Author Topic: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,  (Read 42002 times)

Offline seapup

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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2014, 06:05:53 am »
I've never met the man, but was curious about Jade Wahoo Grigori as I saw a video of him on YouTube playing his double sided drum. He claimed to be of mongol shamanic heritage in the video although I'm not so sure the double sided drum he plays is a mongol style shamanic drum as I seem to remember them as being different, but I'm no expert. I saw he was doing ayahuasca trips to I think South America, but I don't know how much he was charging. I was curious as when I added the video of him playing the drum to a playlist on shamanic drumming I was sent a message saying he was the local "shaman" and told he was in Arizona in a place near Sedona. I thought maybe he was authentic, but after reading how he's changed his name several times I can cross him off my list of people I may want to visit. He moved to Costa Rica recently and it appears he still comes to the mainland US every so often. He is still doing his thing in Costa Rica. I guess cheaper to live in Costa Rica and out of the view of American authorities. As I have never had dealings with the man I can't say if he has any shamanic juice or what, but since when do mongols use ayahuasca for the shamanic journey? I respect the people who have used such drugs as part of their heritage, but if it is not your heritage in my mind you have no relation with the sacred plant. I have not been able to find the website, maybe it's no longer up, but I found these with by Jade: and this one from something called the Satya Center:


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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2014, 04:20:53 pm »
Some of his past site can be found here: Other captures of the site can be found by clicking around on the top bar on that page.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2014, 11:03:09 pm » and also be sure to check out his "appreciation song".....especially the end.....its a good laugh

Offline seapup

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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2014, 12:16:14 am »
I saw something by Jade Wahoo Grigori is down and he will have a new website up soon. He also said he had a heart problems/surgery lately and had gotten 28K in donations toward his medical expenses. He was asking for donations for his son who was arrested, I'm not sure for what. Then he was back in the mainland US. Not sure if he returned for a short time to get further medical treatment. Not sure Jade is still doing ayahuasca trips in Costa Rica where he now resides. Interested to see what his new website will have on it. Makes you wonder why he had to take down He could have just gotten it updated.


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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2017, 03:00:58 am »
He is still active.

For $222 he will "journey through the Eclipse Portals on your behalf!" ... ( on the upcoming solar eclipse).

According to his Facebook page, he currently lives in Palm Springs, CA.


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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2017, 03:28:33 pm »
Gregg Gregory's paternal grandparents are from Romania and Hungary. Their surnames were Gregori (or a variation of that) and Schuller. They settled in Ohio.

Gregg Gregory's father

Gregg's paternal grandparents

photo of the couple

I archived all these links in case the current ones go down.

I've uploaded his paternal grandfather's draft registration, which includes place of birth.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2020, 12:48:36 am »
He is still active. For $222 he will "journey through the Eclipse Portals on your behalf!" ... ( on the upcoming solar eclipse).

According to his Facebook page, he currently lives in Palm Springs, CA.

The link redirects here:

So this is his new homepage, then:  [© 2020 Jade Grigori.]

This is his Facebook profile: — Active up to this day.

Offline Ronio

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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2021, 03:53:30 pm »
Yes I know Jade. Have spent time with him in sacred camp circles and in Costa Rica as well as a number of shamanic ceremonies. As far as I am concerned he is definitely a legitimate shaman. I wonder where the evidence is for anyone who is claiming otherwise. To my way of thinking his expression of what he calls "the ways" is much more authentic than some of the new agey stuff from Harner and company, but to each his own. I have never seen anything that would justify saying that he 'preys' on anyone.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Greg Gregory AKA Jade Wahoo AKA Jade Wah'oo Grigori,
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2021, 05:30:07 pm »
Yes I know Jade. Have spent time with him in sacred camp circles and in Costa Rica as well as a number of shamanic ceremonies. As far as I am concerned he is definitely a legitimate shaman. I wonder where the evidence is for anyone who is claiming otherwise. To my way of thinking his expression of what he calls "the ways" is much more authentic than some of the new agey stuff from Harner and company, but to each his own. I have never seen anything that would justify saying that he 'preys' on anyone.

Actually, you know Greg. He lied to you even when he told you his name and what he is. "As far as you are concerned" means nothing, since you know so little, you fell for him.

You fell for an obvious white American from Ohio, with Hungarian immigrant parents, pretending to be Mongolian and Native and trained by them. That's like falling for Johnny Depp as Tonto because you think wearing a dead bird on the head is believable.

He preyed upon you when he took advantage of your need for meaning and healing and took your money for phony made up imitations of Native ceremony. If these included sweats or ayahuasca, you were lucky not to be killed, severely injured, or suffer a psychotic episode, because he's not really trained except by other frauds who know as little or respect as little as he does.

I agree with you that Harner is much worse, but that's mostly from peddling his fraud on a larger scale.

You could continue to defend him and look foolish, like someone convinced that Nigerian prince he sent money to is real. One way to redeem yourself would be to tell us more about how you met him and what he claimed to do.