Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 574610 times)


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #135 on: January 20, 2014, 10:18:39 pm »
In regards to analysis, Chuck Spezzano in his book If It Hurts, It Isn't Love, states:

Analyzing a problem is resisting the solution, because to analyze is to break up the whole into little pieces by thinking we will find the answer there. "Analyze" is really "anal lies"


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #136 on: January 31, 2014, 07:58:50 pm »
Because Christopher Spezzano continues to try to bully critics on Facebook, I want to encourage him and others to join the discussion here, if they can be civil, and respect the rules. Facebook just isn't going to work for a proper discussion. Bullying doesn't help either.

In regards to bullying - attempts to discredit critics by bringing up their possible 12 step meeting participation is so wrong. Any of us working to be clean and sober deserve some basic human dignity. Claiming that critics are bad because they may have struggled with substance abuse, may have gone to meetings, just makes bullies look like what they are - bullies.

Neither does the "woman scorned" tactic work either. Claiming that a survivor is "just" a woman scorned, and so should not be listened to, is a classic attempt to discredit the messenger and distract from the message. 

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #137 on: January 31, 2014, 09:48:49 pm »
In regards to bullying - attempts to discredit critics by bringing up their possible 12 step meeting participation is so wrong. Any of us working to be clean and sober deserve some basic human dignity. Claiming that critics are bad because they may have struggled with substance abuse, may have gone to meetings, just makes bullies look like what they are - bullies.

I second this. I was at a spiritual event, to which a big fraud came. He was NOT leading this. The person who lead it was "the real deal." The leader asked two young men to sing for him. Before they sang, they thanked him and others for helping them get clean and sober. The fraud, when he got a chance to speak, went on and on about how HE had never drank and HE had never used drugs. The women on either side of me, gasped at his rudeness. Some people think that never drinking and never using drugs makes them superior. It does not.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #138 on: February 02, 2014, 11:16:09 pm »
Our kahuna (Hawaiian shaman) wrote a book called Change We Must, and this is the month where we can prepare physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually for transformation.

This is from Chuck Spezzano's December 2008 Nightlight Newsletter. There is quite a bit wrong about this sentence and this sentence also represents the general wrongness of Chuck's entire Psych-Nuage endeavors.

I don't think kahuna = "Hawaiian shaman". I don't know what he means by "our kahuna" - don't know if he means his family has one, Psychology of Vision has one, or if he is saying that Hawaii has one.

He says "our kahuna" "wrote a book called Change We Must". So he is saying that "our kahuna" was Nan Veary, author of Change We Must: My Spiritual Journey.

But  this is not accurate. Nana Veary was not a kahuna, never claimed to be. Here she is on a list of Recommended Reading - Native Hawaiian Resources.

Nana Veary

Change We Must
The life story of one of Hawai‘i’s most respected kupuna. She tells delightful stories of growing up with her grandparents, learning ho‘oponopono, feeding sharks, listening to plants, and her religious journey of spirituality from ‘aumakua to Pentecostalism to Unity to Zen Buddhism.

Kupuna does not equal kahuna.

So Chuck (who also claims that he himself is an initiated kahuna) got all that wrong. He then uses what he has mangled for his own personal agenda.

Credit is due to the good folks at Huna is not Hawaiian  for helping understand this.

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #139 on: February 03, 2014, 11:51:41 pm »

There is actually something like a peer review on PoV available:

This is an inaugural dissertation:
Abdelwahab Elbina: Psychology in modern everyday perception, experience, and actions. Münster 2004

On p. 231 ff, Elbina points out:

„The scene of healing the soul in our contemporary therapy society is very manyfold, historically intertwined in a complex way and in part hardly manageable. Nonetheless, one may speak today of a sort of parallel three-worlds therapy society resp mainly of three therapy cultures co-existing side by side:

1. The regular culture of the world of lawful therapies

2. Those therapies which enjoy scientific recognition resp are scientifically founded, but have not as yet been introduced to the catalogue of health insurance paid therapies, like e.g. client centered therapy, family therapy, or systemic therapy. This second type of therapy culture often is discursively integrated in a universitarian/academic framework [...]

3.  Apart from these two worlds of therapy cultures, one can encounter, in a manner of speaking in the wild, a fastly increasing, unmanageable abundance of wild alternativ therapy forms which are neither interested in scientific recognition nor in recognition by health insurances (the „free“ alternative therapy culture).

