Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422360 times)

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257

I always get a kick out of it when someone claims to be a "full blooded" Metis!  I hope that he gets in touch with the Metis National Council (they could use a laugh), and also hope that he is kept out of our country!

He also claims to be full blood in several nations, and also descended from the royal families of Europe.As Africans are NOT Indians, and Indians are not Europeans, how is this possible.  Like claiming to be a pure Metis, how can you be a pure Metis when by definition, Metis are mixed blood, French or Scots and Ojibwe or Cree.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
What "informal social interaction"?  At the "muslim" churches and the African-American community events. He often said he doesn't have "one drop of black blood"... There is a reason for this too. There is an old Federal Law that speaks to the "One Drop Rule" makes one "black"... Unless can claim Native American (or other ethnicity)!

The one-drop rule is a historical colloquial term in the United States that holds that a person with any trace of African ancestry is considered black (unless having an alternative non-white ancestry which he or she can claim, such as Native American, Asian, Arab, Polynesian or Australian aboriginal).[1] It developed most strongly out of the binary culture of long years of institutionalized slavery.
This notion of invisible/intangible membership in a racial group has seldom been applied to people of Native American ancestry (see Race in the United States for details). The concept has been chiefly applied to those of black African ancestry. As Langston Hughes wrote, "You see, unfortunately, I am not black. There are lots of different kinds of blood in our family. But here in the United States, the word 'Negro' is used to mean anyone who has any Negro blood at all in his veins. In Africa, the word is more pure. It means all Negro, therefore black. I am brown."[2]

That's why he goes out of his way to convince people he is not black, as he does has done a very good job of brainwashing Cindy Hopson. She appears on here to make foolish statements that have no subtance or truth, as to stir up the pot even more.
Sounds like she might be a government agent??? Hey Hopson, what's your badge number??


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This is a link to the wiki article on the Nuwaubians, TBE's cult. Note the ties to the Yamasee, one of the oldest black Indian groups. They claim to have come to America on a land bridge from Africa, long before "red Indians" and Columbus...
The 'one drop rule' has never been government "policy" except in the states with segregation laws. Many Indians and mixed bloods were victims of the 'one drop rule' in Virginia, when the government reclassified Indians as "black, white or colored" depending on their appearance.Some families had darker skinned kids in "colored" schools and lighter skinned kids in "white" schools. The government declared that the native nation of Virginia were 'extinguished' and all members had intermarried with whites or black Virginians. Many mixed race people were erased from history in what became called "Pencil genocide". The Virginia nations have finally received recognition after a very long struggle.
TBE and his ilk have no legitimacy at all. You would have to believe the entire myth to accept that these black people have any claim to legitimacy. Just like his mentor and 'saviour' York was a con artist so are his followers. TBE is trying to scam Canadian First Nations like he conned folks in Ohio...

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
This is a link to the wiki article on the Nuwaubians, TBE's cult. Note the ties to the Yamasee, one of the oldest black Indian groups. They claim to have come to America on a land bridge from Africa, long before "red Indians" and Columbus...
The 'one drop rule' has never been government "policy" except in the states with segregation laws. Many Indians and mixed bloods were victims of the 'one drop rule' in Virginia, when the government reclassified Indians as "black, white or colored" depending on their appearance.Some families had darker skinned kids in "colored" schools and lighter skinned kids in "white" schools. The government declared that the native nation of Virginia were 'extinguished' and all members had intermarried with whites or black Virginians. Many mixed race people were erased from history in what became called "Pencil genocide". The Virginia nations have finally received recognition after a very long struggle.
TBE and his ilk have no legitimacy at all. You would have to believe the entire myth to accept that these black people have any claim to legitimacy. Just like his mentor and 'saviour' York was a con artist so are his followers. TBE is trying to scam Canadian First Nations like he conned folks in Ohio...

Yes and TBE, Hopson, and assocaites all fit into this catergory of using threat and scam tactics to try to claim something that they have no right to claim. In Hopsons post she and Abdul claim to be Native by saying " Our heritage". Hopson is white and Abdul=TBE is Black, neither one are Native. Also note that name Hopson is using in this forum is a Nuwabian name. She tries to portray herself as one who is Native though her talk but those of us who are real, can see right through her OTAH!

