Author Topic: NAFPS Reviews of Nuage Related Films  (Read 29815 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: NAFPS Reviews of Nuage Related Films
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2019, 10:09:51 pm »
Another review. We'll see if they accept it. "The Last Shaman"

A Dangerous Sales Pitch Posing as a Documentary
This film has a 40% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Some of the reviews seem obviously put out by those close to this New Age film promoting a dangerous "cure."

A sample from RT reviews:

"Propaganda targeted at the credulous seeker."-Film Threat

"Tragic hipster indulges in the tribal Amazonian divine. Credulous, sophomoric garbage full of the slick salesmanship of a vaguely spiritual sneaker commercial."-Flickster Philosopher

"Absurdly self-indulgent, sophomoric look at an American youth trying to save his tortured soul in the Third World."-Film Journal Internat'l

"You don't actually have to sample ayahuasca to smell the BS in this indulgent, unscientific quest for the latest fad cure."-Movie Nation

"At once superficial and overblown, this documentary also often feels downright phony."-Variety

The film makes no reference to how many dangerous frauds are peddling this drug. An entire industry has sprung up of white American and European dilettantes with no experience other than getting high or thinking that getting high makes one enlightened or cured.

Other times there are very poor Natives, or mestizos with ancestry but not part of the culture that are trying to make a living off of gullible westerners in this dubious "spiritual tourism." All these types prey upon people like the unfortunate Mr. Freeman. It's telling that he has to fly from one exploiter to another with no success. Yet most of these reviews don't mention that Freeman FAILS to be cured. He just gets hustled.

Ayahuasca is pretty dangerous. Traditionally only spiritual leaders took it, and the tribes chose those with only the strongest and stablest health, both mentally and physically. The absolute LAST people who should be taking it are those with mental health problems.

Not only that, most of these operators don't know how to make it. They often give doses that are too high or mixed with impurities. There are also some who don't do screenings of any kind. The worst of them actually allow or even encourage mixing the drug with other drugs.

A number of westerners have DIED from these exploiters. More common is that their illnesses or conditions are worse after. The film actually glorifies an obvious white American hustler. And it panders to the shallowest kind of druggie with an EDM soundtrack.

Not remotely a serious doc. Native medicine people have put out a series of warnings and denunciations. For more , please go to and use the search function.

Offline Sparks

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Re: NAFPS Reviews of Nuage Related Films
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2019, 10:23:08 am »
Here is a candidate for review (none so far). It'a about Frank Dearborn AKA "Medicine Wolf" ("Iroquois Medicine Man"):

More about that DVD: [The Red Road: As Revealed by Medicine Wolf (2010)] [The Red Road Trailer] (No comments allowed.)

Still Light Productions The Red Road: As Revealed by Medicine Wolf
An Iroquois Medicine Man has a 100% cure rate of cancer, practices medicines, faces heart felt journey to discovering a new path.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: NAFPS Reviews of Nuage Related Films
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2019, 03:42:02 pm »
Added this. We'll see if they allow it. I'll follow up with editing his bio.

 Medicine Wolf's real name is Frank Dearborn, a white man and former carpenter born in Reno who was never an MD, and therefore could not lose his license. He went to prison for distributing illegal drugs.

None of his claims of being a veterinarian, homeopath, naturopath, biochemist, or biophysicist are true. This is a matter of public record.

Frank Dearborn is AKA Dr. Fran Anthony AKA Ron St Germaine AKA Dr. Francis St Germaine AKA Rusty St Germain AKA Donald "Rusty" Barnett AKA Dean Allen Webster AKA Dr. Lee Mandell AKA Running Deer AKA Dr. Don Wolf or Dawn Wolf AKA Dr. Ronald Wolf MD PhD AKA Dr. Medicine Wolf.

He has also fabricated claims of being a combat veteran of Korea and Vietnam, falsely claiming to have three Purple Hearts and been a Captain in the Special Forces. None of this is true. This has been confirmed by the POW Network as a case of stolen honor.

In addition to his criminal history and inventing claims of being a decorated combat veteran, Dearborn was never born on a reservation or reserve. The Iroquois are an alliance of six different Native tribes and identify as members of their particular tribe. They do not identify as "Iroquois" which is an outsider's term. They call themselves Haudenosaunee, their own name for themselves. None of what Dearborn sells or claims has anything to do with Haudenosaunee or other Native traditions.

Dearborn has a long list of documented complaints against him by former clients who lost their money, were not cured, and got nothing in return. There also was a falling out between him and a former partner, Ambaya Martin, each accusing the other of stealing.

All of this can be verified through court documents at, Courthouse News, the New Age Fraud website, and reviews on Amazon, Youtube, and elsewhere. Beware.
Thanks for reading this far.
Al Carroll
US, American Indian, and Latin American History
Northern Virginia Community College

Offline Sparks

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Re: NAFPS Reviews of Nuage Related Films
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2019, 09:27:57 pm »
Chariots of the Gods
Let me quote at length from Hyperallergic:

The article you refer to deserves to be read in full:

Offline Sparks

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Re: NAFPS Reviews of Nuage Related Films
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2019, 06:07:37 am »
Added this. We'll see if they allow it. I'll follow up with editing his bio.

Unfortunately not (from the thread Frank Dearborn AKA Medicine Wolf AKA Eleven Other Aliases):

IMDB refuses to post my review, in fact any of my reviews any more, in petty retaliation for my publicly calling out that they protect the rep of white supremacists like Asa Carter.