Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 573442 times)


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #75 on: October 05, 2013, 05:04:36 pm »
Top POV trainers Jeff and Sue Allen are very active, on the workshop circuit, in schools, and in charities such as Vision Zambia.

We all seek happiness. In fact, all our actions and behaviours are dedicated to this end. So why do we get so off-course? Vision Works for Life is based on the Psychology of Vision model, a path of the heart that has helped tens of thousands of people around the world improve their lives. Whatever challenges you, if you’re ready to expand your horizons and remove the blocks that stand in your way to a more meaningful future, VisionWorks for Life can help you too.

Psychology of Vision is a complete programme for change developed over 30 years of working with people all around the world.  Life Manual is a personal study programme based on this model, to guide you through changing your life. Working through carefully designed exercises, you use the full range of tools that have made this life change model so successful in transforming behaviours and attitudes.

VisionWorks teaching programmes equip young people with the key life skills that underpin a happy and successful life.

Jeff Allen
Sue Allen

A tag line often seen on Psychology of Vision materials is "friends helping friends".


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #76 on: October 05, 2013, 10:11:56 pm »
Former members report that Chuck's teachings tell people dealing with sexual abuse that they should ask themselves "What is the gift it brought you?" Chuck teaches that a child who was sexually molested attracted that to their life for a reason, to make them feel special, and as if they were giving the gift of Love.

At times Chuck teaches that one way being abused is a gift, is that the abuse gives people the power to rebel and reject family members, so they could become independent and run their own lives how they want. It made them become special.

Chuck leads abuse survivors to believe that as children they manipulated these abuses to happen to them.

Also reported is an apparent  high rate of serious car accidents experienced by both followers of Chuck Spezzano/ Psychology of Vision and also by Erick Gonzalez's devotees. Former members think this may be because they are taught to do a lot of zoning and spacing out. They have been so messed with that their judgement and reaction time abilities are seriously screwed.

A POV member along with his children were killed in a serious car accident in B.C. At the next POV workshop in Vancouver, Canada, Chuck and Lency kept a tight grip on the surviving wife, used the family tragedy as a way to "process" participants, and the woman "didn't have a chance in hell to escape how POV would next affect her life forever".

Several top trainers have been in serious car accidents.

A VP of Erick Gonzalez's group also was in a bad car accident. She was active with POV for several years and then branched off doing many psycho active drug retreats with Gonzalez.

One of the many sources Chuck Spezzano seems to draw upon is Bert Hellinger's Family and Systemic Constellation methods. Chuck doesn't credit this, but there are very strong parallels. Hellinger's business looks to be yet another training seminar scheme. Some people on the Nuage marketplace list both in their bios

POV teaches people to fear attack, to believe that they are being attacked by dark forces, and to do practices to supposedly prevent attack. POV followers always have to be mindful that supposedly they are always trying to sabotage their own selves from the inside, also that there is outside danger. And as far as I can tell, according to Chuck, if you are actually in danger from the outside, this is probably because you drew it to your self. In other words, you are to blame. Trust no one, only POV.

In the Jan 2010 newsletter, Chuck wrote:

It seems most of us dodged the bullet that came at us in December. Yet, now there is almost a steady stream of attack going on – vicious ego attack, astral attack, fear of change attacks, fear of loss attacks, ignorance and prejudicial attack.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #77 on: October 05, 2013, 11:58:56 pm »
One of the many sources Chuck Spezzano seems to draw upon is Bert Hellinger's Family and Systemic Constellation methods. Chuck doesn't credit this, but there are very strong parallels. Hellinger's business looks to be yet another training seminar scheme. Some people on the Nuage marketplace list both in their bios

Their "training" sounds like a living hell to me, and what kind of training is this?

I lived in Hawaii with Chuck, Lency Spezzano and their family (founders of Psychology of Vision) as part of the training.
(bolding mine)


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #78 on: October 06, 2013, 12:54:24 am »
One of the many sources Chuck Spezzano seems to draw upon is Bert Hellinger's Family and Systemic Constellation methods. Chuck doesn't credit this, but there are very strong parallels. Hellinger's business looks to be yet another training seminar scheme. Some people on the Nuage marketplace list both in their bios

Their "training" sounds like a living hell to me, and what kind of training is this?

