Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 663576 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #390 on: February 16, 2015, 02:27:28 pm »

As there seems to be quite a substantial number of PoV/STL vendors in the federal state of Bavaria, these will be listed separately below.

Donat Wollny, Berlin
runs a management counseling and project coaching in planning and running hospitals
original profession: geologist
Wollny is mentioned on the website VisionWorks for Life as a regular vendor of STL courses ( ).

Petra Hornung, Hamburg

Alternative healer and Bio-Energy Therapist:
The 'qualifications' mentioned are all Nuage (e.g. spiritual healing, mental-energetic spine straightening, Bio-Energy therapist [school of Kryon - ], cranio-sacral therapy, acupuncture, NLP, Reiki).
Additionally, she is a teacher at a school training alternative practicians for the test done by authorities: . Hornung says she has been an alternative healer "for more than then years", but does not mention any previous qualifications or employment.

Karola Langguth, Wiesbaden/Hessia

Claims to be a musical therapist, but provides no info regarding any education. Langguth seems to combine musical therapy with both STL and Joining. The only course explicitely offered at her website is an STL course which will start in September 2015.
Fee: Regular € 1,450, early birds: € 1,290, couples/repeaters: € 1,290.

Ellen Schneider, Pirna/Saxony

No website.
Schneider started teaching a course "STL - Success and Fulfillment in your Career" in January 2015 ( )

At a PDF published at the same site ( ), Schneider describes her background:
I am learning the principles of POV and Vision Works since 2007, in 2013 I graduated from the 100 Day Program and started a training as a mediator in 2014. I am a landscape architect by original profession.

Paribhasha Steitz, Frankfurt/Hessia

Qualifications mentioned: „trainer and coach, event manager
Steitz also works for „Frankfurter Ring“, a non-profit organisation which regularly is organising and advertising lectures and seminars with Spezzano (and a multitude of other Nuage charlatans). She is mentioned with an FR e-mail address as responsible for „organisation“:

Paribhasha Steitz

Some biographic info in an ad for an STL course offered by Steitz:

Monday, Oct 27, 2014, 19:00
„... I got to know various techniques of meditation and ways of life. … Energetic healing ways and research of group consciousness has accompanied me for many years. During my 15 years at Frankfurter Ring in the department of organising events, I met many renowned teachers of our times. Besides non-violent communication, my basis is Dr Marshall Rosenberg (since 2006), Essence Training, Kabir Jaffe and Ritama Davidson (since 1998). Work with Psychology of Vision, Chuck & Lency Spezzano (since 1999) is my favourite since it is so life-affirming and supportive.“

Silvia Stiessel, Dresden/Saxony

Stiessel seems to be a fairly new addition to the group of persons selling STL courses and advertising quite aggressively:

In typical PoV-speak, Stiessel explains:
My re-orientation began, when I got to know a medical model in 2010 which explains the cooperation of psyche, brain, and body in diseases. It was the first time I had the impression I was told something which feels true to me. Since I first wanted to learn more about human psyche from the point of view of conventional medicine, I started a training in psychological counseling and got to know different psychological approaches and views. On my path, I met „Psychology of Vision“ and „A Course in Miracles“. The knowledge taught here fascinated me so much I started to study and apply it.
emphasis added by me

Despite Stiessel's claims to have done a training in psychological counseling, she does not provide any further information. Therefore, this may have been based on scientific methods, or may have been more quack like PoV and ACIM.
Apparently, Stiessel was introduced to the „Healing Keys“ theories on which Spezzano published a book with Janie Ticehurst resp Janie E. Patrick which has been mentioned several times in this thread.

Jeanette Weyer, Hamminkeln/Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW)

According to her Xing profile, Weyer is an alternative healer restricted to psychotherapy and a holistic integrative breath therapist. On her own website, she explains:

I am an alternative practician with an additional training in psychotherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture and naturopathic treatment. Additionally, I have some 25 years of experience in human medicine and did several special trainings in this field.
At the Institute of Holistic Integrative Breath Therapy I was trained as a breath therapist and as a trainer for personal development by Tilke Platteel-Deur and Hans Mensink.
With Dr Chuck Spezzano, an internationally teaching US-American depth psychologist, I finished his 100-Day Training and graduated in April 2005. When I first got to know the work of Dr Chuck Spezzano in 2000, I was deeply moved. My life changed positively thanks to PoV principles which supported and strengthened me and my relationship to my husband. It is a way of healing which at the same time includes spirituality. The focus in this work is on healing, not on the problem.

This points out Weyer is a staunch long-term PoVer. Despite her claims to have been trained in the field of medicine, Weyer does not specify any of these trainings while meticulously listing her altmed and Newage trainings.

Michael Leckel, Frechen/NRW

According to his site, Leckel is an occupational therapist, but the only services mentioned is an STL course he sold in 2013/2014. While Leckel does not provide info re his qualifications and education, he emphasises PoV and the Spezzanos:

Steps to Leadership was set up during several years of work by Jeff Allen – Master Trainer – and is the basis for understanding Psychology of Vision. He has summarised the key models and the therapeutic methods into a coordinated training programme.
Psychology of Vision is viewed as a major new schools of 21st century and is based on the principles of depth psychology which are being taught in seminars, individual coachings, books, and publications since more than 30 years. ...
The model was developed by Dr Chuck Spezzano and his wife Lency. It teaches emotional intelligence, as it reminds us of our own true self and takes us closer to it.

Heike Blaue, Flensburg/Schleswig-Holstein

Blaue is an employee in a counseling office where she offers seminars. She claims the following qualifications: kindergarten nurse, coach, basic course Coaching, coaching of couples at Bielefeld Akademie, Steps to Leadership.
The company, familylab, offers both lectures for business clients and lectures, seminars etc counseling parents.

Eva Verpoort, Wesel/NRW

Verpoort describes herself as a licenced massage therapist and balneotherapist, and a holistic integrative breath therapist; at the moment she says she is taking a course to become an alternative practician/psychotherapy.

Among the advanced trainings she claims is STL, „a one year training in methods and bascis in the depth psychology healing method according to Lency and Dr Chuck Spezzano“.
Apart from this she also claims practical courses in chiropractic, cranio-sacral therapy, and osteopathy, all of those belong to the realm of alternative methods with no proven efficacy and which might even be harmful to the patient.

Eugen Schnabel, Neuss/NRW

Schnabel is a licenced vet with a course of studies at a regular university, but included various altmed methods (e.g. homeopathy) over the years. He claims two PoV trainings:
Psychology of Vision according to Chuck Spezzano – year's training „Steps to Leadership“ in 2005, and a year's training „Spiritual Leadership“ in 2006“

Annette Dimitrow, Frechen/NRW

Dimitrow is an ophthalmologist with her own office since 1997. While she seemed to have been licenced as a panel doctor initially, she is no longer licenced since 2010 and only sees private patients, although she remains in her function as a doctor for the miners' association.

Dimitrow claims to have graduated from „'30 Steps to Leadership' according to Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision“ in 2011.

Heidemarie Sewe, Hamburg

An alternative healer since 1993, Sewe has been running her own office since. She claims trainings as a „prana healer“, a Reiki master and teacher, and of being able to function and diagnose as a „healing medium“, in which she was supported by „intuitive gifts and several decades of experience“.
Her list of qualifications also mentions trainings with „Russian healers“, Bach blossoms, Aura Soma etc. From 2003 to 2006, she mentions „Steps to Leadership and Spiritual Leadership training in Psychology of Vision“. Sewe does not mention any previous employment or qualifications.

Heidi Stein, NRW

Stein works in an office of holistic integrative breath therapy. The site has an imprint claiming an address in the town of Naarden, Netherlands.

Stein publishes a list of qualifications obtained between 1986 and 2012, all of them in the field of Nuage/altmed, among them Silva Mind Control, Sky Dancing Tantra/Margot Anand, various Tantra trainings, hypnotherapy, NLP, etc., beginning in 1986. In 2005, she did „various seminars with Chuck Spezzano, Jeff Allen, July Wooky [sic]“ and in 2006 she did a course in STL. No previous emplyoment or qualifications mentioned.

Sebastian Graf, Konstanz/Baden-Württemberg (BW)

Graf is an alternative healer with a multitude of „trainings“, among them:

Training as an alternative healer: 3 years, training NLP practitioner, private coaching acupuncture, three courses of three months each, hypnocoaching, kinesiology, crane acupuncture, Theta Healing, psycho-kinesiology, etc. He also mentions a 12-day course in „30 Steps to Leadership“ according to Chuck Spezzano with trainer Peter Reiter.

Graf mentions he was born in 1970, but his CV starts with his training as an alternative healer in 2000, when he in fact was 30 years of age, so there is quite a gap in his CV. He does not mention previous jobs.

Nanna Bäumer resp Susanne Bäumer, Berlin

Bäumer, born 1958, is a psychologist and claims to be licenced by health insurances since 1988, working in psychotherapy since 1984. She uses NLP in her work and claims further trainings in personal development (Art Reade), psycho-kinesiology, PoV, STL, and „PoV and addiction“.

It must be by sheer coincidence that the website, as of today (Feb 19, 2015), has been taken down since my posting this list. However, Bäumer is also active under her legal name "Susanne" and has authored books sold by Nuage publishers Koha who provide the following info on their author:
Dipl.-Psych. Susanne Bäumer, born December 12, 1958 in the town of Münster, studied psychology and philosophy at TU Berlin. She was licenced for behaviour therapy. Since 30 years, she runs her own office as a psychological psychotherapist in Berlin. On her long journey healing herself, she discovered her passion for consciousness research and consciousness development. In her therapeutic work, she therefore more and more combines psychological and spiritual therapy. With her books, she means to give access to her long-term experience to the broad public in every-day language.

Bäumer also keeps a "shop" at a German-language Nuage platform:

Dr Matthias Becker, Darmstadt/Hessia

Becker, born 1963, is a medical doctor and psychiatrist who integrates several Nuage/altmed methods (e.g. naturopathy, alternative healer, and a course in STL).

