Author Topic: Cathie Duchene  (Read 8530 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Cathie Duchene
« on: September 18, 2008, 03:41:50 am »
Duchene is not a ceremony seller, as best I could find. She's one of the leading people in the fake "Algonquin" communities in Canada that our members over by Six Nations territory were discussing so much a few months back. I got sent an email with a long genealogy showing that Duchene is not Mohawk as she claims.

First I'll post this background article on the controversy, then the email sent to me with the genealogy.


Friday, July 4, 2008
Sleight of Hand Magic: Tragi Comedy of Deadly Errors at the Border
SLEIGHT OF HAND MAGIC??? - A TragiComedy of Deadly Errors in Five Acts set in Haudenosaunee Territory, early 21st Century

by Iakoha'ko:wa, Sharbot Lake of Haudenosaunee Territory

Mohawk Nation News
2008. Sharbot Lake of Haudenosaunee Territory is a huge land claims fraud orchestrated by Ontario, Canada and the corporations that want the minerals lying under the bushes of the region. The goal is to develop the area for purposes that have yet to be revealed, or perhaps for the great and celestial aim of development for development’s sake.
Uranium is the official front. The script writers have been busy. The area they want is south of the Ottawa River watershed, between Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron. Nine fake Algonquin communities comprised mostly of non-native settlers have been groomed to “negotiate??? and “sign away??? the land.
The Cast:???Ambulance Chasers???: Chris Reid, Steve Reynolds, Robert Potts, Brian Crane, Neil Smitheman, Alan Pratt; “Handlers???: Michael Bryant, et al.; “Willing Assets???: Randy Cota, Bob Lovelace, Harold Perry, Doreen Davis, Earl Badour, Cathie Duchene; “The Complicit???: CCAMU (The Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium) Frontenac News, Green Party; Chumps??? the cast of thousands who follow along and don’t ask real questions.Director:Rem “Roman Polansky??? Westland; Chorus: the Christian Peacemakers [Pacifiers] Team; Producer: the Government of Canada; Writer: the USA.

Prologue:The Sharbot Lake of Haudensaunee Territory puppet show is staged to fool us into thinking that they can make us relinquish our land and make it look like uranium mining will be stopped at Robertsville. All the players in this magic display are scurrying around like rats. Lawyers, handlers and their assets parade across their makeshift stage. They’ve all been assigned roles but are still fighting to be the leading ham in this dark tragedy. The one who seals the deal gets the most$.
In May and June it’s a 5-act festival scripted by the greedy puppet masters in Ottawa, Washington, London, Europe and the Vatican.
In Act I the Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs strolls into Sharbot Lake to talk to the pretend "Algonquins". Act II takes us into the courtroom where Indigenous are brought to colonial justice, patently recognizable as injustice. Act III is a flurry of mind boggling announcements. Act IV is the vicious attack on 2 Mohawk women at the Cornwall border crossing. They’ve been exposing their crimes? Their dogged expose of ‘Algonquin Gate’. Act V is the showdown. See who panics! See how they run!

Act I - Stirring up Confusion
Scene 1: April 2008. The Mohawk people at Tyendinaga are recovering from an OPP/SWAT assault. May 8. Big Chief Doreen Davis of the newly created Shabot Obaadjiwans band of Algonquins is hosting the Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Michael "Brylcreme and Lipless" Bryant.
The Minister was invited a year ago to meet the "NoGonquins" to discuss a uranium mine. Last July 2007 a phony protest was staged at Robertsville mine site, 42 miles north of Kingston, Ontario, by two groups of pretend "No’Gonquins and their settler supporters".
At that time “B & L??? B. was in the Attorney General's office lobbying to get 12 years in jail on 6 counts of “mischief??? for Mohawk Shawn Brant of Tyendinaga. B & L proved his hostility to Indigenous people and promptly got promoted to Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.
In Sharbot Lake, B & L was slick enough to speak privately with Big Doreen and her Warchiefs, Luanda "Miss Who?" and Earl "Green Eggs and Ham" Badour. He also spoke to the “Shabot Obaadjiwan Justice Circle???. He was fascinated to see the wampum of a real Algonquin, William Commanda of Maniwaki, brought there to try to legitimize the Shabot's phony Algonquin land claim.
Big Doreen says she "pressed the minister for a negotiated resolution". Though she sat on him to pressure Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, Minister of Natural Resources Donna Cansfield and Minister of Northern Development and Mines Michael Gravelle, no "particular action" was promised. In return she guaranteed the Shabots "will respect [her] rule of law".
She grumbled about needing some of "these lands for our food, medicine and peace of mind", forgetting to mention her main feed bag source is either Wendy's or McDonalds in Perth.