I lived in Hawaii with Chuck, Lency Spezzano and their family (founders of Psychology of Vision) as part of the training.
(bolding mine)

Living with the Spezzanos as part of the training - so that could mean they have people working for them, without proper salary. She might have had to work for them, unpaid, and even have to pay for the privilege at the same time. I don't know her specific situation, but it does happen as a matter of course in Nuage circles.

Plus this is so unethical. More evidence of how the Spezzanos do everything they can to bust through healthy boundaries.

The Spezzanos claim they are doing a type of healing psychology, but they forgot the part about how there are supposed to be clear boundaries between client and health care provider.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #79 on: October 06, 2013, 01:53:58 am »
A 2001 event The 10 Day Canadian Psychology of Vision International Training
We will be joined by First Nations participants as many aboriginal communities are embracing the Psychology of Vision as a healing model. The First Nations people bring their native spirituality and traditions to the training and their presence adds depth to the workshop process.
Professional, well-trained staff including many students of the Psychology of Vision Advanced Training program.

About 10 years ago Chuck & Lency were inspired to work more closely with First Nations people. The POV Healing Model has been graciously welcomed in many First Nation communities, as it aligns with many First Nations belief systems. Psychology of Vision is dedicated to awakening the giftedness of indigenous peoples on the planet.

Taking Down the Walls - In this live lecture Lency describes her joining with the First Nations people of Northern Canada. This inspiring lecture is a story about how we can overcome our potential differences.

Taking Down The Walls
1 Cultural Genocide
2 My Friend & the Technique of Joining
3 My Friends's Integration
4 The Next Healing
5 Finding Our Innocence


'A FIRST NATIONS WORKSHOP - NOVEMBER 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 1998
Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada.

Patricia Peters's Overview

 store clerk at N'Quatqua First Nations
 Room Team or clean up crew at Psychology of Vision
 Sales Representative at Psychology of Vision
Social Development worker at N'Quatqua First Nations

Receptionist at N'Quatqua First Nation
Melissa Meyer, from the Tsimshian Nation, Lax Kw'alaams/Port Simpson, BC, is a University of British Columbia graduate in Fine Arts, a traditional weaver, and a Psychology of Vision trainer.
AUGUST 12TH,13TH & 14TH, 2005

We are honoured to extend this invitation to former students of St. Michael’s Residential School to attend a gathering this summer in Alert Bay, BC.
Healing workshop: Psychology of Vision healing exercises – First Nations Trainers. Theme: Reclaiming and empowering true self.
Healing workshop: Psychology of Vision healing exercises– First Nations Trainers. Theme: Embracing spirituality and letting go of the past.
News article from 2001:

Dr. Charles Brasfield, a North Vancouver psychiatrist who has treated hundreds of native residential-school victims, says they typically require lengthy one-on-one counselling, which Health Canada refuses to pay for.

When bands spend money on quick-fix New Age therapies such as Neurolinguistic Programming and something called
Psychology of Vision, he says, Health Canada looks the other way.

``Typically, these quick-fix money-makers try to get an aboriginal `trainer' as a front,'' he said. ``We tried to warn medical services how public money was being spent but they weren't interested.

``We're very concerned about the influx of these money-making quick-fix therapies. They're very expensive and they're just sweeping reserves.''

Agrees Vera Manuel, a Secwepemc playwright and qualified traditional therapist: ``It's a feeding frenzy out there -- all kinds of so-called therapists are coming out of the woodwork.

``These New Age therapies are becoming as oppressive to us as the first wave of religion -- some of them are like cults. This is not a good use of the small amount of money we have.''

