Author Topic: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler  (Read 15498 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« on: April 02, 2013, 11:25:58 pm »
I am a Nationally Known Native American SHAMAN of Cherokee-Saponi decent. I have been a SHAMAN for close to 30 years now. I have worked at America's #1 top-rated psychic line. I am the former SHAMAN of Serendipity Stables Farm in York Center, Ohio. I do many types of works with my SHAMAN gifts such as spiritual readings, meditations, house blessings.
I am also an Ordained Minister of The International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewarts Congregations (SHES). I am also a Licensed Ordained Minister of the STATE of OHIO. I can do weddings in many states, or obtain a license in another state to do so. I do all duties of any Licensed Ordained Minister for weddings, funerals, etc. as well as Native American-style events. I will accept any request for any services that are over 90 days out BUT, I charge a booking fee, unless it is an event, and you must provide a working phone number for me to contact you. If you have scheduled your wedding over 12 months from now, I cannot commit that far ahead. It's not proper to make arrangements on anything that is a year or so, over in time. Too many things can happen in a year's time. Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. I provide LEGAL & BINDING CONTRACTS for all of my services, and since I may not be the lowest cost of any provider, I do offer payment plans to help you... REV. SHAMAN JEROME HOWELL

Mostly shows up on sites advertising himself to do weddings, even on craigslist.*1_Jerome_Howell_*1_*1_*1_*1_*2_*1_Y_*1_*1_*1_false_1_R_*1_*51_*1_*51_true_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2&pvs=ps&trk=pp_profile_name_link
"Rev Shaman Jerome Howell - Native American Shaman of Cherokee-Saponi decent is a Licensed Ordaind Minister. He has been doing Shamanisum for over 25 yrs. He also does readings of Tarot and Shaman Spirit readings. The Shaman's Vision meditation where he allows you to visit with those who have passed."

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 11:50:45 pm »
Wow! "nationallly known"" Haha, no ego there!


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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2013, 12:17:48 am »
Notice he says "former" shaman of Serendipity Stables Farm in York Center, Ohio.!vstc9=board-of-directors  Wonder if they know about that.

And what in the world is a "nemenhah"?


    1/5 stars April 2, 2013

    this is not only criminal but its genocidal. you need to stop stealing native culture and misrepresenting native people. there is no such thing as a native shaman, that is a new age term. please stop lying to people and cheating them, it is very racist.

    Sarah J.

    1/5 stars April 2, 2013

    This guy is a fraud. Native Americans don't have "shamans".

    Icco I.
    Rev. Shaman Jerome H. from The Cherokee Traveler replied to this review on April 2, 2013:

    You must be one of the nemenhah...I wouldn't talk abt who is a fake.

Bolding Mine


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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 12:26:14 am »


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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2013, 12:39:36 am »

Thanks, Epiphany.  I saw that website but it didn't make much sense to me.  Is it a competing organization to "shamans"?  I am very confused.  I am not sure why he used that word.

And as to ego, debbieredbear, he is a "HOLY MAN":

I am a VERY SPIRITUAL MAN. I am a SHAMAN of Cherokee/Saponi Indian decent, a HOLY MAN of Native American Tribes.


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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2013, 01:01:58 am »
Autumn, I don't really understand what the Nemenhah reference is all about either, don't yet understand what Nemenhah is. Interesting that Howell responded that way.


The International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards We have mention of this group here too Lynn Andrews affiliated with them also.

Here's Howell's minster registration Ohio:


« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 01:55:42 pm by Epiphany »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2013, 03:02:29 am »
Howell contacted me. First his email, then mine, then his again.

To Whom it may concern:
I recently seen a few articles you have posted abt me.  I am Rev. Howell.  You have the right w/in legal means to say your opinion, I don't have a problem abt that. BUT, IF YOU WISH TO JUDGE ME, AT LEAST KNOW THE PERSON, NOT JUST AN ADVERTISEMENT.  You do not know anything abt me as a person, and whom I say I am.  I have documents that can prove my Native Blood, maybe not a TRUE Blood as it is sometimes called, BUT, I'm not going to deny my proven documents that say the real truth.

