Author Topic: Siswai Says Hi  (Read 3692 times)

Offline Siswai

  • Posts: 1
Siswai Says Hi
« on: May 03, 2008, 07:50:17 am »
Hey everyone,

I'm new here on the forum, so I thought I'd say hello to everyone before posting anything else.
The reason I got to this site, is the same reason I registered. I want more information, for personal reasons. Since my early childhood I've been different from others, and I've been struggling to get by. I'm 28 years old now, and still struggle with the same issues I did then, my sensitivity, and strong sense of not belonging.. (And much, much more)

Something is off, and I'm thinking more and more that many of the answers might lie in Shamanism. This place seemed like a good one to find some honest answers about who I am and who I need to be, and what people I should seek out to learn more.

Hopefully I came to the right place :-)