Author Topic: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf  (Read 138381 times)

Offline Tonya

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2007, 10:44:11 am »
To Mo ( or should I say Linda Lou ? ) I will say this :

We left you alone all these month since the last dispute and lived our life, so please leave us alone. This is Slander. Why can you not live your life before accusing others, which is not your concern.

i am not linda. you should at least have gotten that much out of being in her group. i was not the one who brought up your name but offered what i did know. and that straight from francis. not heresay. you got arrogant and pissy when someone questioned you and as is shown in the post i made here which you have seen before, you see yourself as some savior of poor ndn people. you are going to save our traditions for us..whether we like it or not.
if you reread, tonya..i said nothing about you because i know nothing about you ..except of course what you just wrote. and this is MY concern as its each and every ndn person's concern. i want my children learning our traditions from REAL elders of our community, not self appointed elders who don't know us and will never know us.

whatever...i am not linda. so don't give her the credit.

If you are really not Linda, then I will apologize, but then you make it very hard for me not to believe that you are Linda, because you are using the exact quotes from Linda from her group. But still, even if you did not say something about me, you insulted and accused my husband, and this is insulting me.

Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2007, 10:52:17 am »
Frying Mamas = mothers dropping acid together? Could explain the amalamated New Age weirdness.  ;D
Re "Frying mama's" Oh come on! where is your sense of humour? To me this conjurs up an image of mom with the frying pan cooking breakfast. So where on earth did the link with "acid" come into it. A rather silly attempt to dicredit me and since I have not insulted you why do you feel so free to insult me? Francis

Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2007, 10:59:28 am »
We were asked by members of “The Circle of Ankerwycke??? (A Pagan group) if we could do an Imbolc ceremony with a Native American theme which we agreed to do as so many people showed an interest in sharing. However since this has become an issue and upset people who do not want to share we took the decision not to go ahead.

sharing means it was offered by those to whom it belongs. sharing is not taking  without permission. if i take your car without permission, that is not is theft and you would not be happy. get the difference?  if they wanted something native american then they should have asked someone who is part of a native american community. why is that so difficult to understand?
Greetings Mo,
With your views about sharing you make it sound like I was stealing something! Well I am not a theif and you did not take into account the fact that my wife is Cherokee so exactly who do you assume we were stealing from. In any event we respect the wishes of you and other ndn's who objected to us doing this so we cancelled the engagement and can do no more than that to keep the peace. I would also like to know since we have never insulted you or harmed you in any way why you are so intent on hurting us? Francis

Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2007, 11:25:30 am »
Billington, quoted by Mo:

Some years later I met my first Native American...

He collects you guys...don't you feel honoured? What will he do when he's got the whole set?

I'm really, truly, not making this up. Here's his 'favourite quote' from his Yahoo profile page: you are only young once - but you can stay immature for life.

Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Hi Barnaby, sorry to to inform you that I do not collect guys and have no idea who this came from but it certainly was not me. Yes one of my favourite quotes "you are only young once...etc reflects my humour but not necessarily my philosophy and laughter certainly helps the world go round. Since I have never insulted you in any way I am at a loss to know why you feel so free to insult me. Anyway if no offence was meant, then none taken. Francis

Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2007, 11:33:31 am »
Mo , your very patient and reasonable discussion with "Grey Wolf" had me laughing out loud .  :o :D

I wonder if  he has any  idea how absolutely silly he sounds ? Like someone preening themselves in a mirror imagining they are the dressed in high fashion , when they are actually wearing a plastic grocery bag  and are badly in need of a bath  . In a way he might be right about his "helping Indians ". Even most New Agers have some common sense , and this guy might do a lot for making playing Indian look as foolish and unattractive as it actually is.  At least he isn't giving people of distant ancestry a bad name by acting foolishly and claiming to have Indian blood ,  though unfortunantly there is more than enough who do.   

(edited to add )

But then his wife is claiming a Chreokee heritage. Even if that was true , I can never understand why people who have some Native heritage which they are proud of, would behave in ways that would make their Nation ashamed to admit they even know them . I guess a lot of people just don't know better .