When I say, I am the former Shaman of Serendipty, I'm not lying abt it, I was.  The only reason I am not now is 2 reasons.  1.The board members not all, didn't want to Honor what THE GREAT SPIRIT had shown for them to do before and after their open houses.  The Spirit showed me they should form a circle and have prayer and at the end to form a circle w/ the people whom had come there, and be thankful, and wish the travelers a safe journey home. 2. THE NEMENHAH., a question you ask why I mentioned.  The famous nemenhah is a group that will sell you the Titles of Shaman or Medicine Man for $250.00 which also buys you into the "TRIBE"..After that you pay monthly dues I understand.  I also know they mention being part MORMONS.  Their local chief is IGGY GARCIA aka Chief Hoop Dancer.  I just didn't and wouldn't except them.  You can't buy your way into any Native American Tribe.  Him and his wife have a website as well.  He also owns his our Dinner on High street in Cols. Ohio.

Like I said , none of you have meet me, you don't live w/ me, so you can't say this or that isn't fact.  Yes, I advertise for minister services, and your point is what ?  Seems you have looked at me , could even be the hacker I have been notified abt. I will forward this information and we will see if you are. Then go from there.

Maybe if you talked to alot of people who really know me or have had me do things for them, I'm very sure you would see that, maybe you don't know everything. But, you know what,?  They hung the son of man on a cross, and for what just reason ?  Because he spoke of the truth !  Even though so many had seen his works and knew him, and knew he didn't lie.  So, why should I worry abt what man says ?  I have been BLESSSED by THE GREAT SPIRIT w/ many gifts. 

Now, let me ask you a question.....Other than  being called a DREAMER who's vision was told to many tribes and even those at Wounded Knee, what was the word they called him as well ? He called for the Ghost Dance.

Want something really to talk abt ?  Investigate the nemenhah.  That should keep you busy !


We always welcome more information that can get at the truth of these matters.
Do you wish to post your email as a response? We can also post any other statement of yours.
You also are welcome to join and post a response and answer questions.

Could you explain more about the Wounded Knee comment?
Why do you believe you are a shaman?
Are you aware that Natives do not use that term, only outsiders? Were you raised in a Cherokee or Saponi community?

Al Carroll, moderator

Thank You for at least giving me a chance to be heard on this matter. After all and foremost I want the truth to be the light source of what I really do.  Not a traveling carnival show.  The Wounded Knee comment comes from the information of history as to who the man was that called for THE GHOST DANCE.  He is stated to a "shaman ".   Even in the movie it clearly states this. Now, if this isn't true, then History must be reversed and the change made.  I do NOT believe that the practice of Shamanism is only a NATIVE thing.  I believe shamanism can be a walk of many people, not just Native Americans.  I just happen to be of a Native Blood, and I practice it.

Yes, I was raised in a community of Cherokee & Saponi Decendants.  Although knowing the history of the people where I was raised it wasn't like an Indian Village or on a reservation.  But, never the less, the people were and are of those who walked THE TRAIL, or came North before it.  I have documented proof, that I have Cherokee, Shawnee, Catawaba, & Saponi, Blood in my elders.  Actually, if 1 man's name could be found, we { my family } would be accepted into the Cherokee Nations of the WESTERN OR EASTERN Bands.  We have spent many hrs in research and traveling to obtain the TRUTH.  The Saponi side, comes from my people fleeing Southern Ohio to Virginia for the safety of their lives.  They returned to Ohio but, were forced to call themselves something other than who they were. 

This story is in The saponi nation of ohio's website.  Both my dad & mom's family names are listed in the core of said group.  Many true bloods I believe do not like who we are.  About my ad on Thumbtack...You can ask 2 of the ratings I have and find out, That I never charged them a penny for talking to me or for the advice I gave, as to the other, it was a wedding.  It's not uncommon for minister's to advertise their services for weddings.  Even in my statement abt Native weddings, I clearly state as long as it comply's w/ Tribal LAWS.  Not just show up dressed as a Native American.

This is why I have waged war against the NEMENHAH...Everything they say or do is clearly against anything of the People of the 1st Nations.  Chief HOOP Dancer, Iggy Garcia, himslf claims to be a Shaman from South American Tribe, from Peru.  Personally I'd like to see him do the HOOP DANCE.  Maybe a Hula Hoop maybe.  They even have an on-line school so to speak.  I have literly told this man I would fight to the death for how they represent themselves.  Although knowing that I could be charged for murder if I won.  I was and still am willing to die for my REAL Blood Line.  I have even called the Mormon Church in Salt lake City and asked abt this group.  They deny them 100%.

As to me being a SHES Minister...I was in Washington State in 2009 and was approched by a minister of that organization.  Matter of fact in Richland, Washington.  I am not one who calls everything in life a lie.  If they are a lie, then so is the Universal Life Church and many, many, others who I have found on line.  I was raised in a Baptist Church, my uncle is a Baptist Minister in Lexington, Ky.  I know in my heart what I believe in or abt the GREAT SPIRIT in my heart.  It is NOT the job of anyone on this site to judge that, I don't judge anyone cause I know I must stand before Creator on the day of judgement and recieve the judgement of my life as well as all of you.

