Author Topic: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"  (Read 111205 times)

Offline Emmia

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2009, 08:38:06 pm »
The organizers in Sweden have cancelled the event with Mr de Carlo because they are not comfortable with all the questions around him. Ok, I'm officially impopular now... I think I can live with that.  As a reply he is complaining loudly on his site about me and Ingeborg as well. He's questioning my intelligence and you know what, I can live with that too! I am not interesting in doing a cyberwar with someone, I'm too old for that kind of kid's games.

Have a great evening, I intend too!


Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2009, 09:28:20 pm »
Good for you for getting him canceled!

Offline Emmia

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2009, 10:36:18 pm »
Hello Kathryn,
I kept a really low profile, I just supplied them with information from here and other sites. They took the decision themselves. I believe there were also some questions regarding extra costs.

I love it when good musicians come to my country to perform, French, Italian, Lebanese, Peruvian, Chinese, Native... from whatever nation, it doesn't matter. I just wish that people would understand that when someone claims to be something, they represent that culture. I have travelled the world and criss crossed through about 25 of the states in the US but I would not be comfortable representing any of the cultures I have encountered. I can talk about the cultures, the music especially, I even give lectures sometimes when asked. But always from an outsider's point of vue.

Have a great evening Kathryn,


Offline Freija

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2009, 09:46:44 am »
Hej Mia!

I have had problems accessing this site for a while - don´t know why - but now it works.

Good job! I don´t know much about the Ndn music industry, so I am glad you´re somewhat "an expert" :)
I am also glad that there are more and more of us trying to stop the fakes and frauds. We don´t want them in Sweden, do we?!

Ha en bra dag!


Offline Emmia

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2009, 10:33:20 pm »
Hello Annika,
No, we definately don't want them in Sweden, we have already had too many of them here.

Mia's new saying: Let's fight for a "fakefree" Sweden!!!!!

Sköt om dig,


Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2009, 06:54:52 pm »

I shortly found this...

maybe interresting.......

When I was at an event in Germany-- I met di Carlo-- half a year ago---- and what I noticed- that he spoke fluent Spanish or Portugese to some Inka dancers-- I don't speak Spanish or Portugese-- but I noticed that-- and not just me notice that....

Maybe he is not white, but comes from a Southern american Native group---

but don't know exactly....

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2009, 07:06:24 pm »
I know of a friend of mine, that there is an official letter from Kiowa Nation, that de Carlo is NOT an enrolled member of the Kiowa tribe.  At one Powwow, de Carlo got much trouble with some real Kiowa guys, who were really angry about talking himself am Kiowa Member and Kiowa Flutekeeper--- they asked him to sign a contract that hel should not use this term again, but at the next event- he did it again.

When I read this:

"....Be a part of something good and help the peoples of our land in the promotion
of our values and culture..."

at a letter of a powwow-group here in Germany, that support di Carlo:

look at : A letter from Tdom Bah
--- sorry, it is a pdf file, I can't put a direct link here

I am really angry about---- he is speaking for his "Native" culture.
When I read this letter among other things--- I really can shake my head- because I know what stays behind- I'm a long part of German Powwow-Scene. And I know the scenery....

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2009, 07:20:35 pm »
something from his webpage:

a friend told me-that this was originally a letter from a southern american musician who died of cancer, he wrote something similar shortly before his death.....


funny thing when you read this:


at :

just my 5 cents...


Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2009, 08:05:57 pm »
You need to review the first page. 

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2009, 02:18:38 pm »
How are you all doing... well, what do you know I am back... and here is one more reply to all of you who have taken the time to make my life interesting... it seems to me that some of you are happy because I get events canceled and still think you have something to do with this... WOW, if it makes you happy and feel important, good for you. Now in the other hand you should also soend some time doing some basic resarch, for example Texas is still in the USA, No people in Argentina do not speak Portuguese, yes Me, The Flute Keeper speaks several languages and if that makes me less of an Indian well, what can I say - in the eyes of some of sou GermanoIndianers Creatures that could be considered too educated for your taste... but to all of you who still havent had the time to visit my page here is something I came out with the past few days... enjoy it!
Dear Friends,Critics, Fans, Enemies and Sore loosers...

Here I am again.