Mama Porcupine: You know nothing about me or my personal habits or the way I dress. My wife can prove her Cherokee heritage and has done nothing to dishonor or disrespect the ndn people. You make assumptions here which are very insulting and totally untrue. I would like to know why, with respect, you feel so free to insult us and tell such terrible lies about us? You do not know us, never met us, and yet you insult us! The negative energy coming from you beggers belief, and take that as an opinion not an insult, for I have no desire to insult you the way you insulted me and would prefer to live in harmony with people.


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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2007, 12:18:56 pm »
I wish to draw a clear distinction here between (OUR) a recognised Mi'kmaq and representative of The International Intertribal Council and Mohammed Ali,an Asian gentleman currently the recogised  MC of the Uk Hobbiest network.  

The Legal Department of the International Intertribal Council has been made aware of and is in possession of a statement made by Mrs Tanya Billingtons own mother,or persons purporting to be, that Mrs Tanya Billington is of Austrian extraction and genetic heritage.

Mrs Billington has been advised that theft of living relatives individual life stories tantamounts to identity theft.

And this is the position currently taken by our legal department.

Mr Francis Billington currently operationing under the puesdo name Greywolf, at the Bison Farm Hobbiest  Pow Wow in 2006,did confront two recognised Members of the Indian Nation(Female) and physically,verbally and racially assaulted both these recognised persons of the Indian Nations. In total violation of UK,Europen and International conventions and laws pertaining to race relations and human and civil rights.

This matter is currently before our legal department to decide what legal action may be taken.

We strongly advise Mr Frances Billington to re-establish contact with PC 3435 in Hallam of the Surrey constabulary to discuss any and all rights pertaining to ethic minorities within the UK befire he puts himself into a position of further slandering and libelling the individuals he so racially abused at The Bison Farm Pow Wow.

We wish to make it clear that the small minority of individuals opertaioning on the Pow Wow circuit within Europe that further threats,intimidation tactics,racial abuse and threats against home,family and well being against ex patriots of the Indian Nations living abroad will not be tolerated and legal action will be taken against those who commit outrageous acts of racism.

In the spirit

very sincerely  
Zoi Lightfoot.

Current Recognised Director and Legal Advisor to the IIC


This was dictated to me by Zoi Lightfoot....Linda..Mi'kmaq Nation.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2007, 12:35:25 pm »
In this case all German Sites are inconspicuous, because they are using “.de??? which is just a sign for Germany. Like the one in the uk have “ and the American ones have “.com???
As your site is commercial, you should have it registered appropriately. And you are the one to be mistaken about the way these endings work.

My real name was Fehlauer, because I was married to a German Guy with the name Fehlauer. And I know a native woman, who lived in Germany and married a German Guy and is still wearing his German name. I just forgot to change this. Oh what a big deal.
Yeah, right, one 'just forgets' to change a surname, no big deal at all, people forget that all the time. No, under Grrman law, you were and are required to register a commercial site under your legal name, Tanni. Your legal name is the one mentioned in your passport and "Personalausweis" (ID card).
And since the German Authorities could not accept the name Tonya, we made Tanja out of this, otherwise I would not be able to register the domain.
Now, this is rich!! And not true! German authorities - since Grrmoney has lots of imigrants meanwhile - accept foreign names of all sorts. Provided, mind you, you can present proof that this is your legal name.
Anyways, you claim you had a mother with US citizenship and a father with German citizenship. Alright, in case one of the parents is of foreign origin and they want to give their children first names usual in their home country, German authorities can and do accept all spellings and names. Or how do you imagine a Muslim would manage to have his children registered as Ibrahim or Ayse in Germany?
No, Tanni, Hanau authorities insisted on the site being registered under your legal name. Your legal name is Tanja because you're German. When it comes to having a child registered at birth, non-German parents have more possibilites than German parents, so if you had a non-German mother, registering you as 'Tonya' would have been quite easy. This may be very different if both of your parents are German. Civil servants may reject names that sound silly, or will be a matter of ridicule for the person named.
What no German authority would have accepted though is: to register the site under anything but your legal name. So if your legal name was 'Tonya', no prob. Thank you for clarifying your legal name is not Tonya.
Let me emphasize: no German authority would have told you 'Sorry, dear, but you got such an exceptional first name and we're so bad about foreign names - could we possibly do the site registration under a name we're more used to?'

