Author Topic: Instant Love spell Robert Mason and Robin Stone  (Read 28033 times)

Offline TelGega

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Instant Love spell Robert Mason and Robin Stone
« on: February 19, 2010, 08:46:07 pm »

it more falls under Psycics and the like.

I found this web site about....2 weeks ago. I'm currently Looking for anything I can to find out if this is a scam or not. It is a pretty hard Call for a number of reasons.

My Thoughts to support Authentics:

Robert says on his website and in his news letter that there are "requirements" for the Scientific spell, that uses Morphic Fields to reconnect you with your Lost Love or whomever you desire.

1. he seems to be genuine about it working and -not- working

We're often asked if our scientific love spell works for everyone. The honest answer is 'no' - for some people, it will not work.
The scientific spell will NOT work for you IF:

- You do not truly desire the person you want to use the spell on
- You do not believe the spell can work
- You believe that it is wrong to use any form of magick or science
to be with the person you desire
- You intend to use the spell on more than one person at the same

In all other cases, the spell can, and will work."

2. This is a big on, on his website, he starts that it has reunited over 1127 people with the ones they love. I say that seems to support because it's a low number, he seems to be honest about how many it has worked for.

3. -He even goes on to say to try as stay positive AS posibble, as it is almost impossible to stay completely positive all the time, to keep negativeity as low as possible.

-gives a list of personal "does and don'ts"

-Things like a schedule so you do not over or undercast.

-A reasonably detailed FAQ both on his site and in the PDF.

-He speaks of the dangers of having someone fall in love with you if you change your mind about them.

-He instructs you to read the guide first, atleast twice, and to not use the recording UNTIL your ready.

4. There are a few people who have started that it has worked on sites suc has Yahoo answers, etc.

Some things stack againest him however, as with all internet salesmen

1- There are some bad reviews from people on the Yahoo answers etc,statements saying that he doesn't return emaisl and keeps money. although one guy seems to think that those who are giving positive reviews are simply Robert and Robin (the sellers) posing as buyer with positive reviews.

2-There is a review on RIPOFFREPOrT about it

right now I'm currently working on find more info, if anyone as anything please post. I'm also contacting the "it worked for me/my friend" who have posted there e mails.

Good Luck and happy hunting

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Instant Love spell Robert Mason and Robin Stone
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2010, 09:38:41 pm »
How to get back your lover

Most people, of a variety of cultures and ethnicities, who have some sort of "spellworking" tradition would find this sort of magic/medicine to be immoral and unethical.

Most spiritual people are horrified at the idea of trying to mess with another person's free will that way. Most people who brag about doing that kind of manipulative magic on others are shunned, or banished, or worse.

In my opinion? Bad news. Exploitative of those they claim to work their magic on, and exploitative of the brokenhearted fools who are willing to pay to manipulate someone who no longer loves them (and perhaps never did). I can think of no situation in which this sort of service, and sold on the Internet at that, would be OK.

AND, that's even assuming they do anything besides just put the money in the bank and write more testimonials for themselves. They probably aren't even attempting any magic. Most likely it's just a scam. I would bet they get personal details on people to better manipulate them and maybe hook people in for more "services". It's an old, old scam gone high-tech.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:14:20 pm by Kathryn »

Re: Instant Love spell Robert Mason and Robin Stone
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2010, 10:43:46 pm »
Right. I agree Kathryn.  It is wrong. And it's absurd to think the people on that site giving 'testimonials'.. I mean, one of them cast a spell on the other and the 'other' is OK with this?  Most people I know would feel used and tricked if you told them you cast a spell on them so they would love you.

Love, it's what everybody wants and if you could sell it, you'd be rich.  Fortunately, love is not for sale. And those who think they are buying it, are only fooling themselves, and will find much heartache and loss.

I have a real ping about spells and spell casting, perhaps I just don't know enough about it, except what I've run into personally. And every time it's always.. *always* ..  been cast because someone wants something they don't have.  Well, if  you don't have it, maybe there's a reason, to mess with unknowns and free will of others is nothing but a huge cup of trouble.  I despise spells.  I have met too many and it's all negative. 

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline TelGega

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Re: Instant Love spell Robert Mason and Robin Stone
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 12:03:05 am »
also for got to add this, why did he try a Spell in the first place?

on another Note, he says that it is called a "spell" because it's kinda out side the full understanding of science. He says it uses what are called Morphic fields, which our brain picks up on during REM, and the alpha state of our mind, as we are dreaming. 10 -14 hrtz

It says it uses a recording with causes the person to go into alpha state, while being awake, and they get a walk through. Sorta like those relaxation CDs my sister has about light entering your body.

Then a part of the brain and something called the limbic residence, which pick up emotions and deal with memory or something. let the one you love feel the same love for you by connectiong the two of you etc.

some people had stated that he has emailed them back and forth ith efforts to help them visualize and such.

still doing more reasearch into it

Offline clearwater

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Re: Instant Love spell Robert Mason and Robin Stone
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2010, 06:53:51 pm »
I thought I'd check this out, but each site requires the user to log in and create an "account" and provide an email. The "love potion" is actually code that is downloaded onto the user's computer.