I like to thank all of you who have taken the time to send me mails, add information in forums and just plain have taken the time to keep on talking about me. Who was it that said `people would do anything for 15 minutes of fame`... was it Any Warhol?... I can´t rememebr who but sure enough was right. Thanks to the net we have now more and more people who think they can prove the world how smart they are and, it seems to me that some are very eager to prove just the opposite.. The letters in favor, I keep, the ones against and who like to trash me I will answer.. but some of them just answer themselves, like the one from the TWO different people in Sweden who still claim that I am from Texas Argentina.. I still can´t believe that the country's who gives away the Noble Prize has its Nationals in the dark as to where Texas is. So be it! also ONE more person from the same country claims that people in Argentina speaks Portuguese.. well, nothing to say there, we had in the USA an ex-vice president who said that if he could speak Latin he would travel to Latin America.. what do you know, he must had had some Swedish blood.

But what this letter brings you now is something that happen to me last night during a concert I was giving in a cute little city in Germany. Yeap, what can I say.. I still work every week end and it seems that my goal of resting for 2009 is slowly fading away due to the amount of concerts I have for the year in turn and you have to get it while is hot! anyway, as I was saying; I was giving a concert and suddenly I had a Visionary Quest (to those of you who like to attack me for not being your kind of Indian, YES I said Visionary Quest - Visions Quest are not discussed here and you will see what I mean as we read more)... so anyway, I had my Visionary Quest and it came to me that it is mostly Germans who are responsible of the misconception of what an Indian is like. Let me explain.- When one of your kin wrote those books about the Apache who dresses like a Comanche and even has a canoe in Oklahoma (?) a can of worms was opened. One day to the other Germans began to write books about Indians and as usual, like any other light colored person `Knew More than we do about our people`and the whole mess beg an... They started dressing like Indians, giving each others names , doing Powwows, learning chants, dances, names and so on.. all from books THEY wrote - some good, some fiction and some just plain crap. But the ones with the fiction made it good and what do you know, they became bibles to many of these new GermanoIndian Race (sounds good.. probably not right but sounds goods nevertheless)... so when I was invited to Germany to do my first series of Concerts, I just didn't´t fit the bill. Why?, not because I don´t look like an Indian, or because I don´t speak like one from the movies, or because I have short (or no) hair, or maybe it was that I didn't have the fringed jacket, the wolf printed sweater (made in Peru) or I didn´t wave my hand in a circle when I said hi (or howwww do you do - with heavy Indian accent) ... no, I was not fitted to be Indian enough in the eyes of those who so eager want to move and live in an Indian Reservation where the Buffalo Roam and we all live in Tipis and never work because The Creator provides all for us.... So when I was invited to do some talks (I did 3 or 4 talks about Indians, but had no idea of what to say but what I have lived and other Indians friends lived like - which by the way are not all Lakota... another loved misconception of this GermanoIndian Creature... all have to be Lakota, speak Lakota and be realted by adoption to one of them)... going back to these talks, I told them what is a fact and how Names (Indian names) don´t come in your sleep nor while in an Amsterdam cafe or is given by another GermanoIndian Creature. Soon I was labeled as a Non Real Indian, what can I say... I didn't´t feel the bill nor I played their game so I was out... I had no problem, I went to sleep with a clean conscience and woke up with a good feeling. But there were those who wanted me to be something I was not and they became my enemies.. what can I say, I was not in the mood to play GermanoIndian and Shoe of Manitou games (sorry for the spelling, I am sure it is spelled in another way but you know what I mean)... So life went on and what do you know, I started to get certain fame and reputation and soon I had more bookings than I expected in Germany... Hey, I am in the business and I took (and still take) the work when is there... money for my retirement fund and for those goodies I like so much. But as time went by I learnt a lot from these creatures.. and I learnt that they are not what the books say about them.. let me explain, you see I love music and when you hear of Beethoven, well you would think that EVERYONE in Bonn plays music.. after all ALL GermanoIndian Creatures think all Indians are Medicine Man (they call them Sahamans... but Shamans are from South of the Border and not from the USA... well, forgot to mention that many of these GermanoIndian Creatures love to mix New Age with Budism, Yoga, Yogurt and Buffalo Meat in their Vision Quest for a reincarnated life where they were Indians and lived with other Indians of their kin)... and all of this just to let you know... and don´t believe that all Germans walk around in Green Shorts and dacne around with a beer mug (those cute mugs with a metal cover) and for sure not all German Girls wear cute tail on their heads and show their ... you know what I mean... too bad, it seemed like such fun!

