Author Topic: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"  (Read 133853 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #90 on: May 04, 2010, 10:48:10 pm »
Before shame-on Johannes removes the photos Elke mentioned - see a real shame-on put up a tipi:

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Don't cry for him, Argentina !
« Reply #91 on: May 05, 2010, 10:07:33 pm »
Closer looks at google results in all kinds of languages can be quite interesting. So there is this blog entry dd Oct 9, 2008:

Y el tipo a la mitad de la calle? Que... espera el colectivo? sera que en todas partes se ven tipos asi?... yo vivo en Argentina pero trabajo en Alemania varios meses y la verdad que si vivieras aqui por un tiempo te darias cuenta que no es como se ven las cosas desde fuera. Desorganizados, problematicos, faltos de palabra y miles de cosas mas que no hay que envidiarles a los alemanes. Mucha tecnologia, pero la verdad que no saben que hacer con ella y un letrerito apantalla bobos no es todo....Creemelo, yo tengo que vivir y trabajar con ellos.
saludos y nos vemos pronto por esa linda ciudad.

Publicado por: gio de carlo | Octubre 9, 2008 4:02 AM
Emphasis added by me

„And the man in the street? What … waiting for the bus? Can it be one sees such people everywhere? … I live in Argentina but am working in Germany since some months, and the truth is that, after you have been living here for some time, you realise that things aren't what they look like from the outside. Desorganized, problematic, speechless and thousand more things you don't envy the Germans for [… original sentence garbled]. Much technology, but in reality they don't know what to do with it.
Believe me, I've got to work and live with them.
Greetings and see you soon in this beautiful city.

Published by: gio de carlo October 9, 2008  4:02 AM“

Plus: de Carlo linked his name underneath the blog comment to his website

So Senor de Carlo is Argentinian after all? Or at least back in 2008 he was sure he was Argentinian. Same as here:
where it reads „Gio de Carlo, Buenos Aires, Argentina“. The profile is complete with a photo:

Sonico has another profile:
which says „Gio de Carlo, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany“. (Rhineland-Palatinate is the German federal state where de Carlo lives.)

An Argentinian background would also match his accent when speaking English. His Italian name even supports this. „De Carlo“ is a family name found in Italy and the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, Giovanni is the Italian form of Juan or John. Argentina saw a substantial imigration of Italian people; about 36% of the European population of Argentina is of Italian descent.

On the other hand, there are two letters to the editor of two Argentinian newspapers written this year:

DOM 18.04.2010

Una carta

Soy un miembro de la tribu Kiowa. La película "Danza con lobos" fue un insulto a las tribus de Norteamérica y me imagino que un Presidente debiera tener un asesor que le informe o investigue las cosas antes de hablar. Les recuerdo que somos "naciones" y que como tales merecemos respeto. Por lo que se dice y, sobre todo, por quién lo dice.

Tdom Bah Toden Xkee.

Una historia

"Me siento como en Danza con Lobos", dijo la Presidenta en su visita al Museo Nacional del Indígena Americano en Washington. La referencia a la película de Kevin Costner disgustó al lector, quien figura en sus documentos como Giovanni De Carlo, nombre que le puso su padre adoptivo. Es un hombre que lleva sus saberes musicales por el mundo, está casado con una argentina, a quien conoció en Grecia, donde ahora viven, y hasta noviembre pasado fue vecino de Caballito.

Nacido en Texas, hijo de una india Kiowa ("De mi padre no sé nada... él no se quedó a verme nacer"), su especialidad es la flauta, y con ella compuso la música para la película "El último mohicano". Cuenta que el nombre con el que firma la carta (Tdom Bah Toden Xkee) se lo puso un hombre de su tribu, en Oklahoma, y que significa "El Guardián de La Flauta".

Su hija Nikoleta es la bisnieta de un jefe indio, Chief Joseph, y porta sangre de emigrantes armenios, que se radicaron en la Argentina. El lector relata que fue "un gran honor" haberle dado a Cristina "una vestimenta de nuestra gente" como homenaje a su visita. Pero dispara que "no todo es haber saludado a Obama, quien no nos representa, aunque lo respetamos...En fin, 500 años
después qué se puede decir... peleamos, perdimos y así son las cosas". La mención de la Presidenta a "Danza con lobos" no le cayó nada bien. Y explicó sus razones, que vienen del fondo de la historia.
Emphasis added by me

„A Letter

I am a member of the Kiowa tribe. The film „Dances with Wolves“ was an insult towards the tribes of North America and I believe that a president should have councellors who inform him or research things before he speaks. I remind you we are nations and merit respect as such. For what is said and above all by whom this is said.

