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American Indian Muslim Debunks "Cherokee Blac

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It is amazing that an Afrocentrist would use a Confederate General, fighting to defend the institution of chattel slavery of Africans and their descendants, among other things, to propagate an Islamic / Cherokee connection. I believe he makes this exaggeration due to Stand Watie having a son by the name Saladin, the anglicized version of the Arabic name Salah ud-Deen. The Watie family were a Christian Cherokee family, as were the majority of Cherokee families, which was one of the reasons of so many Cherokees adopting the institution of chattel slavery, while it was the "traditionalists" who had opposed chattel slavery. Also, Saladin was not all that uncommon of a name back then. I have been able to find at least four references to Cherokees named Saladin.

I have no idea how the name Ramadhan was twisted around to refer to Chief Stand Watie. It is obviously an outright lie and the only source for it is Mahir himself. If anything it would seem that Mahir would have logically attempted to rename Chief Stand, Ishaq in reference to his Christian name Isaac but, inshaa Allaah, that deception would be exposed as well.

If there was any semblance of Islam among Indians, it would seem that there would at least be one Indian named Muhammad, as this is the most popular name in the Islamic world and the world at large. However, I have not seen the existence of this name among Indians, wa Allaahu ‘alam. Additionally, even after the genocide waged upon us and the banning of our traditional religions, these religions have still been able to survive, however we do not find remnants of Islam surviving among American Indians. If anything survived from Islam it would at least seem that the "pillars of Islam" would have survived along with common terms and names, such as Allaah, Muhammad, salaah, Ramadhaan, Islam.

Even among those Muslim slaves, that were brought over to America from Africa, you could still find remnants of Islam among them and clues to their being Muslims even today. Where are the remnants and clues among American Indians? It is not that I believe it is not possible, however, I disagree with Muslims making these assertions unless substantial evidence for such claims can be provided. Making these assertions without providing the incontrovertible evidence for such claims only destroys Muslim's integrity and trustworthiness, and makes it just that much harder to have a dialogue with and to present the Islamic da'wah to American Indians, wa Allaahul musta'an.

The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alayhi was sallam said, “The Hour will not begin until no one on earth still says, 'Allaah, Allaah.'" (Ahmad)

We do no even find the saying of "Allaah, Allaah" among the Indians.

"Cities across the United States and Canada bear names that are of Indian and Islamic derivation."

Again, this is merely a claim with nothing offered to substantiate it. How many cities across the US and Canada can be confirmed to have an Islamic name origin with incontrovertible evidence, and can these names be proven to have been given to them by Indians and Muslims or Indian Muslims? Some of these places were actually given these "Islamic" names by "good ole American white boys". Cities in the US have names that have name origins from all over the world.

The best evidence is documents that actually show these place names to have an Arabic origin such as the Pre-Columbian Arabic maps of the Americas, Carribean and Pacific Islands (Maps such Maui's map of Hawaii and the Pacific, and al-Idrisi's map, etc.). Also, the pre-Columbian journals and text of such Islamic voyages to Ard al-Majoolah or "the unknown land", i.e. the Americas, or the "Sea of Darkness and Fog", i.e. the Atlantic Ocean (Text such as al-Masudi's "The Meadows of Gold and Quarries of Jewels".). And finally, those places that have Arabic inscriptions and those places being known by Arabic names (Places such as the Muslim schools and Islamic community in Pre-Columbian Nevada.).

"Have you ever wondered what the name Tallahassee means? It means that He - Allah will deliver you sometime in the future."

This is actually what is the most disappointing of all. Out of all the Muslims who speak and are familiar with Arabic, could none of them have unmasked this falsehood and let it be known that "Tallahassee" does not have an Arabic meaning which translates as "He - Allah will deliver you sometime in the future"? Shouldn't this have lead to the questioning of the credibility of the entire article "Digging for the Red Roots"? Because of such antics, now it is the credibility of the Muslims, who propagate such falsehoods, that is questioned.