The alternative culture of wild therapies has contributed to the emergence of an approach of „He who helps is right“. During this research of today's psycho-culture, I encountered the following forms of alternative therapies (unsorted due to reasons of capacity and space): „Primal Scream Therapy“ (Arthur Janov), „Tantric Approach“ („Orgasmic Potential!), the „Healing Power of Erotic Energy“ (Osho Rajneesh/Baghwan), „Psychology of Vision“ (Chuck Spezzano, 2001), „Suggestion Therapy“, „Positive Psychology“, „NLP Therapy“, „Perceptual Cybernetics […]“

There are in fact more than two pages of so-called alternative therapies listed by Mr Elbina – among the others are:
Enneagram Seminars, Psycho-Somatic Energetics and Energy Healing, Radical Therapy, Sound Therapy, Touch for Health, Physio-Holistic Therapy, Hazelden Therapy, Family Constellation according to Bert Hellinger, Spiritual Lightwork, Breath Therapy, Shamanic Work with the Inner Child, Feldenkrais and Dance with Waveworks, Psychedelic Therapy, Aura-Soma Therapy, Work of Byron Katie, anthroposophically oriented psychotherapy, Psychotonics, astrological psychotherapy, Light Healing, Crystal Therapy, Mind Machines Therapy, Mind-Body Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy, Osteopathy, Craniosacral Balancing, Emotional Release, Psycholytic Therapy, Dolphin Therapy, Colour Light Therapy, Shamanic Drumming, Orgone Therapy, Acupressure, Bach Blossoms, Neo-Tantra, Rolfing, Satsang, Psychogenetics according to Chris Griscom, Prana Healing, Channeling, Feng Shui, Core Energetics Therapy, Impasse-Priority Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Healing Hypnosis, Exstatic Trance, Holotropic Breathwork, Soul Retrieval, Selfresonant Healing, Body-Mind Centering, Body Scan, Focussing, Hoffman Quadrinity Process, Recall Therapy, Kinesiology, Behavioural Kinesiology, Brahma Kumaris, Reincarnation Therapy and many more.

The dissertation earned Mr Elbina the title of a Doctor in Psychology, so this does give us an idea which standing „Psychology of Vision“ has in academia and scientifically-based Psychology.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #140 on: February 05, 2014, 03:29:35 pm »
Spezzano has told audiences that he has seen, for example, cancer and haemerrrhoids cured through his use of Psychology of Vision, which is influenced by Course material.

(The Course referred to is A Course in Miracles)

New Age: A Guide : Alternative Spiritualities from Aquarian Conspiracy to Next Age, Daren Kemp, Edinburgh University Press, 2004 - pg 22


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #141 on: February 05, 2014, 04:23:59 pm »
Jeff Allen in the UK is a POV master trainer. He and his wife Sue run Vision Works for Life, which is directly POV related. He is a member of the POV Steering Committee, which in the 2011 POV trainer's manual are listed as Chuck and Lency Spezzano, Jeff Allen, Hiromi and Hideaki Kurihara, Julie Wookey, and Francine Girard.

He claims an:

early and powerful connection to the land, the wildlife, and the tribal and shamanic practices of Africa.

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #142 on: February 05, 2014, 10:17:02 pm »

Christopher Spezzano is still bullying Mr Greene on Facebook:

The stories that are being spread on these sites are ridiculous and often lewd. Are you aware that Grifters and NAFPS both have posted falsified information, quotes, and even book titles? Do you stand behind this? Can you see that anyone can post anything on those sites? Well, almost anything, nothing we've posted to try and clear up these materials is kept on those defamation sites very long. Administrators seem to delete comments almost instantly if it counters or disagrees with the hate campaign that those sites have launched against us with your help. These sites have no professional standing, these are not peers reviewing others in an open, dignified manner. The people involved with these sites can pretend to be a anyone and hide in the shadows as they lie and create more fodder for their and your hate campaign. No one uses their real names. There is no ability to provide a rebuttal. It's awful and these people want to destroy us, it sounds like they would be happy if we were wiped from the earth. As one human being to another, I can't tell you what an awful experience this is for us, especially because my parents have done nothing wrong.

So then, Christopher, please do provide information as to exactly which information put up here or at Grifters Hotel was 'falsified'. However, this does not involve information which got hastily changed and adjusted on PoV et al. sites after the horse had bolted. If something was 'falsified', as you claim, this means changes were effected malevolently and on purpose. You want to give proof for an accusation like this.