Johanne (Tara) Liesegang, Cologne/NRW

According to a platform promoting altmed and Nuage healers, Liesegang is a „mediumistic health counselor, a journey coach, an art therapist, and a remedial teacher with a diploma (  ). She claims further trainings in/with Yoga, Reiki, Osho, Aura reading, [...] Lightwork, Prana healing, PoV, Cranial Balancing/Chris Griscom, and she is a Questico counselor. She also offers support in „conflictolysis“ which means she is a supporter of so-called „Germanic New Medicine“ invented by former MD Ryke Geerd Hamer, a staunch anti-semite claiming Jewish doctors were killing off gentile patients with chemotherapy while healing their own with his GNM (see:  ,  ).
No information regarding previous employment and qualifications available.

Annette Kastelan, Hoisdorf/Schleswig-Holstein

According to information provided by Kastelan, her main source of inspiration is „A Course in Miracles“, as well as „books by Eckart Tolle, Neal Donald Walsch, Chuck Spezzano, and Kryon“.
Her CV states she originally was a kindergarten nurse, then became a hotel clerk; both undated. From 1998-2001 she became a Yoga teacher, in 2000 did a Reiki training, between 2001 and 2006 several trainings in Ayurveda. In 2010, she did an „initiation in 'energetic alchemy with Dorothy Lee Donahue in L.A., and a year's course STL. Since 2010 she claims several seminars with PoV and School of Wonders (see:  ).

Gerd Kühnen né Stöß, Bühl/BW

Kühnen did an apprenticeship as an office clerk and later on became a CEO with a shoe producer. At the same time, he was active in DLRG (German Life Saving Association), in particular working with children and adolescents. He is a VisionWorks coach and ran the German-language VW website for several years. Kühnen and his wife both wrote testimonials for the website „The Truth about Chuck and Lency“.

Hans Böing-Messing, Bocholt/NRW

Böing-Messing is a Coach and Psychopedist, a „Professional Certified Reteaming Coach, MentorTime Life Coaching, Practical Groups with Sedona method for the fields of health/vitality, job/career, harmony within relationships“ and also mentions „Quantum physics“. His imprint mentions that STL was a „trade mark registered by Jeff Allen, PoV“, but otherwise does not refer to STL or PoV on his site.
No previous emplyoment and qualifications mentioned.

Beatrixe Haußmann, Moers/NRW

Haußmann, born 1963, has her own office as an alternative healer and mentions several trainings, among them Craniosacral Therapy, Osteopathy, hypnosis etc.

Her „About me“ section lists several further courses and trainings between 1988 and 2014, e.g. in Body Dearmoring in 2012 which is done by Deer Tribe, and additionally claims she was an apprentice with „Dr. Diane Seadancer Battung“ since 2006 who is a long-term supporter/member of the Deer Tribe. In 2009-2010, Haußmann claims an STL course with Jeanette Weyer (see above).
(   )
No previous employment and qualifications mentioned.

Marlene Holzer-Steinfeld, Remagen/NRW

Holzer-Steinfeld, born 1957, has been an alternative healer since 2002, with her own office since 2005.
Since 2012, she has done several seminars on communication's trainings according to PoV and an STL course on „basics and application of depth psychology, relationship and family dynamics, leadership characteristics, emotional intelligence and social competence“.
( )
No previous employment and qualifications mentioned.

Christof Faber, Wiesloch/BaWü

Faber claims to be a „counselor, coach, and trainer“. He claims to have become a „licenced (diploma) art therapist and teacher“ initially, then a „licenced (diploma) Waldorf teacher and eurythmics teacher“; further qualifications he mentions are a „certified mediator“ and „certified coach“. It must be noted that Faber does not provide any more details regarding which university he attended (this will appy to the first profession listed). Any teachers' training Waldorf schools do is not state licenced and does not earn any diploma (except perhaps for a worthless one issued by an anthroposophic source), while the latter two qualifications seem to be Nuage. 

In the category „particular experience and knowledge“ he lists: Strengths Performance Coach/Gallup, short time therapy, conflict management, NLP, Byron Kathie School of Work, Forgiving, and „energetic healing methods (Dr Kam Yuen; Chuck Spezzano; F. Kinslow; M. Ighesan etc)“. (  )

The site has been recently established (Jan 2015). Both Faber and his co-partner apparently mean to be active as management consultants; all seminars sold by them are said to aim at „management and employees“. (  )

addition Feb 21, 2015

Dominik Brünner, Berlin

Brünner obtained an MA in Education with minors in psychology and ethnology, and added an actor's training and a training to become a clown. According to his CV (  ), he began working as a trainer for body language and self-effective communication in 2007. Additionally to his own enterprise, he opened up another consulting office with a partner (  ) - the references listed on that site, however, are all merits his business partner Annette Leeb gathered. On the website maintained by Brünner & Leeb GmbH, Brünner also describes himself as an „actor and clown“ (  ).

While his LinkedIn profile does not mention PoV, his XING profile says:
„Vocational training 2012-2013:
Psychology of Vision
Steps to Leadership
Communication and Leadership Skills, Understanding Relationships and Family Dynamics, Knowledge and Use of Transformational Processes.“
(  )

The list of trainings also mentions one in „Initiatic Therapy“ in 2005-2006. This is a non-recognized method whose effectiveness seems to be under considerable criticism. Having done psychology as a minor for his MA in education, Brünner is in no way qualified for any therapy or getting trained in one (the range of seminars offered for students taking minors usually is related to the major's course they take, in his case education).

Brünner is also a recent addition to the list of STL trainers at the VisionWorks site. From April 18 to June 7, 2015, Brünner will be teachig a course of „12 Steps to Conscious Business“. (  ).

« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 02:05:27 pm by Ingeborg »

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #391 on: February 16, 2015, 02:43:40 pm »
contd - Germany/Bavaria

Lotta Gaber, Munich

Her website provides little info except for advertising a course in STL done by Gaber which will start in March 2015
According to her profile at LinkedIn, the only qualification Gaber mentions is „alternative healer“, although she claims to have held employment with German airlines Lufthansa for 18 years and at a lawyer's office. She also claims to be a Yoga teacher.

Nirvana Verena Moser, Donaueschingen/Bavaria

From her Facebook site, she is into various Nuage methods/authors, like e.g. Eckart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, as well as VisionWorks for Life.

Ursula Schnell, Friedberg/Bavaria

Schnell claims to have been trained as a medical-technical assistant and to have worked in various hospitals and doctor's offices, followed by obtaining a permit as an alternative healer (no date specified), and working in her own office since 1997. Among the „international special trainings“ Schnell mentions is „Dr Chuck Spezzano“.

Franz Leckel, Aresing/Bavaria

Leckel runs his own business as a management consultant offering various Newage methods (e.g. a seminar titled „Geomantic time travel to the pyramids in Bosnia“ …). He also does a two-year course in „Spiritual Leadership“ lasting from January 2014 to September 2015. Leckel is also mentioned by a few STL vendors who claim him as their STL teacher.

Monika Redl-Janßen, Soyen/Bavaria

Redl-Jenßen presently does an STL course under the label of „Steps to Enlightenment“ lasting from May 2014 to May 2015, and another course „Steps to Enlightenment Advanced“. Further „healing seminars“ are advertised with the description of „based on the work of Dr Chuck Spezzano“.
According to info provided on her site, Redl-Jenßen takes credit for having registered „Steps to Enlightenment“. However, the course is done in 30 modules, same as STL, and the topcis covered by these particular modules also resemble those in STL as taught be PoV.
Redl-Jenßen does not provide information regarding previous employment and qualifications.

Barbara Tollmann, Nordendorf/Bavaria

According to a flyer, Tollmann describes herself as „born 1965, a PoV facilitator, psychological life counseling through kinesiology, systemic family constellations, faith healing, and Tarot“.
She claims to have been trained as a bank clerk initially, but to have taken a strong interest in alternative healing since the age of 20. Among the „trainings“ Tollmann mentions: „kinesiology, psychological life counseling, Tarot, systemic family constellations, physiognomy, numerology and much more“. She has done counseling since 1997 and has met Dr Chuck Spezzano „several years ago“: „The combination of psychological knowledge with simple methods of healing and a deep spirituality made me take further large steps in my own development with ease and joy“.

Sabine Kaiser, Munich/Bavaria
According to her website, Kaiser studied Social- and Economic Geography, but worked in the management of a renowned Munich fashion store, later changing to event management after an according training. In 2009, she did a training in Steps to Leadership and also became a trainer of VisionWorks. Additionally, she was trained in QCT Quantum Consciousness Transformation).

Kaiser claims to do VW courses at schools, e.g. „in July 2011, Kaiser Communications Training did a seminar on Vision Works in the 9th grade of a Munich Secondary Modern School“ with students coming mainly from a „socially deprived environment and migrant background“.
In 2012, she did a one-year VW course at another unmentioned school. The course is said to have been financed by Munich Caritas, a Catholic welfare organisation.
According to info provided by Kaiser, a complete VW seminar of 20 hours will cost € 2,400. A course in personality development for adults, or an STL course of eight weekends and two additional weekend workshops will amount to € 1,150 – the two workshops not included in this amount (  ).

Another website (  ) characterises Kaiser as a self-employed coach and event organiser since 2005, with additional trainings in Steps to Leadership and as a VisionWorks trainer, „both innovative models of communications of emiotional intelligence for adults as well as children and adolescents“.

Corinna Sowieja, Meitingen/Bavaria

Another alternative practician/psychotherapy. Sowieja mentions she was a kindergarten nurse and worked „with children, adolescents and young adults, and their resp families, with various disturbances and handicaps“. She has also had trainings in NLP and kinesiology and did a training in „Steps to Leadership“ with Ursula Schnell and Franz Leckel (see above).

Claudia Zacherl, Ingolstadt/Bavaria

Born 1963, Zacherl claims a training in a profession in the field of technology, but says she did further trainings in colour design and colour psychology which led her to psychotherapy. She is an alternative practician with her own office since 2010. Zacherl mentions a course in „Steps to Leadership, depth psychological methods and basics according to Dr Chuck Spezzano“ which she did with Kurt Sommer (see above, PoV trainer level 1).

