Author Topic: New member! Glad I found you all!!!  (Read 5913 times)

Offline redroadwalker

  • Posts: 2
New member! Glad I found you all!!!
« on: September 29, 2008, 02:33:58 am »
I am so glad I found you (and for the friend who guided me here).  Although I am not "blood", I am married to a fine man who's 8th generation descendant of full blood Cherokee.  This, by quantum and standards, gives him no standing with the nation, but we still walk the red road and try to keep the NDN values and lessons close to our hearts.  We are the proud grandparents of 4 (one of which is 1/8 Kickapoo).  We teach the life lessons through stories passed on by the elders because we find that be it 20 years old or 100 years old, their words and wisdom still ring true.
I joined this group more for my education than anything else because I've seen and heard so many different things or have read so many books that it's difficult sometimes to distinguish the truth from the "wouldn't it be nice if" theories.
Anyway, thanks for being here!
About me?  Favorite book (so far)  "Rethinking Columbus"
                   dislike flute music (got stuck next to a flute maker once at a 4 day powwow and had to listen to him or his CD 8am-10pm!!! Kinda killed it for me)  ::)
                  Love to bead or any native craft. (I'll try any new project once, even did brain tanning. lol)
                  Have been known to walk away (graciously, I hope) from a bragging wannabe.
                  Really dislike apples or those who are only NDN when they think something is in it for themselves.