And quite to contrary of what you claim, Christopher, admins at NAFPS do not delete posts made by supporters of plastics, let alone 'instantly'. This is an unfounded allegation, and one you cannot prove.
You also don't need to worry about our standing, professional or not. If there is any rebuttal you want to publish here at NAFPS, please submit it. But of course once it is published, all of us may feel free to criticise it and perhaps this is what you don't like. Errrm, then again you said 'no ability', not: no possibility.
However, from the above quote it becomes apparent that you also don't know what peer review means. Someone who claims an academic education should know.

So you say your parents 'have done nothing wrong'. I think I asked about that little slap way back in 2004 before, for posing as a psychologist. Meanwhile, we have learned that Spezzano Sr also claims to have been 'initiated' (Nuage speak once more) as a 'kahuna', so he has been exploiting indigenous cultures before he hit British Columbia. Cultural exploitation is wrong. 'Nothing' seems an inappropriate word, doesn't it.

They've been doing their best to provide healing to the planet, and they've completely changed the lives of tens of thousands of people. They've saved countless individuals, marriages, and families. They help people reach forgiveness and reconnect with loved ones. There is no brainwashing. There is no funny money.

Oops, aren't we getting a bit big-headed here, Christopher? Healing the planet? Perhaps you should rethink this phrase – healing the universe sounds much nicer and way more, yes: universal. 'Healing the planet' is also best Nuage speak and reveals what PoV is and intends to be.
Again, Christopher, you just speak about 'countless individuals, marriages, and families' without offering any proof for even as much as one. So where's the peer review for PoV?

I was also told that while you may have used AA to quit drinking, that you've had a notorious cocaine problem and that you've also been harassing others in your community, sometimes sexually with kissy noises and worse

Is there any rule or even law saying that a person who used to abuse substances is not allowed to voice criticism? No, of course there isn't. You also will be very much aware that this reference to earlier problems is way besides the point. It is only employed to shame Mr Greene in the hopes of making him shut up. This is called bullying and intimidation. If there is no other ways in which you can support your parents, I'd recommend you abstain from trying – with friends like you, they don't need enemies.

The same goes for Christpoher taking exception at some alleged „kissy noises“ Mr Greene may or (more probably) may not have made. But really, Christopher – are you that easy to shock? I mean, your father publishes books with sentences like:

I love sex as much as the next man. Okay, maybe even more than the next man, because I'm Italian.
If you ever don't know what Chuck is talking about, just assume it has a sexual reference. […] He can't help it; he's Italian.
I look at the world with three eyes. A guy's view of the world is limited. […] He doesn't realize that looking at the world through his „periscope“ does not give him the „whole“ perspective.  And as we all know: „Women are from Venus. Men are from Penis.“
(Quotes from: Chuck Spezzano, What Men Don't Know about Sex, 2001. 78 pages)

So the man's father uses cheap excuses for talking dirty as much as he can and Christopher here pretends to swoon and faint at some 'kissy noises'? ? ? Pull another one – this one had bells on it.

Apart from that, it is of course not true that Chuck S. is Italian: he is of Italian ancestry. But using one's ancestry and their nationality, alleged or factual, as an excuse for a little private (or not so private, since he's writing books about it) obsession with sex – well, that's a lame one. It may come as a surprise to the Spezzanos, but there is no Italian gene for dirty talk or salaciousness.

I'd like to second Piff's above invitation: join this board and we can discuss the issue with you. Just refrain from any bawdy talk, four letter words, and childish behaviour.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #143 on: February 06, 2014, 01:12:25 am »
Charles Lee Spezzano was licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist 08/15/1980 - 05/31/1990. California license, address of record in Hawaii. But in the 1996 edition of Marquis Who's Who of the West, his bio leads with "Spezzano, Charles Lee, psychologist ".

Maybe Chuck was licensed elsewhere at that time, and we just can't find record of it. He was eventually in legal trouble in 2004.

In fact, Charles Spezzano was fined in 2004 for acting like a psychologist while not being licensed by the state of Hawaii.

Here is a good read about some of the Who’s Who scams (hat tip to Ingeborg for locating this) . The books may appear prestigious, but people write their own bios, and the info is not always fact checked.

So reading this bio, we need to keep in mind that Chuck wrote it.

It costs $7.95 to see the full bio online, a partial snippet view can be found through Google Books.

