Author Topic: hello. my name is Carsten. (another racist meltdown thread)  (Read 57350 times)

Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #60 on: April 06, 2013, 12:14:26 am »

first of.  I read this years after I was in the ceremonies with hakita.  however he mentioned a meeting with his elders where he was prayed for and told to go home and open up for us here to be able to learn about sweats and take part in them.

so when I found this on net with statements from both him and other people and I could read this , see if I can find link again ,  what he said make complete sense to me.  I knew then why he did it.  solved a few questions I had about it for me reading this.  that proved what he said was correct. 

however lets imagine I never been involved with anything native american before in my life and then finds that declaration and reads it . 

its a declaration of war.   spiritual war.  would you think  its a sane decision to just accept  something found on the net with that headline.   spiritual war never lead to anything good did  it.

I at that time years  ago picked a side in this matter  after reading it.  I did this using brain and intuition.    I also discussed it whenever the chance where there ,  as instance in the shamanic forum ,  because it is a important matter. 

Honestly, I don't care about your excuses for choosing to 1) continue using a way that is not yours ie: stealing 2) disrespect peoples who have, as you claim, given you some healing.

You are not an honorable person. You have no honor. What you have is a bucket full of excuses which you can't even take responsibility for.

You discussed it with people who justify stealing culture. You have opportunity to discuss it with the people it actually matters to.. but you have made your decision. Using your brain and intuition.

Well, no one's brain is right, perfect, correct, and intuition is often misguided by personal desire making it faulty at best especially *especially*
when it comes to what one *wants*. You want this.. and hey.. this other guy said it was ok.. and these people over there say it's ok.. so.. Right. uh huh. yeah.  You have NO honor.

Take take take and pretend to be giving it to others under some deluded guise of being knowledgeable. It's still just taking. I don't blame any Native peoples anywhere for turning away white people.. just look at you.. You're a PRIME example of what's wrong.

You can't just be happy with what you were given to help you heal.. no.. You have to keep taking.. and then turn around and pretend you are giving to others. Impossible.  It's a delusion, or illusion. All you are doing is taking.  I'm thinking you probably don't know what I mean, and I'm not sure I can explain. But to say if in one moment of your life, someone gave you something to help you heal, that's ALL it was, a gift, for that time, those moments. You can't keep taking it, without it turning into stealing. And, you cannot give it to someone else, the gift is already spent, in that moment you needed it. So, you are stealing it now, and pretending to give of it. And all that is happening is theft and propagation of theft.

Now, before I type a string of highly offensive adjectives to describe you.. I'm leaving.
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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten. (another racist meltdown thread)
« Reply #61 on: April 06, 2013, 12:51:57 am »
Carsten, bans apply per person, not per account. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that someone so committed to violating boundaries is trying to evade the ban by creating a sockpuppet account. Just can't take "No" for an answer, can you?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten. (another racist meltdown thread)
« Reply #62 on: April 06, 2013, 01:18:34 am »
however he mentioned a meeting with his elders where he was prayed for and told to go home and open up for us here to be able to learn about sweats and take part in them.

Another classic fraud line: "The Elders told me to sell out!  The Elders told me to go take money from Germans! The Elders want me to violate the ways they've risked their lives to defend, and that our ancestors died for. They didn't really mean it when they publicly declared war on people like me!"

Sure, not like we've ever heard that before.

You'd think these sociopaths would maybe bother to read the board and realize how tired their lies are. But they're too selfish and over-confident to do even that. They just think they'll trample all over us and we'll be grateful for it. It's evil, is what it is.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten. (another racist meltdown thread)
« Reply #63 on: April 08, 2013, 06:15:02 pm »
hahahaha this carsten guy is heeeeelarious.........anyways....all i have to offer these twinkies (male or female) is wise words of my grandmother to my cousins

"stay away from in-yin boys...they will break your heart"

i dont know why twinks have to seek such a romance for our people.....if i was in denmark i would be partyin it up.....last thing i would do is look for another ndn to walk the right path with

twinkies can NEVER understand quit the fantasy already