Scene 2: In mid May, 2008, Frontenac Ventures Corp. had an Ontario Mining Act permit to conduct an extensive radiometric survey over their so-called 30,000 acres claim of unceded Haudenosaunee territory. FVC is in the midst of a 40-week drilling exploration schedule that started last October under Judge Cunningham's ruling. There are 4 weeks of drilling left. FVC plans to dig over 100 test holes which could release harmful radon into the watershed and air. George "Dried-Up-Old-Prune" White, President and CEO of FVC, is coy about whether or not they have begun drilling. The Ontario Provincial Police provides round-the-clock security at taxpayers’ expense.

Scene 3: Elections were held in March 2008 for the ANR (Algonquin Negotiation Representatives) and the Pikwakinagan Council at Golden Lake. Most were selected and then acclaimed for 25 or 30 years. Robert "Who-Looks-a-lot-like-that-self-proclaimed-expert-on-Indigenous repression-Jim" Potts, is now senior negotiator for the Algonquins. He bosses everybody and sets out membership and dress codes.
Shortly before the ANR's meeting, May 14-16, 2008, Robert Potts of Blaney McMurtry LLP, issued a directive that meetings with Crown representatives and ambulance chasers are not open to their clients, the "Algonquins". This is such a bizarre interpretation of Indigenous and international law that it looks like a breach. Whatever happened to the idea of prior informed consent? But then these are pretend Algonquins! So maybe they only have pretend rights?
Potts hopes for an Agreement-in-Principal (AIP) by 2010. The No’Gonquins can try to find out what went on from their ANR. If they don't like it, they can just “hit the road, Jack!??? And sign up some new “No’Gonquins???. Compliance is a must. Unlike other nationalities, Algonquin memberships expire after 5 years.
Potts yells at anyone who asks uncomfortable questions. This made the Ardoch "All-Chiefs-No-Indians" split from the Ontario Algonquins. Randy Cota, who is an OPP and the chief, has the job of silencing the questioners. Potts directs People to the Algonquins web site run by Patrick Howe of CoreshellGroup in Toronto. MNN exposed this ring of crooks in a March 13, 2008 article, "VIRTUAL ALGONQUINS" - MADE IN " CANADA ".
Two days of the ANR's meeting were spent setting up more meetings, deciding where to have lunch and looking busy to justify their $50,000 a year salary plus expenses.
When the Ontario and Canada negotiators arrived on May 16, the ANRs bowed, scraped, jumped up and down with glee and clapped. They were then told that Parliamentarians need their long summer vacations. Nothing could proceed until "late fall". The ANR's were left to think about membership criteria, to compose a constitution and an anthem. Big Doreen is flying the Mohawk Unity Flag and the Confederacy Hiawatha Flag. She’s got no right to as a phony Algonquin. She’s supposed to give $1 to the Confederacy for every pack of cigs she sells. But we hear her pockets are getting real heavy!

Act II – The Courtroom Theatre of the Absurd
Scene 1: “FVC's lawsuit against the Shabot Obaadjiwan for $77 million??? was on the marquis. The Shabots filed a “merry-go-round??? counter claim against Ontario and Canada on May 25, 2008. Money is taken from the taxpayers, put through the “Indians??? and then placed into the pockets of the corporations and their helpers. On June 2nd 2008, Little Stevie "Raised-on-Wonder-Bread" Reynolds, the ambulance chaser for the Shabots, lead the mock charge against the Government.

Scene 2: The Christian Pacifiers Team has a gig at the mine site from May 25 to June 8. They have two weeks to influence people into inaction and complacency.