 Tdom Bah Toden Xkee.

A Story

„I feel like in 'Dances with Wolves'“, the president [of Argentina] said in the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington. The reader – who in his papers appears as Giovanni de Carlo, a name he received by his adoptive father - did not like the hint at Kevin Costner's film. He is a man who carries his musical abilities into the world, he is married to an Argentinian lady whom he met in Greece where both are living today, and until last November [i.e.2009] he lived in the neighbourhood of Caballito.

Born in Texas and son of a Kiowa lady („I don't know anything about my father … he didn't stay to see me born“), his specialty is the flute and with the flute, he composed the music to the film „Last of the Mohicans“. He reports that the name with which he undersigned his letter (Tdom Bah Toden Xkee) was given to him by a man from his tribe in Oklahoma and that it means „The Flute Keeper“.

His daughter Nikoleta is the great-granddaughter of an Indian chief, Chief Joseph, and she also carries the blood of Armenian imigrants who settled down in Argentina. The reader reports it was „a great honour“ for him to have given Christina „regalia of our people“ to honour her visit. But he concludes that it is not everything to have said hello to Obama who does not represent us, although we respect him. After all, 500 years after one can say... we fought, we lost and this is what things are like“. He did not like very much the first lady mentioning the film 'Dances with Wolves'. And he explained his reasons which come from the background of history.“

Well, I must say, Senor de Carlo – if you really mean to pose as an ndn, you've got to learn waaay more history. Chief Joseph wasn't a Kiowa. I'm not going to tell you which nation he was from, do the homework yourself.

Senor de Carlo's mathmatic abilities are somewhat deplorable – him being a grandson of Chief Joseph is somewhat unlikely. The e-mail addy he used for this stunt is „gio1657“. We remember from the scan of his passport he used to publish at his website that his DOB is December 16, so apparently he was born in 1957. Chief Joseph was born in 1840 and died on September 21, 1904. How Joseph as a grandfather could make de Carlo a Kiowa remains his secret. The English Wikipedia mentions Joseph had one daughter, who according to de Carlo's above account to the newspaper then would be his mother. Alright, Senor de Carlo – first learn some arithmetics, then proceed to Biology 101.

Or perhaps Joseph is his daughter's maternal ggfather – no, wait, these people were Argentinian, but as he says in another comment, have Armenian roots:

Publicado por: Giovanni de carlo | Buenos aires | Argentina | 22/01/2007
En nombre de mi familia, que llevan la sangre Armenia con gran orgullo.... yo, apesar de no serlo, le felicito por tener este gesto y valor ante el mundo.

Curiouser and curiouser.... Nope, not at all. What we learn is that Senor de Carlo is a liar who will not tell the truth if and when a lie will do the job as well. Perhaps he twisted and turned and changed his stories so often he forgot what the truth is.

So - don't cry for him, Argentina!

« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 10:10:19 pm by Ingeborg »

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #92 on: May 05, 2010, 10:56:11 pm »
For the convenience of our German readers, I translated the above post:

Ein genauerer Blick auf die Google-Resultate in anderen Sprachen kann ganz interessant sein. Dabei findet sich zum Beispiel ein Blogeintrag in spanischer Sprache vom 9.10.2008:

Y el tipo a la mitad de la calle? Que... espera el colectivo? sera que en todas partes se ven tipos asi?... yo vivo en Argentina pero trabajo en Alemania varios meses y la verdad que si vivieras aqui por un tiempo te darias cuenta que no es como se ven las cosas desde fuera. Desorganizados, problematicos, faltos de palabra y miles de cosas mas que no hay que envidiarles a los alemanes. Mucha tecnologia, pero la verdad que no saben que hacer con ella y un letrerito apantalla bobos no es todo....Creemelo, yo tengo que vivir y trabajar con ellos.
saludos y nos vemos pronto por esa linda ciudad.