Susanne Wohlhüter, Landsberg/Bavaria

Wohlhüter is a former bank manager who turned vendor of Newage garbage
(  ), although her bio claims she is still employed with a bank: „I meet many persons in my professional environment as an Associate Director of a German special bank“.
One of the banks she worked for was Hypo Real Estate, a bank whose name has a very bad sound with the German public (see  ). Wohlhüter describes her present profession as a „Psycho-Physiognomist“ (since 2008) and claims to have done a nine-months training and obtained a licence. „Psycho-physiognomy“ is pure pseudo-science, and lacks scientific recognition (see  ). Wohlhüter also claims to do trainings in individual and group coaching according to the methods of Dr Chuck Spezzano from Jan 2013.

Christiane Sivani Drumm, Munich/Bavaria

Drumm, born 1962, claims to be a Management Assistant and an ILP coach. ILP is an abbreviation for Integrated Solution-focussed Psychotherapy, an NLP-based method which is not scientifically recognized. She holds a licence as an alternative healer/psychotherapy and claims a „5 years' training in systemic relationship coaching (Chuck Spezzano)“, an STL course with Jeff Allen etc. (see:  ).

Tanja Wagner, Samerberg/Bavaria

Wagner, born in 1970, is a kindergarten teacher by profession and worked in a state-run day nursery  connected to a Munich grammar school. In 2003, she became an alternative healer/psychotherapy. She did an STL training and is a „transformation therapist“ ( see:  ).

Ottilie Schawe, Tandern/Bavaria

Schawe, born 1975, is a grammar school teacher for German and English, and since 2010 an alternative healer/psychotherapy. Among the trainings she claims is Reconnective Healing, Awakenin Coaching, two shamanic trainings („focus on Inca method, so-called „Clearing“ according to Martine Brune, nature rituals …“), and a one-year course in STL.

Michael Ditsch, Freising/Bavaria

Ditsch is a landscaper and did a course of studies in landscape architecture. Since 2001, he is a lecturer resp assistant at a University of Applied Sciences in Bavaria. He also teaches Taijiquan and Qigong.
Ditsch is a landscaper and did studies in landscape architecture. Since 2001, he is a lecturer resp assistant at a University of Applied Sciences in Bavaria. He also teaches Taijiquan and Qigong.

Ditsch also claims „depth psychological relationship and communication training according to Chuck and Lency Spezzano – Graduate of the Steps to Leadership Program, Graduate of the Psychology of Vision 100 Day Training Program, Attendance Mastery Program for Graduates“ (see:   ).

Berrin Becker, Augsburg/Bavaria

Becker keeps various websites, separated into business activities and Nuage activities. According to one of her websites (  ), she has been active in coaching since 15 years. Among her trainings are: Licenced Coach Tipping Method, Ho'oponono/Ihaleakala Hew Len, MatrixPower, Mental Trainer, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Psychophysiognomy,  alternative healer/psychotherapy, PoV – Psychology of Vision – Steps to Leadership with Barbara Tollmann (see above). She is also an NLP practitioner, master, trainer and teaching trainer and has additional trainings e.g. in telephone and marketing training, suggestopaedia etc.

Doris Singer, Passau/Bavaria

Singer, born 1959, originally worked as a doctor's receptionist (1975-1981). In 1996 she seems to have turned to Nuage with a training as a „holistic life and success coach“ (March to December 1996). Further trainings claimed by Singer are e.g. SAT enneagrams/Claudio Naranjo, STL in 2005-2006, psycho-kinesiology (2006-2007), as an NLP practioner (2003-04), Family Constellations acc. to and with Hellinger (2006-8), Brain Gym (2008-10).

Anna Reiter-Torwesten, Kienberg/Bavaria

Reiter-Torwesten is an alternative healer/psychotherapy with her own office for 'coaching and psychotherapy'. She claims various trainings, e.g. as a 'certified relationship coach (Life Trust)', 'Emotional Freedom Technique', trauma treatment, kinesiology, and has done an STL course. Her original profession is gymnastics instructor.
(  )

Brigitte Rettinghausen, Freising/Bavaria

Rettinghaus runs her own office with numerous altmed resp Nuage methods, among them Reiki (2000), Psychology of Vision (2000-2007), STL in partnership with Kurt Sommer (see above) in 2003, Angel-Elohim Mastercards since 2001, Mental coach, wellness trainer (2004-5), mediality, spiritual life counseling, faith healing, sound massage (2009) (see: ).
Further courses she claims to have taken are: Metatron Diamond Light Priestess (2010), Dowsing (2010), House Energetising Intensive (2010), Manifestation (2010), Seminar Angels and Masters (2011), Metatron Channeling Training (2011).

Apart from these various altmed and Nuage trainings, no previous employment and qualifications mentioned.

Karin Myria Pickl, Germering/Bavaria

According to her CV, Pickl – born 1970 - is a journalist and author, has a masters in education and claims to be a gestalt pedagogue. Since 2003, she has been a freelance journalist and PR manager in the fields of holistic health, conscious life and 'soft' traveling, since 2007 she is an author. She describes writing „in the fields of health, consciousness, personal development, spirituality – also while traveling“ as her „calling“. Pickl claims (vocational) trainings as a journalist, in gestalt therapy, various courses in media work, social media, marketing, writing in the field of wellness etc.

Among further qualifications, Pickl lists „shamanism (various seminars since 2003)“, kinesiology, an STL training with Kurt Sommer (see above), physiognomy, „medical radiesthesia“, Family Constellations, spell speaking, Deeksha initiation, Magnified Healing, etc. ( )

Rudolf Mutter, Geltendorf/Bavaria

As a main (?) profession, Mutter apparently runs a company in the field of computer services, but has given up working with professional clients and concentrates on private clients instead, doing PC repair, maintenance of client's computers via internet etc.

Additionally, he sells Nuage seminars and claims trainings in PoV, STL, Releasing, Colour Acupuncture, Visualisation Therapy, Sufi Dance, Meditation, Psychdrama, Bio-Energetics, Rebirthing, Alchemist Hypnotherapy etc. Mutter does not mention whether he is licenced as an alternative healer (see: ).

Mira Irimie-Bastius, Munich/Bavaria

Irimie-Bastius did a course of studies in „welfare“ at a university of applied sciences and a three-year course as a systemic individual, couple, and family therapist; as this is not specified in any more detail, it cannot be evaluated whether this was a science-based course or a Nuage/altmed one (more probable).

She claims to have discovered PoV in 2000, and until 2010 attended numerous seminars and trainings like e.g. STL. She further claims some 10 years of experience working with a youth welfare institution where she says she was the supervisor of a pedagogic team. She also claims to have studied „shamanic healing ways like Andean shamanism“ since she takes an interest in aboriginal healing methods.
( )

Barbara Marohn, Karlstein/Bavaria

Marohn originally was a hotel clerk, then specialised in the field of marketing. Since 2003, she seems to do management counseling regarding the hiring of new employees, and is an „online moderator since 2004“. In 2006, she did an STL course in „psychological basics of Psychology of Vision“. Marohn in particular uses Joining techniques for coaching.
( )

She describes PoV as:
„... a healing model combining modern psychological know-how with effective spiritual principles. It demonstrates in which ways our inner and outer worlds are connected, what gives us back our power of decision, to change our life, to recognise and master acute challenges. The three main elements PoV addresses are: relationships, leadership, and non-denominational spirituality.“

Another website (called „Coaching for Highly Sensitive Persons“ …) publishes a lecture by Marohn in which she describes to have first met PoV in a time of crisis when her marriage broke, and that PoV made her realise that the real reasons causing her marriage to break up where within herself.... (see:  ).

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #392 on: February 16, 2015, 02:48:33 pm »
There are persons emplyoing PoV methods who merit a closer look due to the nature of their activities:

1) Astrid Dehnel, Berlin
Jan Dehnel, Berlin

Astrid Dehnel works as a coach and has been involved with PoV since many years, although she never became a trainer but does STL courses and applies PoV methods in her coaching practice.

Her husband Jan Dehnel was involved in teaching STL courses some years ago but apparently has stopped. He is, however, still using and promoting PoV in his business profiles.

Astrid e.g. sells the following courses/counselings:

Follow the Heart – Steps to Leadership
A year's training in a group to enable personal development. The training aims at living our true potential, marked by self-reliance, partnership, and relationship skills. It offers the possibility to get to know the methods and principles of PoV by Dr Chuck and Lency Spezzano and try them step by step in one's own life.

„Going new ways together – Open PoV group
Anyone enjoying personal development or in need of support in difficult situations is welcome to the open PoV group. Meetings are once a month in the evening and offers the possibility to introduce personal issues, and get to know and use methods and tools of PoV.
Astrid Dehnel works in an office of „freelance trainers, coaches, counselors, and teachers providing a diversified range of offers in the field of personal development.“ (  )
The Dehnels also keep a personal website which does not have any contents as of yet ( ).

At the same time, both Dehnels are long-term supporters of so-called Germanic New Medicine by former MD Ryke Geerd Hamer:
Amazon carries a positive review on a GNM book („The five mental laws of healing: New medical paths“); the review was authored by Jan Dehnel dd. Dec 30, 2011 (  ).

In his Xing profile, Dehnel mentions as his fields of interest:
„Software for humans, psychology, Psychology of Vision according to Dr Chuck Spezzan and Lency Spezzano, combining every-day life and spirituality, the path to partnership and equality on all levels, Germanic New Medicine according to Dr. Hamer“ (see:  ).
Despite Dehnel's description, Hamer lost the licence to work as an MD in 1986 already after several cases of malpractice. Hamer's ideas were profoundly rejected by evidence-based medicine.

Both Dehnels signed in a petition in 2006/7 which meant to urge universities to give scientific recognition to Hamer's GNM ideas; a copy of the petition can be viewed here:!msg/alt.impeach.bush/x4_kOITb6UE/bYq92VpowNkJ  ; the individual entries are not dated.