Scene 3: Robert "Hisses-like-a-Flat-Can-of-Pop" Lovelace is released from jail on May 28, 2008. He spent 100 days in Lindsay Correctional Facility. His groupies flock around him for the photo ops. The public relations spin him as a “hero/martyr???, if you will. Simpering Lovelace’s meandering comments and love letters are published widely by the mainstream Press and posted on the internet by his followers, the complicit CCAMU (The Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium) and Frontenac News. The real martyrs are the KI6 (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug).

Scene 4: On June 2, 2008, the show moves into the Kingston courtroom. George "Dried-up-Old-Bones" White of FVC gets a chance to feign power. His attorney, Neil "Who-Advocates-the-Earth-should-be-Plundered" Smitheman huffs and puffs. He’s also counsel for Platinex, the destroyer and plunderer of KI territory and its people.
FVC drops the 2nd set of contempt charges filed in February 2008 against Lovelace and six non-natives. However, the “Jane and John Doe??? warrant continues against anyone who might stroll by the mine gates. "Protesters" have to stay 200 metres away from the gates and FVC employees. As for the FVC's $77 million lawsuit against the Algonquins, taxpayers will have to dig deep to pay this off. Actually it’s our money from the theft of our lands and exploitation of our resources.

Act III - Bla, Bla, Bla, Spin, Spin, Spin
Scene 1: On June 8th 2008 the Ardoch "All Chiefs, No Indians" No-gonquins hold a meeting at the local Maberly Hall. More non-native settlers attend than Algonquins. Cathie "Lost-in-the-Woods" Duchene makes her confusing pitch. She came from British Columbia to set things straight that she’s the title holder to this vast Haudenosaunee tract south of the Ottawa River. Both Cathie and Big Doreen claim to be descendents of Mohawk Francis Sharbot of Kanehsatake. She wants the government to deal with her, not the No’Gonquins. Then she aligns herself with the Ardochs, Lovelace and OPP Randy Cota!! She appears determined to replace Big Chief "DD" at the negotiation table. Documents and maps are flying all over the place. These could be forged or changed, as the olonists have always done from the beginning.

Scene 2: On June 11, 2008 The Shabots issue a press release to pacify detractors into a stupor, "Fighting uranium is what this is all about." Big Doreen refers to Lovelace as "our colleague" and the Ardochs as "our sister community". The Shabots and the Ardochs barely speak to each other. She says that, "understanding and trust are built up" when they "sit down around the fire and talk things through".
Last summer, those who challenged the protest organizers were reminded about the colonial "chain of command" and told to “shut up???. Many good sincere supporters were driven away. Mohawks were told they were not welcome [on their own land]. Iakoha'ko:wa, a nearby resident, received a threatening phone call from OPP Brandy Wynters of ART [Aboriginal Response Team], “You are not welcome at the protest camp???. Randy Cota told people not to talk to Iakoha'ko:wa.
The Shabots want to stay in the "legal arena somehow".[probably the colonial] and to "ensure full discussion within the Shabot community". OPP Chief Randy Cota demands specific I.D. from those who want to attend meetings. Otherwise they are thrown out. Doreen posts "Algonquins only" signs.
"Because of the delicate nature of the discussions, we need to keep details confidential." We’ll let ya know sometime [after we made the deal and get our cut!] This sounds like “war strategy??? on how to make "behind-closed-doors" secret deal that benefit the greedy few and rob the rest of the pretenders???. Big Doreen and “Warchief??? Earl "The-Only-One-who-Looks-Native" Badour sign on. CCAMU and Frontenac News, the local propaganda rag, dutifully post the carefully contrived “news???. The Mohawks stay in the bush, watch and wait. They know the land isn’t going anywhere though the criminal scam artists might end up in jail, if any honest Canadians ever wake up.
The non-native residents "don't want to tell the Natives what to do". They are beginning to see that the whole scenario is being orchestrated by some filthy rich white men, some living in cottages in the area.