WorldCat has these notes included for their catalog entry on the bio:

Occupation: seminar leader, lecturer, trainer, writer
Born: 1948
Education: BA in Psychology and Philosophy, Duquesne University, 1970
Education: MA in Sociology, Duquesne University, 1971
Education: PhD in Counseling and Psychology, U.S. International University, 1977
Career: Pres., lecturer, seminar leader, author, Spezzano & Associates, Ltd., Kaneohe, Hawaii, 1990—
Career: Founder, seminar leader, Break-Through Seminars, Tokyo, 1985
Career: Private practice marriage, family and child counselor, 1980-92
Career: Interim minister, Windward Unity Church, Kailua, Hawaii, 1983-84
Career: Senior trainer, ARAS Training Corp., San Diego, 1979-80
Career: Psychologist, therapy supervisor, workshop coordinator, Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center, National Academy of Sciences Miramar, San Diego, 1973-79
Career: Director community relations, counselor, Bradshear Associate, Pittsburgh, 1971-72

I'd never come across this one before: Founder, seminar leader, Break-Through Seminars, Tokyo, 1985 - I suppose this could have been a couple of seminars he took out for a spin in Tokyo as he worked on fine tuning his act.

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #144 on: February 09, 2014, 06:03:23 pm »

The PoV site also provides a German version of the Trainers' Manual. The English version of the Manual is discussed in several articles over at 'Morty the Dog':

German Trainers' Manual:

There are a few interesting details in that Manual, e.g. regarding payment of licence fees. Apparently, every trainer is supposed to pay an annual 'licence fee' according to grade aquired:

page 21
trainer grade 1: 5,000
trainer grade 2: 6,750
trainer grade 3: 7,500
trainer grade 4: 8,000

These were the amounts due in 2013.
The PoV site names 46 trainers altogether, with no detail given as to their resp grade. In the comment section of a YouTube video, Lency Spezzano claims there were 52 PoV trainers:
However, details as to actual figures might get adjusted subject to circumstance: While presently the PoV site claims eight trainers in Canada, a twitter message from Babs Stevens, a Canadian PoV trainer, dd April 27, 2009 reads:
14 Canadian POV trainers co-facilitated a 2 1/2 day workshop 'The Spirit of Partnership' awesome healing happened!! Go Canada Go!!!

So assuming trainers will be paying grade II fees on average, a total of 52 trainers will pay an annual sum of $ 351,000.

However, payment details given for trainers in 'Mainland Europe' are also quite interesting:

page 24/25
"Payment of annual licences must be made in US Dollar per bank transfer to:
International Association of Psychology of Vision
Vom Staalweg 3, 4500 Solothurn, Switzerland
Bank address: Credit Suisse (CS)
P.O.Box 3xx, 4502 Solothurn, Schweiz
Account no: 150 2491xxx
Swift Code: CRESCHxxxxx
IBAN: CH87 0483 5150 xxxxx
Bank clearing: 48xxxxx
All cost for transfering amounts have to be covered by payer.
Further inquiries to be made with Susanne Ernst: su.ernst@xxx "

Oh, a Swiss bank account? To which all 'Mainland Europe' trainers are supposed to transfer their annual licence fee.

As of yet, 'Mainland Europe' consists of the three countries of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Since it is apparent that there are a few more countries to be subsumed as 'mainland Europe', this offers some future perspectives.

However, there is NO company or association by the name of „International Association of Psychology of Vision“. Google the name, and the only two results Google comes up with are from the PoV Trainers' Manual, English and German versions. It is nowhere registered as a company or an association, and it doesn't even get mentioned outside the Manuals.
This means European trainers are expected to pay their annual fees to a Swiss account owned by whomever and to which whoever might have access to. Isn't this quite convenient an arrangement? For whoever, that is.

The Manual also mentions a „PoV International Association“ or „PoVia“ - same again: this association is nowhere registered, and Google can only find two results for it: the PoV Trainers' Manual.

Since the English manual seems to date back from 2010 (specifying the fees due for 2011), while the German version dates from 2012 (fees due for 2013), this seems more than an accidential oversight.

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #145 on: February 09, 2014, 11:49:57 pm »

Some more info re this „International Association“ which allegedly owns the bank account.

Googling the above mentioned address does provide results:
The address in the town of Solothurn belongs to a company by the name of:
PoV-DACH GmbH which was founded in 2012 and is a successor of a liquidated company named Psychology of Vision DACH.

DACH simply stands for the three countries Germany (Deutschland), Austria, and CH is for Switzerland.
'GmbH' is more or less the same as a limited liabilty company.

This is the info provided by Swiss authorities on PoV-DACH GmbH:

The official info names Susanne Ernst as a recipient of correspondence.
Three names are connected to the PoV DACH: Susanne Ernst, Mathias Keller, Josef Neuschmid.
While Ernst and Keller are mentioned on the site with a trainer's bio, Neuschmid doesn't show up anywhere on PoV sites as a trainer, but is mentioned in several advertisements of lectures and seminars done by PoV or Chuck Spezzano in person.