B) Prof Dr Eike Clausius, Zwickau/Saxony, and Berlin

Holding a professorship in economics at Zwickau University of Applied Science, Clausius is also a longterm student of PoV and uses his position to do lectures and seminars based on PoV resp STL, like e.g. a course in „Systemic Counseling II (Steps to Leadership II)“ - see:

Taking a look at his list of recommend literature, it becomes very apparent that Clausius indeed teaches PoV and other Newage garbage, as his list of recommended reading for the lecture lists books by Gregg Braden, Joseph Murphy, and three books by Chuck Spezzano.

On his private website, Clausius claims his field of research was „Emotional Intelligence“. This is no field of research in academic economics, although there were some attempts in the late 1990ies, but these were done in a rather Nuage and pseudo-scientific environment of more or less dubious management counseling.

Clausius also publishes a photo of himself and his wife with Chuck and Lency Spezzano:
At still another private website ( ), Clausius claims to be a „Healthy-Living- & Mental-Coach“ and names Berlin as his place of residence.

It is somewhat reassuring to see his rep among students seems to be wanting: although as a non-registered visitor, one may not view details of students' ratings of their professors, the site provides the info that out of the last five ratings, four students gave Clausius a bad rating and one an average rating (  ). His students also mention that Clausius does not use a microphone but insists on mumbling away since he means to avoid „electric smog“.

Clausius has been a professor at Zwickau University of Applied Sciences since 1993, so most probably his former employer did what we call „praising someone off one's premises“ and then said a heart-felt „Good Riddance“. Many complete idiots ad otherwise unpleasant characters during these years got sent to the Five New Federal States, and some of them still hold this employment until today. While Zwickau University will be aware that Clausius is not quite an asset to the university's name (they only let him do Basic Economics 101...), they are most probably not aware that what Clausius teaches is not economics, but cult economics according to Spezzano, and that with a staunch supporter of PoV, there is always the chance of him trying to make other persons take PoV courses, too – who in this case will be his students.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #393 on: February 19, 2015, 09:57:38 pm »
Lecture Tour 2015

At last info for Spezzano's spring tour this year have been published. It is a very unimpressive list of  events in four cities (Basel, Munich, Frankfort, Bonn). The tour will last from Feb 19 to Mar 08, 2015.

Feb 19 and Feb 20-22, 2015
The Basel events (lecture and 3-day seminar) will be organised by Basel Psi-Association, a well-known Nuage outfit.

Feb 26 and Feb 27-Mar 01, 2015
The Munich events will take place in Ottobrunn, a town just outside of Munich. Organiser is PoV-DACH GmbH.

Mar 03 and Mar 04, 2015
The events in Frankfort (lecture and one-day seminar) will be organised by Frankfurter Ring who have been organising various Nuage seminars and fairs for years.

Mar 05 and Mar 06-08, 2015
The Bonn events (lecture and 3-day seminar) will be organised by event company „Powerful Events“ which is run by Django and Bianca Hediger (see above).

On their website as well as via Facebook, Frankfurter Ring also promote a seminar from May 7-10, 2015 with Chuck Spezzano, titled „The language of the heart“. Fee: € 620 plus accom/food with prices at € 235, € 215, and € 195.

The March events in Frankfort will take place in „Haus der Jugend“, i.e. the municipal youth centre and youth hostel. These centres are usually run by the municipal Youth Welfare Service... It is usual for municipal youth centres to let rooms for events and prices also will be below the fees charged by other premises. The evening lecture is priced at € 30, the day seminar at € 145 which is rather the usual range of fees charged for events with Spezzano. A low rent then may mean more of a profit, although at the cost of less impressive premises (see their large room:  ).

The premises booked in Ottobrunn/Munich are a municipal event centre. They booked the large room for up to 500 participants for both events.

In Bonn, they booked rooms at a hotel ( ) which offers events for up to 350 participants in various rooms (  ).

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #394 on: February 20, 2015, 02:04:21 pm »
Qualifications and Occupations of PoV trainers, course teachers, and persons using PoV courses to promote themselves

Previous qualifications:

no qualifications mentioned resp Newage qualifications only: 26
kindergarten nurse: 6
bureau clerk: 4
Economics (grad.): 4
management consulting: 2
massager/balneotherap.: 2
geologist: 2
landscape architect: 2
hotel clerk: 2
music therapy: 2
Others (1 each):
Primary school teacher, grammar school teacher, dispatch, physiotherapist, hairdresser, notary, pedagogics, airline employee, lawyer's clerk, Medical-Technical Assistant, bank clerk, doctor's receptionist, Masters degree education, PC repair, „welfare“, dancer, chef, drama school teacher, occupational therapist, horse trainer, veterinarian, ophthalmologist, psychologist (graduated), MA education.

It has to be noted that only one person claims a university degree as a psychologist (and she has just taken down her website...). This fact tells more than enough about the nature of a 'method' which is sold under the labels of 'psychology', or even 'depth psychology'.

Two more claim a university degree as a veterinarian and an ophthalmologist, a third one graduated from law school, two did an MA in Education, two more studied geology. Two further persons say they are landscape architects, and this means either a degree obtained from a University, or a University of Applied Sciences. Four persons claim to have graduated from business school. All in all, 16 persons hold a university degree in various fields.

Several more (6 persons) have held jobs related to the field of health (massager, balneotherapist, musical therapy, physiotherapist, Medical-Technical Assistant, doctor's receptionist, occupational therapist). All of these professions do not need a course of studies or a general qualification for university entrance.

The by far largest group either does not mention previous qualifications, or restricts the information provided to various Newage methods (26 persons).

The second-largest group (14 persons) have held jobs connected to the field of economy (bureau clerk, graduated economists, management consultants, hotel clerk, bank clerk).

The largest group in one profession is made up of 6 persons who were previously trained as kindergarten nurses.

Two more claim to have done/do music therapy, but do not provide any further information regarding their education. It is therefore not possible to evaluate whether they are recognised in this field or not and whether their education was obtained from an honourable institution or some Nuage vendor.

Current occupations:

Among the persons listed as trainers, teachers of courses, and vendors using PoV courses absolved to promote themselves, 20 persons hold licences as alternative healers resp alternative healers restricted to psychotherapy (applicants for the latter licence will know even less about medical facts than alternative healers, the test aiming at establishing whether the applicant has some knowledge in a few methods applied by graduated psychotherapists).

Some 9 claim they are management consultants, about 6 claim they work as counselors or coaches. Management consulting covers a rather broad range of activities and while a large part of them is honourable and founded, there are others employing various Newage methods lacking scientific recognition and acceptance. One example is 'physiognomy', or even more ambitiously labeled 'psycho-physiognomy' which claims to be able to predict applicants' character, abilities and future achievements from their facial features. Another such example is graphology. Of the above listed persons, some will do consulting for companies (i.e. regarding choice of staff or trainings for staff and management), others offer individual career consulting.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 02:08:10 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #395 on: February 20, 2015, 06:26:55 pm »
I know in the US we can check and see if they have criminal convictions from government websites. Can thios be done in Germany? I just wonder if any of these "trainers" have felony records that could be concerning.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #396 on: February 20, 2015, 08:31:58 pm »
I know in the US we can check and see if they have criminal convictions from government websites. Can thios be done in Germany? I just wonder if any of these "trainers" have felony records that could be concerning.

No, this isn't possible according to German law.

As far as those persons holding a licence as an alternative healer are concerned, they will have no records at the time of their application for the licence. The requirements are:
- minimum age 25 years
- a school certificate equalling CSE Certificate of Secondary Education, i.e. the lowest possible, and
- a police clearance certificate

Although methods employed may be ineffective to idiotic, our law says it takes two to tango: one to cheat, and one willing to be cheated. It is of course possible to sentence an alternative healer for applying methods and 'cures' which are ineffective or even damaging to their clients' health - but the court then will need to prove the healer *knew* this. So as long as they believe in their own methods, or claim they do ...


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #397 on: February 28, 2015, 09:10:44 pm »
Kate Lines and Tom Lehar,  more promoters in Canada (Williams Lake, B.C.):

I facilitate the Steps to Leadership course created by Vision Works for Life and inspired by Chuck Spezzano's Psychology of Vision program.
Steps to Leadership is a training programme; you meet up in a small group led by a facilitator (in this case, me), to learn the tools you need to transform your life and, in doing so, the lives of the people around you. Steps to Leadership covers many of the teachings of Psychology of Vision (PoV) and presents them in 27, 3-hour modules. The principles, lessons, and tools of PoV are synthesised, organised, each building on the previous one. Together they offer a way of engaging with the teachings in a practical and incremental way.  When you graduate from the programme, you take with you a firm understanding of the workings of the mind, the blocks that are keeping you stuck, and techniques to overcome them.
See more at Vision Works for Life:
and at Psychology of Vision:

What is Steps to Leadership?
It is a training programme; you meet up in a small group led by husband and wife facilitators, Kate Lines and Tom Lehar, to learn the tools you need to transform your life and, in doing so, the lives of the people around you. Steps to Leadership covers many of the teachings of Psychology of Vision (PoV) and presents them in 27, 3-hour modules. The principles, lessons, and tools of PoV are synthesised, organised, each building on the previous one.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #398 on: March 03, 2015, 11:12:30 pm »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Peace and Success"

One of the cornerstones of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) is the "Downloading/Joining" process as demonstrated by Lenora Kay Spezzano in a group of Youtube videos. Several of us believe we are viewing SALPOV minions being manipulated by hypnosis in these presentations. Lenora denies this, of course, but "it feels true to me" that her "channeling Heaven's grace" is a very unconvincing description of what we are witnessing here. In the spirit of fair play, here is a link to her claiming that hypnosis is not employed in these sessions--

So I am going to post a series of reviews on these "Downloading/Joining" Youtubes to explore and document this activity. Now that the "Healing Keys," and the English language SALPOV Trainers Manual, and the website have all been removed from public view (ladies and gentlemen, transparency has left the building!), these videos have my vote as SALPOV's most current self-incriminating online presentation in English. But the very most self-incriminating document is in German, Section K of the SALPOV Trainers Manual, which is basically a blueprint for First Nations affinity fraud. That section was never published in English. Interesting, isn't it?   