And again this is no concern of yours, where I registered the domain. In matter of fact, I was living pretty long in Hanau. What is wrong with that I was living in a town with US barracks ? I did not choose this, but my former job was in Hanau, so I moved there.
I personally don't care where people register their sites, as long as they don't b.s. people. As your site is commercial, this information is required under German law, and therefore I looked for it as I was interested under which name you run your business.
But if you are, who I think you are, then you of course should know this.
Dunno - who d'you think I am? Inquiring minds would like to know.

And by the way, I was official translator for the Graham defence page, till my sickness, and if you are that smart, like you would like to show here, then you would see, that the donation button, went straight on their page. At least I can say, and I can prove this as well, I helped in a Native American issue, to free an innocent Native American person. What have you done to support them? Searching Web pages, just to call somebody a Fraud?
Thanks once again, Tanja, for exposing what you are not. From the way you express things, an "NA issue" obviously is not speaking about your people, it's what have you done for them. Apart from that, those who need to know what I do and have done already know, and I'm not inclined to engage in a bragging contest with you.

How would you translate “ Indianer-Stones “ ? Of course it is Native American Stones.
I don't use the term 'ndn stones' in the first place. Apparently, despite having read quite a lot on ndn cultures for some 40 years, I seem to have missed information on this issue. But I'm always eager to learn. Can you please explain to me what 'ndn stones' may be?

It is not always easy to translate different German words in English, so it can mean the same. This still don’t make me a fraud.
Errors in translation don't make you a fraud. Selling dubious 'ndn stones', dreamcatchers, alleged ndn jewelry 'made by a friend' etc, and claiming ndn ancestry does.

The reason, why I didn’t mentioned the person, who made some of items, was his wish not to be mentioned namely.
Comes in handy, I suppose, that person's modesty. Why should an ndn producer of handicrafts ask not to mention their name?

We know, who we are, and I proved it.
No, you didn't prove anything.

And we will still attend on Pow Wows, if you like it or not, because I have all the right to attend, and so has my husband, even he is not Native. We have been told from different Native American Tribes, that we should not give in, and we will not give in.
There will be lots of powwows to attend, I agree - all in Germany, where you don't have to be ndn to participate. Just out of curiosity: which ndn nations told you this?

Offline Mo

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2007, 12:56:09 pm »

If you are really not Linda, then I will apologize, but then you make it very hard for me not to believe that you are Linda, because you are using the exact quotes from Linda from her group. But still, even if you did not say something about me, you insulted and accused my husband, and this is insulting me.

once again...those are my quotes from the group. i don't use other people's posts without permission and credit given. i am not Linda.

Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2007, 01:35:06 pm »
Does anybody know anything about this pair?  They are scheduled to do a "Native American style ritual" in the London (UK) area on Feb 1st:
We will offer prayers up to Great Spirit and Mother Earth which in the Pagan tradition honours the Gods and Goddess’s. Or, as we say Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, Father Sky and Mother Earth. You will see during this ceremony many similarities between Pagan, Christian and Native American Spiritual beliefs and this is because all things are connected to the circle of life.

Sounds quite barf-worthy to me.  Haven't been able to find much about them on the web - "Grandfather Grey Wolf" has a website:, which isn't very informative  (but which lists "Native American culture" amongst his hobbies!)

Sophia, maybe you should go to the source and ask me directly. It is also interesting to note that you were very selective when telling people about my hobbies and interests. What I actually said was "Native American culture and spirituality" something you seem to have so little off. I also like to ride horse and play chess (just for the record) I have not insulted you and wonder why you feel so free to insult me. Francis.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2007, 02:38:51 pm »
Just so people don't get confused about what the advertiement was ,that Sophia posted a small part of ;

Fabulous first time ritual in the Native American style conducted and choreographed by Grey Wolf and Tonya, herself of the Cherokee Nation.

We will offer prayers up to Great Spirit and Mother Earth which in the Pagan tradition honours the Gods and Goddess’s. Or, as we say Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, Father Sky and Mother Earth. You will see during this ceremony many similarities  between Pagan, Christian and Native American Spiritual beliefs and this is because all things are connected to the circle of life.

After prayers we will all drum and stomp dance around the Yew Tree, so please bring a musical instrument with you if you have one or just clap your hands when you feel the Native American rhythms enter your body and lift up your spirit. In essence this is a purification ceremony to prepare you for the spring and is a joyous and happy one, however like all ceremonies there are a few do’s and don’ts which I would like you to observe.