(the entire article is very worth reading)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 01:58:05 pm by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #80 on: October 07, 2013, 02:35:16 am »
A presentation in 1999 at the The Canadian Aborginal AIDS Network ‘HIV/AIDS Community Building’ Forum:

The Psychology of Vision
Presenter: Edna Brillon
The Psychology Of Vision workshop was a three day event based on personal and group healing with
an Aboriginal focus. Much of the work done in this workshop was intensely personal to the participants,
and out of respect for them and their own issues, much of what happened in these workshops
must remain confidential. However, the guiding principle behind the workshop, and the format used, is
recorded here for those who may be interested in attending one of Edna’s Psychology of Vision sessions
in the future.
Edna Brillon has traveled all around the world, making trust among people a reality. Her workshop is
based on four principles. Integrity, Accountability, Love, and non-denominational spirituality.
According to Edna, we are now living in the native renaissance. All over the world people want to
know us, and want to know our history. And though we are still in pain, we seem to forgive and heal
more quickly than other people. One of our roles perhaps is to heal and forgive and teach others around
the world how to do this as well.
One of the greatest issues with the native community is that we, as individuals, feel everyone else’s
pain. Children are especially sensitive. They take other’s pain, the pain of their mother’s and grandmothers,
and swallow it. It is a shamanic gift, this, and a tradition in native communities. Except that
Shaman used to swallow the pain and bring it back up again in great black balls and spit it out, to
achieve healing of their subject. We have lost our ability to bring it back up, and so we walk around
with the great black ball of pain in us. It is our ancestor’s pain, and the pain of our families, friends and
The goal of the Psychology of Vision is to begin to go in and heal this pain, to remove core issues and
replace it with the universe. This pain stops us from being who we are, and once it is removed, we are
free to live as we were intended to live. One of the ways to accomplish this is to bring people together
to share their pain. The workshop works with group and group process. We can’t deal with the pain
alone. Over the three day workshop, trust and energy is built, and a willingness to heal is unearthed. A
small group in a short time can do wonders.
The workshop is broken down into nine components. These are titled
1. Scout/Pioneer (exploration)
2. Relationships (without sacrifice)
3. New Level Of Communication
4. Chronic Problems
5. Heart
6. Spirituality
7. Abundance
8. Letting Go
9. Leadership
There are four parts to the human mind.
1. Conscious mind — smallest of these, less than four percent of our makeup.
2. Subconscious mind — is a little bigger, and is like a video tape recorder. It records everything
that has happened to us from our birth onwards. We can access all emotion and feeling, everything
that happened to us, through the subconscious mind.
3. Unconscious mind — the healing work of the workshop is done here. One issue cleared up
here clears 10 in the subconscious mind and a 100 on the conscious mind. It is here that resides
myth, story, legend, and metaphor. The old people of our culture, when they used to see someone
in trouble, would not lecture them or tell them they were wrong. Rather they would tell a
story. The unconscious mind is a great healing place.
4. Higher Mind — place of enlightenment and the higher miracle mind. The worst thing that
colonization did to natives was take away a natural state of higher mind. Before contact, we
resided here — whole and unfettered. Contact brought us down into the conscious and subconscious
mind, which are fear based. Our consciousness was lowered.
When the clear, round circle of the higher mind is divided, becomes subfractionated, we become
small, troubled, isolated, and lonely. Our ego wants us to be divided in this way, but our higher mind
wants us connected. Each time in our workshops we clear up a core issue we erase a line that divides
our higher mind. The removal or clearing up of our core issues begins us on a journey of wholeness
back to enlightenment and the miracle mind. We are no longer working from a basis of fear. This is the
goal, through group process and personal revelation, of the workshop Psychology of Vision.

For more information on these workshops call Edna Brillon at
pgs 29, 30, under category of Care, Treatment, and Support

Using search terms "psychology of vision" with "first nations" brings up a lot more worth looking over online. POV has been recruiting First Nations people for quite awhile, most especially First Nations women.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 04:26:22 pm by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #81 on: October 09, 2013, 02:39:51 am »
Chuck Spezzano is purposefully foul mouthed in seminars. He pronounces the word "control" as "c*nt troll", making women feel horrible and guilty for supposedly being too controlling. Women are shamed, made to feel like hags and witches for most anything they do. He also has regular crude routines with hand gestures and his microphone.

