There's one thing i want to make clear though; there is just one of the 'conspiracies' Crowther is talking about which is not far-fetched, it seems to be very real. is the reason why i don't buy from 9 out of 10 big food corporations. They really seem to want to put a stop to cultivating organic foods and naturally harvesting seeds in the US, amongst other things.
I think nothing can be more dangerous than giving away your freedom to decide what to eat. The notion that natural, self-cultivated, organic food is more dangerous than unstable genetically modified crops, which get covered with gallons of Round-Up and have to be genetically twisted around even more every 5 years to withstand even more poison, because the plant-diseases and insects can build up a resistance to this poison in such a short time, a poison which is a direct descendant from Agent Orange (both were/are made by Monsanto)... are you kidding me.
Sounds too far-fetched to be true? Like i said before, watch the documentary Food, Inc (truly, a must see): apparently a decision was made to put a stop to this madness. Doesn't mean that we don't have to watch for these kind of things in the future though..., well now that that's clear, lol... let's continue focusing on Crowther.
Thanks for providing another excellent post Spandex, crazy stuff. You're right about the cognitive dissonance... that's what i was trying to convey as well, but i struggled to find the words.
There is no better puppet/spokesperson/salesperson than one who can be convinced what they are saying is all true. This type of puppet, by 'speaking from the heart' can easily fool people who are just using their hearts to sense if there is any decietful intent, because there isn't any.
So what I'm proposing is the possibility that Kiesha might have been unwittingly indocrinated into the role she is now playing, and could actually believe it is all true.
Maybe she doesn't realise that just because people say it's true doesn't make it so, especialy where there are cracks in the story and they insist you rely on your heart alone and not use your mind-consciousness. Just because people hold meetings on the astral plane or whatever you want to call it, doesn't make what they present true, any more than watching a well scripted movie is necessarily true. The idea that the Heart never lies is misleading. Some peoples hearts are full of darkness and illusions, and they can turn on the appropriate emotions at will, just like a good actor. Some spirits are tricksters.
This is just about exactly my view as well. Don't think she's really out to make money, though she is out to get as many followers as possible of course. I do think she could be very good at misleading people, knowing just what to say to get people behind her, and appearing innocent. A survival mechanism from her youth, if her talk about her difficult childhood is real (seems plausible to me). And like i've said before, about the phone call she received from the 'Continental Council of
Ingenious Exploiters Indigenous Elders', people of which i'm 99% certain she
has been in contact with them before, as she does not specifically state that the phone call came out of nowhere... If it would have, i think she would bring it up
every single time she talks about how her shaman adventure started, that's just how she is. She just wanted to believe it so much, that she simply seems to have washed her discernment down the drain.