You might ask, what the heck is "joining" anyway? Well, rather than trying to explain it, why don't I provide a link to a short demonstration by SALPOV friend Matthew Blythe. Matthew was the guy who tried to submit a Wikipedia entry on Charles Lee Spezzano but it was rejected because Spezzano was not considered notable enough--

OK. Get the picture on the mystical specialness of "joining"? These videos pretty much have the same formula: Lenora asks the victim what they want for their birthday, she goes into a long blather about the "neuro-net," she then places the poor sod under hypnosis using the direct gaze method while going through a very bizarre catalogue of facial contortions, and then shows off the trembling hypnotized specimen as a trophy. All of this is timed to coincide with music by the group known as Bliss.

Let's get started with the first review--

Lency Spezzano "Peace and Success" Download (8:32) posted May 13, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Peace and Success. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

Lenora "joins" with Irish trainer Denise Moroney.

LKS: So Denise a little bird told me that its your birthday today as well.

DM : Yeah.

LKS: What a coincidence. So happy birthday.

DM: Thank you.

LKS: And being that you have a rich father, you can have anything that you want for your birthday. So of all your wildest dreams, of anything that you can have, of any change that you would like, any shift in your mind that would create a different reality for you in your world, what you most like to have?

DM: I would like to have peace and success.

[Laughter in crowd, Lenora mugs]

LKS: Is that all? [More laughter] So we'll do two, right? We'll do peace, and then we'll do success. So with the success, what types of success do you imagine yourself having and enjoying?

DM: Lots of money [laughter in crowd] and I want to bring you to Ireland.

LKS: Bring me to Ireland? I can see that. Sweet. That's sweet. Ok, so, but, career success, getting this work out there to the world.

DM: Yeah. That's why I want to bring you to Ireland.

LKS: OK, yeah, its a deal. And so we'll start with peace. And we'll take two songs, one for each gift.

At around 2:00 Lenora nods for the sound person to cue up the "Bliss Music" and she begins her range of weird facial contortions. The music on the intro text is only credited as "Farewell to Music" by Bliss, but in the course of this presentation there are two different pieces played. The audio on both is pretty bad.

Lenora uses the direct gaze method and bares her almost too perfect very white teeth. The camera is mostly fixed on her. The presenter of the "gift" is obviously more important than the recipient. We only see Denise in profile and at 3:00 she exhibits slight tremors.

Freeze frame at 3:04 and tell me Lenora is not playing the role of predator. The lowered chin, the bared teeth, the unblinking reptilian stare. This is hypnosis. The creepiness factor is overwhelming. And this is supposed to attract us to join their little cult? What were they thinking?

Like I said, hard to believe this footage exists for public consumption.

At about 3:45 you see Lenora nonverbally coaching Denise on how to respond as she brings her down from the trance and at 3:55 Lenora stage manages Denise to "share it," which means staring blankly at the attendees.

Then the camera pans the audience of SALPOV trainers, who are trembling and quaking in their seats. I liken this to the Church of the Quivering Brethren--

It is all timed to last as long as the music. Once it ends at 5:14 we are lucky enough to witness a bonus Act Two! My, how pleasing!

LKS: That was a very sweet one. Yeah. So now we are going to remove the limiting beliefs that you have about your ability to have success and to reach the entire globe and help everyone. Right? Yeah.

Then Lenora nods to the sound person for more "Bliss Music" and says "Success" as she uses the direct gaze method of hypnosis on Denise. Watch very carefully from 6:11-6:31. So creepy and about power. At 7:33 Lenora begins the nodding commands for Denise landing back to Earth.

As we go through these Youtubes we'll see a formula and routine. Lenora and her victim conclude in a live freeze-frame, as Denise comes out of her trance shaking and trembling. This is a typical ending for these presentations. The camera pans the Quivering Brethren and we get a glance at a guy I call the Big Lug, who occasionally shows up in these gigs. You can see him at 8:07 standing behind trainers Alison Banks and Susan How. He seems apart from the rest. Curious. Is he a medic? A bouncer? A spouse or boyfriend along for the ride? A caretaker?

Denise is no longer a trainer for SALPOV. I wonder if she had to sign a permission form in order to be filmed and if so, what did it say exactly?

I ask this question because through my eye these "downloading/joining" Youtubes are a form of sadistic aggression that humiliates the subject in public for all to see. This is about Lenora exerting her power as the Queen Bee. As a free human being walking the planet between the soil and sky I am entitled to have my opinion based on the truth as I see it. And as I see it, SALPOV is a dangerous personality cult. These "downloading/joining" Youtubes provide more than enough evidence of that. There is nothing I can write that could provide more damning evidence of SALPOV being a mind-manipulation group than these self-destructive Youtubes. They are their own worst enemy.

This could be a case where the old saying "There's no such thing as bad publicity" could be proven wrong.   

So prepare the popcorn, settle down in a comfortable place, and enjoy the slow motion train wreck as I continue to review the rest of the videos in this series. Lenora asks the viewer to "open your heart," but I would add that you need to open your mind as well.


Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #399 on: March 03, 2015, 11:58:45 pm »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Healing the Dark Night of the Soul" (23:05) posted May 10, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Healing the Dark Night of the Soul. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

This particular "downloading/joining" session is a bit different than the rest. Lenora Kay Spezzano, who has claimed to be an empath in the past, starts off the show with describing the vibes she is feeling. A SALPOV trainer is selected at random to apparently channel or act as a proxy for the whole group. But, things don't go so smooth, and in the process we see how Lenora is actor, director, and stage manager. This Youtube really gives us more of a backstage view than I expect they meant to reveal.

LKS: So we are just noticing there is a big activity going on in our brain, so something is getting corrected, some kind of healing is coming in and if we discover what it is we can put our attention on it and, [moves hands in a mixing motion] so it can be more productive.

Notice the term, "our brain." We are SALPOV. Lower your independence and surrender your wallet. We will add your monetary and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

LKS: So I can feel there is emotion with it. Let's just put our attention on the emotion. Whoa, it's quite a squeeze in there. So the emotion, there's tears in it. [Responds to audience] Grief? Despair? Yeah, it feels like despair. Yeah, it's like the end of the world kind of feeling. It's the end of my world. So does anybody have a storyline or an issue that's matching this that you can feel coming up? That you can focus it for us? Nobody gets any storyline? It's just utter hopeless despair. There's a feeling that my life is over. My life is ruined and I wrecked it. I destroyed myself. I destroyed my life. I ruined everything. There's guilt in there, there's grief about what you've lost in your life.

If she is indeed an empath, I suspect what she was feeling was all the regret by the participants on how they wasted thousands of dollars to be part of this bogus carnival act. But as we have demonstrated many times on this forum, the manipulation of guilt is THE key ingredient of SALPOV.

At this point Lenora stares at the audience for 15 seconds then reaches for some off-camera "cards," and declares--

LKS: So the cards say we could get a focus person. Would you guys be willing for somebody to focus it?

I'd be curious to know what those cards were all about.

Then she reaches into a small basket filled with slips of paper, each slip apparently with the name of a participant. She pulls one out and announces a name, "Fujiko-san." My apologies for any spelling error here. I'm not familiar with this individual, but I'll call her Fujiko for now.

Fujiko takes a chair next to Lenora and is handed a microphone by someone. She immediately launches into her thing, which I am guessing is in Japanese and is translated by an offstage translator--

F: For some reason, I am aware that I have been focusing on that feeling.

LKS: And for how long have you been focusing on it?

F: After the break.

That must have been some break. Did she have a moment of clarity? Like, what the Hell am I doing wasting my time, energy, money, and life on this nonsense? Did she walk outside on break time and view the Pacific Ocean lapping against the beautiful Hawaiian shore and realize that in the Big Picture SALPOV is really a small potatoes sideshow? Did she think, "Here I am on an island paradise, and I'm spending my time here cooped up in a room with Madame Cuckoo Clock?"

OK, I know this might sound crazy, but I am thinking out loud here. SALPOV is such a goofy corporation that sometimes I wonder if it is actually a front for something else, God only knows what? If that was true it would explain a lot.

Let's move on. 

Lenora nods and files through the cards. Then she stops and addresses the audience--

LKS: When I was working in the Dark Night of the Soul, this is what it felt like. I've destroyed myself, I've ruined everything. And I've lost everything important to me and I'm alienated from everyone I hold dear. And it's like the fatal mistake kind of thing. And the element with the Dark Night of the Soul is that even God, you know, you disappointed God so much that the feeling is that, for example, this lifetime is a failure. I thought this life would be a triumph but it turns out it's a failure. I just screwed up, and I'm letting God down, I'm not going to awaken, I'm not going to get out of this dream, I'm just burying myself deeper in my guilt. I've just screwed up. So you don't need to have a storyline to trigger it, it's just opened up for us to heal. And better you don't create a story.

Now this is the time to mention that the use of the term "Dark Night of the Soul" originates with the Catholic Church back in the 16th century, which would be in keeping with the training of Charles Lee Spezzano. The use of this topic here is a good example of SALPOV encouragement of mental self-flagellation.

LKS: So let's just follow it down as you feel it, maybe you can just express the emotion that you're feeling as it opens up.

At 6:10 Lenora makes her first attempt at direct gaze contact, but it quickly breaks and at 6:20 she turns to the audience and claims--

LKS: Wait, the intensity. You're feeling this, right, in your brain? Wow. I can hear the bones in my head creaking as they're separating.

"I can hear the bones in my head creaking as they're separating." Yes, she really says this. I guess this confirms she is indeed cracked.

At around 6:37 Lenora resumes the direct stare and asks--

LKS: What words could you put to this?

There is no answer, but around the 6:47 zone Lenora silently points to her right eye, bares her perfect teeth, and nods "yes." She is serious about deploying her hypnosis skills now. But at 7:04 Fujiko insolently breaks the illusion and declares--

F: I am ugly. I don't deserve to be enlightened, it's just beyond me.

The camera then inexplicably gives us a brief view of the Big Lug bestowing a shoulder massage to Canadian trainer Susan How in the mostly female audience. So what is the deal with that? We get to see this shot peppered into the drama over and over.

