Author Topic: New Age steals Native spirituality, identities  (Read 42755 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: New Age steals Native spirituality, identities
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2005, 03:05:51 pm »
I don't think the bad "guest" is you Ganieda. It sounds very much like certain crystal skull worshippers.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: New Age steals Native spirituality, identities
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2005, 05:45:58 pm »
since you said it wasn't you, I am not assuming anything. And I have not refered to that "guest" as she at all. I really don't care if the immature child is a she or a he.


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Re: New Age steals Native spirituality, identities
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2005, 11:10:45 pm »
I'm confused are you a he/she hmmmm.

You may think you are fooling people as to who you are but be assured we do and, felt really burnt by this site huh?? Well your dismissed now go back to your little "tribe" and be who you continue to be, a disrespected wannabe.
                                             Joyce A.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: New Age steals Native spirituality, identities
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2005, 10:04:19 pm »
Just got this very nice letter from the author:

Dear Dr. Carroll and fellow New Age Fraud Fighters,
I just wanted to take moment to thank you for the very kind was nice to finally get some positive feedback, as opposed to some of the very nasty email I got shortly after this article first published. ? I have long supported tribal sovereignty issues--I have worked with Professor Andrea Smith for many years--she wrote a blistering commentary on this subject that also got her some pretty nasty mail and got her banned from speaking in government sponsored conventions. ?

As a way to support your groups efforts, may I suggest checking out the group, Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism at ? I have supported this group for a while, and I find it puts out extremely timely and rel event analysis while at the same time actually supporting communities on a local level. ?

On a personal note, I would just like to say, I know how hard these blood sucking leeches can attack a person/group. ? It really helps make my life easier to know that there are others out there fighting along side me.

In Solidarity,
Susana Adame

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Re: New Age steals Native spirituality, identities
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2006, 08:48:48 pm »
Re: New Age steals Native spirituality, identities
« Reply #19 on: Dec 14th, 2005, 2:04pm »  Quote  Modify  

Dear Guest,

Sorry if this is condescending, but that' s to be expected when someone is so dense they read the Who We Are section and then fails to understand even one single point they read.

The Nuage movement is filled with racism, sexual abuse, and tells huge numbers of lies about Native people. This leaves huge numbers of people deeply scarred, bitter, angry, disillusioned, and hostile towards ACTUAL Natives.

Nuagers desecrate Native sacred sites, destroy plants used in ceremonies, and above all wind up drowning out the voices of ACTUAL Natives. We try to talk about sovereignty, diabetes, language loss, etc, and they'd rather hear about finding their totem animals and using crystals.

If you don't care about naive women getting raped and their children getting molested, or people losing huge amounts of money and time or winding up badly burned or even dead from fake versions of sweatlodges...

...or Native lifeways being threatened by this cultural and spiritual imperialism, then perhaps you should quit wasting our time so we speak to those who actually give a damn about other people.

But perhaps before you go you should explain why you aren't over at a Black forum saying "I don't give a damn about civil rights." or at a Jewish forum saying "Who cares about anti-Semism? Not me!"

This post really helped me see clearly what is going on in some groups.
I have seen the 'racism' and 'they' are condescending towards any native people.  Sure come on in a say a 'blessing' or a 'prayer' but then sit down and be quiet.  They don't really want to listen much less hear what is really going on.


Offline PLH

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Re: New Age steals Native spirituality, identities
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2006, 02:06:52 am »
How is it those claming to be NDN are so interested in ceremony and self serving spirituality? The things that look attractive on the surface? Romantisizing the NDN, what is that?

Never have I seen a Holy Man/Woman that will tell you he/she is. Never would I ask advice from an Elder without knowing I had worked my butt off for the answer first and to still expect that "why aren't you REALLY listening look".

NDN "Spirituality" did not and will not come without a price.....and we are NOT TALKING MONEY.