Tallahassee is a Mvskoke (Muskogee) word which means "old town" or like an "old abandoned place", i.e. a "ghost town".

Allaah says,

"It is only those who believe not in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allaah, who fabricate falsehood, and it is they who are liars." (An-Nahl 16:105)


"Cursed be the liars," (Adh-Dhariyat 51:10)

Be warned brothers and sisters, there are other tales out there similar to "Digging for the Red Roots". One is called "Reviving the Classical Wisdom of Islam in the Cherokee Tradition" by Dr. Robert Dickson Crane (Faruq Abd'al Haqq), who I plan to deal with in the future, inshaa Allaah. Also beware of any treatise that refers to "Sequoyah's Syllabary" as having an Arabic influence, or would refer back to "Digging for the Red Roots" or "Reviving" as evidence and support for it's positions.

Allaah says,

"Those who disbelieved and hinder (men) from the Path of Allaah, for them We will add torment over the torment; because they used to spread corruption. (An-Nahl 16:88)

and He ta 'ala says,

"And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity." (Al-Furqan 25:72)

The responsibility is upon the Muslims to stop such falsehood from spreading and there are alternative texts that are actually based upon proofs and evidences as it relates to Islam and American Indians, and Muslim "adventures" in the Americas B.C. (before Columbus), wa billaahit tawfeeq.

Subhanak Allaahumma Wa bihamdika, Ashadu an la illaha illa Anta, astaghfiruka wa a'toobu 'alaik.

Abu Muhammad Hasan Grooms al BeeDee

Muur from Mahir

Mahir's mini-biography from :


Brother Mahir is a true warrior, but he limits his public appearances. When he does lecture, he focuses only on upper level esoteric information. Brother Mahir Abdal Razzaaq El masters some of the technologies of today. He is of the Cherokee tribe known as Eagle Sun Walker and a Pipe Carrier Warrior of the Cherokees in New York.

Here are a few more memorable "Moorish" quotes from Mahir Abdal Razzaq El:

On the Mother Plane, Mahir says:

"the mother plane is actually a Battle Star. The New testament refers to it as the planet of Wormwood. It is about 4 times the size of the Earth. It is what they used to destroy the planet in this system called Maldec. Reptoids and Dynoids took off from there, to make that a battle fortress to hold off the eventual humans coming into this system. Humans haven't always been here in spite of what they told you."

On the name origin of Canada, Mahir says:

"Canada is named in honor of the Canaanites. Land of the Canaanites. Once North America was referred to as Northwest Afrika. New York, the empire state, was once called Morocco. Go back to the memoirs of Columbus. He thought he had never left Afrika, because everywhere he went, he saw Black people everywhere."

On the Native American origins within the Sirius Star System, Mahir says:

"Native Americans, remnants of the Lemurian race, call on or recognize the same power that the Hebrew Israelites did. If you study Native American culture and you study language, you will find that they pay respect to the same deity. They are not Jews. Allegedly, Native Americans are from one of the 5 planets within Sirius. The Hebrew race is from another planet in the Sirius Star System. They both adhere to the same type of culture in that star system."

Glossary of Islamic / Arabic terms:

Allaah - Allaah is the proper name of God. It does not denote gender as god and godess does. It does not denote mutiplicity or division as god, gods, godess and godesses does. It is the name of the One True Creator and Sustainer of all that has been created and none has the right to possess this name except Allaah. Allaah is neither a man or spirit as these are created by Allaah and Allaah is seperate and unique from His creation. Allaah does not have parents, siblings, spouses or offspring. Allaah does not have a race, nationality or a "chosen people". Allaah means, The (One and only) God (worthy and deserving of worship) - The God.

Allaahu 'alam - "Allaah knows best".

Al-Mahdi - The Guided One (Muhammad ibn 'Abdullaah, a direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them both), whose coming and leadership of the Islamic Nation will be one of the Major Signs of the coming of the Last Day. He will rule the world with justice.