As Chuck directs people around the room in a seminar, he asks leading questions that more and more close down people's ability to think. Survivors felt herded into a mental corner, guided to surrender over and over again.

People end up in a child like state. There is immense pressure to cooperate, be good, do as directed.

Chuck claims that everyone's luck will be better after seminars. He uses "luck" as a sales pitch especially in Asia. Some trainers are addicted to gambling.

Sometimes Chuck and trainers dress up their act with words like "leadership" and "business", but it really is the same old act:

Break down people's boundaries
Have them reveal personal hardships and info
Make them emote and purge
Rebond them to POV

Doesn't matter what the theme is, it is the same every time, break you down and rebond, over and over.

Survivors experience numbness, dissociation, and other signs of trauma.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 02:53:42 am by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #82 on: October 09, 2013, 03:57:42 am »
This is a good example of how Psychology of Vision is presented in a variety of different ways, with different visuals and emphasis, in this case with talk of leadership and business:

Creating Leaders for Change
We are a team of Visionary Leaders committed to being in service to an
evolving world. We provide a new approach to management, leadership
and partnership. It is our purpose to serve leaders who recognize the importance of consciousness in business.

• We offer Leadership Training, Corporate Training, Workshops,
  Business Leadership Coaching and Steps to Leadership Programs.

• We recognize that systems and strategies are collapsing around us
  and a new paradigm is essential for future success.

• We are committed to awakening organizations and individuals to
  a new sense of self, a sense of purpose and support a commitment
  to change.

• We promote and foster a new way of doing business - a way that
  will move you creatively through these economic crossroads.

Betty Lou Hunt is a Coach/Facilitator who operates Prince Rupert Occupational Rehab and is a founding partner of Cornerstones Wellness Centre. She is a Psychology of Vision* trainer with 38 years experience in motivating people to make changes in their lives.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #83 on: October 09, 2013, 04:13:24 am »
There is no confidentiality. During trainings and sessions people are forced to divulge personal history. Advanced trainers dig deep to get information on people, and then talk this over among themselves. Trainers get information on people from community members and family, even estranged family.

So when POV has recruited community leaders and their families, and all those people are busy recruiting others, this makes for a painful sense of exposure and lack of basic privacy for survivors who still live where all this is going on.


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #84 on: October 09, 2013, 02:59:00 pm »
I believe this is affinity fraud. POV targets communities, recruits leaders, and has them recruit others, all within their own affinity group.

The people who promote affinity scams often join or pretend to be members of groups. They then convince respected members of the group or religious leaders to help promote the scheme. Often leaders of the organization become the first victims in the scam and unwittingly encourage others within the group to follow suit.

Lency outright claims that she has "joined" with First Nations.

It's a type of pyramid scheme - trainers are encouraged to spend more money for trainings so they can recruit more people and make more money they then can give to the Spezzanos.

It is a fortune telling scam. Chuck keeps people hooked with his daily card readings that sometimes include predictions that bad things will happen if people don't do as he says.

POV is stage hypnosis and magic performance tricks.

POV is aggressive, scorched earth salesmanship. Selling by pounding on people's doors (minds) until someone says "Yes, sign me up".

It is psychological and physical violence, people are very badly mistreated. It is unethical, health info isn't kept confidential, people are not allowed to keep their healthy boundaries, psychology is "practiced" without a license. Harsh gossip is promoted in isolated communities and then mined for more information.

POV is run as a cult. Chuck and Lency channel heavens wishes and blessings.  Worship is encouraged. POV splits up families and bonds each individual to the POV pseudo-family. The top trainers even behave like Chuck and Lency. Anyone who dares leave is harassed and shunned. Chuck has set up an us vs them mentality in his people.

Chuck encourages gambling addiction. He tells people that "our luck" is increased by POV activities and that everyone should gamble.