Some of the old teachings are wonderful and deserve the repect that is earned of them...BUT, nothing stays the same, and changes have to be made, just like All Peoples of The 1st Nations had to change to the white man's ways.  Right or wrong it was done.
Somethings written abt me have been written by a hacker to my accts.  Yahoo & others have notified me of this, so, I am slowly catching up and making the right corrections to things.  I could ask the same questions abt those who comment on here, Who are they ?  Are they official members of a Native Tribe ? Are they the Spiritual Leaders of a Native Tribe, are they the Elders of a Native Tribe ?  Well, I am a member of a Native Tribe that is reconized by my state, and is pushing for Federal as well,  I have my Native Name from my chief  Like I stated before, I have been Blessed by The GREAT SPIRIT w/ many gifts, not powers, Creator is the power, I am just a vessel of his words and or actions.

Not everyone is a fake, and at least before opinons are stated, some facts abt a person should be known 1st.  You know what they say abt opinions ?  Everyone has one.  I will NOT speak abt this anymore.  But, I do challenge your group and forums to look into the Nemenhah.  I personally don't do sweat lodges, nor do I prescribe native medicine, cause that would be practicing medicine w/out a license.  BUT, the Nemenhah sure do.   The reason I mentioned them in my responce is due to the fact of their actions before, and thought this could be a bunch of them shooting off their mouth.

Peace be unto you.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2013, 03:52:50 am »
Let see where to start :-\
My name is Ta Maka Waste Win enrolled member of
the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, I am 7/8 Standing Rock Hunkpapa, Shihasapa,
Hunkpatine, Ihunktonwana, Sisseton with 1/8 Oglala blood
i live among my people and culture.
So you want to know about Woyoka the Paiute who accepted
Christianity and had a dream mixing the two belief together.
called it a Ghost dance. This cult was short lived because it was not true.
What is your point? You want to mix things up?
Oh wait that is what you are doing by claiming to be a Shaman from Russia
(remember only Russia has Shamans)
and then claiming to be a descendant from a tribe but cant find that connect.
being tribal is about family if you dont know your family you dont belong.

just like All Peoples of The 1st Nations had to change to the white man's ways

When have you been around real native people? We speak our language follow
our spiritual ways and live as we always have you better get out of your box.
I dont have to say that i am a descendant I say i am native.
Most of what you write is a lie if you were national known our people would
know of you. We have our healers who are known and you are not one of them

In Spirit

Offline Superdog

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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2013, 11:44:50 am »
"The Wounded Knee comment comes from the information of history as to who the man was that called for THE GHOST DANCE.  He is stated to a "shaman ".   Even in the movie it clearly states this."


Oh brother....

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2013, 06:11:45 pm »
maybe not a TRUE Blood as it is sometimes called,

Good thing. I think that's a TV show about Vampires. But if it's on TV, it must be true. Like the "shamans" at WK.


Offline Superdog

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Re: Rev Shaman Jerome Howell AKA Cherokee Traveler
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2013, 08:50:27 pm »
Jerome's psychic business was sold under the pseudonym "The Cherokee Traveler" (or's spelled both ways, same person)
My gift is something given by the Great Spirit.

My Expert Service
I'm a practicing Native American Shaman, specializing in tarot readings and spiritual readings for many occassions. Along with special spiritual meditations fot the spirit, mind and soul."

and on Angie's list:

"Business Description: I am a Nationally known Native American Shaman of Cherokee decent, and as stated a licensed ordainded minister in several states. I do many types of weddings including Native American of all tribes along with all services of a minister. I have worked nationally on advisory internet companies (Psychic Lines ) I do healings of all types.

Excluded Services: I don't pre-scribe medications of any kinds. Can suggest all types of Native American things."

Since he's reading, I'd just like to point out something.  It's not your heritage that's being questioned.  It's your actions.  Selling yourself as  "Shaman", "Holy man of Native American tribes"'s all wrong....

Shaman is a term co-opted from Asia.  There are no Native American shamans.  Also....all tribes don't follow the same religious philosophies the way you describe them.  This is the niche you're claiming to help sell your business of being a wedding officiant/psychic advisor and you do it with all the wrong need to own's also where the problem lies.

Neither tribe recognizes you as one of their spiritual leaders and that's why you can't claim to be a holy man of Native American tribes....a tribe, a community would give you that recognition, not yourself.