F: Also I feel I am doing terrible things to each and every one in this room.

LKS: OK, so just surrender into that. I'm horrible. I'm a horrible human being. I'm an utter failure as a human being. I just deserve punishment. Right?

And the staring renews at about 8:36 but it again fails to connect--

LKS: And as I remember it, it felt like endless punishment like there could be no end to this feeling, it's like eternal, I'll never get out of it. It's really a Hell, right? There's no hope of getting free of it. [Turns to audience] So with the Dark Night of the Soul, when I've read about people going through it, generally it takes them years, its years of this utterly bleak, black experience. Just no fun for a very long time. But we are so lucky we have this technology, we can move through it. And because I've dealt with at least part of it, I don't know how big it is, anyway, I can share it as a download and hopefully save you from a lot of suffering.

Around 10:10 Lenora exhales in what appears to be slight exasperation and attempts once more to use the direct gaze method, but it is just not happening.

LKS: So its utter hopelessness and helplessness, right?

More staring.

LKS: And you're just completely unlovable. There's nothing lovable about you. There's no redeeming quality that can make up for this ugly, bleak reality.

More staring.

LKS: The despair is so powerful that you can't even try to climb out of it. You don't even have the will to try to get yourself out of it because you know there's no way out. Right?

More staring.

Lenora then addresses the off-camera sound crew--

LKS: If you guys can tee up the Bliss Music and keep going through it and maybe start over again if you need to.

Then she turns to the audience--

LKS: So just feel that knot, that twist inside your brain as big as you can. Just emphasize it as much as possible.

Then the music starts, an unaccredited piece by Bliss. But Lenora stops everything and tells the sound crew

LKS: No I mean just tee it up, be ready for it.

At 12:27 she really tries the direct gaze method again, but keeps getting no hypnotic purchase. She turns to the audience--

LKS: Dark Night of the Soul. Where is it on the triangle?

Then she leaves her chair and goes off camera, probably to check the POV triangle which they swiped from Bob Trask,

LKS: [voice off-camera] I find it in "Union." Original Dark Night of the Soul. But there are through Mastery elements of it that you deal with all along the way there are Dark Nights. There are Dark Nights all the way, but this one is "Union." According to me.

You got all that, right? Having you own special lingo is one of the hallmarks of a cult.

But enough stalling and playing for time. Lenora returns to her seat.

LKS: Cut off from God, cut off from love, cut off from life. The misery of this despair is just so complete.

More staring.

LKS: [to audience] So just give yourself to it, let go, fall into it and know that I'm giving you the download. So just feel what you need to feel but be heading toward the light, be heading toward the Miracle. You don't have to spend a long time in here. It's not the truth. It's just not the truth.

At 14:34 Lenora motions to the sound crew to start up the Bliss Music. The direct gaze method is now deployed in overdrive and the series of contorted expressions and Master Thespian acting begins. No more playing around now. Time to get serious.

Around 15:23 Lenora directs the sound crew to raise the volume, which might've worked in the live setting, but for Youtube viewers the sound degrades significantly at this point. She really needed to hire a professional director so she could concentrate on just being the talent rather than filling several roles at once. As it is the production values in these efforts come across as glorified home movies. The poor quality of the recording, camera-work, and hokey blather only helps the rest of the world to laugh at SALPOV. This is like watching an Ed Wood movie. Small wonder that the English-speaking world of SALPOV has experienced a sharp decline since these Youtubes were released.

It also interests me that in the middle of "downloading," Lenora can break character and dictate mundane directions for the sound crew, and then return to "channeling" Heaven's grace in the blink of a right eye. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

I'm guessing that around 16:44 the subject has been completely hypnotized, judging from the tremors. After hugging, the two turn and face the audience. Lenora declares, "You got it," and the crowd gathers on stage and line up for a group shot. Fujiko's shaking is hard to ignore. Franklin, a SALPOV trainer with ASK Taiwan/Hong Kong is practically in convulsions.

The scene lasts long enough that a second piece of music, "Say Goodbye" by Bliss, is played and the camera pans the Church of the Quivering Brethren. A third piece of music begins and Lenora subtly signals the sound crew to kill it. Thank God this long session has come to an end.


Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #400 on: March 04, 2015, 12:23:41 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Perfect Health" (15:37) posted May 9, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Perfect Health. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

The subject in this demonstration is Hiromi Kurihara, a high-level trainer from Japan who also serves on SALPOV's star chamber Steering Committee.

LKS: So my darling beloved Hiromi-san, I understand its your birthday.

HK: Yes!


LKS: And because it's your birthday you can receive anything you want, any desire, any dream, any wish, any quality, any aptitude. You can have anything you want. It could rain right in this room. We can have anything, so what would you most love to receive?

HK: I want perfect health.

LKS: Perfect health. What a good idea.

HK: Yeah. Young, and powerful, beautiful.

LKS: Yeah, yeah, yeah, why didn't I think of that? Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Why not? Something I learned personally through my own healing recently is that we are not our body, we are not the body. This a vehicle, its a purely neutral thing, if something's going wrong, if lack of health is showing up in us, its only to draw our attention to something, its just a communication to us, but the body is free from our beliefs and our issues and all of that. So let's have that freedom and receive perfect health. Alright? Yeah. Thank you. Good one.

Oh? Apparently Lenora did not read the Healing Metaphors by Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst, one of the foundation blocks of the SALPOV theology which states that if you are ill or even have a birth defect it is your own damn fault! Past lives and all that crap is used in this Spezzano/Ticehurst nonsense.

In this regard SALPOV suffers from a "split mind," and it isn't the first time Lenora has contradicted the claims of her spouse. This must be confusing to the cult followers, but on the other hand in all the "busyness" time and tasks the flock is required to perform in order to be a drone in good standing probably doesn't give them a moment to consider these contradictions in the behavior of their heroes. Charles lewdly calls such critical thoughts "anal-lies," ridiculing any avenue toward critical thinking. And here the New Age shares an anti-intellectual bias with America's Tea Party. Both groups discourage independent thinking outside of the hive and view science and academia as the villain.

The encouragement of magical thinking in defiance of science and the laws of nature is a hallmark in cults like SALPOV. 

In many ways it almost seems like SALPOV is actually two cults, one run by Charles, the other run by Lenora, and with very different theologies. Perhaps they would claim one represents the masculine, the other the feminine, in their role as surrogate parents. But they still contradict each other in several important cases. I am going to go out on a limb and hazard a guess that she was the glue that kept the UK SALPOV together. Notice the massive drop in trainers in the UK after she retired from international workshops. In Canada, I would imagine the younger trainers who dropped out recently were also more in the Lenora cult than the Charles cult. Just a theory, but I think I might be on to something here.

Lenora has stated that she is not a moralist. And we hear from her over and over how nothing is real, etc. And yet her spouse has pounded the pulpit many times in his monthly newsletter and card-of-the-day about astral attackers, demons, conspiracies, and other bad guys as he whips up the fear factor. So there is clearly a Good and Evil dualism taking place in SALPOV, or is there? Gosh, I can't tell. More mixed messages! Which cult should I follow, Charles or Lenora?! Ngggh! My brain hurts! Charles was raised Catholic, Lenora Protestant. This could be the seed of the SALPOV theological split mind division.

The more I study SALPOV marketing, the more I realize just how compartmentalized it is. They go wherever the money is and law allows (which excludes them from the mainland USA in many instances), and right now the cashola is in Germany and Asia. As they follow fad and fashion, they drop theological alliances such as with Oneness University like a hot coal if it will prove to be a liability to their profit margin. Loyalty is not their strong suit. Did they stand beside Jutta L. in Germany during her embezzlement trial when she swiped big dough in order to attend a SALPOV brainwashing session in Hawaii? Did they support the "Healing Keys" as it went underground in order to hide from honest criticism? In the future are they going to stand by other SALPOV cult followers who come under the scrutiny of government agencies, a very likely scenario? The track record says no. Both Spezzanos are pretty mercenary, one trait they both share. Underlings are disposable and aftercare for people they have damaged, as moreinfo has pointed out, goes unheeded.

A long time ago I drove a taxicab. The owner told me to drive as fast as I could and cut corners in order to jack up the profits. But if I was given a ticket for reckless driving or speeding I was on my own, the company was not going to back me up. SALPOV is a lot like that cab company.   

Although SALPOV celebrates "oneness" they actually have very conflicting sales pitches-- it just depends on their audience at the time and who they target as a sucker.

Back to the show--

At 1:41 Lenora nods to the sound crew, "A Hundred Thousand Angels" by Bliss is played, the audio is pretty bad, and the direct gaze method of hypnosis begins.

Hiromi, who I suspect is an old hand at this game, slips into a trance immediately and Lenora's initial facial expressions are actually fairly subdued compared to other "downloading/joining" demonstrations, at least at first.

Things begin to heat up around 5:25, Hiromi starts to tremble but is still holding up pretty well. The body language in profile is so telling. Lenora leaning in, Hiromi sitting back. The predator and the prey. It just creeps me out. The music ends at 7:40 and a second song is played, "I Could Stay Forever By Your Side" by Bliss, but it is not credited anywhere. The audio remains awful. 

Around 8:57 Hiromi starts to quiver and her expressions just get weirder. What the heck is Lenora doing to her? I watch this and think, "Victimizing." Why would anyone pay thousands of dollars to submit to this carnival act? Sad.

At 11:00 we are treated to some more Master Thespian acting. Lenora has a brother and a daughter in the acting profession, so perhaps these Youtubes serve as an outlet for her genetic theatrical side. That in itself isn't really a bad thing, except that she presents it as channeling Heaven's grace, and I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. This is Aimee Semple McPherson stuff we are watching. I have a professional theatre sibling as well. I recognize the smell of half-baked ham. 

At 14:04 the two turn around and face the audience and camera so we can see just how spiritually refreshed they are. This is all timed to end with the music but it comes across as awkward as it lasts a full minute and half.

