Author Topic: Martin Renaud - Two Turtles Productions - Ceremony-Stealing, Ceremony-Selling "Performance Artist"  (Read 15845 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Martin Renaud - Two Turtles Productions
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2015, 09:19:13 pm »
I don't think that tree consented to the underpants bondage routine.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Martin Renaud - Two Turtles Productions
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2015, 01:05:25 am »
Moving Piff's post from the Michael Rosser thread.



Webseries Documentary
Short Description
Producer of "A Journey On Two Turtles - Wisdom of Native American Elders" a 6-parts webseries about the Red Road spiritual path.
Uncle Michael "Walks the Wind",
Gerardo Arrietta "Mariman",
Christian Bickel,
Gilberto Nova,
Martin Renaud,
Directed By
Martin Renaud
Produced By
Martin Renaud

He is touring this project around USA right now.

Offline eagle helps him

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Martin Renaud
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2016, 12:01:46 pm »
Martin was recently confronted for teaching Sweat Lodge and Sundance Songs as part of his mens circles - Byron Bay area, Australia. This is in direct violation of the Protection of Ceremonies Protocol issued following a meetings of the Elders, chaired by Chief Arvol Looking Horse - 19th generation carrier of the sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe - Lakota, Dakota & Nakota nations.
Martin has advised that he no longer uses Sweat Lodge and Sundance Songs during his mens circles. This has been put on a watch and see status.
Mitakuye Oyasin - All my Relations.

Offline twoturtles

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Hi! Thanks for sharing my video and performance art work. I gather that you don't like it and you feel righteous about it. That's ok! Some of you have managed to come with pretty good jokes about it though. :) Sorry that you are so angry "AClockworkWhite", I feel for you...

I don't pretend to be anything else than what I am and I surely never sold or stole ceremonies. My art is inspired by my spiritual path and my videos by Elders that have influenced my life and travels.

I salute Bernd Brauer aka "Eagle Helps Him" for his work through and with his mission in regards to the "Protection of the Ceremonies Protocols" in Australia: it humbled my aspirations. What I find ironic is that NACA refers to Uncle Michael Rosser "Walks The Wind" for advice about fraudsters, yet he has his own thread here. Hehe! It goes full circle.

Namaste! :p
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 12:51:05 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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If you truly "felt" you would realize you were wrong and halt it. Instead you smile and find it funny and give us greetings from another faith, using yet more cultural and spiritual appropriation. Essentially you get attention for doing your version of a "ceremony" that is equivalent to claiming to do a version of Catholic Eucharist by eating pieces of corpses.

It's worth noting that Renaud admitted to one of his "teachers" being Michael Rosser, an obviously white Australian posing as a Navajo healer. Rosser's idea of "healing" was to used a horrific tragedy to bring attention to himself.

Offline twoturtles

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Hi Al! Do you really think this thread about me is so serious? I thought I'd throw a "namaste" in the mix and show off my Indian culture! I'm baffled that you think my performance art is a "ceremony" and that it has been stolen from the Native American faith. It isn't. As for my teachers, I will defend them always, because I'm a Spiritual Warrior (of the Rainbow Nation).
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 12:50:32 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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It tells us all how clueless you are that
A-You think it's OK to be a cultural imperialist of anyplace not European.
B- You are so ignorant as to think there is one "Native American culture" instead of thousands of separate ones.
C-You either are delusional enough or enjoy being deliberately obtuse and pretend you are not stealing ceremony and mixing it up with offensive attempts at "art."

And no, you are no warrior, and have no clue what it means. Warriors are willing to sacrifice themselves to protect others, and often do. They are noble, and also humble. None of them would be so egotistical as to label themselves one. You're a white racist who thinks it funny to play NDN, an overgrown immature child seeking attention. One who was trained by obvious frauds, other whites such as Rosser posing as NDN just to get attention.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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You're like some brain-damaged toddler, pulling off his poop-filled diaper and shoving it in people's faces, proud of your "creation." But you're not our kid so we don't have to tolerate you or let you stay  here.