Author Topic: Words of Support for NAFPS  (Read 10646 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Words of Support for NAFPS
« on: August 08, 2007, 05:53:07 am »
Starting this thread just for all the words and articles of support for NAFPS against Lekay and the crackpots and other racists he works with.

Pretty nice article. The Angry Indian has a pretty good blog too.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Words of Support for NAFPS
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 04:01:52 am »
From the Yahoo group Powwow Circle:

Thanks for letting us know this has happened. They are afraid of what we can do to their grubbing of their frogskins. I hope soon this will soon be taken care of...i will write in.

I will pass this around al....this is ridiculous..why dont these cockroaches crawl back into the woodwork and leave us alone eh? i will post this far and wide..and write to your host...


From different posters at Indianz


Looking forward to your site being back online. I know switching hosts does not happen overnight and that it is a real pain in the butt. Best of luck.

Your site was a real beacon of hope when a family member got caught up in one of these new age "Native American" scams. I was able to expose the lies, false background and greed of the leader of the group. In the end all my relation lost was a lot of money but she was on her way to ruining her family.

I am sorry to hear about the constant attack you are under. It pains me to read posts like the one above, people obviously do not understand the element you are confronting. It does not surprise me though. When I was trying to question the leader of the group I dealt with I got a flood of verbal attacks from her and her followers and all I was doing was asking questions. These folks are not just exploitive and mercenary they are dangerous and I am grateful to people like you who work so hard to shine the light on them.

Keep up the good work.



I do support Annika and her documentry. She is a nice woman who is standing up
so that we can have a voice aganist these new agers and wannabe that attack our culture.

We need to keep this list so we as tribal people can add to it. i usually stay out of these things unless i post on here or another site.

Keep the site and the list I can add more.



I posted over there for a while trying to get information and the clique from Bad Eagle was giving him a hard time. John LeKay, the guy who is the editor of Heyoka Magazine, filed a formal complaint with the web server and the site was put on notice. LeKay, an interesting character to say the least, made it his mission to close down the NAFPS site.

Just goes to show the juice a white man has to stop Indians from discussing white people playing Indians.

Go figure on that one.




Not very often I speak up on something, on any boards. Except when it pisses me off, and when I get the time.

What I would like to know is why a white guy, Le Kay, is having a big say about Nnd's, and why some are being brainwashed by him. We dont need him.( Or is he giving out blankets?)

Offline 180IQ

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Re: Words of Support for NAFPS
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2007, 01:16:38 pm »
Starting this thread just for all the words and articles of support for NAFPS against Lekay and the crackpots and other racists he works with.

Pretty nice article. The Angry Indian has a pretty good blog too.

Whoever posted this article wrote:

NAFPS would be very grateful if you contact a) our host to protest the shutting down of NAFPS, Powerweb Inc.
email: admin [at]

Please note, never was our hosting provider, and anyone emailing them is contacting the wrong party.

Anyway why bother with the former hosting company? They will not change their position.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Words of Support for NAFPS
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2007, 09:05:19 am »
Now this one is pretty nice to see, the AIM Governing Council with nice words for us and condemnation for Lekay and Martin.

Silly Wannabe!
by Red Diaper Skeptic
Friday Aug 10th, 2007 11:05 AM
Your claims of libel are patently ridiculous.

Everyone in NDN country knows you as a silly European wannabe trying to get rich by helping your twinkie friends sell fake Native spirituality to gullible Europeans who traded their souls for comfort. The so-called teachings of your cronies are ridiculous and misrepresent the true spiritual practices of the Lakota, the Cherokee, the Comanche and several other native nations.

The legal definition of libel is: “the publication and distribution of false information regarding an individual which is defamatory in nature, and has been published and distributed with malicious intent.??? The key words contained in this definition are “false information.??? If a writer can establish that the information they have written and published is true, then they have made their case. What you seem want your audience to overlook is that truth is an absolute defense against specious charges of libel. I visited the NAFPS forum on several occasions and I believe they have made their case against you.

In an important free speech case, New York Times v.
Sullivan (1964), the Supreme Court held that public figures
could not sue for defamation unless they could show that the
publisher (1) knew that what it was publishing was false, or
(2) unless the publisher was "reckless" about the truth of
what it published. If the reporter knew the story was false,
then there would be liability.

Everything that was published about you and the frauds you try to promote can be verified. NAFPS has free speech rights to warn the public about unscrupulous people such as yourself. There is no more a case for libel here as there was for all the corporations that tried to sue Ralph Nader for engaging in the exact same type of activity.

You know very well that you have been notified by numerous legitimate Native organizations that your publication is offensive and exploitive and you chose to ignore their complaints.

NAFPS has an impeccable reputation with legitimate Native organizations
Anyone who has questions can contact the AIM grand governing council and check them out.

I have every confidence that NAFPS integrity will stand the test of time. I have no confidence that yours will.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Words of Support for NAFPS
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2007, 09:17:27 am »
Fun Top 10 List

Top 10 Reasons Why LeKay's FRAUDS Don't Like NAFPS
by Betty from Kitchener Ontario
( Kitchenergrrl ) Sunday Aug 12th, 2007 5:59 PM
1.) Everyone has a tendency to laugh at their ridiculous claims and it deflates their SHAME-men's egos
2.) Their sob stories are ineffectual
3.) They can't sue the anonymous posters or intimidate them into silence
4.) NAFPS posters know too much about how to identify logical fallicies
5.) NAFPS don't accept channelled messages from space aliens as proof that someone should be making himself a medicine man
6.) NAFPS refuse to accept statements on faith or look at good intentions
7.) Real ndns make them nervous - someone from the rez they claim to be from might recognize the fake names they're using
8.) NAFPS members don't have a lot of disposible income to blow on their half baked scams
9.) Rich whites may find the sight and escape the brainwashing the ego-gurus do to make them blow all their money on crystals
and the top reason why LeKay's frauds don't like NAFPS......

Their too dumb to understand all the big words they use