I remember having great fun playing the old original Mario games with my daughter over 20 years ago. After we emerged from the underwater world we felt so refreshed in an artificial way. Such is the artificial case with these "downloading/joining" sessions--

But on the morning after you still have to face a new day. Oh, are you needing more downloading to get your hypnotic fix? Well, that can be had at a price. The post-Hawaii letdown has been referenced by at least one attendee.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #401 on: March 04, 2015, 01:30:54 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Healing the Great Wars" (16:14) posted May 10, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Healing the Great Wars. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

For those of you who are escaping from this cult, let me provide you with a metaphor (SALPOV loves metaphors)-- Andy crawling through the sewerpipe in order to find independence courtesy of the Shawshank Redemption--

"Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit smelling foulness I can't even imagine. Or maybe I just don't to want imagine. 500 yards. That's the length of 5 football fields. Just shy of half a mile."

In North America and the UK, people are getting wise to SALPOV. Asia and Central Europe needs to catch up. I know breaking free from this cult can be frightening. Try to find someone on your area who specializes in cult exit therapy.

Anyway, let us get on with the review of this weirdo video presentation. Lenora Kay Spezzano does all the talking in this one--   

LKS: Now I want to give you the gift of healing download.

OK, considering all participants have spent several thousand dollars to be present, this can hardly be considered a "gift." A pan of the audience shows the Big Lug is present.

LKS: And this download will come through the higher self, through the Holy Spirit, and it will be using my brain to transmit this healing, or correction, of what at in Psychology of Vision we call the "Great Wars."

Yes, her brain is a conduit to God's bureaucracy. The use of the term "Holy Spirit" was a smart choice, because the concept is used by many different religions. However, as we shall see later in this presentation, the main inspiration for this cult is Christian-based, as in A Course in Miracles

LKS: [Moves to the SALPOV Triangle, which was swiped from Bob Trask] So the Great Wars show up here in "Vision." The Great Wars are the major dichotomies of mind. So they're the biggest splits that you have in your mind. [crude camera cut, back to chair] And I just healed these recently so this is fairly fresh. I can remember the process of getting these issues up and dealing with them, healing them. And some of them were pretty dramatic. I think the first one was healing the split mind about superiority, superior and inferior, inferiority. So we had both in our minds. We had this inferiority complex but we also feel superior so this war inside of ourselves that also shows up in our relationships. And the next one that came up in my healing was the split between male/female, and the war, the battle of the sexes, the battle of approaches. All of us are half feminine, half masculine in our minds but because the feminine has been not valued to the degree that the masculine has been valued for so many centuries, for millennia, we all have complexes inside of us about that. And a fight about which is better.

I notice that in spite of Lenora's declarations of valuing the feminine, she is very definitely given second billing in SALPOV. The videos of Charles all have a jazzy intro and conclusion that look like they cost a few clams. But Lenora's videos are the z-films of cult propaganda. If SALPOV is actually divided into two cults as I have proposed, the Lenora cult is obviously overshadowed and dominated by the Charles cult and given the short end of the stick.

Back to the show--     
LKS: And so healing that was great. It's wonderful for your relationship, I can say that for sure. The next one I remember was life/death and that was quite dramatic for me. I felt like I was at the point of death, really. And when that healed in my mind it was when I realized that the only way I can get through this is if the body is not real. To understand that the body is not real is a major Course in Miracles instruction. The body isn't real because nothing in this reality is real-- as we know from ancient Asian philosophies this world is actually a dream, its an illusion. The same thing is said by quantum physicists.

The vague reference to "Asian philosophies" is a broadsweep, but by invoking "quantum physics" she laps over into a very discredited area of pseudoscience. This might be a good time to sit back and enjoy this short video that tackles the New Age use of anything "quantum"--

However, it does seem like Lenora faced some sort of health crisis. And perhaps she still does and I wish her a speedy recovery if that is the case. I've been there at Death's door too, and she's right, and it does change the way you view life and mortality. But we all have very individual ways of dealing with it. Time marches on for us aging Boomers and the bell tolls for all of us. 

It is interesting she doesn't mention her own husband's Healing Keys in this segment as a source of solving her problem. In fact, I can't find a single case where any SALPOV member cited the Healing Keys as part of their recovery from anything. On the other hand, I don't recall reading about the "downloading/joining" process in the Healing Keys. Since the authors removed that work from public view I can't go back and verify if my memory is correct. One former trainer told me the Healing Keys was SALPOV's weakest link. So, I think there's yet another institutional split mind thing going on here.

OK, another aside here. I am so tempted to write a novel inspired by the exploits of the Spezzanos. I am really seeing them as trapped and tragic figures now, forever in a prison of their own making. I sense the SALPOV thing is winding down and it will be fascinating to see if they ever come clean, enlightened, and seek to make reparations for all the damage they have caused. Running around Germany in a Hawaiian shirt when you are past retirement age, hustling yet another book that is merely recycling all your past work is as pathetic as watching an old rock group from the 1960s reprising their hits. That is no way to live. No amount of money can be worth debasing yourself like that. Watching him peddle his platitudes to the Germans makes me feel embarrassed for him. He went a bridge too far.

Let us resume the presentation-- 

LKS: So reaching an understanding, taking the power away from my belief that I could die, that I'm a victim of things that could happen to my body, that was a tremendous relief. And, boy, it saved my life, literally. There are more right/wrong, good/evil, those kinds of things, anybody remember any others, those who are tracking and along with me in the process? But anyway you get the idea of these major splits in the mind. And when you heal these Great Wars and you're pretty much finishing off this "Vision" stage [points to SALPOV Triangle], when you heal that what you receive and the pattern in your mind that replaces the Great Wars is value, which is a Mastery level gift. So its the sense of personal value. I have value. I am valuable. And just to have that knowing inside of you is such a comfort and it takes a lot of the pain out your life.

This is sounding like a speech by Sarah Palin. It just doesn't make any sense. But then again, I have not been schooled in SALPOV cultspeak.

LKS: So as the download starts to come through, and I can feel it already, you'll start to feel inside of your brain the change in the brain pattern of your neuro-net. So, if you remember from college when you were studying science, the science of the brain, your thought patterns are in there physically through the firing of synapses, so you get a certain pattern of thought, because you repeat the same thought again and again, these patterns get really deeply entrenched. So like the fight between the masculine and feminine, you've probably had those thoughts so often in your life there's really a superhighway in there about your position, whatever that might be.

So A Course in Miracles calls this process "the light of one mind shining into another." In India they say "the simplicity of one mind is affecting another." But, this is not something that I'm doing. Its something that's organized from a much higher level of our minds, and I'm just being a conduit. Its coming through. And my brain feels the changes that your brain will be feeling. So my brain is transmitting the sort of ironing out of those ruts in your mind and freeing it, allowing it to be simple in the place where it had been caught in conflict and split in those many ways.

Just a reminder and so we all understand the foundation of SALPOV-- A Course in Miracles is a work that was dictated by Jesus Christ to Helen Cohn Schucman (1909–1981), A New York psychologist. This "inner voice" of Jesus told Helen what to write between 1965-1972. Let me repeat. This is the foundation for SALPOV. Just in case you missed it, Jesus Christ dictated this to a psychologist in New York 1965-1972. Jesus Christ dictated a set of rules to a New York psychologist and this is what SALPOV uses as their most inspirational text. Jesus Christ = Helen Schucman = SALPOV. OK? Got it? ACIM, along with Oneness University, has been touted as SALPOV's "two greatest inspirations." Now that OU has been purged from SALPOV, ACIM is the single greatest inspiration for SALPOV. That is to say a work dictated by Jesus Christ 1965-1972 to Ms. Schucman. This is at the base of SALPOV, just so we're all clear on this and there is no confusion.

And now, much like Helen, Lenora Lay Spezzano is your connection to the Holy Spirit, which why you have paid thousands of dollars to attend these sessions. Pay to pray.   

And exactly who in India is Lenora quoting? Perhaps her teachers at Oneness University?   

LKS: So you may feel the emotions of those dichotomies as the healing happens. But you don't have to actually go deep into the emotion and feel everything because the elegance of a download is that its a physical shift in your brain and because you're a wholistic system when your brain shifts your emotional body shifts, everything happens together at once. So you can do a tremendous amount of healing. For example it took a few weeks for me to deal with all of these issues and I cried a lot in the process.

Oh, one I forgot was Heaven and Hell, the belief in that split and that was a huge one for me. Yeah. So the beauty of downloads is you can receive the healing in an elegant way that prevents you from having to go through the life experiences that trigger the upheaval so that you can connect with the repressed emotion and the issues that are buried in your body/mind system.

Since in her text intro Lenora claims to perform "healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace," apparently Heaven does still exist but Hell does not? Then where do the "astral attackers" and "demons" that her husband frequently point to come from?

Split minds.

As far as promoting "an elegant way that prevents you from having to go through the life experiences that trigger the upheaval" I can only watch that segment with ope-mouthed awe in disbelief. This is LIFE we are talking about. Life is something to be experienced, pain and pleasure, winning and losing, love and heartbreak, it is all in the game. That is how we grow as we contemplate this riddle of existence. But if you happen to be a vulnerable person who has been hurt beyond measure, SALPOV has the appeal of a numbing escape, a quick fix. Especially if you have the loose funds to pay the high fee required for this service. But if you fall into the SALPOV spider web you are submitting yourself to people who are in no way qualified to help. There is a reason this corporation is included in this forum about frauds and plastic shamans. All SALPOV clients need to be classified as victims.

This is wrong. It needs to stop. Now. 

Back to our program which is already in progress--

LKS: So, its a gift I'm really happy to share with you. And let's get started. You probably can already feel your brain starting to go [makes a science fiction effect], OK? So that's a good thing and so you can actually invite your brain to surrender even more so that the download happens quickly and easily.

And the keyword here is "Surrender."