Scene 3: On Friday June 13, 2008, The Shabot Obaadjiwans release another “blowhard??? [press statement]. Big Doreen says they’ve "won a key concession from Ontario". Ontario, the fake Algonquins of Ontario and Frontenac Ventures Corp. "are developing a consultation process" on how they are going to pull off their scam. While rolling their eyes at each other, they sing, "We intend this to be a true dialogue".
How will Doreen "address" FVC's goal to cut open a swath of earth some 5 miles long to get at some low grade uranium? Mine or no mine?? That is the question. Big Doreen promises to keep sitting on the bureaucrats and politicians who shower her with new gas pumps at her cig shack at Silver Lake.

Scene 4: Still on Friday, June 13th, Cathie "Who's-Now-Hanging-around-Sharbot-Lake" Duchene emails her own “blowhard??? to a number of the “bottom feeders??? involved in this scam, including Brian Crane (negotiator for Ontario) and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. Frontenac News publishes it on June 19. Cathie "Who-May-Not-be-a-Bear-at-All" Duchene arrived like a locomotive to stake her claim to Sharbot Lake. She is staying under the protection of the Sharbot Lake OPP detachment.
Her letter squeals about her alleged “Mohawk-ness??? and being a "title holder under the Great Law". There’s no evidence she ever listened to it when it was read. She also declares, "I fully support the Ardoch Algonquins, under their wise respected Honorary Elder, Harold Perry, who I have known for most of my life and remember when he visited us as a young girl." Cathie previously said she had "never met the man". Does she have a double personality?
Cathie thanks Randy and Harold and commends them for "practising and living [their] traditions"!! Cathie invites all to call her so they can get more confused.

Scene 5: Still on Friday, June 13, Frontenac Ventures and Gemmill Sand & Gravel, a local outfit, are charged with "breach of environmental regulation" by the Ardochs. Road construction to the drill sites damaged "sensitive wetlands" when they "dumped fill into the waterways severing the natural flow of water". MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) “appears??? to be making FVC tow the line on their way to complete devastation of the area and watershed which reaches urban centres like Ottawa and Montreal.

Act IV - Trying to Silence MNNScene 1: Less than 24 hours later MNN’s editor and manager are attacked at the Cornwall border on Saturday, June 14. The brutal attack at Akwesasne that afternoon is well documented. They were beaten by Canadian Border Service Agency "goons". Kahentinetha was hospitalized and Katenies was held incommunicado for 2 days.

Scene 2: That same Saturday night in Kingston, 1,000 people packed a hall for a Bruce Cockburn concert honoring Bob Lovelace and raising $20,000 for him. They are trying to help legitimize his part in the big land claims with the Ardochs, Big Doreen, the Shabots and all the criminal operatives of the Crown.
Scene 3: The next day, a few Shabots hold a rally 210 meters from the Robertsville mine site gates.
Scene 4: Monday morning, June 16 Katenies is in a Cornwall courtroom facing hokey charges of "running the border". She carefully recounted the recent sequence of events and clarifies her position in a June 29 MNN article, " Katenies questions border at Cornwall Ontario court 9:00 am July 14 2008". The mainstream media continues to boycott the entire history making event.
Scene 5: The Shabot cabal meet with bureaucrats in Toronto. After being wined and dined, they emerge full of s**t.
Scene 6: On June 21, 2008, after Lovelace has a few days of rest and gets his new instructions from his “handlers???, the Ardochs issue another blowhard. It’s Ambulance chaser Chris Reid drivel supposedly coming from Harold Perry, honorary chief. Chief Paula "Professor of Fake Algonquin History" Sherman, Chief Mireille "Affidavit Indian" LaPointe and Chris Reid are the contacts. They coin it the "four prongs of protest, education, legal action and political pressure" which has been playing out since last summer. Lovelace plays the "political prisoner" who has suffered trauma and can’t say too much at this time.
The Ardochs apparently got their pow wow site at Malcom Lake (approved by Ontario but NOT the municipality). They are in secret talks to get unknown acreage at Crotch Lake. There is the usual reference to the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and their opposition to uranium mining.
The fifth prong to their strategy is “healing???. The CPT act is being brought in to help kill any critical thinking that might still be floating around. Uncomfortable questions are labeled as “harmful??? because it stops people from feeling the pain. Everyone is encouraged to put up and shut up in the name of peace.

