Author Topic: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"  (Read 12817 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« on: February 11, 2009, 09:34:15 am »
Got a request for this one, and allegations she is selling ceremony (cleansings by sage) and is constantly begging for money using false claims. Alleged psychic claiming to be Lakota and a Wiccan. Judging from the photo, any BQ is small.

And a report on her.
"...thought I'd let you all know that Cariadion/Wulf used to frequent yahoo and msn chats as other user names, and have been tagged on this site already. Their names were lady raven of bard, and bard derwydd, morghrandia, lady morgrandia, lonely wulf, and many others. Although they seem genuine, and compassionate, be wary, because when they are truly hurting for money, you hear alot of groveling and begging for handouts."

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2009, 09:20:01 pm »
Specialized training came from grandparents (which were Medicine Man I.E.Shaman and Holy Woman I.E. Holy Woman/Midwife of natural healing/medicine) Also Training from Lakota Nations, Chactaw Nations, Cheyenne Nations, Guam Tribal, Hawaii Healing Circle Of Alternative Healing, Japan Munk Society for Religion.

Ethnicity of grandparents unnamed, while non-white cultures are singled out. Common pattern of white people, especially those raised in very white environments: if they only name the ethnicity of non-whites, they are telegraphing that they see white as the norm. Ergo, overwhelming probability she's white. Also, "Nations" don't train people in ceremonies.

On her MySpace profile she lists her race/ethnicity as "Native American." Don't think she names a Nation anywhere. Maybe she's a Generokee. (Or, more likely, a Cherohonkee.)

And good luck mixing Lakota, Choctaw and Cheyenne. That'll work just great. Let alone adding in stuff from Guam, Hawaii and Japan. Right. Salad Bar Shameon. At least she doesn't seem to have much of a following.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 11:20:10 pm »
A couple developments. The first three links are no longer of much use, either deleted or moved.

CC is now claiming someone is posing as her online to spread rumors.

Whether that's true or not, some things she says still need to be cleared up. The claims of being an expert healer in multiple cultures esp.

And the usual bluster about threats to sue.


 Hi there,
It was brought to my attention that, you have a posting on your website forum, about me?
I find it simply amazing how much you people have been mis informed and have 'given' me a reason to write in response about my legal rights to  confront you about posting such hogwash claims against me and the work i do or have done.
Simply at this point, i don't care who started the rumor, i do care however, where it went and how it was added as a chinese whisper game, that you yourself has fed into, to give yourselves a name.

Here is the link i am talking about.

First of all, i've never claimed to be wiccan.
               #2. I've never claimed to being "Cheyenne"
               #3. I used to live in Guam, gave birth to my son while there and was taught the way of the people and the Guamanian Indians taught me some of their ways. . since the father to my son is from there and his family live off the land and are
                   spiritual people. (or at least some of them
              #4. live person doesn't allow workers to disclose background names because of their strict policy of privacy
                  . I don't make the rules, i need to obey them.
              #5. My Claim however, is i am 1/2 irish and 1/4 Choctaw, 1/4 lakotah. (as if its any business of anyone's)
              #6. These people that have claimed me to being someone else, is bullshit, i'm not sure who these people are, that was
           posted along with the bogus story about me, but, i've never been on MSN, nor have i been any of these people that your forum claims.
              #7.The people in person, calls me running river, because of the way i address people when working with them. (its not my full name, but it is a part of my name and translated into english)
             #8. Instead of pretending to know me and my life, why didn't you take the time to really get to know me? Because of this, i question
 your integrity as a website owner, because you went against your claims you share on the 'who are we' on the beginning of your website.

So therefore, i am saying this needs to be cleared up on the site because this is defamation of character and slander.
Thank you for your time and your cooperation on taking care of this matter, i look forward to hearing how it was removed.

Clairvoyant Cariadion.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 11:42:21 pm »
She does have a new website up and running where she sells quite a lot of things.