LKS: With the download it doesn't take time. Its not dependent on time, its dependent on willingness. So if you're willing to get the correction, get the shift, get the healing and take your mind into the miracle it won't need to take any time at all. Alright, I just invite you to surrender into it, get the healing, and when your mind hits the miracle, when you can see the joke of all of these fights that you have been in your whole life, maybe countless lifetimes, when you can see the joke of it, when you get the humor of it, when you feel completely liberated, and you hit the experience of bliss in your mind, that's a miracle, that's what A Course in Miracles calls a miracle. Its completely healing an issue. So when your mind hits a miracle, [someone in the audience has distracting coughing] invites you to get up and join me and we'll create a bliss engine and everyone who has received a miracle then is transmitting it to the others as well, so we're just of one mind being in the grace. It's just grace, there's nothing personal. You don't have to worry about receiving anything personal that's mine in the transmission. Its just light, its just love. Alright? So we'll have some music, and here it comes.

[Someone off-camera is laughing like a maniac] Some of you didn't even wait for the music.

The "bliss engine" is an old device that has been employed by Lenora for many years. Hardly "cutting edge" at the time of this filming. 

Here is a Youtube of Lenora performing a "bliss engine" in 2001, and when you really study it, including what the people in the background are doing with the staring stuff, it is very unsettling--

This a damn cult. It is as plain as day.

So given the rules Lenora just set forth, and given the sense of possible buyer's remorse the participants might be feeling after wasting thousands of dollars on this silliness, do you really believe anyone is going to have the guts to stay in their seat and declare, "I am not feeling the miracle"? Of course not.

This peer pressure manipulation pays off.

The music starts at 10:23. Alison Banks is jumping up and down in her seat. Lenora says something I can't pick up but I think it ends with "Join me." Lenora stares directly into the camera as if to hypnotize us and as she does so she is quickly flanked by the believers. Guess they got the miracle within nanoseconds. Aaaaamazing!

As "A Hundred Thousand Angels" by Bliss is played, the Church of the Quivering Brethren line up, and man alive, do they quiver!

At around 13:50 Lenora tries to speak over the music volume and it is difficult to follow. I will do my best transcribe it--

LKS: And as the group mind has received the miracle now is the experience of revelation which the Course in Miracles says is the results that comes after the miracle and its Heaven's gratitude for what you've done for your willingness to heal. Its so touching. Its so sweet.

"Group mind." When I hear that term I think hive, sheep, Borg, "orders which must be obeyed at all times." 

The camera pans (14:10) to the Big Lug and Susanne Ernst making eyes that look a little more worldly and biological than the higher spiritual plane that is being celebrated. And once the camera returns to Lenora we again hear the freaked out laughter in the background. At 14:25 we are given the special treat of another Lenora Master Thespian performance.

A very bizarre but telling episode.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #402 on: March 04, 2015, 01:33:49 am »
Oops, here is the correct link to the above Youtube:

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #403 on: March 04, 2015, 02:00:30 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Embodying the Divine Feminine" (9:09) posted May 9, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Embodying the Divine Feminine. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

In this segment the demonstration partner is Susan How, a Canadian trainer who is also a SALPOV event coordinator in British Columbia and administrator of the First Nations Fund.

LKS: Susie, happy birthday. Its belated, I guess. I usually remember your birthday. Anyway, happy birthday.

SH: Thank you.

LKS: You can have anything you want, because you are the beloved of Heaven.

Around 0:16 something interesting happens. Lenora gives some kind of facial signal to Susan, and How reacts with an expression that reads like, "Oh, yeah, right. I remember this from rehearsal. Sorry to be so slow on the uptake."

LKS: What would you most love to receive? What would make your life the best?

SH: I'd like to receive the Divine Feminine. [The audience ooohs and aaaahs] 'Cause its all about receiving.

LKS: It is.

SH: Yeah.

LKS: It is.

SH: So that's what I'd really like. And you're the one who can give it to me.

LKS: [Makes a "zap" motion] Lay it on me!

"Embodying the Divine Feminine" is something of a cliché in the New Age world. Google the phrase and see just how many New Age commercial websites use it as a sales pitch. In SALPOV, the use of this term should not be confused with feminism. In a ca. 2008 Daily Mail article, "Fast track to femininity: Why competing with men has left women out of touch with their feminine side" by Anna Pasternak, the SALPOV party line was expressed by none other than Jeff Allen (one wonders if the error of calling him a "psychologist" and the SALPOV founder was by Pasternak or by Allen?)--

Psychologist Jeff Allen, founder of Psychology of Vision, who coaches for relationship and business success, said: "Independent women look like they are tough and have their acts together, which is appealing, but really they are well-defended because they don't want to get hurt or be vulnerable."

"But to be feminine, at some level you have got to be open."

"Being open allows connection, intuition and compassion-these are the feminine gifts."

So how do we open ourselves up to our feminine energy, especially if we also want to survive career-wise in a male-dominated world?

"The feminine principle is about allowing things to unfold and happen, not always interfering."

"Career women think that they have to be in control to make it happen, but if they stop and tap into some kind of emotional intelligence and empathy, it makes them better problem-solvers."

According to Allen, you cannot have true success or a successful relationship without the balance of masculine and feminine: "The reason career women feel lonely within themselves and often have a deep sense of failure is because they are not connected to their hearts."
"I'm not saying career women should chuck it all away, but if they connect to things that really matter to them, if they start to appreciate little beautiful things every day - literally stop and smell the roses - then what they will have to offer will be really quite profound."
Allen also says we must stop competing with men, especially in relationships, as competition is totally destructive.

The UK comedian and activist Kate Smurthwaite pretty much made mincemeat out of Pasternak and Allen. Enjoy--

Now let us return to the demonstration of stage hypnotism--

LKS: [to audience] So we're just opening ourselves up to receive the download of "Embodying the Divine Feminine" and whether you're a man or a women, you know, this is what you want. You want that ability to receive, to be graced. Every person is half masculine/half feminine, and you know, Psychology of Vision is really dedicated to restoring the feminine to this world because we know that its our salvation, its what will save us.

So you can probably feel your brain creeping around in there already. That's just the download, its replacing mistaken beliefs about the feminine, replacing it with the truth with our ability to receive because it is our nature to receive all of God's gifts because God is our father, our mother, our beloved and its our true relationship to receive and to share.

[turns to Susan] So, here we go, Susie Q!

At 2:14 Lenora clasps How's hands and nods to the sound crew. "Love, Peace and Wisdom" by Bliss begins to play. Lenora points to her right eye at 2:23, bares her teeth, and the direct gaze method beings.

For some reason I have always felt very uncomfortable with this particular video whenever I walk through this weirdo half-world of SALPOV. In fact, until now I have never been able to watch this one in a single sitting. Interestingly our fellow writers on this thread debbieredbear and autumn have had the same experience of creepiness with this segment--

At around the 5:00 mark this video goes over the top in terms of Lenora's Master Thespian mode. And perhaps what makes us uneasy here is that we know we are not watching someone who is opening their inner self in order to "receive" a channeled Heaven's grace. Instead we are bearing witness to what appears to be one person being dominated by another through hypnotism masquerading as a very expensive New Age healing technique. We find ourselves feeling humiliated for Susan.

Lenora stage manages the obligatory turn to the audience and the two are on self-display until the music ends. The camera pans the Church of the Quivering Brethren.

Meanwhile, Susan has turned back to Lenora, who at 7:24 has to once again stage manage Susan to turn and face the others and the camera. I assume this is done in order to show us viewers what a wonderful thing "downloading/joining" can be. In the course of doing this, Lenora uses a motion where her finger is at eye level, which makes me wonder if Susan's hypnotic trance was still in progress at this point.

Thankfully, the music comes to an end and all we are liberated from this cringe-worthy video.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #404 on: March 04, 2015, 02:35:11 am »
Downloading/Joining Review: "Chillaxing" (5:39) posted May 9, 2013.

Text introduction:

Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Chillaxing. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

Lenora's "downloading/joining" partner in this session is Nicky Rangecroft (recently also known as Nicky Pilgrim), who is currently one of the few SALPOV trainers left in the UK as their numbers rapidly decline--

LKS: So Nicky, I understand today is your birthday and because of that you can receive any gift at all that you want from Heaven. You have a rich Father, everything that is His is yours. You can have anything, receive it as a download, a direct input into your brain that will either change a negative pattern that's in your neuro-net, or add the light pattern that is the positive gift, whatever it is that you want.

So, you must have been thinking about this, knowing it was your birthday. So what would you love to have? Anything you want.

NR: I guess what I'd love to have is relaxation. I'd love to relax.

LKS: What a great idea. [turns to audience] That's a good one, huh?

NR: I think my niece calls it "chillaxing."

LKS: [laughs] "Chillaxing." Great. Alright. To be able to totally chillax. Excellent.

Oh those kids these days and their crazy lingo.

Without further preliminaries, the two clasp hands at 1:18 and an unidentified piece of music plays. For whatever this observation is worth, during the hand clasping in these Youtube examples, the victim always has their palms up, with Lenora's grasping them from above in a dominant position. There seems to be little fumbling in this step among the participants in the video series. Apparently they have all been well-conditioned to respond accordingly.

And the facial carnival starts immediately but Nicky holds out until about 2:55 before the involuntary tremors are evident. At 3:11 or so Lenora lets out a huge exhale and turns Nicky toward the audience.

Now at this point I would like to point out that young Christopher Spezzano, when responding to critics of SALPOV, wrote: "The stories that are being spread on these sites are ridiculous and often lewd." Well, speaking of ridiculous and lewd, from what I can see Charles Lee Spezzano makes juvenile lewd jokes a staple in his presentations as a form of aggression and keeping his audience off-balance. His little sexual puns are pretty junior high school. Charles Lee Spezzano is the same guy who lectures on "emotional maturity":

And in the case of this Youtube, we see Lenora and Nicky mugging to the group as if they have just finished having sex. I'm not kidding. This goes on for two full minutes and the crowd loves it. I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that Lenora and Nicky are doing this, or that the followers find this so damn funny.

Piff has commented on the strong sexual undercurrents of these "downloading/joining" Youtubes, some more than others. Since this corporation is a steep hierarchy, this sexual element is a measurement of control and power, not love, not Heaven's grace. This only increases the creepout factor for those of us who live outside the SALPOV snowglobe.

Oh, not a steep hierarchy you say? Please read the attached Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual (must be signed in to view) before making your conclusion.