Act V The End is Just the BeginningScene 1: Bright and early Monday morning, while out fishing, Big Doreen tells Jeff Green of Frontenac News that "a pilot consultation framework is slated to be announced by the end of this week" on June 27. It will involve lots of public meetings and “free food???! Two settlers might be picked to go into the bush with Big Doreen as "observers" of alleged uranium mining activity. If Jeff, a slight man with a mop top, gets picked, he'll get sat on to give Big Doreen some credibility in his newspaper. Jeff ignores all the well-researched Mohawk articles, complaints and documents, even maps that prove this is Haudenosaunee territory and that the “Algonquin??? claim is a fraud.
Frontenac News dutifully publishes on June 26th that Frontenac Ventures will start drilling on July 21. The ANR's hold a “nation??? meeting in Kanata on the same day.

Scene 2: Today people desire peace and security at any price. They are being convinced to give up their liberty and to abandon critical thinking. ANY criticism is denounced as "trouble making" or confrontational. People are threatened if they question or look into the deeper realities. They are side tracked that it is a "conspiracy theory". Religion and other dogma are used to pacify people into inaction and to dull their minds.
The eagle at the top of the Great Tree of Peace has the sight to see for miles around and can answer a call from 20 miles or more away. Eagles remind us to connect the dots, to be vigilant over our freedoms and to protect the people we Love.

EpilogueThis play is based on real life events. Many choose to go along with the script that has been written for us trying to guide us to our doom. We can get creative and resist the corruption and plunder by opening our eyes and using all our gifts.
Katenies will be in the Cornwall courthouse July 14 to ask the question, "How and when did the Crown gain jurisdiction over us?"
Iakoha'ko:wa Sharbot LakeThe legal challenge on the border issue will cost money. MNN has none. Canada has unlimited funds from exploiting indigenous resources. We need counsel that will not be intimidated by this display of power. Canada is apparently hiring top law firms to fight the Mohawks. Your financial help is needed. If you could send donations, it would be greatly appreciated: Checks and money orders to “MNN Mohawk Nation News???, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Thank you very much.

CONTACT INFO:Contact for Shabot Obaadjiwan and Chief Doreen Davis:613 279-1970Ardoch Algonquins and Chief Paula ShermanCell: 613-329-3706 omamikwe@bell.blackberry.netActing Chief Mireille Lapointe Phone: 613-273-3530lapointe@rideau.netChristopher M. Reid Barrister & Solicitor154 Monarch Park Ave. Toronto, ON M4J 4R6Tel: (416) 466-9928 Fax: (416) 466-1852 lawreid@aol.comContact Cathie Duchene 613 484-1635Dalton McGuinty at <>Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Contact InformationMinister's Main Office Whitney Block5th Flr Rm 5630 - 99 Wellesley St W. Toronto ON M7A1W3The Honourable Michael Gravelle Phone (416) 327-0633Fax (416) 327-0665Minister's Northern Office (by appointment only)Suite 404 - 189 Red River Rd. Thunder Bay ON P7B1A2Minister: The Honourable Michael GravellePhone 807-343-7808 Fax 803-343-7680Deputy Minister's Office, 99 Wellesley St. West, Whitney Block, Room 5630Toronto, ON M7A 1W3 - Acting Deputy Minister: Don IgnacyPhone (416) 327-0633 Fax (416) 327-0651Ministry of Natural Resources: MNR Office - Peterborough (Natural Resources Information Centre) 300Water Street, P.O. Box 7000, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 8M5 (705)755-2000 (local) 1-800-667-1940 (toll free) 1-866-686-6072 (TTY - Hearing Impaired) Minister's Office 6th Floor, Room 6630, Whitney Block, 99 Wellesley St. W., Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1W3 (416) 314-2301Deputy Minister's Office 6th Floor, Room 6643, Whitney Block, 99Wellesley St. W., Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1W3 (416) 314-2150Donna Cansfield provides a place to leave a message:

Notes and Sources
Posted by at 7:36 PM 

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Cathie Duchene
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2008, 03:50:29 am »
And the email sent to me with genealogy, mostly taken from Duchene's own research online.