All the money Chuck is making, where is it going? Is it all being properly legally reported? What businesses and charities is POV involved in? Is Chuck funding his gambling addiction with this long running seminar con?

Research and critique:

« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 06:56:39 pm by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #85 on: October 09, 2013, 07:47:41 pm »
The videos Lency Spezzano puts out are difficult to watch. If you can watch one, I recommend

The woman with Lency is Babs Stevens - a POV trainer and chief administrative officer with the Skidegate Band Council

When Lency starts out with the "today is your birthday", she is using her usual intro, this is the start to the hypnotic induction, she directs us to imagine that it is our birthday, ask for what we want.

You will see Lency make odd hand and arm gestures. She is trained in American Sign Language and has also invented her own sign language for various POV terms. This is also her way to keep focus trained on her.

Babs says "I would like to heal Contact". Now keep in mind, Babs has been part of this Psychology of Vision organization for quite awhile, she has been recruited and is heavily invested.

Lency is a white woman, a con artist, directing and controlling a First Nations leader. Lency runs the show, interprets what Babs is saying, and "heals" her.

Lency says Babs wants to receive the removal of the negative influence of colonization. In fact Lency claims she can remove it from the minds of Babs and others entirely. For generations to come. Then she says this is because there is "only one of us here".

"Only one of us here" is A Course in Miracles slogan that POV uses often. How racist is that? Lency, a white, dominant woman, telling First Nations women that there only "one of us", which in this case means "there is only Lency and her need for money". Obviously there is more than "one of us" in this video, in that room, and everywhere.

Lency talks at length on how committed POV is to First Nations. She claims that POV shares similar values with First Nations "original culture". So she is claiming that diverse First Nations are one "original culture", and that everything is the same, all about oneness.

When she speaks of oneness she is also speaking of Oneness, as in the Oneness Movement that POV is a spin off of.

Lency claims that POV is causing "cultural renaissance" in First Nations communities. Lency makes a somewhat clumsy pitch for more FN families to join.

Lency says POV receives so much back, "so much grace and beauty".

Then Lency's face goes through contortions, she cues the music, and she tells the audience that this is a big one, that we will feel this in our brain.

She tells that if we feel uncomfortable it is okay, it is just things going on in our brain.

Lency takes Babs' hands. The two women laugh, make faces, Lency does a predatory staring routine. All while the music plays, a woman singing about Shakti. Babs has what looks like a mild seizure, Lency sobs and cries.

Lency eventually directs verbally and with a gesture Babs to look at a specific camera. The Shakti music is louder, Lency has a hand on Babs' shoulder, Babs looks like a wreck.

We get to see the audience, women are smiling, one woman is rocking in place (about 10:32). Lency directs another trainer to join them, this is Melissa Meyer, Tsimshian

She's rolled the audience at this point, people are trembling, laughing, one guy has the shakes, the music continues, Lency comments that there are so many people in that room who were suffering from being colonized, implying that they have now all been healed. Lency refers to Melissa as "my daughter" at the end and kisses her.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 07:57:35 pm by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #86 on: October 10, 2013, 02:56:09 am »
Concerning POV charities, this includes past archives of their sites, my use of bolding:


Psychology of Vision communities support at least three charitable funds: VisionAfrica in Zambia, the First Nations in Canada and Bethsaida Orphanage in Kerala, India.

None of these charities are ‘registered’; this minimises running costs and ensures that the money raised goes directly to the people in need.

It is our belief that through relationship with all involved we offer the greatest benefit to all parties; our giving is personal and we work to build communities.

As many of you already know we have received many generous donations and collected thousands of pounds, dollars, euros etc. We would like to thank all of you who have donated to these funds over the years, and appreciate everything that has been given or will be given.

Thousands of people around the world also appreciate all you have given and they know that they are not alone whatever their circumstances.


Psychology of Vision communities support at least four charitable funds: VisionAfrica in Zambia, the First Nations in Canada and Bethsaida Orphanage in Kerala, India and a community in Bangladesh.

