Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828367 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #615 on: December 30, 2010, 10:10:27 pm »
Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird : 

A search on the main page will turn up multiple threads where he is mentioned.

What I found on the "council":

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #616 on: December 30, 2010, 10:22:41 pm »
 The way it is described it's pretty plain that no such Council exists other than as the name of a gathering that is occasionally held by Adam 'Yellowbird' DeArmon et al.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #617 on: December 30, 2010, 10:32:49 pm »
.....The heart of the gathering will be the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. The intention is to unite and share the invited wisdom keeper’s visions and prophesized ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity."......

.....So the "Continental Council of Indigenous Elders" is in reality Don Alejandro's "Gathering of Indigenous Elders".  It's not necessarily a council although they could be thought of as one.

The Return of the Ancestors gathering that the Institute for Cultural Awareness put on last year included, as just a part of the whole thing, the 4th Gathering of Indigenous Elders...or in the other ICA's/Crowther et al's terminology....the 4th meeting of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders.  It's one in the same.

1. an assembly of persons summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice.
2. a body of persons specially designated or selected to act in an advisory, administrative, or legislative capacity:

To me, this looks exactly like what is happening:

First is a gathering where the Indiginous Elders are invited to attend what is described as a council, which is actually a council in the sense of (1) an assembly of persons summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice. Adam Yellowbird organises these gatherings. They generate an enormous ammount of money, while the visiting elders are treated like sh**.

The meaning of this council/gathering then 'morphs' by the use of semantic conjuring, and is presented in a way that leads people to believe this gathering is a council in the sense of (2) a body of persons specially designated or selected to act in an advisory, administrative, or legislative capacity. I wonder what the Elders who came to the gathering would think if they realised they were now being presented as being members of an official body called The Continental Council of Indiginous Elders?

They would no doubt be unhappy, and this is why, imo, we are not being given their names, and why Kiesha says they have to stay 'under the radar'.

There is no proof this Council exists other than as in the sense of definition (1), when Adam DeArmon manages to raise a hell of alot of money to put on a show.


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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #618 on: December 31, 2010, 03:45:57 am »
I heard an interesting idea today and will pass it along.   People who are concerned about LGs videos may want to send youtube messages to people still hosting videos of LG. 

eddievibes420 has disabled all comments on LG videos presumably due to the widespread negative comments in the wake of the statement from the Salish tribe.

Channels still hosting LG videos (not a complete list, some are playlists)


If you decide to contact these channels on youtube tell them you know that the Salish Tribe has countered LGs claims as to being their shaman and has issued the statement here below (and on other pages in the forum).   Be nice and reasonable.  You would appreciate them removing the LG videos from appearing on youtube at least for the time being.  They can do this easily by marking each video as private.

The original claim:

From LG is on the video titled 04/23/2010 Kiesha Crowther "Little Grandmother": One with Nature 1/8
at 3:26
"But at age 30 I was called to be the shaman for the Sioux and Salish tribes." - Kiesha Crowther "Little Grandmother"

The claim is also made in this video
from January 09 2009 -
The Return of The Ancestors - Santa Fe, NM
at 0:06

The Salish tribal response is:

Official Statement from Salish Elders Regarding Kiesha Crowther
"The Culture and Elders Committee of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation protect the intangible cultural resources of the tribes including language, songs, stories etc.
"No tribal Elders or elders have met with nor do they condone the claims and actions made by Kiesha Crowther.
"She is not their 'shaman', she has no right to claim this title and the Elders and elders of CSKT of the Flathead Reservation would like her to cease and desist immediately from making such false claims that erode the traditions that members of the CSKT Culture and Elders Committee are trying to preserve."
The posting of this statement came with the permission and urging of the Salish elders. Anyone doubting this message's authenticity can contact the Flathead Reservation.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #619 on: December 31, 2010, 04:17:36 am »
...............Kiesha called the tribal council office to inquire about her official standing in the tribe. She was told that Falling Feathers had not acted with the permission of the tribal council—therefore she was not recognized officially by the tribe. You can imagine how shocked and dismayed she was to find this out.
Kiesha believed that her initiation was widely recognized in the tribe—this is why she spoke in the first talks she ever gave, as a “shaman for the Sioux and Salish” people........

Offline bat_totem

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #620 on: December 31, 2010, 05:01:27 am »
I've been watching this thread for a couple of days, having seen Little Grandmother's videos for the first time just two days ago. It felt real at first, and I was had for a while, but an hour into the videos, it became apparent that it wasn't "real". I looked her up and this seemed like the best place to get PROPER information.

I'm sad to say that either a follower or whoever is backing her up, has started using the online underground for spreading the videos. (this is a link to a well known pirate site)

This page is linking to files - a several hour compilation (5 hours I believe) of her videos along with an ad for the ICA, asking for money - on various file share websites such as filesonic and hotfile.