Home Payment Center Chat Lounge About Us Contact Us
Are you tired of the traditional methods of psychic readings using messenger or chatrooms? Clairvoyant Cariadion provides phone readings, where Cariadion will call your home and give you 30 minutes of services to you.please see payment center for more details...
Special Categories
Angel Information
Clairvoyant Cariadion
Companion Wulf
Game Awake's Blog
Game Room
Medicine Wheel
Paranormality V2
Paranormal Channel
Psychic Classes
Psychic Creeds
Psychic Jokes
Psychic Links
Psychic TV
Radio Cafe'Chat
Self Help Meditation
Social Network
Special Videos
Wulf's Blog #1
3D Chatroom

*Windchimes & Homes
*5 Elements
*house Cleansing
*Top 10 Help


Also new myspace, youtube, and a very weird myflashfetish.

I give up. There's dozens more of these videos online.

Offline Rattlebone

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2009, 01:02:12 am »
A couple developments. The first three links are no longer of much use, either deleted or moved.

CC is now claiming someone is posing as her online to spread rumors.

Whether that's true or not, some things she says still need to be cleared up. The claims of being an expert healer in multiple cultures esp.

And the usual bluster about threats to sue.


 Hi there,
It was brought to my attention that, you have a posting on your website forum, about me?
I find it simply amazing how much you people have been mis informed and have 'given' me a reason to write in response about my legal rights to  confront you about posting such hogwash claims against me and the work i do or have done.
Simply at this point, i don't care who started the rumor, i do care however, where it went and how it was added as a chinese whisper game, that you yourself has fed into, to give yourselves a name.

Here is the link i am talking about.

First of all, i've never claimed to be wiccan.
               #2. I've never claimed to being "Cheyenne"
               #3. I used to live in Guam, gave birth to my son while there and was taught the way of the people and the Guamanian Indians taught me some of their ways. . since the father to my son is from there and his family live off the land and are
                   spiritual people. (or at least some of them
              #4. live person doesn't allow workers to disclose background names because of their strict policy of privacy
                  . I don't make the rules, i need to obey them.
              #5. My Claim however, is i am 1/2 irish and 1/4 Choctaw, 1/4 lakotah. (as if its any business of anyone's)
              #6. These people that have claimed me to being someone else, is bullshit, i'm not sure who these people are, that was
           posted along with the bogus story about me, but, i've never been on MSN, nor have i been any of these people that your forum claims.
              #7.The people in person, calls me running river, because of the way i address people when working with them. (its not my full name, but it is a part of my name and translated into english)
             #8. Instead of pretending to know me and my life, why didn't you take the time to really get to know me? Because of this, i question
 your integrity as a website owner, because you went against your claims you share on the 'who are we' on the beginning of your website.

So therefore, i am saying this needs to be cleared up on the site because this is defamation of character and slander.
Thank you for your time and your cooperation on taking care of this matter, i look forward to hearing how it was removed.

Clairvoyant Cariadion.

#5. My Claim however, is i am 1/2 irish and 1/4 Choctaw, 1/4 lakotah. (as if its any business of anyone's)

  In my life experience I have found that people who lie about their BQ tend to lie about everything else. I know you can't judge if somebody is Indian or not by looks, but her claiming to be 1/2 Indian by blood is obviously a lie.

 So on top of her nuage hocus pocus, she is obviously lying about her ancestry. I would not doubt whatsoever that she is not low BQ, but rather NO BQ.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2009, 07:18:54 am »
I lived and worked in Guam for a while in the 90's; the native people call themselves Chamorros, not "Guamanian Indians." This woman needs to retorque her screws , some appear to be loose. Thankfully, at least she does not claim to be Cherokee.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2009, 06:29:19 pm »
She has lots of websites:

MySpace: ("Occupation: Psychic Medicine Woman")
Twitter: ("Bio: Professional Psychic, Medicine Woman")

As for never using MSN... I don't know, but on this page of hers: when you click on "chat" you are then asked to sign in to MSN: It gives other options, but MSN seems to be the default. MSN groups used to be very popular with this type of online businessperson, but they've largely fell into disuse and been deleted since the arrival of MySpace, Facebook, et al.

Here is where she lays out the prices for her services:
Including: "Medicine Wheel Package. Price: $100.00  - BUY NOW -"

ETA: Mondo weirdness on the flash fetish page: She's made a video of herself to a copyright violation of Cheap Trick's song "The Flame". And guess who turns up in it? That perennial pretendian, Rachel Holzwarth.