Publicado por: gio de carlo | Octubre 9, 2008 4:02 AM
Hervorhebung von mir

"Und der Mann auf der Straße? Was.... wartet der auf den Bus? Kann es sein, daß man solche Leute überall sieht? ... Ich lebe in Argentinien, arbeite aber seit einigen Monaten in Deutschland und die Wahrheit ist, daß man - wenn man einige Zeit hier gelebt hat - erkennt, daß die Dinge nicht so sind, wie sie von außen erscheinen. Desorganisiert, problematisch, sprachlos und tausend andere Dinge, um die man die Deutschen nicht beneidet [.... Satz im Original unklar]. Viel Technologie, aber tatsächlich wissen die nicht, was sie damit anfangen sollen. Glaub mir, ich muß mit denen leben und arbeiten.
Viele Grüße und wir sehen uns bald in dieser schönen Stadt.

Veröffentlicht von: gio de Carlo  9. Oktober 2008  4:02 Uhr"

Besondere Beachtung verdient, daß der Name unter dem Blogkommentar einen Link zu einer Webseite enthält. Die verlinkte Webseite ist:

Da scheint Senor de Carlo wohl Argentinier? Jedenfalls schien er sich 2008 noch einigermaßen sicher zu sein. Ebenso wie hier:
Das Profil gehört "Gio de Carlo  Buenos Aires, Argentinien". Das Profil zeigt auch ein Foto:

Sonico hat noch ein weiteres Profil:
Hier heißt es "Gio de Carlo  Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland".

Eine argentinische Herkunft würde auch den Akzent erklären, den er im Englischen hat und der alles andere als ein US-amerikanischer Akzent ist. Sein italienischer Name unterstützt dies noch. "De Carlo" ist ein Familienname, der in Italien und auch im italienischsprachigen Teil der Schweiz vorkommt. "Giovanni" ist die italienische Form von Juan bzw. Johannes. Nach Argentinien sind außerdem viele Italiener ausgewandert; ca. 36% der Argentinier mit europäischer Abstammung haben italienische Vorfahren.

Andererseits gibt es zwei Leserbriefe an argentinische Zeitungen aus dem Jahr 2010:

DOM 18.04.2010

Una carta

Soy un miembro de la tribu Kiowa. La película "Danza con lobos" fue un insulto a las tribus de Norteamérica y me imagino que un Presidente debiera tener un asesor que le informe o investigue las cosas antes de hablar. Les recuerdo que somos "naciones" y que como tales merecemos respeto. Por lo que se dice y, sobre todo, por quién lo dice.

Tdom Bah Toden Xkee.

Una historia

"Me siento como en Danza con Lobos", dijo la Presidenta en su visita al Museo Nacional del Indígena Americano en Washington. La referencia a la película de Kevin Costner disgustó al lector, quien figura en sus documentos como Giovanni De Carlo, nombre que le puso su padre adoptivo. Es un hombre que lleva sus saberes musicales por el mundo, está casado con una argentina, a quien conoció en Grecia, donde ahora viven, y hasta noviembre pasado fue vecino de Caballito.

Nacido en Texas, hijo de una india Kiowa ("De mi padre no sé nada... él no se quedó a verme nacer"), su especialidad es la flauta, y con ella compuso la música para la película "El último mohicano". Cuenta que el nombre con el que firma la carta (Tdom Bah Toden Xkee) se lo puso un hombre de su tribu, en Oklahoma, y que significa "El Guardián de La Flauta".

Su hija Nikoleta es la bisnieta de un jefe indio, Chief Joseph, y porta sangre de emigrantes armenios, que se radicaron en la Argentina. El lector relata que fue "un gran honor" haberle dado a Cristina "una vestimenta de nuestra gente" como homenaje a su visita. Pero dispara que "no todo es haber saludado a Obama, quien no nos representa, aunque lo respetamos...En fin,
500 años después qué se puede decir... peleamos, perdimos y así son las cosas". La mención de la Presidenta a "Danza con lobos" no le cayó nada bien. Y explicó sus razones, que vienen del fondo de la historia.
Hervorhebungen von mir

„Ein Brief

Ich bin Mitglied des Stammes der Kiowa. Der Film "Der mit dem Wolf tanzt" war eine Beleidigung für die Stämme in Nordamerika und ich meine, eine Präsidentin sollte Berater haben, die sie informieren oder die Dinge recherchieren, bevor sie spricht. Ich erinnere daran, daß wir Nationen sind, die als solche Respekt verdienen. Für das, was gesagt wird und vor allem, von wem es gesagt wird.

