in spirituality.

[...] My wish to accompany the lady was motivated by my desire to have a closer look at the esoteric circles in which she is at home. From time to time you will hear that the esoteric wave is dying down. I find it hard to believe when I hear my friend tell me about a "Pedagogic Counselor" who is, among other things, working with kinesiology and a dubious pattern called 'Soul Matrix' which - completely unjudgmental - puts Hitler next to Mother Theresa [...].

I take a look around in the tent used for lectures and see lots of late Mums with Birkenstock sandals - yes, they're still to be found - who are listening to the whispered translated platitudes of the Wanabi-Shaman ("Life is. Leben ist. Ce'est la vie.") with enraptured looks. "Se vay he brings it, it's so vonderfull", says one of those ladies looking for a meaning during a break between two "teachings" to a pot-bellied bloke type 'teacher' who would prefer to be a traveler and adventurer. The sweatlodge ceremony of the guest-Indian Michael Twofeathers ("With these stones we are greeting the grandfathers", "hoia hoia hoia hoia".... hissshhhh) sees a lot of participants. Men with grey braids, dressed casually in jeans, worn-out sneakers and the occasional discreet feather confide to each other what a pity it was these eso-camps were not around in their young days, and that even the I Ging, done this morning, told them to continue on this path... Meanwhile they are waiting for their maladjusted kids to come down the mountain to be admitted to the world of 'adults' with a freely invented ceremony composed of rituals taken from all possible tribal peoples.

This proto-sect of peaceful "Emaho-ans" has got about 500 followers worldwide and probably they are not half as dangerous as Scientologists and perhaps they are just as loony as the moonies. But the sheeplike lack of criticism of this crowd of consumers of spiritual tidbits who allow themselves to be plucked by an unholy alliance of Californian-Swiss exploiters simply gets on my nerves. [...]

The following site is the profile of a person; there's a quote ascribed to Emaho who is called a 'Tigua shaman':

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald Montoya aka Emaho
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 04:14:16 am »
The Tigua or Tewa are in Texas, but their pueblo is pretty close to the border with New Mexico, actually within the city limits of El Paso. if he calls himself "of Indian descent" his BQ must be pretty low since the Tigua made the news a bit back with their lowering the BQ to be a member ot one of the lowest in the nation, 1/32.

Emaho is also the name of many sites abou the Buddhist lader, Rinpoche.

At least he was honest enough to ay this is all stuff he personally made up, nothing from tribal traditions, though many of his followerws don't seem to notice.

Offline czech

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Re: Donald Montoya aka Emaho
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 11:30:40 am »
"Shaman Emahó" and his seminar in Prague

April 7-10, 2011
4 days for 200 USD (early registration) or 230 USD or 1 day for 70 USD
(This is the only site I found advertising the event and it is a typical New Age blog featuring horoscopes, astrogames, channelling, angels and archangels as well as global meditations with Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther, among other things)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 12:22:12 pm by czech »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald Montoya aka Emaho
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2018, 04:09:43 pm »
Got a request on him. Notice his shifting claims of what he is. Previous posts he's claimed to be Tewa. Moved to Frauds.

Emaho Montoya, 71
Santa Fe, NM
AKA: Monty Montoya, Emahs M Montoya, Emaho M Montoya, Montz Montoza, Emanho M Montoya, Donald M Montoya, Donald Montoya
Work: Partner at Garcia And Vargas LLC

Emaho Montoya is 71 years old and was born on 8/1/1947. Currently, they lives in Santa Fe, NM; and previously lived in Santa Cruz, CA and Capitola, CA. Sometimes Emaho goes by various nicknames including Monty Montoya and Emahs M Montoya. undefined currently works as a Partner at Garcia And Vargas LLC. Their ethnicity is Hispanic American, and religious views are listed as Christian. Emaho is now married. Other family members and associates include Sally Thayer and Eleanor Montoya. undefined has a reported annual income of $100,000 - $149,999 and a current net worth value of greater than $499,999.
Birthday: 8/1/1947
Political Party: Info Pending...
Ethnicity: Hispanic American
Religion: Christian
Income: $100 - $149,999
Net Worth: Greater than $499,999
Relationship: Married

'The Fire Dance of Emaho Montoya- Awakening the Mystery Within', extends the definition of the Great Song to other forms of expression of the inner harmonic beyond music, focusing here on the work of a man, born of Native American ancestry, who teaches through fire. For over thirty years in America and Europe he has taught the Fire Dance...

Photo of Montoya with sort of Plains Indian dress.
I have been blessed to ‘Fire Dance’ in Cork, Ireland and Amsterdam with Emaho Montoya, of the Lakota Sioux nation.

Dog vet claims Montoya taught her to speak to dogs.
Rennie Bochner, DVM
Dr. Bochner has her own holistic veterinary clinic in Brussels, Belgium....
For over 20 years she has followed Emaho Montoya (Chaman) teachings. Her intuitive skills enables her to add some communications with her patients.

His made up ceremony.
....the fire dance. Emaho disappeared for a while only to return in a ceremonial costume. The drums were switched on and played through massive amps. All the participants including Grandmothers and children kicked off their shoes. Between the beats of the drum, the dancing and the spontaneous warrior cries

....for two hours during which every now and then he would take someone from the crowd to the centre. At the centre he had assembled a shrine where he placed two large white candles. Into the flames of these candles he put his hands at least over one hundred times during the ceremony. The shaman then placed his hands on the throat, mouth and forehead of whomever he had led to be at the centre. Sometimes he screamed into to the forehead....


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Re: Donald Montoya aka Emaho
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2018, 03:03:12 am »

Offline Sparks

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Re: Donald Montoya aka Emaho
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2018, 03:37:06 am »
Photo of Montoya with sort of Plains Indian dress.
I have been blessed to ‘Fire Dance’ in Cork, Ireland and Amsterdam with Emaho Montoya, of the Lakota Sioux nation.

I took one look at that link, and decided to start a new topic: [Bernadette Ginnane AKA Bernie Ginnane (Australia)]


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Re: Donald Montoya aka Emaho
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2018, 03:51:26 am »
EMAHO in Prag Series of stills with music

This looks horrible.

He has kneeling people arch backwards while he works a flaming torch over them. One woman he also has keep a rose between her teeth. Ash is smeared over people. He does simple magic tricks with flame that gullible people think is a sign of his spiritual power.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Donald Montoya aka Emaho
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2018, 04:36:05 pm »
im pueblo

his garb is nowhere near any pueblo clothes ceremonial or otherwise