I would not give her or TBE my contact info, as I don't want them harrassing or trying to terrorize me at my home. I do believe that Don & Educated Indian would also feel the same way.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
I got a pm from Hopson and a email from Rubino. Rubino must really be scared he wants us (Al, Niiki and me) to meet him and TBE is Erie. Sounds like a set up for a mob hit. Hopson even has some personal information about me. They must all be really scared of what we're finding out about TBE and his scams. Let me state for the record. I don't believe that the Nuwaubians/Washitaw are indigenous people and therefore not entitled to legal status as Indians in Canada or the US. Based on all the information I have seen about TBE and his "tribe", I do not believe they have any claim or title to any lands here or in the US. Until such time as some jurisdiction accepts the Nuwaubians/Washitaw/Moors as a legitimate indigenous nation, they are NOT  Indians (aboriginal). So Ms. Hopson and Mr. Rubino when you have such documentation contact me, until such time do not waste my time, and do not send me emails with threats either direct of implied. Niiki, I will forward you the emails and pms.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
I got a pm from Hopson and a email from Rubino. Rubino must really be scared he wants us (Al, Niiki and me) to meet him and TBE is Erie. Sounds like a set up for a mob hit. Hopson even has some personal information about me. They must all be really scared of what we're finding out about TBE and his scams. Let me state for the record. I don't believe that the Nuwaubians/Washitaw are indigenous people and therefore not entitled to legal status as Indians in Canada or the US. Based on all the information I have seen about TBE and his "tribe", I do not believe they have any claim or title to any lands here or in the US. Until such time as some jurisdiction accepts the Nuwaubians/Washitaw/Moors as a legitimate indigenous nation, they are NOT  Indians (aboriginal). So Ms. Hopson and Mr. Rubino when you have such documentation contact me, until such time do not waste my time, and do not send me emails with threats either direct of implied. Niiki, I will forward you the emails and pms.

Niawen gowa Don for the forwarded emails. As it stands, I nor we have any interest in meeting with TBE or his associates, as there are no misunderstandings to clear up as he suggests. We clearly understand who they are, and they are not NAI! I nor any of us wish to waiste our time clearing anything up, as I shall continue to post information that is found out.

They also do not even want to attempt to harrass me!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
If I have any more emails from either Ms. Hopson or Mr. Rubino I will let them know that I consider it to be harassment and will take approriate action. One thing is becoming very clear, people who have nothing to hide don't go to such extreme lengths for nothing. I'll keep you and the group informed. This is getting pretty big!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
If I have any more emails from either Ms. Hopson or Mr. Rubino I will let them know that I consider it to be harassment and will take approriate action. One thing is becoming very clear, people who have nothing to hide don't go to such extreme lengths for nothing. I'll keep you and the group informed. This is getting pretty big!

It is quite obvious that TBE and all of his associates have something to hide. As they are doing everything they can to cover their corrupt tracks! I will also keep the group informed as I receive more information.

Niawen gowa Don for those emails! Have you forwarded them to Educated Indian,  since his name was mentioned in them ?


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 12:27:18 am by Niiki »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22

Your quote: " He also claims to be full blood in several nations, and also descended from the royal families of Europe.As Africans are NOT Indians, and Indians are not Europeans, how is this possible.  Like claiming to be a pure Metis, how can you be a pure Metis when by definition, Metis are mixed blood, French or Scots and Ojibwe or Cree."

My response:  [Personal attacks removed] Pure Metis?  That has never been claimed.

Your quote:  "This is a link to the wiki article on the Nuwaubians, TBE's cult"

My response:  You need to post "actual" legal documentation that shows Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is Nuwaubian and is part of a cult.  It is a blatant lie! 

Your quote:  "TBE and his ilk have no legitimacy at all. You would have to believe the entire myth to accept that these black people have any claim to legitimacy. Just like his mentor and 'saviour' York was a con artist so are his followers. TBE is trying to scam Canadian First Nations like he conned folks in Ohio.."
My response: Again, these are blatant lies!

As I have relayed to educatedindian and Niiki, send Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle or Greg Rubino legal documented proof of what you claim and legal documented proof of who you are.

[Contact information removed. As we stated before, we do not allow the posting of personal information which could be used for harassment. Ms. Hopson was obivously violating the rules of the forum in the hope of causing legal problems for the forum.]

« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 02:13:00 am by educatedindian »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Does Tecumseh have a CDIB card or any other documents from the federal government indicating his status? As to his affiliation with the Nuwaubians and the Binay, I  have read his posts in the Binay group list in which he indicates that he is seeking recognition based on the Washitaw claim of being the original indigenous Americans. He has also associated himself with the Nation of Islam. Unless TBE has been recognised as a Indian by the US or Canadian government and he represents himself as an Indian for personal gain o profit, he's a fraud. I have Cherokee and Creek blood, however I don't claim to be an Indian, why because I was not raised in the culture. Having some Indian blood does not make one an Indian, living in an Indian community and practicing the traditions, ceremonies and being accepted as part of that community and nation. Which community is TBE part of? Which nation claims him as their own? Which language does he speak? Which clan claims him and his mother? Which chiefs and elders have vouched for him. So far he appears to have only 2 supporters, both obviously non Indian. You claim to have documents that support TBE claims, why haven't you posted those documents? If those documents are anything like his illustrious biography all false, don't bother, because we are not interested in wasting our time. Ms. Hopson, all I ask is that you either provide proof or shut up. TBE has provided enough proof that he is NOT what he claimsand I think that the members of this group and others have made up their minds. He is a non Indian, seeking to profit from declaring that he is an Indian, which makes him a fraud. Until you have posted your documents, don't send me any more emails, and tell Mr. Rubino the same thing.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
There is no reason for you not to post the documentation that you claim to have, i.e. the rolls, birth, death certificates of TBE ancestors on the Dawes and Guion Rolls. That is interesting that he would have ancestors who appear on both the Eastern and Oklahoma rolls and that has nothing to do with his other claims i.e. the Washitaw Empire claim to the lands of the Louisiana Territory. Or that he is a descendant of the Erie people, when the Erie people have no connection to him, or that he is the representative of the Indian people of Ohio and chief of "29" tribes, none of whom have heard about his chief status or of him.What about his claims to be descended from the "royal houses of Europe",did his ancestors travel by spaceship invisibly across the Atlantic or did they come from Rizq. If he is not a member of the Nation of Islam, why does he use the title of their clergymen, "Minister"? So lets see, we have Tecumseh Brown Eagle, who invented his name, who was Minister Abdul Adulla Mohammed, and may have been born James Oliver Johnson or maybe not. If you can't see through that alone you are as delusional as he is! I was willing to back off this because its very time consuming, until I was informed about his activites in the gaming field, and in Pennsylvania, my birthplace. The idea that not only is this man misrepresenting himself in Canada, but he's actively trying to steal what should rightfully belong to the 12,000+ legitimate Indians in the state.
You see when non Indians seek to profit from an industry that is set aside for Indian people, that's theft, from the taxpayers and consumers, and from those people the laws were established to help. I have family members who are very involved in state politics who need to be brought up to speed about the activities of this non Indian group and their agenda.. I really believe that Governor Rendell would like more information on TBE and his "tribe". You see TBE is misrepresenting himself as an Indian for power and profit, which, to us is fraud. So stop sending me pms and emails without documentation, and not some cut and paste bullshit like his family tree! I don't want to speak for Niiki or people, but I would say that Canadian aboriginal people, elders, and leaders should reject any connections with Tecumseh Brown Eagle.
Further that any folks who ask about TBE be directed here to this thread. This group has come under fire from other frauds and come back stronger, exposing more frauds and fakes. You should read about some of those exposed frauds, you'd realise that TBE is basically small fry. I know that there are members of this group who post to other boards and other boards and other boards here and in the US, call it a fraud DEW line (Distant Early Warning).
PSMs.Hopkins don't send me any more emails or pms until you have documents to post in this thread. Thanks

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
In response to Reply #266 by educatedindian on May 04, 2009
"It seems what got Ms. Hopson to return was the realization that Johnson's tactics to try and get his Black supremacy outift recognized as a legit Indian tribe are being exposed."
Response:  Yet again you are incorrect, not to mention the fact that the continuous disrespect by not calling him by his legal name which is...  Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is deplorable.
"Truth is a fundamental way of life for the true Native American.  Truth is our heritage.
Ms. Hopson, I notice the quote marks. Can you state publicly: Is this a statement from Johnson? I believe it is, but you sure don't help matters by not making that clear.'
My Response:  As for making anything clear........... the main  thing I see that needs to be made clear is the fact that "in the real world" the accuser(s) would need to prove who they are by legal documentation FIRST, before making demands on the accused. Legal documentation such as birth records, your lineage proof (with Dawes Comm numbers,etc.) 
[libel removed]
[Very long sidetrack removed. Hopson also altered the content of some of the posts she reposted.]

