General > Frauds

Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn

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Well, lookie who’s trying to get her fraudulent blog back up running?  I just cannot wait to read it!  So exciting!

Looking at the view counter many more people have discovered the real Alyssa!


--- Quote from: chiquitta on October 18, 2018, 01:44:52 am ---Well, lookie who’s trying to get her fraudulent blog back up running?  I just cannot wait to read it!  So exciting!

Looking at the view counter many more people have discovered the real Alyssa!
--- End quote ---

Both sites show only this:

--- Quote

We're under construction. Please check back for an update soon.
--- End quote ---

How or where do you see a view counter?


--- Quote from: Sparks on October 18, 2018, 02:23:23 am ---
How or where do you see a view counter?

--- End quote ---

Here on the NAFPS forum each subject has its own "Replies/Views" listing. For instance this thread currently has 71 Replies, 10372 Views.

This is a listing of views count, so it qualifies as a view counter. More views  = hopefully more awareness of what Alyssa Barlow is doing.


Chiquitta: Thanks for telling us about this

Thank you Piff, i know about that. My question was a misunderstanding.

I imagined chicuitta could somehow see how many visitors there were to those new Spots of the Fawn sites.

But of course, chicuitta was referring to the present thread at NAFPS when referring to "the real Alyssa".

Well, Alyssa is back at it.  Coast to Coast radio show has her biography claiming she is First Nations, cherokee, yurok...etc. 
she just never learns!


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