 Tdom Bah Toden Xkee.

Eine Geschichte

Die argentinische Präsidentin sagte im National Museum of the American Indian in Washington: "Ich komme mir vor wie in "Der mit dem Wolf tanzt". Unser Leser - der in seinen Papieren den Namen Giovanni de Carlo trägt, den er von seinem Adoptivvater hat - nahm Anstoß an dem Vergleich mit dem Film von Kevin Costner. Er ist ein Mann, der seine musikalischen Fähigkeiten in die Welt trägt, er ist mit einer Argentinierin verheiratet, die er in Griechenland traf, wo die beiden heute leben, und bis zum letzten November [d.h.2009] lebten sie noch im Stadtviertel Caballito [in Buenos Aires].

Er wurde in Texas als Sohn einer Kiowa-Indianerin geboren ("Von meinem Vater weiß ich nichts ... er blieb nicht, bis ich geboren wurde"), ist seine Spezialität die Flöte, mit der er die Musik zum Film "Der letzte Mohikaner" komponierte. Er sagte uns, daß er den Namen, mit dem er seinen Brief unterzeichnete (Tdom Bah Toden Xkee), von einem Mann aus seinem Stamm in Oklahoma erhielt und daß dieser Name "The Flute Keeper" bedeutet.

Seine Tochter Nikoleta ist die Urgroßenkelin eines Indianerhäuptlings, Chief Joseph, und sie trägt auch das Blut armenischer Emigranten in sich, die sich in Argentinien niederließen. Unser Leser berichtet, es sei ihm "eine große Ehre" gewesen, daß Der Leser berichtet, dass es "eine große Ehre" gewesen sei, Christina "eine Tracht unserer Leute" gegeben zu haben als Ehrung für ihren Besuch.
Aber er schließt, daß es nicht alles ist, Obama begrüßt zu haben, der uns nicht repräsentiert, obwohl wir ihn respektieren... Schließlich, 500 Jahre später kann man sagen kann.... wir kämpften, wir verloren und so liegen die Dinge". Die Erwähnung des Films Der mit dem Wolf tanzt durch die Präsidentin missfiel ihm sehr. Und er erklärte seine Gründe, die aus dem Hintergrund der Geschichte kommen."

Na, also wissen Sie, Senor de Carlo - wenn sie wirklich als Indianer auftreten wollen, müssen sie aber erstmal ordentlich Geschichte lernen. Chief Joseph war kein Kiowa. Ich sage jetzt aber nicht, zu welcher nation er gehörte, die Hausaufgaben müssen Sie schon selbst erledigen.

Außerdem steht es auch mit den Rechenkünsten von Senor de Carlo nicht so ganz zum Besten - daß er der Enkel von Chief Joseph ist, ist ja nun ein ganz klein wenig unwahrscheinlich. Die E-Mail-Adresse, die er beim Leserbrief angab, lautet "gio1657". Er hatte auf seiner Webseite den Scan seines Reisepasses eingescannt, und da lautete sein Geburtsdatum 16. Dezember, also wurde er vermutlich im Jahre 1957 geboren.
Wie Chief Joseph als Großvater ihn zu einem Mitglied der Kiowa nation machen kann, bleibt ohnehin de Carlos Geheimnis. Wikipedia nennt als Geburtsjahr von Chief Joseph das Jahr 1840 und Joseph starb am 21. September 1904. Der englischen Wikipedia zufolge hatte Joseph eine Tochter, die dann den Einlassungen von Senor de Carlo gegenüber der Zeitung seine Mutter sein müßte. Na gut, Senor de Carlo - erst lernen Sie mal ein bißchen rechnen, dann machen wir mit dem Biologiebuch für Anfänger weiter.

