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Non-Frauds / Re: TAAF - The Tribal Alliance Against Frauds
« Last post by kaeqcekam on May 31, 2024, 10:37:10 pm »
It is my understanding that Lianna Constantino, who leads TAAF and goes after pretendians as well as people with with distant ancestry, has their root ancestor many generations back themselves. I have been informed that she is 1/128th Cherokee, did not grow up with any exposure to community and was only recently (within the last 10 years or so) enrolled. It's hard for me to take her and her organization seriously when her initial investigations seemed like they were lifted from this site, and that she was a neo-pagan high priestess for longer than she's been Cherokee. The hypocrisy is more than a bit unsettling.
Frauds / Re: Durek Verrett AKA Shaman Durek
« Last post by Sparks on May 19, 2024, 03:57:18 am »
There is a Norwegian Wikipedia article about Mr. Verrett, with some references:  [No other Wikipedia languages, so far.]

Since 2021, there is a well-researched English version:
Frauds / Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Last post by educatedindian on May 17, 2024, 11:16:15 pm »
I'm writing a book on Native metal and punk, also a chapter on bands writing songs about Natives. The whole episode of Hill and Nightwish is described. Here's what will be in the book:

Nightwish “Creek Mary’s Blood”
   Nightwish are a symphonic metal band from Finland. “Creek Mary’s Blood” appears on their most successful album in the US, Once. Four other songs on it were singles, but “Creek” was not, though it was naively praised by many non Natives then.
      Nightwish made the mistake of featuring John Allen Hill AKA “John Two Hawks,” a white  imposter and ceremony seller who has made a career out of posing as a Native. In the song he speaks gibberish that was supposed to be Lakota. The live video has him “chiefing,” acting in the cheesiest most stereotyped way to appeal to whites. 
   The song is lush, synthesizers and orchestra, starting with flutes and wind. The novel Creek Mary’s Blood was written by a white American historian, Dee Brown, best known for the famous history book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. The novel is an old woman’s telling of the Trail of Tears and other Muscogee Creek history.
       Nightwish’s song does not repeat the hateful imagining of Natives not being alive anymore: “Soon I will be here no more/You`ll hear my tale…Through my people.” They also describe Native origins: “Once we were here/Where we have lived since the world began/Since time itself gave us this land…Our home in peace and war and death.”
   But then comes the imposter Hill’s ugly and obviously New Age lies:

“I still dream every night/Of them wolves, them mustangs, those endless prairies
The unspoilt frontier of my kith n` kin,The hallowed land of the Great Spirit…
In every day I am like the caribou, You like the wolves that make me stronger"

   Why would a song supposedly about Muscogee people describe mustangs, caribou, and prairie, none of them in Creek homelands? Why a term used by whites many years ago, “kith n kin?” Hill then made an obvious mistake saying the Great Spirit, a Plains tribe term, when Muscogee have been Baptist Christians for two centuries.
      Finally he repeats a New Age story passed off as Native online. Supposedly, “There are two wolves fighting within me. The one that wins is the one I feed.” This silly nonsense is pure New Age, but the naive sometimes fall for it as Native and “profound.”
     You could argue a Finnish band had no way of knowing he was a fraud. This is false. It’s as easy to find out as doing a Google search. Or even easier, noticing his obvious tanning makeup, his skin color at his hairline several shades lighter. To their credit, Nightwish admitted they were taken in, apologized, and some videos with the imposter were even taken down. None of that stopped New Age idiots defending him.

Frauds / Re: / Beverly Little Thunder & "Wimmin's Sun Dance"
« Last post by RedRightHand on April 29, 2024, 06:55:22 pm »
As Beverly tries to reinvent herself, some of her online presence has shifted. She has multiple social media profiles. Archived website:

Beverly Little Thunder is personally responsible for creating hundreds, possibly thousands, of pretendians herself.
On the archived website she says she's welcomed thousands of people "of all nationalities" into Lakota ceremonies and teachings.

The disclaimers posted above about her only letting Natives dance, lead ceremony, etc, are completely untrue.
See attached screencaps from her website, where she wrote about her goal "to teach the traditions and ceremonies of her Lakota heritage" and her "vision of sharing the ceremonies of her heritage with people of all nationalities"  and allowing them "to learn and participate in the spiritual practices of the Lakota nation."

In the next screenshot she specifies, "where all can connect to native teachings through Sundance, the Inipi, and other ceremonies".

