Author Topic: Ronald Coleman AKA Nomad Winterhawk  (Read 67556 times)

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2013, 09:07:03 pm »
With all the info presented here about Winterhawk selling seminars and lectures, teaches a dubious healing method since at least 1990 - and according to some claims since 1975 - in Europe with various former students of his having set up practice as healers in Germany and Denmark themselves --- I suggest to move this thread to the Fraud section....

 In 2005, after a presentation of his book „Circular Thought“ for the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization at Rutgers University in New Jersey, Nomad received his title of a professor. The price of this weekend seminar is 2500 kr.

Oh, all one has to do is present one's fiction book to earn a professor? And even from Rutger's! My book will be on its way tomorrow, can someone please fix a date for a representation for me at Rutger's!
In Europe, the path to such titles happens to be somewhat more demanding – and we also know the same is true for the USA. So, Mr Winterhawk, pull another one – this one's got bells on it.

Rutgers doesnt seem to have an Assn for the Study of Classical African Civilization. It does have a Center for African Studies.
It'd be pretty unusual to get a full professorship without at least a decade as an assistant or associate professor first, usually closer to two decades.

One thing I haven't found yet is NW's real name. He sure wasn't born named that. No Native would choose such a stereotypical name as Nomad. I did see some links mentioning a former residence in Dallas and family in California, but no names.

Moving to Frauds, there's obviously quite a bit of moneymaking off false history and ceremony selling going on.

Carsten, haven't you wondered why a supposed Native/African medicine man would be peddling ceremony in Europe, so far away from his supposed people? It's one of the few places most people would not challenge him on his lies.
I have to agree his not looking  "legit"  and a new age kind of type from what  pops up on the net , proving off course its still the same person. 

I wont judge anyone before I am 100 % certain and can prove it.   but it does not look good for him i will give you that.
and for that matter I am not in here for judging people either.  I am here for finding facts and truth about him ,  since I know him and could run into him again.   nice to know what people are.   but to judge anyone has never been my objective. 

also one thing you need to consider , as a legal term you have to be able to prove your claims , otherwise your the one that can be taken legal actions against  ,  because you can not  call people racist or frauds or anything if its not able to be proven in court of law. 

however thanks for making aware that the guy is "fishy "  enough to questioned.   

the last question. well it is a valid question but also would be more interesting to discuss  as a part of the discussion in general   its too good a question to answer shortly.

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2013, 10:24:11 pm »
I wont judge anyone before I am 100 % certain and can prove it.   but it does not look good for him i will give you that.
and for that matter I am not in here for judging people either.  I am here for finding facts and truth about him ,  since I know him and could run into him again.   nice to know what people are.   but to judge anyone has never been my objective.

Let us know if you learn his real name.

also one thing you need to consider , as a legal term you have to be able to prove your claims , otherwise your the one that can be taken legal actions against  ,  because you can not  call people racist or frauds or anything if its not able to be proven in court of law.

This is inaccurate. Research can be done, opinions expressed, we all have that freedom. 

Asking questions is a good thing. Wondering, evaluating, considering, discussing, this is all good.

its years since I met him last . I think.  I could maybe fish for it.  you have to understand I might as a person  have problems with just the fact I am discussing him around here.

his wife comes to me as a nurse.  no bad blood in this relation would be good.  I cant  take part in lynching him for you. but I can tell you my experiences with the person  I met.  stated as facts.  but not as moral judgement.

and no we do not have freedom here to say a person a racist or fraud.  it has to proven  in court if you claim something about people in written media  that can be used against you  in the case someone makes a legal actions.

its not likely  but you have to consider a  possible counter reaction from maybe his publisher.  its not likely however but always better to abide your country law as good you can.   freedom is a illusion anyway.  in modern society it is anyway.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2013, 10:31:10 pm »
I cant  take part in lynching him for you.

Again with the racism. No one here is torturing someone to death and hanging their mutilated body in a tree for their family to find, as a threat to the family that if they don't leave or be quiet they will also face a gruesome death.

You are speaking to people whose families really experienced these things. Calling someone out on their lies is not "lynching." How dare you.

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2013, 10:33:41 pm »
by the way ingeborg ?   you write a lot and lives in germany right ?  did you see him there.  or know this deertribe thing.

