Author Topic: Moorish Science Temple  (Read 30497 times)

Offline YouKnowNot

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Moorish Science Temple, Washitaw, Nauwabians, etc.
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2012, 05:36:30 am »
Has there been and press releases by legitimate tribes that are denouncing ties to the MSTA, Washitaw Muurs, Nauwabians? Becuase many of these people make claims they are of many different tribes of North America. I have been trying to track down these kinds of public documents from tribes, as so this issue can be cleared up even faster. I deal with people that are lost and are trying be "sovereign", by getting the so-called "Nationality ID Card" and other forms of Identity, and change their names to some kind of Turkish, Arabic, or what ever name, as a part of this process.
Any word on this?? I will be contacting the Cherokee of TN and SC tomorrow about this.
Thanks in advance.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Moorish Science Temple, Washitaw, Nauwabians, etc.
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2012, 10:36:36 pm »
There haven't been any specific denunciations by tribes that I know of. Chances are you may just get general statements saying not to trust any but the recognized tribes.
I'm not sure what you mean by Cherokee in TN and SC. There's no recognized tribes there, just a mix of unethical types, or at best heritage groups.
This site by the Cherokee of Oklahoma has lists of the recognized and unrecognized Cherokee.

You might consider emailing them for a public statement.

The ID cards you mention sound like the kind of thing the sovereign citizen, freemen, and militia movements use. You might try looking here for more about these groups.