Al-Masih - The Messiah (Jesus ('Eesa), peace be upon him), whose return will be one of the Major Signs of the coming of the Last Day. He will only accept Islam from the people thereby abolishing the jizyah (a tax upon non-Muslims under Islamic authority), kill the swine and break the cross. He will slay the Anti-Christ (Ad-Dajjal, the one-eyed liar).

Al-Qur'an - The Muslim holy book. It was revealed to Muhammad, peace be upon him, by way of the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel), peace be upon him, directly from Allaah. It is the literal word of Allaah. It is the greatest of Islam's miracles and not a single letter has been changed or altered to this day.

At-Taqwa - piety, God-conciousness.

Bismillaah Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem - "In the name of Allaah, The Most-Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy".

da'wah - literally means call. In this case it refers to calling others and inviting them to Islam.

inshaa Allaah - "Allaah willing".

Islam - literally means submission. In this case it refers to submission to the Creator of all that exists, Allaah.

khimar - a Muslim woman's head covering, usually triangular in shape and is used to cover the hair and conceal a woman's shape by draping over the busom.

kimah - a cap.

kufr - to conceal the truth, i.e. disbelief.

Muhammad (Peace be upon him) - the final Messenger and prophet in a sucession of Messengers and prophets sent to call to mankind by Allaah. Allaah has sent 313 Messengers and 124,000 prophets at different intervals in time to each and every nation. Every Messenger and prophet were sent specifically to their own nations, calling to them in their own language to worship the Creator (Allaah) alone, and not to worship others besides him or along with Him. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was sent with the completion and perfection of Allaah's call to mankind (Islam) and had the unique mission of being sent to call every peoples of the earth to submit to and worship the Creator alone.

Muslim - one who submits his will to that of the Creator, Allaah.

Muttaqun - those who are pious and possess God-conciousness, i.e. God-fearing people.

Ramadhaan - a lunar month of the Islamic calender in which Muslims are required to fast and abstain from certain things which would be normally lawful outside of the fasting times, and to work towards self-improvement by self-restraint and increasing in all types of good actions and abandoning bad and evil habits and characteristics.

salaah - prayer.

sallallaahu 'alayhi was sallaam - "Allaah's prayers and peace be upon him".

Subhanak Allaahumma wa bihamdika, Ashadu an la illaha illa Anta, astaghfiruka wa a'toobu 'alaik - "Glory be to You, O Allaah, and all praise is for You. I bear witness that no deity is deserving of worship except You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance."

surah - chapter.

ta 'ala - means that He (Allaah) "is exalted" above any and every false claim attributed and directed to Him, e.g. having a son or intecessors.

wa Allaahul musta'an - "and Allaah is the One Who is called upon for help".

wa billaahit tawfeeq - "and with Allaah is the success"

walhamdulillaah - "and all praise is for Allaah".

Well, I am going to need many, many hours to read all  the postings to this topic. But I did want to offer two insights into the Cherokee/Blackfoot phenomonan.

In Baltimore, the population is mostly Black, many of which claim to have Indian blood and so they assume by the name of the tribe Blackfoot, thats what they are. I have been told this by many a student in schools.

During WWII many Cherokee were stationed at a Fort somewhere near the Blackfoot Reservation(I am sorry that I do not know the name of the reservation, I don't mean any disrespect). Then the boy meets girl thing happens, and viola, children that are mixed. I know of 3 families here where that is the case and they are mixed Cherokee and Blackfoot.

Now back to reading all of this.


Also - I would like to add that the CNO has no BQ requirement at all, the EBC's is at 1/16 but you must be 18 or under to enroll and the Keetowah's is 1/4. So not all Cherokee bands have a low BQ requirement, or any at all.

And finally, the three federally recognized bands are not the only groups of Cherokee in existence. That doesn't make the rest of us liars or wannabes.


Though in general I agree with the rest of what he wrote.


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