General => Member Introductions => Topic started by: Raven2 on May 25, 2008, 02:13:38 am

Title: SimonRaven
Post by: Raven2 on May 25, 2008, 02:13:38 am
Continuing this from an old thread. I only just now saw it due to the email address that was set in my profile was borked.

Tansi Simon !
Just curiosity, were you drumming  with the Tiotiake Drum at Presence Autochtone this summer in Montreal ? I was at the kiosk next to Tiotiake, by the way, with my friends from CANO. 

yeh, in 2006, and 2007, and we'll be doing it again this year; sylvain (the dude that helps organize the event) likes us hehe :). oh hooleee... hi :), i think i remember you. if you're still around here on this board, well, sorry for the lateness  :-/.
Title: Re: SimonRaven
Post by: chiefytiger on June 30, 2008, 12:29:02 pm
Hau SimonRaven ,just wanted to say hello and welcome ,Im new here as well ,just been checking out whats this groups all about you know ,anyways doksha
Title: Re: SimonRaven
Post by: Raven2 on July 01, 2008, 08:20:06 am
Hau SimonRaven ,just wanted to say hello and welcome ,Im new here as well ,just been checking out whats this groups all about you know ,anyways doksha

kwe kwe,

well, it's to spread info and news about fake medicine people, plastic shamans, people committing fraud posing as Indigenous people, or Indigenous people doing the same, and pretending to be something they aren't. the site's home page explains it a lot better than me, but that's the gist of it (hopefully i didn't miss anything ;) )

Title: Re: SimonRaven
Post by: chiefytiger on July 01, 2008, 01:12:52 pm
wopila for the insight ,Im sure theres many out there ,Chiefytiger
Title: Re: SimonRaven
Post by: Raven2 on July 01, 2008, 11:44:57 pm
nice to have you around, stick around.
Title: Re: SimonRaven
Post by: chiefytiger on July 02, 2008, 01:05:39 am
count on it ..... that I will
Title: Re: SimonRaven
Post by: Marlou on November 29, 2008, 06:48:15 pm
Simon ! good to hear from you !
glad to know you keep drumming with the Tiotiake guys, unfortunately I couldn't make it to Presence Autochtone this year, hopefully in 2009 I'll be there, and I am quite sure Sylvain will still like you guys hehe!
Ok ok take care