Author Topic: last carrier of the Hopi Prophecy - John Kimmey  (Read 9213 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

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last carrier of the Hopi Prophecy - John Kimmey
« on: January 13, 2011, 05:27:31 pm »
The Prophets Conference Pilgrimage to the Heart of Native America, guided by Hopi prophecy carrier John Kimmey, will take us into the mysterious sacred places of the magnificent American Southwest in a quest for the renewal of self. As we open our hearts to the grandeur and profound beauty of these ancient places of power, we open to an expanded cosmology. Through the ceremonies, the stories and teachings of these ancient people, we will gain wholeness and a broader awakening to the wonder of life.

Coming together from our diverse backgrounds we will deepen our sense of a shared humanity and cultivate a deeper relationship to all beings. Through engaging this relationship with reverence, contemplation and intention, we help to restore the critical balance of harmony to Creation.

Additional writings...
Secrets of the Medicine
The Time of Purification by John Kimmey
This Is It by John Eesawu Kimmey
Reflections on John Kimmey by Hannah Janulewicz

Recommended listening and reading...
The Jack Hopper Trilogy, audio-book read by John Kimmey
Light on the Return Path by John Kimmey
The Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters
Hosteen Klah: Navaho Medicine Man and Sand Painter by Franc Johnson Newcomb
Seven Arrows by Hyemeyohsts Storm


John Kimmey, who will be leading our Prophets Conference Pilgrimage to the Heart of Native America and presenting a lecture and workshop at the Vancouver Prophets Conference, was asked by the traditional elders of the Hopi, with whom he apprenticed, to carry the Hopi Prophecy to the world. These elders have now passed on and Kimmey may be the last carrier of the Hopi Prophecy since the passing of the great American Southwest writer Frank Waters who also carried forward the traditional teachings by the old ones.

We feel that it is important to join in this carry forward and we invite you if possible to be in Vancouver or to join the expedition to take your place in this medicine. If you joined John Kimmey in Cancun or will join him in Vancouver, you will receive a $150 discount for the pilgrimage. This is an exceptional opportunity to learn the native shamanic teachings with a leading teacher in the Heart of Native America. Many of those who have gone before found this to be a transformative experience.

2012 Tipping Point Conference Vancouver -

Pilgrimage to the Heart of Native America -

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: last carrier of the Hopi Prophecy - John Kimmey
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2020, 03:55:20 am »
There is another thread about him [John Kimmey AKA Eesawu]:

I'll post a comment there shortly.