ANya:wen sge:no;       

Ms. Cathie Duchene "wish you were a Mohawk", seems to be all bothered that we found out who she really is. Her mother is a white woman, because Viola Lanning, Audrey Sharbot's mother is white. Therefore Cathie has no nation and no clan!! A No-hawk!!

So, Francis Sharbot (Fransway Shabotte) could have been a Mohawk and Mary Sue Guigue
could have been an Algonquin. The same goes for the housemates Antoine. Until we
figure that out and have proof that we can't refute, we will never know. If your uncle
can help you out with that, it would be greatly appreciated. But don't forget that
oral history, while very useful, is not absolutely true. Some things are glorified
and exagerated and other things are not said or even not known. Don't forget also
that traditonally, sons and daughters of Indian heritage, did not carry the names
of their father and mother. This makes it most difficult to establish a paternal or
maternal lineage.

... Jean-Claude
February 12, 2008:  Ontario French Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1747-1967
Birth, Marriage & Death

View Image  PreviewName: Viola Mary Sylvia McNeeley 
Province: Ontario
There's more to see
A picture of the original document

And things like
Spouse Event Year
Event Religion
Place of Worship or Institution
Sign up now

Name:  Viola Mary Sylvia McNeeley 
Spouse:  Cecil Sharbot
Marriage:  year - city, Ontario

Sharbot Family

Chief Francois ( Fransway ) Sharbot  AKA..Odjik/Jobot

Born Jan.18, 1822 Lake of Two Mountains

Died Mar 6, 1882 Sharbot Lake after a hunting accident ( Mohawk)

Married Algonquin

Mary Susan GuiGue AKA Whiteduck

Born 1835 Ontario

Foot note to this, see Doc #171 Looks like she was married the second time to Thomas Butterfield.

Children are as follows:

Joseph Francis Sharbot ( Algonquin)

Born 1856-Died 1856 when a tree fell on him

Married Mary Gibson, ( Scottish) my granddaddy pronounced this name Jimsin

(Surname: Gibson, Sharbot, Cooney

COONEY - Mary Gibson, daughter of David and Betsy Gibson, was born in
Frontenac County, Ontario in the 1860s. She was married twice (Joe Sharbot/ ?Cooney)
and lived at Sand Point or Quyon, Quebec. Mary was my grandfather's half
sister and I would like to know her story, her husband's first name,
family(if any), where buried, etc. for family genealogy.)

Mary GIBSON Household
  Other Information:
    Birth Year <1861> 
    Birthplace O <Ontario> 
    Age 20 
    Marital Status   
    Ethnic Origin Scottish 
    Head of Household David C GIBSON
    Religion Presbyterian 
  Source Information:
    Census Place Windham, Norfolk North, Ontario 
    Family History Library Film 1375899
    NA Film Number C-13263
    District 158
    Sub-district C
    Division 3
    Page Number 35
    Household Number 176

Peter Sharbot ( Algonquin)

Born 1859-Died 1925 of TB ..DOC # 176

Married Annie Antoine  ( Mohawk)

Thomas Sharbot ( Algonquin)

(1. JOHN MANUEL1 ANTOINE (FRANCIS EDWARDA, FRANCIS EDWARDB) was born Abt. 1849 in Devil Lake or Lake of Two Mountains, Quebec, and died December 24, 1919 in Sharbot Lake, Frontenac, Ontario. He married (1) SOPHIE LEGER Abt. 1870. She was born Abt. 1853 in Ontario, and died Abt. 1895 in Bedford, Ontario. He married (2) ELIZABETH (LISE) HOLLYWOOD Abt. 1900, daughter of THOMAS HOLLYWOOD and SARAH VAN WINKLE. She was born 1883 in Ontario, and died 1953.  FRANCOIS ANTOINE   M   Male   Indigenous   25   Quebec   Chasseur   Catholique 
 SOPHIE ANTOINE   M   Female   Indigenous   24   Quebec      Catholique 
 FRANCOIS ANTOINE   S   Male   Indigenous   3   Quebec      Catholique 
 MARIE MAGDELEINE ANTOINE   S   Female   Indigenous   1   Quebec      Catholique 