Oder vielleicht ist Joseph ja der Urgroßvater mütterlicherseits - nein doch, die kamen ja aus Armenien nach Argentinien.... :kopfkratz:

Es wird ja immer verzwickter.... Nein, Sarkasmus off. Was wir daraus ersehen ist, daß Senor de Carlo ein Lügner ist, der um Himmels willen nicht die Wahrheit sagt, wenn es eine Lüge genauso tut. Vielleicht hat er seine Darstellungen schon so oft gedreht, gewendet und verändert, daß er sich an die Wahrheit leider nicht mehr erinnern kann.

Wie dem auch sei:  Wein nicht um ihn, Argentinien !
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 10:58:31 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #93 on: May 06, 2010, 02:35:06 pm »
I checked with a friend of mine that used to make tipis and showed him those photos. He thought hysterical using a battery drill to fix the tipi. He wondered why, was it to keep the cover in place or hold the poles together?
Either way he showed me some photos that proved the construction was totally wrong in the order the poles were placed, the construction looks like a true cone, not leaning back, which means the cover is cut and made wrong. His final comment was he'd not like to enter that tipi as it didn't look as if there was a rope around the poles before the cover went on! Either way a fake tipi for a shameon.

^. .^

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #94 on: May 06, 2010, 07:43:53 pm »
oh- we had the case last week.. similar case: the guy didn't read the fuking manual  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I don' t know what he did, but it looks like he uses the battery drill for the ledder.... I don't know, why he has to go to the Crown of it... mhmmm... it looks like to make an easy thing difficult.
When I'm honest- I needed some times to build tipis up- but never the idea came to my mind, to go so high (you just have to reach the highest pin to close the cover....
I think, he didn't get the cover arround well and want to correct it- but why did he put in the poles for the ears first??? It is the last thing to do...
simply- I don't understand it, or the guy didn't read the manual!

And when something like this is the first time I did it-- and I just have pics like this about it... I don't know if it will be clever to put them in the web... especially when I call myself a shaman who learned my knowledge at the Huron-Dakota-Tribe  (maybe he missed this lesson or was at that time with the huron people)...sorry, just what came to my mind when I saw it...

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #95 on: May 06, 2010, 07:50:56 pm »
I took a look at the pics again... these wasn't the poles for the ears-- he didn't check that he has to put the cover to the poles with one pole where the cover is fixed on... he took both poles to get the cover high and thats why he climbs so high-he wants to arrange everything.....

o gosh--- please read the manual before when you buy your next coffee machine- otherwise-maybe nothing usable will ever be the result...mhmmm...

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #96 on: March 12, 2011, 08:49:22 am »
For everybody who wondered why it became so silent...

I just can shake my head and wonder.....

Same guy but now as Aztec

I'm so sad! Can't be true....
The world is so strange.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #97 on: March 13, 2011, 10:45:59 pm »

About November 2010, I noticed some drastic changes effected to Senor de Carlo's website:

in memory of Tdom Bah (1954-2010) . . . .
There is no death. . .
Only a change of worlds. . .
Only a change of worlds. . . . .
In the end I think of music as a saving grace for all humanity. As the universal language it transcends the boundaries of nationality, social strata, and political ideology. Whether we are educated or uneducated, rich or poor, whether we speak the same tongue or not, we still possess the ability to communicate our feelings to one another though music. The world would be a terrible place without it, a miserable place.
Henry Miller (Reflections)

Crafts made by Gio - The Flute Keeper -de Carlo would still be offered until the last item is sold.
A few Cedar Flutes and Cigar Box Guitars can be ordered in this website - please send us an e-mail and we will get back to you with a list and pictures of craft items available.
The Music of the Flute Keeper can be found at CDBABY and many other web links (Napster, I tunes, etc.)
Some of his non - on line CDs and DVDs (How to play Flute DVD, Camp Music, etc.) can still be ordered by means of this web site.
This site is run my JF until further notice. Orders of crafts and others would be handled by JF Native Events DE.

I wondered why none of the true fans were shedding even as much as one tear for him anywhere on the internet.
Now, don't worry, I'm not being disrespectful before fate, or a sudden and probably premature death. No, sing and rejoice, a miraculous resurrection happened!