I am pretty sure he never been to germany.   however evidence suggest he is doing ceremonies in other places of the world 

this is what makes me say that its maybe not even the same person.   there could be two winterhawks afterall. 

the pictures  on the FB does suggest he is doing something ceremonial and it is proof enough.  I just don't want to accuse him of more than is actually rightful to do. 

if you can help me a little find out about the german parts.  I can either verify or even maybe fish a little around to find out more. 

but I also need to make sure first it is the same winterhawk. 

his real name.  well  you could hack into the system and find his marriage papers if you wanted but its hard to get away with but I doubt you can find out that  in other ways. 

I can maybe find a likely last name.   that is easy.  its in the phonebooks.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2013, 11:15:15 pm »
but I also need to make sure first it is the same winterhawk. 

That's not even a question. Anyone can easily cross reference the advertisements in the links with Nomad's own website (which is full of the information he presents).  It's all there, it all matches....


Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #35 on: April 06, 2013, 12:29:32 am »
Since Carsten had to also make this thread all about him, I am also splitting his tangents off to his intro thread:

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #36 on: April 06, 2013, 04:32:26 pm »
its years since I met him last . I think. 

his wife comes to me as a nurse.  no bad blood in this relation would be good.  I cant  take part in lynching him for you. but I can tell you my experiences with the person  I met.  stated as facts.  but not as moral judgement.
emphasis mine

Oh well, there he goes, trying to BS us again.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2013, 12:19:35 pm »
Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization

Not exactly an impressive group, or remotely mainstream in academia. The members are a who's who of Afrocentrics. The most infamous of them is Leonard Jeffries, a Black supremacist fired from City Univ of NY after he gave speeches claiming Jews ran the slave trade and that whites are naturally cruel "ice people" while Blacks can sense the universe thrugh their skin tone. Ivan van Sertima is the other well known figure, the founder of the Afrocentrics, his work mostly discredited.


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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2013, 03:14:43 pm »
Info on Nomad / Ronald Coleman and others from Varian

Nomad's birth name is Ronald Coleman, born 4/18/1950.  He chose to change his name to Nomad in the late 1970's and added Winterhawk after studying with the DeerTribe many years later (not exactly sure when). We grew up together in Altadena, Ca and attended Elliott Junior High and graduated from John Muir High School (Pasadena, CA) in 1968. Nomad did make the US Track Team in the early1970's and travelled to numerous countries with them as a high jumper ( best height was 7' 1"). I would help him practice. He attended Westmont College, in Montecito, Ca which is a private christian college, until he was asked to leave because he and other black brothers would like to dance on campus(not allowed). We both attended Pasadena City College after that and then on to Cal State, Los Angeles. He majored in Psychology and to the best of my knowledge never finished his degree. We both knew Harley Reagan and Nomad, being obscessed with Bruce Lee started studying various martial arts. Harley taught us judo and other disciplines. My brother started seeing his wife Nicky(supposedly open marriage) but Harley's jealousy overtook him and put my brother in the hospital. My brother Alan and Nicky were married soon after her divorce ( he was with both Mary Shy Deer and Diane by this time). By and by, The Deer Tribe was formulated and within a very short time (met my future and current wife/partner at the first open Black Lodge meeting of the Deer Tribe at Harley's house in La Canada, Ca. in 1981 (met Chuck Storm and his son Rocky at this meeting, but that's another story).
Knowing Nomad and I,  Harley put us high up of his Tribe. It didn't take me long for me to see were Harley and his cronies were headed, so we exited the group fast, however, Nomad was taken in by the power the tribe had over his minions and continued on with them.  I hung out at Nomad and his family house (his dad was a civil engineer for the city of Los Angeles.  He had an older sister Dolores and younger sister Diane ( Dee Dee)and they had a real nice house that over looked the JPL. Nomad's parents took numerous trips to Africa to look up their roots, and never once did the subject of Native American blood come up. You know when one becomes a pathological liar, the lies become the truth in their minds. All the jibberish Harley and Nomad conjured up came had just enough truths to make it seem real to those seeking a spiritual path( especially with our white bread religions that have no substance which of course  being  created as a con game of mind control centuries earlier).


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Re: Ronald Coleman AKA Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2013, 05:36:38 pm »
Name:    Ronald Coleman
Event Type:    Birth
Event Date:    18 Apr 1950
Event Place:    Los Angeles, California, United States
Gender:    Male
Mother's Name:    Crokett
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 02:55:24 pm by educatedindian »