Children of JOHN ANTOINE and SOPHIE LEGER are:

i. MARGARET/MARY2 ANTOINE, b. Bet. 1873 - 1877, Ontario; m. JOHN AMOS BADOUR, May 24, 1895, Newboro, Leeds County, Ontario; b. September 22, 1876.

ii. CECELIA/LEWAS ANTOINE, b. Abt. 1874.

iii. ADA/EDITH ANTOINE, b. Abt. 1875.

iv. JULIA ANTOINE, b. Bet. 1876 - 1878.

v. ANNIE ANTOINE, b. February 22, 1879, Ontario; m. PETER SHARBOT; b. June 23, 1852, Ontario.

vi. SOPHIA ANTOINE, b. July 23, 1881, Ontario.

NOTE: most Sharbots have lung problems and some were carriers for TB.

John (Jack) Sharbot ( Mohawk)

Born 1862  no date of death


Mary Ann  Sharbot ( Mohawk)

Born 1864 Died 1930

Antoine Guigue Born 1854-died 1930 ( Algonquin)

No record of any legal marriage although they had 8 children together.

Lewis (Lawrence/Louis) Sharbot (Mohawk)

Born 1868-died1912

Married Margaret (Maggie) Badour ( White- French)

Apparently they are buried on an Island with their son on Sharbot Lake at Maggie’s Point.

DOC # 154


 Name  Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion
 Alexander BADOUR   M   Male   French   50   O <Ontario>   Carter   Catholic 
 Mary BADOUR   M   Female   German   46   O <Ontario>      Church of England 
 Mary BADOUR      Female   French   22   O <Ontario>   Factory Hand   Catholic 
 Anastatia BADOUR      Female   French   18   O <Ontario>   Factory Hand   Catholic 
 Edward BADOUR      Male   French   15   O <Ontario>   Carter   Catholic 
 Emiline BADOUR      Female   French   13   O <Ontario>      Catholic 
 Margaret BADOUR      Female   French   11   O <Ontario>      Catholic 
 Eliza BADOUR      Female   French   8   O <Ontario>      Catholic 
 William BADOUR      Male   French   2   O <Ontario>      Catholic 

Libby Sharbot died as an infant. ( French -White)

Eliza Sharbot born 1869 Unknown ( French- White)

Mitchell Sharbot Born 1870 Lost track ( French -White)


Thomas Sharbot ( Algonquin because mother Mary Susan Guigue is Algonquin)

Born 1861-Died Dec 2, 1927

Married Cecilia Antoine ( Mohawk ? ) Born 1881 Devils Lake/Bedfordshire Died May 26, 1973

**Note: No such place as Devil's Lake in Ontario- Devils Lake is Located in North Dakota and no such place as Bedfordshire in Ontario. There is a Bedfordshire, England, a Bedford, Frontenac County, Ontario .


Thomas and Cecilia Sharbots Children

Cecil Joseph  Sharbot  ( Mohawk? )

Born August 18, 1902

Died Oct. 10, 1989


Viola Lanning ( White- British)

Born Feb 16, 1905 died July 1, 1989

(SurnameDB: Lanning surname meaning

This interesting surname is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is a dialectal variant of the locational name Langham, from places so called in Dorset, Norfolk, ...)

Cecil and Viola had 2 children.

Warren Thomas  Sharbot  ( White because mother is white that's why he received an Algonquin status card. He followed Thomas Sharbot who is actually Algonquin because his mother is Algonquin)

Audrey Mary Sharbot and Audrey is my mother. ( **Note  Cathie Duchense's  mother is white with no nation and no clan)

Thomas and Cecilia’s children were also, Jerome, Harold, Thomas and Celia

Frank died young as well a young child was shot accidentally.

Reminder, I do have the branches as well.

This is the story based on evidence found during research.

Apparently, Chief Francois Sharbot’s, Born 1822, also known as Chief Sharbot ( Odjik/Jobot) a Mohawk Chief, originally came to Sharbot Lake in the late 1700’s, I was told from my granddaddy and great-grandmother it was 1764 with a whiteman.

Apparently, Chief Sharbot and his brother Peter rescued some Algonquin’s that were being held prisoner after the war.

