General > Frauds

Keith Wilson - The Chocolate Shaman

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--- Quote from: sentinel on May 10, 2021, 11:21:15 pm ---Last weekend, on May 8th, 2021,  I participated in an on-line Zoom call, a " Virtual Cacao Ceremony" with Keith Wilson who is known as "Chocolate Shaman".
It was a most horrible experience for me.
Keith came on the call and started ranting about the "rigged election and how the mainstream media will subdue the results from  re-count of votes in Arizona" before he, for a full hour, went into a rant about the Covid vaccine as "mass-destruction bio-weapon" (all in quotation marks were the words he used).

He lectured his audience on how he had found "evidence from medical doctors" showing that the vaccine leads to "shedding of spike proteins"; and how getting a Covid vaccination could result in "cases of miscarriages because a pregnant woman had visitied her parents who had reecuved the shots (i.e. vaccinated against Covid-19) a few days earlier".  He repeated this statement, in variations, several tiimes.
Then he proceeded to lead his audience in a meditation to "send light to all those babies who are in danger of being aborted by this bio-weapon" (i.e. the vaccine).

It got more and more absurd. Keith started posting links to websites that perpetuated conspircary theories and threatened that "if you cannot believe what i say there is a a "Leave " button right down there".
Which, eventually, was what i did -I left this travesty of a healing ceremony.

I am deeply shocked that this man, who has worked up such a good reputation as healer has apparently become  an anti-vax cult leader whose main objective is spreading msiinformation, fear-mongering and conspiracy theories.
I am also very sad because I had hoped to learn something about Cacao and how to work with it as a tool for emotional release and self-discovery.
I guess I will have to look elsewhere.

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ummmm.....i hate to be the one to tell you.....but.....

In another thread there is a very recent comment almost entirely about Keith Wilson:

--- Quote from: cellophane on February 14, 2024, 08:04:14 pm ---[…] "Keith's Ceremonial Cacao" ( That one is more blatantly exploitative. Their "practitioners' page" ( guides you toward taking their "training course" and then buying their "ceremonial grade cacao" (a minimum of 10 1-pound bricks).

Their founder, the "chocolate shaman", who passed away a month ago (, "traveled to Guatemala in 2003 and met the Cacao Spirit. She led him to rediscover the ancient Central and South American societies’ use of pure, Ceremonial Grade Cacao to open the heart, clear the mind, and empower those working toward creative goals."

The About page ( goes on about how "Kaqchikel Mayan women from 20+ local families earn an independent income, while working at home, at their own pace, preparing our cacao beans. There are few employment opportunities for women in our community. As we grow, we will create jobs for many more local, indigenous women, providing them with good pay and flexible hours. We are proud to help our community grow in this way." Doing well ($50/lb. cacao paste) by doing good, and getting to brand the cacao as authentically Mayan, too. A search shows various other outfits selling "ceremonial grade" cacao.
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