What Kind of Indian am I?

Do I go to the desert and Pray? It seems to me, as I come to this assertion that I did a lot of praying in the Desert. let me explain, I am the New Age Indian - the one who has a casino so near that he would spend more time in it than in any other place during any given time of the day (or night). So like a good New Age Indian. I did my share of traveling to the Desert (Palm Springs, Las Vegas, and many other Desert Cities where casinos we relocated) and did LOTS, and I mean LOTS of praying in front of gambling tables. You can see many of my brothers sitting in front of them Bingo Tables, Slot Machines and other gambling artifacts praying and paying and praying never answered but prays took place for hours and hours...and if that is not a Visionary Quest. you tell me! ... once I did my journey to Spirit Mountain, but to be honest I have visited more times Magic Mountain in Valencia California. as well as the Spirit Mountain Casino in Oregon. so you see, I am just your everyday human, with dreams, with hopes, with sorrows and with lots, and lots of decisions to take each day, but one is for sure already taken and that is; I will not use what I don´t know to get something from someone who doesn't know better. Come to see me, share couple of hours with me and my group, enjoy some good dancing, good music, and dance with us, play with us and be happy for a very affordable price (our shows are family oriented and cheap in price but never in quality)... if you have questions about Spirituality and if you think our music will heal you GOOD for you, you did it and ONLY you, we bring you the music.. you channel it as you may see fits your needs and, we would be happy and glad for you. No bull, not taking and not using where we came from to take advantage of your needs...

Horses, long hair and other expalnations to come... today I just wanted to say this!
And one more thing, stop by and say hello when you visit some of my events...

Offline Superdog

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2009, 02:26:51 pm »
Hmm....that was a lot of words that didn't say anything....kind of like a George Bush speech....

You're still not Kiowa and selling yourself as Kiowa...and apparently making a lot of money at it and found a place where you're somewhat Germany (not among Kiowas).

What's the point of that speech you just wrote.

and it's Nobel Prize btw...

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2009, 06:18:38 pm »



and no answer- equal if NA, not Na or whatelse--- why nobody should copy De Carlos stuff while he is/was copying all time... for example as long as the craft- starting page existed-- the picture of the wellmade Artifacts---- the pic was stolen from a webpage from UK . from a Native Lady doing Craftwork...

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2009, 11:30:31 am »
What can I say... seems than more than keeping people happy with my shows, I also keep people busy in the net... The more you talk about me, the more I get going... whta bothers you? the fact that people shows in my events? or the fact that you never asked to be in them. The doors were always open to any vendors but it seems that you closed the doors and now you have to do your talking behind close doors. My company is doing events all over the world and we get more and more people showing to these fun gatherings. It is not just Germany, where the Indian Shows (karl may Thank you) seem to be popular and where the Peruvian Groups started their street shows - are popular. It is all over Europe and many other countries in other far away places. I do my tour in Germany with German dancers, and bring Natives when possible and when the budgets are available. Still, you and many others want to prove something about something that has nothing to do with what we at GiLa Music does.
Dear Elke, as I mentioned before - and many times over and over, WE ARE in Showbusiness and if you think that you (and all like you, full of anger and envy) want to promote me as anything that suits your needs, so be it! Keep up with my updates, my schedule and thanks for the free advertising, I have had an increase of orders in the past few weeks and somehow it seems that you keep people visiting my page and judging by themselves and what do you know... more sales. Thank you

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2009, 11:47:01 am »
Hmm....that was a lot of words that didn't say anything....kind of like a George Bush speech....

You're still not Kiowa and selling yourself as Kiowa...and apparently making a lot of money at it and found a place where you're somewhat Germany (not among Kiowas).

What's the point of that speech you just wrote.

and it's Nobel Prize btw...

Thanks, sometimes I write while on the road and sometimes I get the spelling wrong, I will get to it and it is Noble to have a Noble Prize. And by the way, I don´t sell my self as Kiowa, I sell my self as a average flute player... not as good as many out there but I am still working at it. I do other things as well like making flutes with chldren (using plastic PVC) and have fun doing it. Sometimes we also get together and do some amateur drum circles - still working at it, and sometimes we just do nothing - very good at this. Take Care