PoV-DACH GmbH, in Solothurn, CH-, Vom Staal-Weg 3, 4500 Solothurn, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Neueintragung). [company with limited liability (newly founded)
Statutendatum: [date of statute] 31.07.2012.

Purpose: Organisation and conducting of lectures and events in the field of awareness raising, personality development and communication as well as trading goods of all sorts, and realising of further services connected to the main purpose. May adapt related branches of business, hold interest in other enterprises at home or abroad resp resume or found enterprises, establish branches at home and abroad and furthermore engage in all commercial, financial, and other activities which will further the enterprise's purpose as well as purchase, hold, and sell real estate and properties at home and abroad
Capital fund: CHF 21,000.00.
Persons registered: Ernst, Susanne of Basel, Solothurn, associate and head of management board, single signing authority, 70 parts per stirpes at CHF 100.00 each
Keller, Mathias of Oberbueren, Worb, associate and manager, single signing authority, 70 parts
Neuschmid, Josef, Austrian national, Zurich, associate and manager, single signing authority. 70 parts per stirpes.

Please take due note that there is no mention of any therapies in general or psychotherapy in particular. Neither does counseling get mentioned, or healing.
However, the company's statutes give it the freedom to engage in a multitude of economic activities, like trading goods of all sorts, selling and buying real estate in all countries, it may aquire other companies both at home and abroad – in one word „engage in all commercial, financial, and other activities which will further the enterprise's purpose“. This is carte blanche for PoV-DACH GmbH to do whatever they like – or rather: whatever secures a profit.

And also please take due note that the GmbH was founded in 2012 to replace a former association or company named „Psychology of Vision DACH“ which had been founded in 2003.

On the other hand, despite having been liquidated in 2012, PoV-DACH still seems to have an active Facebook site with entries from Feb 2014:

This is info on the liquidated PoV-DACH:

Date of registration: 09.12.2003
The Association's purpose is to further personality development, health, and spirituality. This may be achieved, amongst others, by offering courses, seminars, lectures or other events, through public relations as well as by other suitable activities.

Comparing the two statements re their purpose, the GmbH has a far broader range of activities.
However, the fields of 'health' and 'spirituality', mentioned with the association, have been omitted in the LLC statement of purpose.

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Re: PoV First Nations Fund
« Reply #146 on: February 10, 2014, 04:41:45 pm »

The PoV site publishes a Trainers Manual both in English and in German language. At first sight, these seem to be identical, until one realises that the German version is considerably longer than the English one. Comparing the respective tables of content, it becomes apparent that the German version contains an entire section which is not to be found in the English one: Section K.

Section K deals with the so-called First Nations Fund. So it appears somewhat odd that this part of the Manual is not included in the English version. Further reading suggests a few reasons as to why section K does not get published in English language:

K. International Guidelines of Price Reductions for PoV trainers, staff, participants, and partnership with the First Nations (FN)

1) Definition and Principles of the international funds and reductions within PoV
PoV means to set an example of sustainable support. Therefore, our approach is that of an empowering system for individuals or groups who are in need of temporary assistance. The following principles are the result of first experience with financing participants and trainers. The goal is future success.


No rebates and no special cases which would result in the loss of equality.

All 100-Day Graduates (including trainers and participants of the Master Programme) receive a reduction of 50% on PoV events. Exception: Promoters who are not able to give such a rebate.

Promoters have the option to grant free access to workshops in exchange with equivalent jobs.

Trainers who feel inspired to support a certain issue are free to do so according to their own means. These issues will not be supported by the PoV Trainers' Programme – neither financially nor in the way of a reduced trainer's licence fee.

Among the funds which have emerged from inspirations by various trainers are presently: Bangladesh, Africa, India, and Buddhist monks and nuns.
This sort of funds have developed from trainers' own initiative, their commitment, and with the support of various trainers and are therefore no issues supported/promoted by PoV.

2 PoV FN Partnership and Pov FN Fund definition

There is a programme supported by PoV – the First Nation Fund. This programme developed from a vision which still unfolds. Through the actions of First Nations, many relationships between PoV and FN participants and trainers have developed over the years, and there were many investments. The PoV Trainers Programme will also in future financially support FN seminar participants and trainers. Subsequently, the details of the FN Fund will be given in detail:

p 45

3 The First Nation Fund
Of the existing First Nation Fund, 50% go to FN trainers working with First Nations in remote reservations and communities and to FN trainers whose participation in Trainers' Conferences is supported.
The other 50% of the First Nation Fund are used to support FN seminar participants in the 100-Day Programme as well as seminar participants who aim at becoming trainers themselves.