We will be dressed in traditional Native American style clothing and if you want to wear such clothes yourself please do but remember to observe the following protocols.

Eagle feathers are deemed to be Sacred to us and may only be worn by warriors or veterans and only if they have been given to you and not shop bought. On this occasion I will not be wearing Eagle feathers.

Men and women may both wear feathers but you should know the following traditions about wearing feathers. Pointing down means peace, pointing sideways means friendship, pointing straight up means war.

And finally, it is imperative that you all have a bloody good time, Wear bright and colourful clothes, and have lots of laughter, music, dancing, eating, drinking, jokes and clowning around once all the formal stuff is finished. We will be playing CD’s of Native American music which we know you will enjoy and really get into the spirit of the occasion.

Mitakuye Oyasin (we are all related)

Grandfather Grey Wolf

I'm glad you have reconsidered what you are doing and you have decided not to do the " Native American style " "ritual" " purification ceremony" that was advertised in the first link that was posted .

Francis , your post here sounds a lot more real , than the earlier conversation Mo posted , and I appreciate your effort to sound like yourself , and not like a New Age version of Tonto .

Just a heads up ; If one of the respected posters in this forum , even once , posted a public message telling about their private visions,  and ending what they said with  ,

" Aho! I have spoken "

If they did , no matter who they were , it would be a long while before anyone took them seriously again. If ever . It's a bit like walking into a Church wearing you wifes bra on the outside of your suit and tie . Except it's even worse ...

Sorry to laugh at you but you were very very funny .

You are publicly presenting  yourselves as knowledgeable and authorized to lead what is , misleadingly advertised as " Native American style" , " rituals" , "purification ceremonies , " stomp dance" , with "protocols."

No one was accusing you of anything, and I certainly never lied about you . All that people diod was to let you know what they think about your own public words , behavior , and advertisements . Who you might be privately is beside the point . You obviously don't have the decades of training traditionally required to lead " Native American style " , " rituals" , "stomp dances" , or "purification ceremonies". Is Francis entitled to go around conducting Catholic Masss , just because he has some English heritage ? Of course not ! Why is it that it is only what belongs to Indians that is up for grabs ?

Why you would assume you have a right to just make these  ceremonies up ? Why do you think no one else has a right to say  that you don't know what you are doing , and that your public behavior is really disrespectful and possibly dangerous . 

You might want to reconsider playing the victim ,and instead take some responsibility for your own public behavior .

« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 02:43:38 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Denise

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2007, 03:00:55 pm »
Good Morning All,

Mo, thank you for making me aware of this website because it has been most enlightening.  I have read the messages and have had some good laughs, but at the same time filled with distain at the way these two people: Grey Wolf and Tonya tree you and especially Linda.  I DO NOT like it!  These people ought to be ashamed of themselves!!! 
Denise Fay

Offline Denise

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2007, 03:14:55 pm »
How can a person be "of the Cherokee Nation" and not be a registered member??  my daughter is Cherokee, but she is not "of the Cherokee Nation" because she is not registered....I am Mi'kmaq and Montagnais but I am not "of those Nations" because I do not have status yet......
Denise Fay

Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2007, 04:07:08 pm »
I wish to draw a clear distinction here between (OUR) a recognised Mi'kmaq and representative of The International Intertribal Council and Mohammed Ali,an Asian gentleman currently the recogised  MC of the Uk Hobbiest network. 

The Legal Department of the International Intertribal Council has been made aware of and is in possession of a statement made by Mrs Tanya Billingtons own mother,or persons purporting to be, that Mrs Tanya Billington is of Austrian extraction and genetic heritage.

Mrs Billington has been advised that theft of living relatives individual life stories tantamounts to identity theft.

And this is the position currently taken by our legal department.

Mr Francis Billington currently operationing under the puesdo name Greywolf, at the Bison Farm Hobbiest  Pow Wow in 2006,did confront two recognised Members of the Indian Nation(Female) and physically,verbally and racially assaulted both these recognised persons of the Indian Nations. In total violation of UK,Europen and International conventions and laws pertaining to race relations and human and civil rights.

This matter is currently before our legal department to decide what legal action may be taken.

