Author Topic: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire  (Read 109206 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #120 on: April 09, 2011, 03:31:21 am »
Once again, proving to everyone you are your own worst enemy. This forum has given you ample space to defend yourself, often dealing with those who criticize you when they get out of bounds as well. Your response has constantly been to attack those who have helped you and even been willing to listen.

I'm convinced more than ever both sides on this topic are overgrown children who lack the maturity to take care of a goldfish, much less have any say over ceremony. And that's precisely why this has stayed under Research for so long, because both of you continually muddy the issues.

You, Mr. Spisak, seem to think taking care of buffalo has given you a license to be a giant asshole. It hasn't. If you ever decide to grow up, come on back. Until then, you can only blame yourself for what has happened. If you'd ever acted like someone older than a ten year old picking a fight on the playground, maybe you wouldn't be in this mess of your own making.

Offline Honestinjun

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #121 on: January 16, 2012, 05:28:44 pm »

 Welcome to the Pennsylvania State Police Megan's Law Website

Any person who uses the information contained herein to threaten, intimidate, or harass the registrant or their family, or who otherwise misuses this information, may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability.
Click on the appropriate button below to indicate if you understand and accept the information contained on this entire page and agree to abide by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

I would like to take the time to thank the host for removing some of the posts by Mr. Spisak re: Mr. David Smith's prior convictions. I posted the above information from the Megan's List website in PA, as Mr. Spisak was in direct violation of PA state law when he posted Mr. Smith's information on this site. While I respect the use of this site to bring to light fraudulent activities, as I am well aware of many myself, I also need to point out that Mr. Smith is serving his time, and should not be subject to a man's rantings over a failed personal relationship. While the article that was posted in this thread re: the events that led up to his conviction may be relevant to this site, I would like to request that all other information about David "Two Wolves" Smith be stricken from this site, to allow for personal privacy. I very much appreciate your support.

A note to the Administrator: When entering information under the search engine Google, the thread is pulled up with all of the information the Mr. Spisak pasted on here from the Megan's list site. If there is a way to correct this, it would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 02:34:41 am by Honestinjun »

Offline Honestinjun

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #122 on: January 17, 2012, 03:22:20 am »
So, there you go. We have until September 1, 2009. If my words appear harsh, I do not mean them to. I believe there is no limit to what we can do. For these two. For this place. For each other. They are here for all of us. Not just Native. Every one of us. The choice is now up to each of us, individually. $5.00 from everyone will do the job. Do you have $5.00? Are these two gifts, this place, the message they bring, worth $5.00? Click this link if you answered yes.

Quote was taken from Buffalo Messenger's Website (AKA Mr.Spisak)

Offline Honestinjun

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #123 on: January 17, 2012, 03:24:24 am »
BUFFALO MESSENGERS Jul 20, 2009, 7:29am EDT
I think we do paypal. Donations can of course always be sent via regular mail to Buffalo Messengers, 3400 National Pike, Farmington, PA 15437


Another quote from same site

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #124 on: January 19, 2012, 02:00:49 pm »

 Welcome to the Pennsylvania State Police Megan's Law Website

Any person who uses the information contained herein to threaten, intimidate, or harass the registrant or their family, or who otherwise misuses this information, may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability....

I would like to take the time to thank the host for removing some of the posts by Mr. Spisak re: Mr. David Smith's prior convictions. I posted the above information from the Megan's List website in PA, as Mr. Spisak was in direct violation of PA state law when he posted Mr. Smith's information on this site. While I respect the use of this site to bring to light fraudulent activities, as I am well aware of many myself, I also need to point out that Mr. Smith is serving his time, and should not be subject to a man's rantings over a failed personal relationship. While the article that was posted in this thread re: the events that led up to his conviction may be relevant to this site, I would like to request that all other information about David "Two Wolves" Smith be stricken from this site, to allow for personal privacy. I very much appreciate your support.

A note to the Administrator: When entering information under the search engine Google, the thread is pulled up with all of the information the Mr. Spisak pasted on here from the Megan's list site. If there is a way to correct this, it would be appreciated.

Why you posted this on this thread instead of the one on Smith isn't clear, expect maybe you wanted to bring Spisak's name into it.

Asking us to delete information to protect an abuser of children, ceremony seller, and imposter is pretty outrageous. Absolutely no.


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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #125 on: May 06, 2013, 01:58:38 pm »
Michael "hawk" Spisak is an activist, author and provocateur. Equal parts Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson, George Carlin and Aristotle, he regularly upsets the established order and infuriates the religiously convinced. Hawk is a mix blood, White/First Nations, who has been on his own since he was 13, living his life traveling the world. He has seen and done what most never will. After 48 States, almost every Indian Reservation and 13 countries he settled down in Tennessee with his best friend, S'unka the Superdog.

He has a book out Full Circle: The End of the Beginning

Full Circle is a devastating introspective into Native American culture and ceremony, spirituality, humanity, and society at large. Told from the perspective of Jackson, a white/Native American mixed blood, Full Circle questions the status quo of American society while revealing the causes and effects of colonialism and manifest destiny.

Full Circle's drama is both intense and realistic as Jackson's journey leads the reader to places and to people most Americans don't know exist. Spisak shines a light on taboo subjects from the historical policy of genocide by the US government to the exploitation of spirituality by greedy and often deluded people.

Book is fiction, guess it could be classified under historical fiction, it might very well be a thinly veiled autobiography. There is a "David Chases" who is "conniving" and a "Mary Bloody Heart" who is proud and supportive of the lead character "Jackson".

The mix blood community in the US is vast. As it stands now, a little goes here, a few pennies there and nothing is accomplished. However, what if all that is generated is collected in one hat? Instead of a few hundred here, a few thousand there, we could have millions in one place. A pooling of all the resources in one place to be distributed where it’s needed. The People, helping each other, as one. Instead of several competing entities all at the same time.

The trick of course would be to have this overseen by the right people. That kind of money would corrupt a person, real quick.

Michael Spisak - Full Circle Interview
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 05:23:46 pm by Epiphany »