Reduction of Seminar Fees

Promotors who do not organise specific FN events are free to grant rebates of up to 50% to FN participants.

FN seminar participants have to apply for the scholarship with the Promoter and are obliged to send a copy of their application to Susan How (susan @ povcanada com). Contents of the application is the reason why a reduction is applied for, and an explanation in which way an FN scholarship may contribute to the wellbeing of the planet (e.g. when the seminar participant intends to apply POV contents within family or community resp pass them on to tribal elders or supervisors in the tribe).

As a gesture of „gratitude“ to have obtained a scholarshop, the applicant is obliged to send their seminar results in the form of a letter to Susan How and to the Promoter of the event subsequently to the seminar.

Financial Support

Will be granted for events contributing to graduation from the 100-Day-Programme or meet Trainer expectations.

Presently financial support is only given for longer trainings (at least 5 days) with Master Trainers, if the Fund is able to support the event.

It is possible to have travel expenses of FN participants to an FN workshop supported financially.

P 46
FN participants must apply for additional financial support for travel expenses, accomodation or other expenses for the training chosen by them. Contents of the application is the reason why a reduction is applied for, an explanation in which way a scholarship could contribute to the wellbeing of the planet (e.g. {b]seminar participants intend to apply PoV contents within family or community resp pass on to tribal elders or superiors in the tribe[/b]).

As a gesture of „gratitude“, applicant is obliged to communicate their seminar results in form of a letter subsequent to the seminar.

Applications for financial support must be sent to Susan How:
susan @ povcanada dot com

Donations which intend to support one or several FN participants with the payment of their seminar fees are welcome.

The FN Fund manager receives $ 100 USD [sic] per month. Presently, Susan How is the manager of the FN Fund.

4 PoV FN Trainer work (workshops on the basis of donation) in FN communities

The FN community must write a letter to FN Fund manager Susan How (susan @ povcanada dot com) in order to initiate the support by an FN trainer in their community via contractual agreement. The agreement must contain all issues regarding the aspect of workshop costs.

Splitting of costs: one part (50%) of the costs will be covered by the event organiser, the other part (50%) will be supported by the FN Fund.

All materials (brochures, flyer, or other promotional material) must be marked as a PoV cooperation between an FN community or FN organisation and the PoV FN Fund.

Should an FN fee occur, it must be identified that this fee will only cover workshop costs. The fee must correspond with local market value.

Page 47

A probable profit will be shared 50/50 between the PoV Fund and the FN community. The profit share of the FN community must be spent on future PoV events or on the establishment of PoV.

Subsequently to the event, the community is obliged to write a letter containing a short financial report on the cost and number of participants of the event. In this way, balance and transparency of relations are meant to be observed.

Workshop costs (including costs for staff):

Travel expense or petrol, or both in case of confirmation
Catering for employees (lunch may optionally be served for participants if catering is not available otherwise; costs for lunch can be added to the seminar fee).
Taxi to and from airport.
Accomodation in town if the trainer cannot travel directly from flight to FN community.
Rent of stereo equipment.
Fee for DJ of $ 150 USD [sic] per workshop.
Child care for the children of course instructor if necessary.
FN workshops on donation basis with PoV Master Trainers or Chuck and Lency

Other participants may participate in FN workshops on donation basis and pay a fee corresponding with event fees outside of FN communities. Fees of such participants will be used as means of payment for the costs of the workshop. The number of such participants is limited to 25% of the total number of participants in the event.

Page 48

5 Prerequisites for FN Trainers and Exchange of Trainer's Licence

Payment of the same licence fees as all other trainers.

It is possible to pay the licence fee, in part or in total, through work with FN participants:

Balance of $ 350 USD [sic] per seminar day held in FN groups with at least 4 participants.
$ 175 USD for every half workshop day of four hours (in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening) with at least 4 participants.

$ 40 USD for every Coaching Session with FN clients (one session is one hour of interactive work on a specific issue). Further $ 40 USD will be paid by client.

$ 50 USD for every counceling with an FN trainer applicant (cf Prerequisites of FN applications).

Status control of FN trainers' licence will be done by means of quarterly reports of FN trainers and will be retraced by the FN trainers' year coach.

The FN trainers' coach will report to PoV Trainer Programme Manager (Francine Girard).

Note: If FN trainers receive payment for their event with FN participants, the FN trainer will receive no exchange on his/her trainer's licence, and the FN community is not entitled to finanical support from the First Nation Fund.