We strongly advise Mr Frances Billington to re-establish contact with PC 3435 in Hallam of the Surrey constabulary to discuss any and all rights pertaining to ethic minorities within the UK befire he puts himself into a position of further slandering and libelling the individuals he so racially abused at The Bison Farm Pow Wow.

We wish to make it clear that the small minority of individuals opertaioning on the Pow Wow circuit within Europe that further threats,intimidation tactics,racial abuse and threats against home,family and well being against ex patriots of the Indian Nations living abroad will not be tolerated and legal action will be taken against those who commit outrageous acts of racism.

In the spirit

very sincerely 
Zoi Lightfoot.

Current Recognised Director and Legal Advisor to the IIC


This was dictated to me by Zoi Lightfoot....Linda..Mi'kmaq Nation.

Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Miamowi on January 16, 2007, 07:18:56 AM
The Legal Department of the International Intertribal Council has been made aware of and is in possession of a statement made by Mrs Tanya Billingtons own mother,or persons purporting to be, that Mrs Tanya Billington is of Austrian extraction and genetic heritage.

Answer from Francis Billington
Since my wife is of German extraction I would like to see a copy of this statement

Mrs Billington has been advised that theft of living relatives individual life stories tantamounts to identity theft.

Answer from Francis Billington
No such advice has been given to my wife and she has not stolen anyone’s identity

And this is the position currently taken by our legal department

Mr Francis Billington currently operationing under the puesdo name Greywolf, at the Bison Farm Hobbiest  Pow Wow in 2006,did confront two recognised Members of the Indian Nation(Female) and physically,verbally and racially assaulted both these recognised persons of the Indian Nations. In total violation of UK,Europen and International conventions and laws pertaining to race relations and human and civil rights.

Answer from Francis Billington
I am not a violent person and did not attack anyone physically nor did I make any verbal insults. I addressed Ms Linda Lou over a racist article she printed in her Yahoo group and when asked for an explanation she slammed her fist down on the table and yelled at me “you are such a bloody Englishman??? so who is being racist here? And lets be totally honest about this, the only reason she lost her temper was because I exposed her  as being racist through the poll she ran in her Yahoo group and she did not like being confronted with the truth. I have never made racist remarks to anybody nor do I tell racist jokes. I do not want to cause Linda any stress but if her friend Liz (who witnessed the event) tells the truth and is totally honest she will know that I am telling the truth and if it comes to court I will call her as a witness.

This matter is currently before our legal department to decide what legal action may be taken.
I welcome this as an opportunity for Ms Linda Lou to explain why she has caused my wife and I stress and been telling lies about us since May of last year. Why after she committed a violet act against me and racially abused me I did not retaliate and why she has turned it around and accused me of being the abuser? Perhaps a court case will establish the truth.
We strongly advise Mr Frances Billington to re-establish contact with PC 3435 in Hallam of the Surrey constabulary to discuss any and all rights pertaining to ethic minorities within the UK befire he puts himself into a position of further slandering and libelling the individuals he so racially abused at The Bison Farm Pow Wow

Answer from Francis Billington
Actually I was the one who filed a complaint and contacted PC 3435 Hallan by telephone. Unfortunately I did not get any feedback from him so I assumed the matter had been dropped.

We wish to make it clear that the small minority of individuals opertaioning on the Pow Wow circuit within Europe that further threats,intimidation tactics,racial abuse and threats against home,family and well being against ex patriots of the Indian Nations living abroad will not be tolerated and legal action will be taken against those who commit outrageous acts of racism.

Answer from Francis Billington
I whole heartily agree with this statement as I am opposed to racism in any shape or form. However this cuts both ways in this case I was the one who was racially abused and not the other way around. Anyone who really knows me and knows my background will know why I am so sensitive about racial abuse and will not abuse anyone on the grounds of their race, creed, religion or culture.

In the spirit

very sincerely 
Zoi Lightfoot.

Current Recognised Director and Legal Advisor to the IIC


This was dictated to me by Zoi Lightfoot....Linda..Mi'kmaq Nation.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2007, 05:54:23 pm »

A few more google results.

Googling for "Tonya Billington" brought several results. Ms Tanja apparently also likes to call herself "Tonya Hountingwolf [sic] Billington" or "Tonya Hountingwolf Fehlauer" (right, one might forget to change a name).