TO FORUM:   For those of you in here that have accused Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle as being a (a)"Black Supremest" and (b)anti-native, or saying that he said he is (c)"full-blooded" Metis.  If he was (a) he wouldn't be Co-Chairman of so many different tribes (he never said he was one of those within all of those tribes!), he wouldn't be An Advocate for: Human Rights and Minorities (yes, minorities - that would mean all of them), or on the Erie County Human Relations Commission Advisory Board, or have so many friends and confidantes that are of all different culture, race and colour, I could go on and on; (b) he wouldn't be Co-Chairman of the Native American Reconciliation Campaign, again I could go on and on; (c) he never said he was full-blooded Metis, you don't have to be Metis to be involved in their organization.   Words seem to be twisted throughout this whole thread by tooo many.  He is a very diverse man who constantly learns about other cultures, it does not mean he always believes in what those peoples do, or is of that culture. 

[Sidetrack removed]

TO FORUM:  Funny why there have not been more questions in this forum regarding the fact that David R.aka Rastia'ta'non:ha, corresponded for a few years with many of Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle and his Tribes contacts which supported and provided information, proof and legitimacy to them of Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle and his Tribe's claims??  Then all of a sudden when there is a dispute between them he states that Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is a fraud??

Lets be real here, in my opinion David R. is angry (no, livid) that the Chief wanted to include all Aboriginal Tribes and peoples in assisting the nuclear power plant, to follow the laws by informing all of the tribal groups. David R. is against both the power plant and all of the tribes being represented in the informational process.  Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagles tribe has always been known as the Neutrals because of their insight to listen to the needs of the people involved and not incite the people, causing them to become short sighted.  David R. was also fully aware of the fact that a full and complete lineage including Dawes Comm numbers, etc. had been done for the Chief approximately a year ago, but he chose to "jump the gun" and accuse him of being a fraud.  He knew full and well that the information on the Chief's website was a "skeletal" lineage and was not even close to completion nor had it been researched yet. In my opinion it is NOT Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle's native background that should be at question here.

1. "There is not a single anonymous post anywhere in this thread I'm aware of. If there is, kindly point it out."
My response to your #1:  You are word playing, anonymous as in ........... pseudonyms like "Niiki".

2. "I added bold to point out that Johnson still is claiming (with no proof) that he is Native."
My response to your #2:  As stated earlier.......the accuser(s) would need to prove who they are by legal documentation FIRST, before making demands on the accused. Legal documentation such as birth records and lineage proof including Dawes Comm numbers, etc.

3. "And no, we won't post addresses or phone numbers publicly. We don't post personal information that could be used for harassment, not for anyone. Eg, even if we had Johnson's home phone, we wouldn't post it either."
My response to your #3:  That is not true, MY personal email address was posted by Niiki and allowed to stay posted until I requested it removed?  Not to mention the fact that my real name is constantly posted by you and Niiki??

I respectfully request that you email your phone number and postal address as well as your legal name, birth documents, parents information, your lineage (including Comm numbers, etc.)  to Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle and/or his associate Greg Rubino, so that they may make direct contact. Yes we do have your email address, but you do not speak  truth, instead you play on words.

4. "It's pretty obvious they're talking about Rubino's alleged organized crime ties and activity. The source was not hidden. The source was And their sources included local and state investigators."Drug bust" means just that. Rubino was accused of being found with drugs or dealing drugs. It doesn't necessarily mean convicted. I never used the term bust, but I did make it clear (in responding to what Nikki spoke) that these are still allegations at this point in time."
My response to your #4: I contacted Mr. Rubino, and that is completely untrue!  The fact is that the FBI stated publicly that it has never even investigated Mr. Rubino, much less busted him.  He has never been as much as charged with any crime of any kind, not even a misdemeanour, by any law enforcement agency.  He is highly respected by legitimate law enforcements and they consider him a friend.  There is no evidence of any kind whatsoever that Mr. Rubino is linked to any illegal activities, alleged or otherwise.  I went to the link you posted and did not find this "drug bust" information.  I ask that you direct me to exact place on that you saw this untrue statement.  If it is not from a law enforcement source, then it is just jibberish and should be totally disregarded, you should know better than that. 

6. "Oh brother, the Black supremacist is seriously trying to claim a multiracial forum said something racist about him?" All we did is point out how ridiculous Hopson's claim that Iroquois in old photos look African is"
(b)  "And it's pretty bizarre for Johnson to be defending an alleged organized crime figure's "honor."
My response to your #6:  Oh brother, THAT is completely untrue of mainly "Niiki".
My response to #6(b):  Post true proof of this statement as Greg Rubino has said "it is totally false!"  What law enforcement agency has made public any proof of any nature whatsoever that Greg Rubino is an organized crime figure, alleged or otherwise?