Should the balance of exchange with the trainer's licence of an FN trainer exceed the cost of the trainer's licence, it will not be possible to transfer the rest of the balance into the following calender year. The trainer, however, is free to transfer the balance to the trainer's licence of another FN trainer.

Page 49

6) Prerequisites for application as an FN trainer

All persons interested in the PoV Trainers' Programme must take part in the Master Programme one year prior to their application. FN members will receive a 50% rebate on the fees of the Master Programme.

During their first trainer's year, FN Trainers will pay half (50%) of the current trainer licence of a T1 Trainer.

During the year of application as a PoV Trainer, the FN applicant will receive monthly counceling by a current FN Trainer (the FN Trainer Councillor will receive a credit of one counceling worth $ 50 USD per month in exchange of their own licence fee).

During the year of application as a PoV Trainer, the applicant is obliged to support FN Trainers in their workshops. Their costs will be taken care of (First Nations Fund) and their assistance will be credited with $ 100 USD per workshop-day on their first Trainers' Licence fee.

Emphasis mine

First of all it is to be noted that section K does not mention how the fund is funded. Where does the money come from? Are PoV'ers expected to make regular contributions? This is probably the or one way the fund receives monies, as a video put up at YouTube suggests:

However, there is no information provided regarding the funding, or how contributors to the fund will receive information on how the fund will spend monies received. The info provided by section K suggests that the actual use of monies is decided upon by the so-called Fund Manager which is PoV trainer Susan How. Apparently, there is no other body controling the Fund Manager. Within the hierarchic system of PoV, How probably receives directions and answers to persons higher up in the system, and this will be the so-called Steering Committee comprised of Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the present four Master Trainers.
It is not transparent from section K who else may be responsible for the accounting of the FN Fund, so no information is available to contributors as to the amonts received by the fund, either. As far as contributors are concerned, the fund may as well be a giant black hole. I wouldn't say the fund was nothing but a black hole, but as transparency is neither intended nor offered, it is easy to see how the fund may become one. The only instance in which section K does demand transparency concerns the use of funds by FN communities towards the FN Fund. In other words: while the Fund expects transparency by recipients of monies, it is not willing to grant transparency regarding its own handling of monies.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: PoV First Nations Fund and the systematic targeting of First Nations
« Reply #147 on: February 10, 2014, 04:54:01 pm »

Additionally, the way funding of events and trainers is described in the above section K, we may speak of the fund enabling and encouraging a systematic targeting of ndn nations and ndn communities, which is what happened and still happens in British Columbia. Our friends at Psiram have found ads, reports etc for PoV events in several nations throughout British Columbia.

Of course this system of targeting does not get lined out in so many words in the manual, however, there are various incentives to organise FN events presented in section K:

As far as I understand the manual, benefits under the FN Fund do not only apply to trainers who are FN themselves, but also to white trainers doing events and counseling in FN communities for an FN clientele. Trainers will have their expenses largely refunded and can even work off their trainer's licence fees in part or in total by events etc organised in an FN setting. This is quite an incentive - and one which works to the inclusion, or rather: targeting of more and more FN nations and FN communities. In particular since comparable regulations do not apply when trainers organise events for a non-NF clientele.

A second aspect targets FN trainers and trainer applicants, and through them, FN nations. In order to receive funding, they have to explain how their becoming a trainer may contribute to the 'wellbeing of the planet'. One may argue that this reflects a certain conceitedness on behalf of PoV, but it certainly puts pressure on trainers and trainer applicants since their work is expected to have effects on the entire planet, not just one ndn nation. Some possibilities are being introduced to trainers and applicants, like e.g. they must commit themselves to applying PoV within their families. They may also commit themselves to passing on PoV methods to their tribal elders (this is sheer colonisation!) and to their supervisors within tribal structures. From the word chosen in the German version, it is quite clear that applicants will promise to 'mission' their bosses within tribal managements and draw them into the PoV system and apply PoV methods and take PoV seminars and courses, too.

Given the structures and control instruments lined out in section K, these assertions will be more than a convenient lip service to receive funding, but their realisation will be supervised by PoV, e.g. with trainers having to hand in quarterly reports. So before being accepted into the trainers' programme, applicants will assert in writing that they will start their own snowball system of luring in more and more persons from their social and professional environments. Not only family members, but tribal elders and tribal representatives and managers, i.e. targeting both the traditional structures and the 'modern', present-day management of nations and communities.