None of these charities are ‘registered’; this minimises running costs and ensures that all the money raised goes directly to the people in need.


The Psychology of Vision community supports a number of charities or funds, sometimes by arranging special events or by collecting money during a seminar. The money is used in various ways, to see how please click on the links below to access the website pages dedicated to the fund. In all cases it is not simply about giving a financial hand out, the guiding principles of the Psychology of Vision are also applied. follow the links on that page to their individual charity pages - "The First Nations Fund is administered by Susan How at the Psychology of Vision Canada office on a volunteer basis." , Vision Zambia, registered charity in UK, run by Master POV Trainer Jeff Allen , something in India with websites aimed at German and Swiss, something in Bangladesh that originates in Japan

« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 03:02:15 am by Piff »


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #87 on: October 10, 2013, 02:50:42 pm »
Chuck Spezzano does a daily divination card routine that keeps people focused on him via Facebook and elsewhere. They are all psycho-babble, but this one actually does deserve being highlighted. Chuck got locked out of the hotel internet and so of course this means that the terrorist shadows in his mind sabotaged him. You know, how they do.

He directs us to find out just how many terrorist shadows we have in our mind. So this means many of his followers are doing exactly that today. Looking for terrorist shadows in the hidden part of their mind, believing these shadows cause sabotage even out in the physical world, then doing religious practices to somehow heal this. Or something like that.

People can believe what they want, behavior is what mattters. Chuck promotes these beliefs to keep people extremely confused and unable to function - and more likely to give him $.


HEALING THE TERRORIST SHADOW is the card for today. It is a hidden part of the mind that sabotages you and what you are doing, which obviously happened to me as I tried to write about this card and got locked out of the hotel internet. Ask how many you have. Forgive yourself and your belief system and put them all in Heaven's Hands...Have a good one!

Chuck has also used the phrase "crazy wisdom" for one of his cards, this is a big waving red flag. Gurus who claim they use crazy wisdom use this as an excuse for anything they do to their followers, including abuse them. No matter what, they have an escape clause "I ripped you off because that was the only way to enlighten you and free you from your terrorist shadows.".


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #88 on: October 10, 2013, 03:36:34 pm »
Lency Spezzano Provides Today's Entertaining Consumer Alert!

Yes, Piff, that video is the most bizarre.  It is especially hilarious to see it in the still photos, however, as mortythedog puts on his site and you have copied above.

I have just finished reading the ebook "Stripping the Gurus" for which Al put a link on this this site some time ago (and I just now got around to reading), and the author, Geoffrey Falk, talks about the "crazy wisdom" which so many of the gurus utilize.  "This may hurt but it is for your own good" is the idea there, and you can see it with Chuck (Chunk, as Morty refers to him -- I thought it was a typo at first, but it isn't) and Lency so much.  Yes, crazy, crazy, crazy!


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Re: research needed on Chuck Spezzano's " Psychology Of Vision healing model"
« Reply #89 on: October 10, 2013, 05:13:49 pm »
Lency Spezzano Provides Today's Entertaining Consumer Alert!

Yes, Piff, that video is the most bizarre.  It is especially hilarious to see it in the still photos, however, as mortythedog puts on his site and you have copied above.

I have just finished reading the ebook "Stripping the Gurus" for which Al put a link on this this site some time ago (and I just now got around to reading), and the author, Geoffrey Falk, talks about the "crazy wisdom" which so many of the gurus utilize.  "This may hurt but it is for your own good" is the idea there, and you can see it with Chuck (Chunk, as Morty refers to him -- I thought it was a typo at first, but it isn't) and Lency so much.  Yes, crazy, crazy, crazy!

This "crazy wisdom" stuff, looks like it is a Nuage guru's  favorite way of dodging responsibility. "This may hurt but it is for your own good" - an excuse for making people vomit, cry, scream, laugh hysterically in Chuck's seminars.

Osho/ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh claimed he was a master of crazy wisdom too.