7. "Johnson lying about who his ancestors are, altering his grandparents death certificate, using someone else's genealogy, and taking a name he has no right to are not anything to be praised, but to be condemned."
My Response to your number #7:  Where is your proof of any of this statement?  Documented proof, not fabricated here-say, allegations and assumptions from Niiki?  These types of statements are definitely NOT criticism as you wrote in your email to Greg Rubino.... "Finally, criticism is not "libel". That is black letter law."

educatedindian, Niiki/David R. and Don Naconna bring forth your proof or apologize publicly. Stop dancing around the issues and send us legal proof of who you are, your background, etc. and the proof (legal documented proof) of all that you say.   Not rumour, character assassination and innuendo… proof.  What are you afraid of?  You are welcome to attend Greg Rubino's offices for a meeting in person, where you will be treated with respect, something that has not been shown here. 

[Spam removed]
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 04:50:58 am by educatedindian »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
RESPONSE TO Niiki Reply #275 &277
You have no interest in meeting, what are you afraid of?
[Spamming and personal attacks removed]
NOTICE TO FORUM:  Many of you have attacked 3 good, honest, caring people, I would be ashamed of myself if I did that to anyone.  Any Proof that needs to be given in support of Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle will be forwarded only to those of importance, to those that have authority to be in possession of it and have prov-en to us who they are.  I don't doubt that eventually you will see the proof through other means, but it will not be directly from me and certainly not in this Forum. 
Perhaps if you keep a watch on the Chief's website, someday you might find it there.  Niiki/David R., educatedindian, and Don Naconna, if and when you do see the proof, we (myself, Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle and Greg Rubino) expect a written public apology from all three of you.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 04:55:10 am by educatedindian »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
If there are documents post them here.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
I would really like to see the documents that state that Stand Watie and Moytoy are TBE ancestors, and how 2 Cherokee cheifs ahev anything to do with either the Shawnee or the Mohawk. How can someone who claims to be full blood Indian from apparently every tribe east of the Mississippi also claim to be a direct descendant of the "royal houses of Europe". This same person also claims to be the chief of 39 nations, which nations. Is he recognised by any of these tribes? Is he recognised by the US BIA or NOT. You cannot simply invent a family history, just because you're black. Please tell us is TBE NOT a black American who was born James Oliver Johnson or not? As he has claimed to be both a member of the Nation of Islam which is a black supremacist organisation listed by Southern Poverty Law Center as a race hate group, and the United Nuwaubians also a hate group, why is a white woman defending him. Part of their theology is that white people are "devils". Either you are very naive or just extremely stupid or are full of self hatred.
As we are all familiar with TBE's likeness, I doubt that anyone who has seen it would call this man anything but African. Having been raised in a black family, I can tell you if anything TBE is about as close to pure African as you will see in the states. Only very naive or ignorant people would say that he is anything but a black American, regardless of his "story".
Do you believe that he was a taek won doh Olympic champion, even before the sport was in the Olympics, as a poster here discovered, or that he is a 32nd degree Mason when we were unable to discover any ties to Prince Hall Masons (My father is a 32nd degree Mason). I believe that TBE is a pathological liar and a con man. So do many others so we are all waiting for this proof, his CDIB card, genealogy that shows an unbroken line to Stand Watie and Moytoy, for starters and all of the other chiefs he has claimed, his name on the Cherokee Eastern Band, CNO or Keetowah rolls, direct blood relatives on the Guinon and Dawes Rolls, geneaology that includes the surviving Erie, who were either killed or adopted into other tribes after 1680, letters of elders, chiefs of the Confederacy acknowledging TBE ancestry as a Erie, letters of recognition from the clan mothers of the Grand River, letters from the Tyendinaga Mohawk and recognition of his claims to being a chief of a recognised nation in Canada or the US.
If you have any of those documents post them here, if you don't stop playing with us and accept that you are an ignorant naive white person who has been duped by a black fraud, posing as an Indian. Frankly I am really kind if anxious to see what tyou and TBE come up with, I'd love to meet a person who is both pure blood European royalty and full blood Cherokee and even Metis, but look like a member of the Fruit of Islam. Show us all what you have!
Its not about some game, its about fraud and to claim that you are something you are not to gain from that claim it is fraud. If TBE seeks anything based on his false claim of status, he is commiting fraud. Its that simple. If every black American decided to claim that they were really Indians they would be stealing what rightfully belongs to Indians. TBE has no more valid claim than any other Nuwaubian/Washitaw to anything, black people were not here before Indians, science proves that. The Nuwaubians claim that they arrived from the Planet Rizq millions of years ago. RIGHT!