This means the attack is not (only) from bottom up, but rather the other way round: from top to bottom. Get elders, managers, traditional representatives in your pocket who then will change tribal structures from above and make tribal members discard their traditional ways in favour of PoV. At the same time, FN participants not part of tribal managements or not of elder status will be worked at during seminars, 'joinings', 'counseling' sessions etc to drop tribal traditions in favour of PoV methods.

Communities and nations who accept PoV in their region thus invite termination and cultural ethnocide – and what's worse, the system will make them realise much of this themselves. As PoV members (and particularly as profiteers receiving benefits from PoV funding), they will have to discard whatever PoV tells them to get rid of in the way of their traditional way of life, world view, customs, etc., probably up to their identity as FN. All this, however, is done under the disguise of being particularly 'FN friendly' - although this happens to be the same old, same old: as a strategy, this has been applied for several hundreds of years, and during the last say 150 years with an emphasis. Or, as the founder of Carlisle Indian School (the first residential school for ndn children in the USA) used to put it: 'Kill the Indian and keep the man'. In plain words, PoV uses the racist approach of white persons knowing best what is good for the Natives.

Once again, First Nations are denied to make their own decisions and to develop on terms chosen by themselves, but are expected to accept whatever gets handed out to them and be grateful for it. And this gratitude is even demanded and controled by PoV as persons receiving monies from the fund are 'obliged' to write letters to express this 'gratitude'. In most cultures on this planet, *expecting* gratitude is viewed as a no-go, and this includes FN cultures. So instead of being particularly FN-friendly and reflecting a vast similarity to FN cultures, as PoV claims, it in fact violates essential values of these cultures.

The eventual result for FN PoV members and trainers will be deculturation, in favour of an acculturation into a cult and snowball scam. Which means the trophy to be won is even less than with governmentally introduced strategies: not acculturation into the dominant culture, but into the fringe culture of a cult aiming at keeping a tight grip on their victims in order to keep profits rolling in for the cult's top few.

As a good part of PoV activities in native communities seems to be events and seminars for children and teenagers, they furthermore ascertain that part of the young generation is introduced to a set of rules and values not in compliance with tribal traditions and ways of life, while at the same time also making them more or less unable to adjust to the dominant culture. One way in which this is ensured by cults e.g. is the redefinition of terms and words who are given a different, cult-specific meaning. Terms like 'downloading' or 'joining' come into mind here, but are only two examples of such a redefined vocabulary. In the long run, this means communication with and relations to the world outside of the cult are becoming difficult for cult members, and thus get minimized.

Within First Nations, this targeting eventually will contribute to the creation of a two-class society of those who belong to the cult, and those who don't. As tribal managements are included in the assault, further pressure on FN members to take PoV seminars and counselings is easy to imagine and even encouraged by this system.

It is therefore quite apparent why section K only gets published in the German version of the Trainers' Manual: If I was PoV, I'd hate to publish section K in a language understood in Canada.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #148 on: March 18, 2014, 12:13:37 pm »
"Chuck Spezzano is available for private coaching sessions while he is in the UK in April and July 2014. His fee is £675 per hourly session."

This converts to $1243.14 Canadian, or $1120.77 USA
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 12:16:15 pm by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #149 on: March 20, 2014, 04:54:37 am »
Are the events in this chronology connected?

Early November 2013: The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) aired a program called "Plastic Healers" which included a portrayal of Psychology of Vision and Chuck and Lency Spezzano as unprofessional participants of ethnocide on Haida Gwaii. In the broadcast even a devotee of a rival New Age healer denounced POV as having no follow-up or sense of caring for the damage they created.

The host of the program said of Psychology of Vision: "Despite the name, neither of the two who run it are psychologists."

Rob Smith, the journalist who covered this story added:  "The Spezzanos have a troubled past. In 2004 the State of Hawaii rapped Chuck Spezzano's knuckles for working as a psychologist without a state license. This was for his part in a controversial child custody case. Spezzano swore in an affidavit the father was unfit. The problem is he's never been licensed to practice psychology in Hawaii. And still isn't."

This is reinforced by a telephone comment from Chuck Spezzano aired on the program. When asked by Smith if he considered himself a psychologist, Chuck Spezzano replied, "No, Robert, I don't. I consider myself a coach."

Nov. 29, 2013: Lency Spezzano announced on Facebook that 2014 will be her final year of making visits to non-US countries in retail marketing the POV capitalist enterprise. 

Later, Lency's "semi-retirement" announcement was made official on the POV events page.

Is there any evidence of Lency announcing her pulling back from foreign travel prior to the APTN Investigates expose?

« Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 11:10:04 am by Sandy S »