Hello folks

I've been coming to this forum for a few months and every time I have come it has always been an eye-opener and a fascinating read.
I am glad that I have finally found somewhere, where I can talk to folks about the numerous charlatans out there, and who will
finally understand where I am coming from.
I am from London originally and have now moved to Brighton-where there is a 'spiritual' scene going on and as you know, plenty of charlatans and fake Shamans.
I am of South-Asian origin and so I have come across various people, who claim to love going to India to find themselves, or going to some Ashram, or claim to belong to a certain Buddhist group.
I just find it interesting how they never have seemed to have learned much from Buddhism or Hinduism, as they think that they have.
I write comedy-it's largely satirical and for a couple of months my comedy has targeted to New Age charlatans and of course those shamans that claim to be able to make you a fully qualified, 100% Uber-Advanced Shaman in a course of 2.6 months etc

I take an advertisement and like to play around with.
Hell I even created a false poster of some new age event mocking the kinds of words and promises that are made.
I will admit I did fall victim to the new age scene but have always had my reservations of those that want to charge for their new age services-something like £120 for a weekend of events, that anybody can really run-providing they use the right buzz words, and knock up some 'finding your true-inner-heart-soul-animal spirit guide' meditation.
I have tried to bring this up amongst some spiritually inclined groups-and funny how often I am ignored.
I used to be a member of a spiritual forum, where it was all 'love and light and angels and unicorns and Doreen Virtue' but I did point out some home truths about such kinds of people-funny how I was ignored and alienated there as well...hmm maybe they are not as open and loving as they claim to be

I might have a person or two that you might be interested in looking at, I have one particular woman in the U.K in mind-this woman really is well ridiculous.
By the way living in Brighton-I have been to the Two Feathers shop that someone had mentioned in one of the threads mentioned somewhere here. Yeah there is something not quite right about that shop...maybe it is just the prices?
Also I would like to say that I hope that I do not offend anybody here by using words that are wrong. If I do make a mistake then it is a genuine error...
Ok then that is all for now.
I look forward to interacting on this forum and reading more from other members and sorry if I have written anything that isn't to someones liking-it's just my sense of humour

Kind Regards
S. x