There are a few guest book entries coming up, like e.g.
Tonya Hountingwolf writes:
"Yah a teh [sic]", and that the site is great.
The guestbook belongs to the site of an Austrian band going by the name of -- Big City Indians. You'll love their outfits.
Tonya Hountingwolf, homepage:, writes:
"Hi Brenda, you have a wonderful page and I like to look around. I am like grandfathergreywolf a crystal healer. And I also make pottery and native american arts. Hope to talk to you again." (original language English)
A site selling nuage products in German and English. In their guestbook, "Tonya Hountingwolf" writes on Tuesday, 14 March, 2006:
"O-Si-Yo Udo and Ulrike, you have created a very nice page and I enjoy it very much. Thank you for your work. Greetings, Tonya Hountingwolf" (original language English)

"Tonya Hountingwolf" is also a member of a yahoogroup "kosorayshealing", posting with the e-mail addy "eagleeye0702@...". In one of the most recent postings showing up, she promises a poster: "I am sending out for your back and will send out loads of koso rays and healing energies." (original language English)

And then there's her yahoo profile:
The profile was last updated in March 2006 and mentions yet another e-mail addy: hountingwolf at

Ms Tanja says her profession is: "Minerals and Crystals".
In "more about me", she writes:
"Hobbys[sic]: Nature, Minerals, native american, animals, reading, play the native drum and flute, music, wilderness, plants, alternative medicine, fight for human rights"
Errrm, excuse me - fighting for human rights is a hobby? Well. 'Native american' is a hobby? Well. Please take due note that ndns make a third entry, just about in front of 'animals'. Don't you love it? I do [sarcasm off].

And then there is her favourite quote:
"Everything what goes round comes around [sic]"
Yep, many a true word is spoken in jest ;)

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2007, 06:07:27 pm »
Francis and Tonya/Tanja,

I'm glad that you decided to call the ceremony off. It shows you have some scruples and ethics, and that we're not wasting our time in talking to you.

But it's extremely obvious to everyone that the two of you present yourselves as experts in something you don't know much about. You seem to believe in or be presenting vaguely pan NDN ideas, generic NDN, or vaguely "Native American" ceremonies.

Outside of the Stomp Dance, nothing your claim to be expert on seems to be of any one tribe. It does a real disservice to all Native peoples when you lump everything together, kind of like if someone took a Church of England service and a Hindu ceremony and mixed them together and called it "Indo European style" ceremony or culture.

Cherokee members correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Stomp Dance only supposed to be led by certain people, elders or teachers who've had a lot of training and whom the community and other elders consider qualified? Not just anyone claiming to be Cherokee can lead it or teach it.

Tanya/Tonya/Tonja, etc, by your own account you've lived nearly all your life in Germany. I seriously doubt any Cherokee elders anywhere would want you as a Stomp Dance leader or teacher, esp of white pagans in Europe. To start with, even many of the most traditionalist Cherokee are devout Christians too, and you know this (or should). They wouldn't want this mixed with European paganism.

Culturally, T/T/T is obviously far more German than anything else. Your speech makes that obvious, and I honestly thought you were a German who learned English as an adult. Your English sounds like a German speaker's, with distinctly German patterns of speech to my ear. Ingeborg's English is far better and more natural sounding to me, and she IS German.  

Much of what you've said here is simply "How DARE anyone criticize us?" Well, we're going to continue to, get used to it. If you knew more about NDNs you wouldn't be surprised by it, since you'd know anyone doing wrong gets criticized by their community. It's what NDNs do instead of calling the cops or throwing people in jail.

In your reaction to criticism you sound far more like Nuagers than NDNs, equating criticism with insults and "slander".

Let me suggest you do one of two things:
1) Either call yourselves a Nuage couple, one of whom claims to be partly NDN but doesn't know much, who are pushing Nuage ideas that falsely claim to be "generic Native American."
2) Or quit claiming to be experts and take some time (and I mean a LOT of time, five years at least) to simply listen to and learn from elders. That means no ceremonies and no teaching outsiders what falsely believe to be generic NDN traditions. Sheesh, T/T/T claims to be Cherokee, but you use a Lakota phrase as a greeting?

And as far as Francis's claim to be the victim of racism, since when is "Englishman" a racist epithet?

I'm interested as well in Zoi Lightfoot's account. So far ZL seems more credible than the Barringtons.