A regional German paper carried this article as of January 31, 2011:

Indian way of lfe
Introduction to Indian music and dances for people of all ages
Balingen, Jan 31, 2011 by Andreas Westerhausen
The place was filled with interested persons of all ages. They were given an introduction into Indian music by Tdom Bah of the Kiowa tribe and into Indian dances by Benny Auer and Jackie Fischer. The children were allowed to drum and to practice Round Dance.

There were also several possibilities to do crafts waiting for the children. With instructions given by Barbara Kladen – Indian name „Feather Spirit Woman“ - and Tdom Bah, they were able to do their own Indian flutes, hand drums, mini tipis, and dream catchers. At the same time, guests had the possibility to visit the exhibition „Buffalo Hunters – North American fauna and North American Natives“.

If you have a look at the article, you'll see two photos. The second one shows Senor de Carlo in his „Tdom Bah“ outfit – but he's grown a beard and got a haircut. Miracles over miracles. So Senor de Carlo aka Tdom Bah apparently has the ability to participate in an event some three months after his demise without causing a panic among spectators.

But perhaps this is not so much a miracle. His partner Jackie Fischer adjusted her site announcing she will organize events with a Mexican person by the name of „El Abuelo Koli“ who is a flute player, author of books, and maker of instruments. Now doesn't this sound familiar?
The name gets explained as 'el abuelo' meaning 'grandfather' in Spanish, while 'koli' is said to be Nahuatl for, well, grandfather. This is almost true as research on different language sites indicates that koli seems more in the way of elder than an actual grandfather.
The alleged Mexican grandfather and Ms Fischer will organize seminars on 2012:

Author, musician and maker of instruments from Mexico, Koli spent many years researching the ancient ways of life of the American peoples with an emphasis on the culture of the Aztecs, Olmeks, and Mayas and has gathered much information regarding the events in 2012.

So Senor de Carlo's business has seen an expansion which clearly means to appeal to nuagers. Consequently, his most recent events were/are organized and promoted by nuagers, as e.g. this one:

A day with Koli Abuelo in Kelheim
Workshop: Do your own „Native American Flute“
Seminar: 2012 Maya Calendar etc
Concert: Relaxing melodies, played on ancient indigenous instruments
March 6, 2011
[…] Hotel, Kelheim
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Workshop: Native American Flute (Indian cedar flutes)
Instructed by Koli, an author, musician, and maker of instruments from Jalisco/Mexico, participants will learn how to do their own „Native American Flute“ and how to play it. In a three-hours' workshop, Koli will explain step by step so that every participant will succeed in having made their own Native American Flute in the end.

Workshop, Seminar and Concert:
Fee: € 200 per person
Concert: € 22 per person

The seminar was announced this way:
2.30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Seminar – Maya predictions for the year 2012

The seminar will concentrate on the analysis and discussion of what people have heard about the Maya predictions regarding the end of times in the year 2012 and what these really mean, as well as further predictions, also from other cultures.

Koli from Mexico, and expert in this field, will then direct an open roundtable in which participants may exchange opinions regarding these events and discuss them. Koli spent many years researching the ancient ways of life of the American peoples with an emphasis on Aztec, Olmec and Maya culture and has gathered much information regarding the events in 2012. Will this mean the end of the world or are we in a changing world which will start a new era?

The event was organized and promoted by this lady:

White Buffalo Woman
Viola Flambe
Tel: 0160-5993xxx

The lady happens to be a 'shaman' selling ceremonies like sweats and vision quests. What's worse, she also cooperates with William Jervis aka Firewalker – she's in the videos Jervis published about him and a lady singing and drumming in a pond. Ahem.

Ms Flambé organized a weekend seminar with Jervis in August 2010:

The photo on the left shows Senor de Carlo in his new outfit with Ms Flambé:

De Carlo will do another event in Switzerland:

This will be de Carlo's usual mix, a workshop for doing a flute and a concert, plus his latest fad with a seminar on Maya predcitions.
Then there's this, too:

From garbage to music, Saturday, April 30, 2011:
For children and families, we learn how to produce an instrument from material to be found around the house and would make their way into the trash can otherwise.

The site, too, is maintained by a Swiss nuager and shaman.

De Carlo meanwhile produced a website, a blog and is to be found on facebook in his newest incarnation of 'Koli Abuelo', like e.g.:
The Performer, The Crafter, The Writer.