What I find particularly horrible about that video, besides the bizarre mix of images of Indigenous people, shameons, homeless people and distressed-looking white women, is she has included a closeup of a person falling to their death from the World Trade Center on Sep. 11. That is ghoulish. I think the marketing ploy here is, "Are you mourning, lonely, broke? Give me money and I'll fix it." Sickening. I'm reporting that abomination as a copyvio to YouTube and the musicians. Grotesque and exploitative.

Direct link to video on YouTube:
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 01:42:28 am by Kathryn »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2009, 03:08:20 pm »
Mostly what she does is claim to be a medium. No NDN traditions anywhere I can see except her dubious knockoffs of medicine wheels. OK, so that's faux-Lakota, or more likely faux-Cheyenne, even though she doesn't claim to be Cheyenne. I don't see anything anywhere she's claiming to be a Choctaw tradition or belief.

Found these on Chamorro traditions. I don't see anything like this in what she claims to teach.

Offline emeraldsunsets

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2009, 03:07:27 am »
Have there been any more findings on this woman? I just hope and pray no one falls for her BS any longer.

You might want to check this link, she was caught in several lies of hers trying to "solve" an abduction case.

It is nothing more than a circus side show in my opinion.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2009, 01:54:51 pm »
I received this account, which I slightly altered to keep clues to their identity out. While much of it is not confirmed, much of it does agree with previous information we have.

The most important thing mentioned in this account is Cariadion's alleged role in the suicide of this young girl. Does anyone have contacts in the Sac and Fox nation who could confirm or disprove this?


The first time I encountered [Cariadion and her husband] was in 2001 on chatrooms. Her user name was lady_raven_of_bard2001 on yahoo chat, in a religion and beliefs chatroom. Her boyfriend, now her husband, was bard_derwydd...

At the time she was from Washington State. She chatted nonchalantly in the chat rooms with people at first, announcing she was a psychic witch, but also Native American (Lakota.) She met her [current] husband online, when he was in Europe. He told us he was Welsh. He moved to america to be with her, and there was a blog about them trekking cross country.

They went to South Dakota to find her birth mom when their car broke down. They needed money so she began announcing she would charge for psychic readings. At one time she said they were so broke and starving, she needed [money]. She was actually crying on the microphone in chat....

Around 2003, she became engulfed in a scandal in the chat rooms over a girl becoming suicidal, and mentioning she wanted to die in the chatroom. Admittedly, some of heresay, and I can't prove this, but I saw it happen on the medium chatroom... Cariadion (lady raven at the time) lost her temper and told the girl to "just do it" already. The girl took her own life 2 days later. A lot of people were so disgusted with her they blocked her from [chat]rooms.

She then changed her name to lady_morghrandia, and opened up her own website.  She announced they had moved to Washington state, but by then her boyfriend was picked up as an illegal alien... So she moved to Canada to get him back, and they got married, and became Canadian citizens....

Other names were morghrandia singingwind [or just] morghrandia. Her husband always goes by a wolf or wulf name, such as lonely_wulf, oldeferewulf, or Rob, and uses wolf pics....Everytime a group of people found out about her past, or had a disagreement with her, she would change names and web addresses....

[People from] the Sac and Fox Nation have been watching her on the web. It was a girl from Oklahoma who killed herself, and the family was furious....

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2010, 01:46:30 pm »
Received an account saying she now calls herself Sapient Orchid. Her older names of Clariadion and MWRW don't show up online except for our thread. Chalk that up as a victory. She's dropped the Native claims entirely from what I can see. All her old websites are down now. And best of all, no sign of her messing up criminal cases.

In her new incarnation she seems to mostly push recipes for food for diabetics. This seems fairly benign and even possibly helpful, if she knows what she's talking about.

Plus the online psychic bit.

There's also lots of videos promoting her, extremely vague headscratchers that don't even mention her til the end.

The account I received says she still begs for money with dubious sad stories. But hopefully she's learned to stop her past abuse.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Clairvoyant Cariadion "Medicine Woman Running River"
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2010, 03:11:53 pm »
"Sapient Orchid"  :o