Author Topic: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero  (Read 63371 times)

Offline Tecuani

  • Posts: 18
Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« on: January 25, 2017, 05:48:42 pm »
Another outfit in Durango. While the founders may be indigenous, the facilitators certainly aren't, and they are borrowing/stealing from other indigenous cultures in a hodge-podge new age self help seminar series, which they are of course selling at a steep price. Any research or info would be appreciated, thanks!

[Just changed title-Al]
« Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 05:03:22 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2017, 06:56:27 pm »
These are forms of Large Group Awareness Trainings/ Lgats. Lgats employ coercive persuasion and manipulation. Bad news. I wonder if the founders initially did Landmark Education trainings ( ) or some other lgat, and have now put their own pseudo-indian twist on the rhetoric and marketing.

I'll help research this when able.


Level 1 - Relationships

Level 1 – Relationships is about developing a new level of awareness for the limiting beliefs holding you back from what is truly possible in life. LV1 follows the idea that “If it’s to be in this world, it’s up to me.”

Level 2 – Advanced

Level 2 – Advanced is about breaking through to new paradigms of leadership, team and responsibility. In LV2, you begin the process of redesigning yourself and your world.

Level 3 – Leadership

Level 3 – Leadership is an opportunity to integrate the Level 1 and 2 Trainings into a community and global context, living your life from the “Pillars of Leadership” to create a world that works for everyone.

Tiospaye began as a shared family vision between three women – Crystal Wolfchild, Monica Colvig and their mother, Della Romero. In the Dakota language, Tiospaye means, “The Making of Relatives,” a concept that lies at the heart of their profound trainings. Having attended a similar transformational training in Los Angeles in 2008, Crystal was inspired to share her experiences with her mother and sister, and after participating they agreed that such work was a powerful vehicle for transforming one’s life. Having staffed trainings in Los Angeles, Denver and Albuquerque they decided to bring the education home to Durango, Colorado to be shared with friends and family. With the official creation of Tiospaye in March of 2015, over 200 people have since graduated from the Levels 1, 2 and 3 Trainings.


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 12:21:36 am »
Della Romero

Della Romero is a co-founder of Tiospaye with her two daughters and brings a deep commitment to transforming families and envisions a world that works for everyone. Besides being the mother of Monica and Crystal, she has a son, Keith, and four beautiful, amazing grandchildren! Della is a Sundancer of over 14 years and this practice is the basis of her spiritual foundation.

Della is a certified life coach, massage therapist and fitness instructor. Della holds a BA in photojournalism and an MA in family therapy with emphasis on Youth at Risk and has worked in this field 16 plus years.

I believe this is the same person:

Della Romero - Pueblo/Ute:  Della is a Sundancer and pipe carrier. Della attended past Wisdom Keepers gatherings at the request of deceased Wisdom Keepers Elder, Grandmother Bertha Grove, who has designated Della to carry on her work.  Della's work as supervisor in family therapy includes experiences with youth on her reservation and other Indian centers.  Her dedication to youth lends itself to providing needed care and sharing of tribal traditions for the coming Seven Generations.

Name   Tiospaye
Status   Good Standing   
Formation date   12/06/2014
ID number   20141745269   
Form   Nonprofit Corporation
Jurisdiction   Colorado
Principal office street address   131 Romero Dr., Ignacio, CO 81137, United States
Principal office mailing address   PO Box 1125, Ignacio, CO 81137, United States
Registered Agent
Name   Della M Romero
Street address   131 Romero Dr., Ignacio, CO 81137, United States
Mailing address   PO Box 1125, Ignacio, CO 81137, United States


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 12:46:32 am »
I've no real clue what this organization is, but it looks like a source of what Della Romero and her daughters are doing now:

Community Leadership Foundation is honored to increase education and entrepreneurship opportunities for the Ontological Coaching Profession. CLF Coaches have attended rigorous training programs, volunteered and studied under the best Ontological Trainers in the world, and are committed professionals.

