Author Topic: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones  (Read 32505 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« on: December 21, 2017, 02:37:31 am »
Briefly in the Pussycat Dolls, reality star and Trump supporter. Newly announced "Native American Ambassador" for Diversity Coalition for Trump. Basically a PAC of professional tokens designed to make Trump look less racist. This is fraud for profit, though not the kind we usually go after.

She claims to be "40% Native," and occasionally claims her dad was "fullblood Apache born in Toronto" whose "reservation has been removed." Also claims a Jamaican mother and a grandmother whose Costa Rican, Nicaragua, and Panamanian. None of that makes any sense. Hopefully our genealogists can tear that apart and embarrass Trump's tokens.


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2017, 04:16:43 am »

I am proud of my bloodline and plan to discuss and prove to anyone questioning my heritage dna as well as family information. I unlike senator Warren have nothing to hide.

Wikipedia reports her birth date as  August 28, 1984, no citation.

She has posted on Facebook: "family is military", and that a grandfather is buried at Arlington.

On Facebook she states that her mother was born to "Dr. Tennyson Byron Sinclair a Black & Spanish Jamaican ...  and Cecily Sinclair a German & Irish Jamaican.


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2017, 04:48:25 am »
Learning about KJ's mother's side of the family hopefully will lead us to her name, and to the name of her husband / Kaya's father.

These would be the people she claims are her maternal grandparents:

Tennyson Bryan Sinclair
Jamaica, Civil Registration
Name    Tennyson Bryan Sinclair
Event Type    Marriage
Event Date    24 Sep 1939
Event Place    Kingston, Jamaica
Gender    Male
Father's Name    Edmund Mortimer Sinclair
Spouse's Name    Cicily Ianthe Bodden
Spouse's Gender    Female
Spouse's Father's Name    Alfred William Bodden

Tennyson a 34 year old doctor of medicine.
Cecily a 24 year old stenographer.


This woman, Barbara Reynolds, is her mother.

... three daughters. Nicola, Tamra and the youngest one Chrystal ... She grew up in Jamaica, is now touring the world, and creating quite a sensation as a singer - Kaya Jones.

(Interviewer) Do you still call her Chrystal or has she totally become Kaya?

(Barbara's response) She is now "Kaya".

(Interviewer) I don't know if she classes herself as Jamaican, or Canadian, or American?

(Barbara's response) She is Canadian and American - she was born in Canada and her father is American.


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2017, 05:42:54 am »
Some gleanings from Facebook: KJ says she was not raised by her birth father past age 4.

Also that at age 5 "Was never allowed to cut my hair as our energy is in our hair and my father being Native wouldn't allow it"

So I am assuming that her birth father is the man that she claims is Apache.

Her birth father may have the birth date Dec 1st:

Kaya Jones
December 1 at 8:57am ·

Happy birthday to my father. Though you aren’t in my life there isn’t a day I don’t think of you or wish we had time together.


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2017, 12:48:30 pm »
Recent Twitter:

Don’t know as the reservation has since been removed my father lived on. A lot of information lost and doing a lot of digging myself to find as much as I can which is why it’s so important for me to help my people as I too need answers

Some of the response to her:

If the Apache don't claim you, how can you identify? Being Native is about our cultures and languages and our ties to our communities. You don't even know which band you are.

But you aren’t even connected to your own community, and now you’re appointed to speak for all of us? You talk about being connected but I’ve seen zero effort from you about your communities issues.

what is your band? What are your family ties? What's your clan? Who claims you? What territory are you from?

KJ does delete tweets, so make sure to get a copy of anything relevant just in case. Apparently she has also blocked some people who ask questions about her claims.

If her birth surname is Neria, if her birth father's surname Neria, and if it is her paternal grandfather buried at Arlington, that may be Apolinar Neria, 1907 - 2000, US Army.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2017, 01:31:03 pm »
Looks like she made a very brief attempt to find out about her dad.

That's it, a single post 5 years ago. The person responding thought he was likely an Italian immigrant.

Her mother seems to be, like her daughter, a blond white Jamaican, or with possibly a little Black ancestry. But she wouldn't be seen as Black in Jamaica or the US outside of the most paranoidly suspicious racists.

I don't know where she gets the biracial claim, or any of her other claims. I haven't found any sign of her being a racist other than defending the Confederate flag on Alex Jones. More likely she's using the flimsy claims of not being white to avoid responsibility for racism as a blond white woman.


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2017, 09:32:23 pm »
Looks like she made a very brief attempt to find out about her dad.

That's it, a single post 5 years ago. The person responding thought he was likely an Italian immigrant.

This confirms that her birth surname is Neria, her father's birth surname is Neria, and that she doesn't know that side of her family. Very helpful.


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2017, 03:56:37 am »
More likely she's using the flimsy claims of not being white to avoid responsibility for racism as a blond white woman.

Here's a claim that she can't be racist cause she is "half Native American & half Jamaican":

being called a racist for voting for @realDonaldTrump wow! I'm half Native American&Half Jamaican. Sorry you feel (symbols for heart and USA flag) makes me a racist


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2017, 04:26:33 am »
More @KayaJones Twitter gleanings:

Many natives are related to Israel (symbol of flag of Israel) fact. They migrated before the Spanish Inquisition. That’s why many natives didn’t die from the diseases. They were already immune to them. Many Jewish words in our language for both Navajo and Apache

Did you know that certain tribes believe their direct descendants to the Israelites? Apache is one of them.The words are derived from Hebrew

My father is full Apache. So I'm half but hey we are rare to find and gotta stick together & let America know we love our @POTUS

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2017, 02:16:59 pm »
She's mangling legends from the Mexican community. There's the claim of many in New Mexico their original Spanish ancestors were crypto Jews, Jews hiding from the Inquisition.

And yes, plenty of Apache and Navajo died from Euro diseases. They are also separate though related languages with not a single Hebrew word in them.

A playwright, Maxx Sparber, confronted her on twitter and his research concluded the same. Her father was a Sicilian immigrant.

She also claimed her dad's reservation was in Dallas. Has she been reading Harley Reagan?

Moved to Frauds. She's willfully ignorant and trying to cash in on obviously phony claims.


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2017, 03:05:27 pm »
I am Native American.My people completely gone.

The Twitter advanced search is really useful in researching @KayaJones


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Re: Chrystal Neria AKA Kaya Jones
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2019, 09:00:10 pm »
Chrystal Neria is receiving renewed attention. Sebastian Gorka recently interviewed her . Gorka refers to her as "a true Warrior Princess".

Hopefully, with this new attention, more people will research her and read through this thread and others here.

Neria often tweets claims of heritage.

Kaya Jones
?Verified account @KayaJones
Replying to @UntamedNativ

I am native and showed my dna sorry my cells speak louder than your hatred
3:16 PM - 26 Sep 2018

Relevant to her claims:

There are numerous problems with using genetics to determine whether or not one has Native American ancestry, and/or alternatively to determine tribal membership. The most obvious problem is that being Native American is a question of politics and culture, not biology: one is Native American if one is recognized by a tribe as being a member. And one is not necessarily a member of a tribe simply because one has Native American ancestors. Another problem is that genetic analysis, and some of the processes involved, can be problematic for indigenous people in terms of their own cultural knowledge. Put simply, there are things involved in genetic analysis that some indigenous cultures consider violations of their principles or values.


I initially could not understand what she meant by "showed my dna" but then found this:

Here you go! Here’s my DNA breakdown. I hold 16% meaning my father was 1/4-1/2 Native American. Not lying and never a was. My mother holds no DNA of Native decent.

Attached to this post is a clip of her full tweet including an image.