Then I went and read the Terms of Use of this site. This is kind of interesting:

The website disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of the content of this website. Visitors assume the all risk of viewing, reading, using, or relying upon this information. Unless you have otherwise formed an express contract to the contrary with the website, you have no right to rely on any information contained herein as accurate. The website makes no such warranty.


The website assumes no responsibility for damage to computers or software of the visitor or any person the visitor subsequently communicates with from corrupting code or data that is inadvertently passed to the visitor’s computer. Again, visitor views and interacts with this site, or banners or pop-ups or advertising displayed thereon, at his own risk.


Visitor downloads information from this site at this own risk. Website makes no warranty that downloads are free of corrupting computer codes, including, but not limited to, viruses and worms.

Basically, download our software to cast your spell, but if it screws your computer, oh well, not our fault.

This reeks of malware. I had originally intended to comment on the whole concept of love potions, casting spells, etc, but didn't make it that far.

Buyer beware.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 07:12:53 pm by clearwater »

Offline clearwater

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Re: Instant Love spell Robert Mason and Robin Stone
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2010, 06:59:21 pm »
Also, this is in their Terms of Use:

Unless expressly authorized by website, no one may hyperlink this site, or portions thereof, (including, but not limited to, logotypes, trademarks, branding or copyrighted material) to theirs for any reason. Further, you are not allowed to reference the url (website address) of this website in any commercial or non-commercial media without express permission, nor are you allowed to ‘frame’ the site. You specifically agree to cooperate with the Website to remove or de-activate any such activities and be liable for all damages. You hereby agree to liquidated damages of US$100,000.00 plus costs and actual damages for violating this provision.

So, bascially, NAFPS is in volation of their Privacy Policy by even linking to it with this thread. HAHAHAHAHA. Now that's funny. Actually, it's stupid as hell and arguably, unenforceable.

I just looked at the HTML code on their home page, as well as their "robots.txt" file, and they are allowing robots to index the site. I guess google should worry about violating their policy, too, because google links to the site. If I was google, I'd be shaking in my boots.

So let me get this straight: Put up a website, sell a product, quote ads you've placed in national publications, post a Privacy Policy and Terms of Use that says if you link to this you agree to $100,000 in damages. Hmmmm....

Buyer, REALLY beware. Oops. Just violated their policy again. Damn!

Wow, this is as stupid as it gets, it seems. NAFPS moderators, feel free to edit my post if you think you'll owe the magi love potion people $100,000 for saying something questionable about them.

Oh, wait a minute, since I never signed up, I never accepted their terms. Whew, I was sweating that one. I guess I'm free to comment after all, and the original poster, TelGega, is off the hook too!

Oh wait a minute again... the policy saiys that even reading the policy constitutes agreement to it. WHAT??

clearwater some anonymous poster who doesn't want to get sued HAHAHAHA

« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 07:17:44 pm by clearwater »

Offline clearwater

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Re: Instant Love spell Robert Mason and Robin Stone
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2010, 07:12:29 pm »
And finally, also from their Privacy Policy:
This Privacy Policy describes the terms of our commitment to your privacy.

PERSONS OR PARTIES COVERED This Privacy Policy is intended to cover all visitors to this website, all subscribers to lists or newsletters whether paid or unpaid, all members or affiliates whether paid or unpaid, and all customers. Persons who visit or view this website, whether intentionally or unintentionally, whether solicited or unsolicited, are described herein as “Visitors” and are parties to this Privacy Policy. Subscribers to lists or Newsletters are referred to herein as “Subscribers” and are parties to the Privacy Policy. Persons who join an organization or marketing endeavor (e.g. “affiliates”) promoted by this website are called “Members” herein and are covered by this Privacy Policy. Finally, anyone who orders, attempts to order, or receives a product sold (recipients) or advertised on or delivered from this website, even at no cost, is called a “Customer” herein and is subject to this Privacy Policy not only by passive acceptance, but by virtue of the Purchase Agreement contract. The website, its agents, owners, operators, and employees are referred to collectively herein as “Website,” “Site,” and/or “Seller”.

Wrong. This policy combined with the "Terms of Use" appears more intended to protect the website and inflict fines and penalties if you question their potion.

I've read tons or privacy policies and terms of use, but have never read anything like this. Bascially, if you read the policy, they are binding you to it. And, if you say something negative, you agree to a $100,000 fine.

I've never read any contract that states that just by reading the contract, you agree to the terms of the contract. That's what this website's "Privacy Policy" and "Terms of Use" try to do. This consititues passive acceptance, is not enforceable, as contracts require informed consent (meaning "I accept") which these policies omit. Given this premise, I could write anything into any policy, and as long as you read it, you agree and accept. Nope. I read both policies, and I don't accept either. So you gonna fine me $100,000 now?

So, to summarize: if their download screws your computer, it's not their fault. If you say something bad or even link to their website without their permission, you're fined $100,000.

Wow. This stinks. Really stinks. Buyer REALLY REALLY beware.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 07:29:40 pm by clearwater »