The list of coaches includes:

Della Romero - Durango, Colorado
Crystal Wolfchild - Durango, Colorado

Here are the trainings:

A Della Romero is listed as a "Fearless Living Coach"

A Della Romero works as Multi-Systemic Therapy Supervisor for SUCAP Peaceful Spirit


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2017, 01:02:56 am »
Crystal Wolfchild is a professional makeup artist

Monica Colvig is an attorney

Name   Colvig, Monica M.
License Status   Active
Registration / Bar Number 39918
Admission Date: 6/27/2008
Firm Name
Law Office of Monica Colvig
Business Address
PO Box 4474
Durango, CO 81302


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2017, 01:32:52 am »


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2017, 02:30:05 am »
Tiospaye’s dynamic Transformational Trainings are based on the development of Emotional Intelligence and follow an Experiential Education model that explores the nature of relationship, leadership and what it means to live an elevated life.

Through our dynamic Levels 1, 2 and 3 trainings, we invite you to break through your limiting beliefs to move boldly in the direction of becoming an authentic and empowered leader who creates extraordinary results in all areas of life.

Those are examples of their Nuage speak.

Level 1 costs $395. Level 2 costs $695. Level 3, over the course of four weekends, costs $1,195.

To register you pay your money and agree to:

Due to the experiential nature of our program, pregnant women are not allowed to participate till after their baby is born. I understand and agree that I am not pregnant.

I am committed to attending this workshop as scheduled.

I assume they have everyone sign a waiver before each training. That would be interesting to look over.

Offline Water

  • Posts: 37
Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2018, 08:43:06 pm »
I’ve done this program, with all three of them, Crystal, Della, and Monica.

Offline Water

  • Posts: 37
Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2018, 08:50:34 pm »
I’d be more than happy to tell you anything you would like to know. I did a three levels, but did not complete Leadership, for numerous reasons.


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2018, 11:14:42 pm »
I’d be more than happy to tell you anything you would like to know. I did a three levels, but did not complete Leadership, for numerous reasons.

Anything you can tell us will be helpful.

How did you get involved?

Did you sign a waiver of any sort?

Offline Water

  • Posts: 37
Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2018, 11:54:26 pm »
They use your friends, or family to enroll you. Yes I signed a waiver, only after I had already paid, and were informed upon paying there would be no refunds.


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2018, 12:20:11 am »
They use your friends, or family to enroll you. Yes I signed a waiver, only after I had already paid, and were informed upon paying there would be no refunds.

I got pulled into another form of large group awareness training, by a close friend. I probably signed something.

Looking over Tiospaye trainings, I see a lot of similar rhetoric, with a little more New Age/pseudo-indigenous twist.

Did you go through an experience of being love bombed? All these types of trainings tend to involve triggering a wash of good feelings, community, and commitment.

Offline Water

  • Posts: 37
Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2018, 12:29:04 am »
You go through so much. In level one, a ceremony you choose, I chose The Red Tent. Level two, one is assigned to you, I was a lady in white. Leadership would be more of the “love bombing” the fourth weekend is called a love fest, but I didn’t attend, I walked away before then.


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Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2018, 01:08:17 am »
That sounds devastating. The training I took part in did not have the "dress up" ceremonial aspect to them. I think anything ceremonial in large group awareness training, especially where we are supposed to play individual roles, makes us extra vulnerable.

Are you okay? Has enough time passed?

I'm glad that you were able to walk away.

Do they shun people who walk away?

When I look back at my own experience, now I know that I was recruited, and moved right along as if through a meat grinder. All sorts of standard manipulation techniques were used. I wanted to be a good participant.

Offline Water

  • Posts: 37
Re: Tiospaye
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2018, 01:15:56 am »
The entire process is designed to make you vulnerable, I do not agree with these programs, as that is what they are designed to do. I’m not shunned necessarily,  but probably not held in a high regard, as I openly challenged the program, trainers, coaches and  captains.