See also the text about not turning away women who can't pay. As in, everyone else is expected to pay to pray.
This year was the second time she has been present at the UVM conference which has focused on the fake tribes in Vermont. Last year she took the mic from a speaker and said her piece about Rich Holschuh who is the current chair of the ridiculous Vermont Commission on Indian Affairs. This year she spoke a bit but was also in charge of opening ceremony and had a young woman who identifies as a witch tasked to smudge attendees. So this is an event about the sovereignty of Abenaki people but their sovereignty doesn't count during opening ceremony? Respect for the ancestors of that place doesn't matter? The organizers are participating in pot kettle actions. I don't know who coordinates but they aren't particularly smart.
Frauds / Re: / Beverly Little Thunder & "Wimmin's Sun Dance"
« Last post by RedRightHand on April 27, 2024, 06:44:43 pm »
I find it incredibly ironic that she's speaking out about pretendians now, because Beverly Little Thunder is personally responsible for creating hundreds, possibly thousands, of pretendians herself. By selling ceremony to non-Natives for decades, she has created a huge network of frauds who have now taught frauds, expanding exponentially to such a degree that now there are pretendians who don't even know she's the source of their "teachings".

It's shocking to me that there are now legit people allowing her to participate in projects who don't seem to know (or care?!) that she has done so much harm and, as far as I know, never apologized or done a single thing to make it right. The disclaimers posted above about her only letting Natives dance, lead ceremony, etc, are completely untrue. Non-Native people of all backgrounds, but overwhelmingly monied white women, who learned from Beverly, are leading bastardized Native ceremonies all over the country, and probably the world by now.
I agree with WINative regarding John F. Boatman's genealogy/ancestry. He was of Swedish, Belgian, and French Canadian ancestry. I followed his French Canadian line back to around 1820 without finding a single Native American ancestor (Metis, Ojibwe, Menominee, or any other tribe).

Below is a summary of John F. Boatman's genealogy.

John Francis Boatman
B: 9 Apr 1935 - Marinette, Marinette, Wisconsin, USA
D: 17 Jun 2010 - Saukville, Ozaukee, Wisconsin, USA


Lester Floyd Boatman (Swedish & French Canadian Ancestry)
B: 12 Apr 1902 - Marinette County, Wisconsin, USA
D: 30 Jan 1981 - Marinette County, Wisconsin, USA
Eleanor Mary (nee Hurkman) Boatman (Belgian Ancestry)
B: 28 Dec 1906 - Brown County, Wisconsin, USA
D: 9 Feb 1995 - Waukesha County, Wisconsin, USA


Edward Boatman
B: 3 Aug 1873 - Sweden
D: 18 May 1902 - Marinette County, Wisconsin, USA
Eleanor Marie (nee Villeneuve) Boatman (French Canadian Ancestry)
B: 9 Jan 1876 - Ontario, Canada
D: 14 Nov 1963 - Marinette County, Wisconsin, USA


Henry Hurkman (Parents born in Belgium)
B: 12 Nov 1875 - Brown County, Wisconsin, USA
D: 5 Dec 1962 - Winnebago County, Wisconsin, USA
Mary Ann (nee Verdette) Hurkman (Parents born in Belgium)
B: 14 Mar 1883 - Brown County, Wisconsin, USA
D: 17 Feb 1955 - Marinette County, Wisconsin, USA

Frauds / Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Last post by WINative on April 21, 2024, 05:49:08 am »
Looks like Tim is going by a new name now, Tim White Wolf. But still being a Pretendian.
Pathfinder, Healing Nature Trail Guide, Healer, Spiritual Director, Ordained Chaplain, Ceremonialist.
Pathfinder / Director / Ceremonialist at Quiet Waters Community
October 17, 2006 - Present
Walking with people as they unlearn the fear they have created and accept the love we are born with back into their hearts. Ceremony leader, facilitator, teacher and founder.
Here's an easy page to follow Boatman's recent European ancestry.

This also lends credence to the fact the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has supported American Indian fraud activity for a long time. From the American Indian studies faculty; Keewaydinoquay Margaret Peschel, to William Hawk, to John Boatman to Margaret Noodin. When or how will it ever end?
Etcetera / Journalistic Ethics & Standards
« Last post by Advanced Smite on April 18, 2024, 04:26:19 am »
There are many examples on NAFPS of articles that contain interviews with individuals falsely representing themselves as belonging to a tribal nation. Those articles end up helping a pretendian further perpetrate their fraud by providing a degree of credibility. Does anyone know whether there are specific journalistic standards or best practices (United States or Canada) that address this issue? I thought a professional society in Canada released something on the harm of ethnic fraud and related reporting standards but I haven't been able to locate it again. I may be misremembering though.
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