They knew about Sharbot Lake/Algonquin Park and their route from what their father had told them and by the map that he and the whiteman had made for them. This is supposedly in a book, but I have not seen it. The brothers brought with them from Lake of Two Mountains, Antoine’s, Badours and Whiteducks to Golden Lake .

They proceeded to an area to what is now known as Algonquin Park .  After being there for awhile, some Algonquin’s came and asked them to leave.  They did not want to but because the Sharbots were never fighters, Francois left and went to Sharbot Lake , and Peter stayed in the area.  He moved to Golden Lake for a bit then Renfrew area.  He never married.  I can tell you that my granddaddy always hunted in Algonquin Park .

This is the paper trail for the Sharbots at Sharbot Lake Census records and research

1861 Census shows that Chief Francois and his family lived in two homes in Oso Township .  They lived in one house and a young Antoine widow and 2 children lived in the other.

Note, the population of Oso Township was 300 and Chief Francois and his wife were the only natives in the area.

1871 census has them at a different location, the other end of the lake DOC # 157.  By this time they had 4 more children.  It is written that the Sharbots were asked if they would move to the other end of the lake because the Europeans were afraid of Indians.

1881 census Joseph Francis became head of household and the chief died shortly there after.

1901 census Thomas became head of household while married and having one child so far with Cecilia Antoine. DOC#155

1911 census DOC # 177/178

Notice lines 36-41, this is Thomas should be Sharbot


37-Sailia should be Cecilia

38-Cedil should be Cecil


40-Norman should be Jerome

41-Thom should be Tom

Why they have so many names wrong just in this household I do not know.

If you notice, the Antoine’s live on one side, and they are my great grandmothers parents from Golden Lake and on the other side of them are the Badours and Louis Sharbot, his wife’s family from Golden Lake ….Now there are more Indians in the township because they came when the Sharbots married them I guess.  When I asked Golden Lake about the Sharbots, they told me that we came from Golden Lake and went to Sharbot Lake . Just because they married Algonquin’s, doesn’t make them Algonquin’s. ** Note : The People at Golden Lake are correct because, Mary Sue Guigue is an Algonquin. Therefore making their children Joseph, Peter, and Thomas Sharbot Algonquins through their mother, not Mohawk.

Please see attached map DOC # 175 Sharbot Lake and the Uranium Mine area.

The document from King George the third reads that he gave Chief Francois Sharbot as much land as he could walk in a day. See DOC # 174, this is my great-grandfather Thomas, so we know how far he could walk in a day.  I presume from Algonquin Park to Sharbot Lake .  I believe when they came from OKA through Ottawa , through Arnprior to Calabogie through what they called the back way to Golden Lake then to Algonquin Park down to Sharbot Lake .  I have been told about 90 % of this from granddaddy and his brothers.


Doc # 165,166,167 Part of the Sharbot Family Plot I maintain.

Doc # 161-1861 Census

Doc # 162-1871 Census

Doc # 163-1881 Census

Doc # 164-1881 notes

Doc# 150 Marriage certificate for my grandparents

Doc# 151 my baptism

Doc# 152 Picture

Doc# 153 Peter Sharbots death record, note parents

Doc# 158 Census for Chief

Doc# 159 Email copy

Well, I hope that this will help me get to my next step in this journey.  Filled with a lot of ups and downs…..very emotional..for me.  I have a picture on my desk that motivates me everyday.  It is a picture of 4 great men, Cecil, Harold, Jerome and Tommy, and I am doing this for them.  I have heard that the Sharbots from Sharbot Lake were well known MOHAWKS. ( ** Note: They were also Algonquins and non-natives as clearly shown above)  It has been written that they were hard working, honest and reliable and considered one of the best families of Indians in Frontenac County .  Now all I have to do is to protect our namesake.

I do not want a Uranium Mine anywhere near this beautiful and Ancestral area.


Apparently the foundations of the old Sharbot homestead are still there.  They always had 2 homes on the same property.  They always had room for more.


Please call me with any questions or need further information.


Chief Whitebear ** Note : We have no woman chiefs under the Great Law, the titles are filled by men

Sharbot Family Mohawk ( No-hawk)