I'd also suggest that anyone here who may be in communication with the Salish Elders ask for their official statement to be put online. (Forgive me if it already is and I haven't seen the link here) When people like us try to tell a person that this may be a fraud, the usual response is like what you see on her Facebook page "Take your negativity somewhere else." But if there was an official statement online, we could just link to it and let the truth speak for itself.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #621 on: December 31, 2010, 06:17:30 am »
Kiesha's  Website ( is by RNB Media Group.  I followed the RNB link around to a couple other sites managed by RNB.  The first is    "Rainbow Visions"    Where it is stated

"""13 Indigenous Grandmothers

*Please note that Kiesha Crowther aka Little Grandmother, has not been recognized as one of the 13 indigenous Grandmothers.
The Thirteen Grandmothers ...
Chosen to represent the world’s indigenous peoples, these grandmothers are a source of great wisdom and blessing, reminding us of deep spiritual truths and calling our attention to what is most important. They work together on healing our planet through prayer, ritual, community and engaged activism on pressing social and environmental concerns.""""

Separate posts concerning the "13 Indigenous Grandmothers" may be found in a search of NAFPS. 
I found it interesting the note on Kiesha, placed at the top of their page. 


Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #622 on: December 31, 2010, 10:39:45 am »
The way it is described it's pretty plain that no such Council exists other than as the name of a gathering that is occasionally held by Adam 'Yellowbird' DeArmon et al.

When it gets complicated, simplify and you'll have the truth... My view in this:
Simply put, I think that the "council" is something put up by DeArmon and maybe Drunvalo to catch big bucks and to gain credibility to it, they use Don Alejandro now as the image of the whole thing. I think, by looking the video I posted earlier (the one where Don Alejandro talks), that he believed that this "Yellowbird" was doing the right thing calling the elders of north and south together and think that the message that is being spread is the message he talks about too and not this new age crap that has been mixed into it.

This view because I still have image that Don Alejandro is more or less grounded, but I haven't watched his stuff much, so I am not sure about it... I still think that he is being used to make big money without seeing much of it himself, might be wrong ofc.


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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #623 on: December 31, 2010, 01:55:46 pm »
Whatever it was is appears to be part of the "Institute for Cultural Awareness" what a name....
and was in 2009

Found this link with info on Don Alejandro and Adam Yellowbird, etc.  Am posting here because I did not see it from a search on the site.  Scroll down for info from 2008

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #624 on: December 31, 2010, 07:13:42 pm »

I'd also suggest that anyone here who may be in communication with the Salish Elders ask for their official statement to be put online. (Forgive me if it already is and I haven't seen the link here) When people like us try to tell a person that this may be a fraud, the usual response is like what you see on her Facebook page "Take your negativity somewhere else." But if there was an official statement online, we could just link to it and let the truth speak for itself.

The statement is included in this video posted on YouTube.

Also, here is a link directly to the statement as it is posted on this forum.


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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #625 on: December 31, 2010, 11:25:23 pm »
Found this video "2012 Indigenous Elders"

With the Sioux and Salish (recognized tribes) out of her pocket of claimed authenticity it really does look like this video could be one of her main drivers for claiming to be a wisdom keeper and being a part of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders.  This video was posted in 2009 within days of her original video post to youtube here      ica8 appears to be a marketing arm somehow tied into CCoIE (if that is a separate group at all).  

She then names her own video 'Return of the Ancestors' to further hook into this concept of somehow having something to do with or the Council.  It would be good to reach out to Don Alejandro and ask if any kind of conversation ever took place between them.  It is possible he said something in passing based on (believing) Kiesha's original claim of 'Called to be the shaman for the Sioux and Salish tribes'.  Right now it's just Kiesha's word about being a member of this council and being one of the 13 wisdom keepers.  If you look at the list of speakers on the upcoming DVD from ica8 Kiesha is not on the list (  Her name is not currently on that site at all.  If you do a google search like this Kiesha  you get 0 hits.  The only grandmother on that site is 'Grandmother Margarita'.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 11:41:03 pm by revealer »

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #626 on: January 01, 2011, 03:52:02 pm »
a way to let the world know about this fraud
log in to you tube
open her videos
click dislike
Would you like to report this video as inappropriate?
got to spam
then fraud/spam
the more that do this then the more the voice we have in the power of voting

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #627 on: January 01, 2011, 08:18:51 pm »

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 5/10

"...There are many more things that are going to happen in year 2010...

...All of the secrets will be exposed...

...Government cover-ups will be exposed...

...Knowledge of ufo's and higher intelligence, will be exposed...

...Healing possibilities are gonna skyrocket!...

...Psychic phenomena will be proven as a fact and accepted by science worldwide...

...Filthy waters will be cleaned...

...Child labor willl be completely exposed, and destroyed..."

Important, please read:

Official Statement from Salish Elders Regarding Kiesha Crowther
(click on link above this quote box to read in full) 

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #628 on: January 01, 2011, 09:18:08 pm »
Little Fraudmonster

hahahaha ... i just had to say it.   :D

or.. Little Fraudmother..   ;D
« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 10:14:27 pm by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #629 on: January 01, 2011, 09:58:47 pm »
one of her sponsors

more goof balls there to