Senor de Carlo is also advertising his 2012 seminars on esoteric websites, e.g.:

Time: January 20, 2011 at 6pm to March 31, 2014 at 7pm
Location: EU
Website or Map:
Event Type: 2012
Organized By: Abuelo Koli
Latest Activity: Jan 20

Dear Paul:
My name is Koli and I have been invited to participate in a seminar in Germany relating the events of the Mayas for 2012.
I am looking for people who may be interested in having me over to have other seminars while in Europe (I am form Mexico) and you can read a little about me in my site
I would be in Germany and it is not a problem to travel in the EU.
I also include in the seminar a concert with music from the prehispanic times of the Mexican people (teponztle, flutes, rattles, ocarinas, etc)
I am not a shaman and I dont pretend to be an expert in anything, just another scholar who has taken the time to gather information and a very open view of the events that can take place in 2012
Thank you

Offline Camilla

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #98 on: March 14, 2011, 08:45:34 am »
Just one thing: the name Giovanni De Carlo (Giovanni written with the two "n's") could be only Italian. Spanish would be something like Juan, English would be John, French would be Jean....but Giovanni is only perfectly Italian.
Also the family name is very common in Italy.

Offline Camilla

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #99 on: March 14, 2011, 08:51:52 am »
They say that there are around 20 millions of Italians in Argentina, descendant of those who about 70, 80 years ago migrated from Italy.
The migration from Italy to Argentina was really huge: Italians are the first "ethnic group" of Argentina, and are the 50 % of the population. So a Mr. Giovanni de Carlo claiming to be from Argentina is very probably Italian.

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #100 on: May 13, 2011, 01:40:38 pm »
But perhaps this is not so much a miracle. His partner Jackie Fischer adjusted her site announcing she will organize events with a Mexican person by the name of „El Abuelo Koli“ who is a flute player, author of books, and maker of instruments. Now doesn't this sound familiar?
The name gets explained as 'el abuelo' meaning 'grandfather' in Spanish, while 'koli' is said to be Nahuatl for, well, grandfather. This is almost true as research on different language sites indicates that koli seems more in the way of elder than an actual grandfather.
The alleged Mexican grandfather and Ms Fischer will organize seminars on 2012:

Author, musician and maker of instruments from Mexico, Koli spent many years researching the ancient ways of life of the American peoples with an emphasis on the culture of the Aztecs, Olmeks, and Mayas and has gathered much information regarding the events in 2012.

So Senor de Carlo's business has seen an expansion which clearly means to appeal to nuagers. Consequently, his most recent events were/are organized and promoted by nuagers, as e.g. this one:

A day with Koli Abuelo in Kelheim
Workshop: Do your own „Native American Flute“
Seminar: 2012 Maya Calendar etc
Concert: Relaxing melodies, played on ancient indigenous instruments
March 6, 2011
[…] Hotel, Kelheim
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Workshop: Native American Flute (Indian cedar flutes)
Instructed by Koli, an author, musician, and maker of instruments from Jalisco/Mexico, participants will learn how to do their own „Native American Flute“ and how to play it. In a three-hours' workshop, Koli will explain step by step so that every participant will succeed in having made their own Native American Flute in the end.

Workshop, Seminar and Concert:
Fee: € 200 per person
Concert: € 22 per person

The seminar was announced this way:
2.30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Seminar – Maya predictions for the year 2012

The seminar will concentrate on the analysis and discussion of what people have heard about the Maya predictions regarding the end of times in the year 2012 and what these really mean, as well as further predictions, also from other cultures.

Koli from Mexico, and expert in this field, will then direct an open roundtable in which participants may exchange opinions regarding these events and discuss them. Koli spent many years researching the ancient ways of life of the American peoples with an emphasis on Aztec, Olmec and Maya culture and has gathered much information regarding the events in 2012. Will this mean the end of the world or are we in a changing world which will start a new era?


De Carlo meanwhile produced a website, a blog and is to be found on facebook in his newest incarnation of 'Koli Abuelo', like e.g.:
The Performer, The Crafter, The Writer.

Senor de Carlo is also advertising his 2012 seminars on esoteric websites, e.g.:

Time: January 20, 2011 at 6pm to March 31, 2014 at 7pm
Location: EU
Website or Map:
Event Type: 2012
Organized By: Abuelo Koli
Latest Activity: Jan 20

Dear Paul:
My name is Koli and I have been invited to participate in a seminar in Germany relating the events of the Mayas for 2012.
I am looking for people who may be interested in having me over to have other seminars while in Europe (I am form Mexico) and you can read a little about me in my site
I would be in Germany and it is not a problem to travel in the EU.
I also include in the seminar a concert with music from the prehispanic times of the Mexican people (teponztle, flutes, rattles, ocarinas, etc)
I am not a shaman and I dont pretend to be an expert in anything, just another scholar who has taken the time to gather information and a very open view of the events that can take place in 2012
Thank you

Received a message from Luis Alfonso/Koli. He says that DeCarlo and the promoter made false claims about who and what he is. He descibes himself as a Mexican of Spanish ancestry who does some teaching and instrument making but who never presents himself as an expert. He even has done some speeches where he warns people about frauds. Bolding below is mine.


Dear sir/mam
I have received a link to a page in your site that mentions my name and that I am in some way related to another person.

My name is Luis Alfonso Alba and have taken the name Koli (old person, grandfather or elder as you may want to translate) due to the fact that I have reached the elders age in our traditional ways.

I am a Mexican born and raised in Lagos de Moreno Jalisco where me and my whole family resides and have been doing so for the last 100 years.
My Family is from Spanish background who arrived in America over 400 years ago and have mixed in different ways with local people of Zacatecas and Jalisco.

Recently I was invited by a promoter in Germany to travel there and do some work with my crafts and my music as well as with my lectures of some of the books I have worked on. At that time I was invited to fill in for another person who could not make the engagement and then on to the presentation I did for the same promoter.

For what I read (and had translated for me just like I am asking a friend here in Lagos to translate this mail) it seems that this page is mixing me with another person and somehow implying that I am this other person.

The facts are:
I am a Mexican and have been since I was born.
I have travel a little in my life but due to my income and my lack of property I cant not get a Visa to travel or to visit the EEUU
I am a teacher and a crafter here in my home town of Jalisco and have lived here for the past 35 years while living also in Guadalajara and Xalapa Mexico and never outside of my own country for more than few months.
You can ask anyone in town wher I live and they will direct you to my house. Been there for the past 50 years and my grandparents before me and now me and my mother live there.

My special skills are:
Teacher of ancient history
Making handmade instruments for children (at the local art school and others in other cities)
I make Teponaztles, Ocarinas and Flutes and play Guitar Banjo in an Spanish Flamenco Style - do a little of mixing with North American Flute during my shows but it is not my main instrument and do not call myself an expert in any of them.
I learned to make North Amreican Flutes but I do not claim to be a North American Flute Player (wish I could play as good as some of them players....)
I am not from Argentina and never have had the opportunity of visiting that country.

I have been invited to do other presentations regarding the events of 2012 but again just as a mediator.
I do corporate work talking about shamans and how some use cold reading and such to sell their so called skills to poor people and to people who believes in them. (like you would say Fakes).

Please have someone contact me to answer your questions and to ask the person who has placed the information to clarify (and to remove my name and do not mix me with others).
Luis Alfonso

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #101 on: December 06, 2013, 04:24:34 pm »

The internet does have an effin good memory - and it often manages to produce a surprise or two...

Now, although we were supposed to shed a tear for Senor de Carlo who said he passed away in 2010, he showed up at an event in January 2011.

However, this was not the last time Senor de Carlo was able to perform months after his demise:,-Supercool-_arid,168782.html

This is a report about an Oktoberfest in the town of Bassum, dated 10/10/2011 (Bassum is a small town in the North of Germany, south of Bremen). The article contains the following paragraph:

"One attraction in Sulinger Strasse was Tdom Bah with his booth who, among other goods, sold guitars made from cigar boxes and okarinas (Mexican flutes made from clay. Tdom Bah is a Kiowa Indian and comes from Oklahoma. The contact was made via the Maverick Lines Dancers who performed in the city centre during the afternoon."

It seems that Senor de Carlo, either as a fake Kiowa or a fake Aztec teaching Maya beliefs, was rather out of business in 2012 and 2013.