That conference in November is such a smorgasbord of woo that I compelled to C&P the text for future reference. It looks like a newage criminal's sweetshop, full to bursting with fat juicy academic woo merchants, just the kind of recruits that THB networks are willing to expend time and energy recruiting.
Here's the entire text (translation from French via google).....................................................
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Lives to preserve quantum Health & Wellness LYON 2 th International Congresstherapies quantumPROGRAM Cité internationale - Congress Centreweekend of 19 & 20 November 2011
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his is the second International Congress of therapiesquantum, which, with the help of Jean-Yves Bilien( ) will open in Lyon, CitéInternational Convention Centre, the weekend of19 and 20 November.Building on the success at our first congress of Aix-en-Provencein 2010, it is already part of a long series to come to youcan discover and understand as and measures changes in thequantum medicine of the future."The quantum is the invisible matter that animates the living" . It influencesall body functions, whether the cells, tissues,organ systems in general. It emits electromagnetic wavesinvisible to the body to retain or regain its pointbalance. The quantum may prevent or regenerate the health of the individualtaking into account its spiritual dimension and level of consciousness.An exceptional program is waiting for you, where many exciting topicswill be discussed by leading actors and precursors of quantum, asProfessor Emmanuel Ransford, the biologist Rupert Sheldrake and many othersyou'll discover a little further.This year we added an additional theme, food,essential medical and crossroads of all therapies. Thierry Souccarreveal the toxicity of food. We entrust the secrets ofconsistent food to preserve our health capital.A weekend to know where usability will also visitin exchange, share, meeting at lunch, offeringsucculent buffets bio-gastroquantiques developed by the famous restaurateurLyon, Alain Alexanian. But also to the evening buffet on Saturday about jazza small orchestra that Dr. Henry Puget, known as "Doctor Sax"host with his usual kindness and his talent. Great moments inperspective!If you want to participate in this event, Lyon is the 2 e tourist cityFrance, hosting it saturates quickly, so register and bookyour hotel now by accessing the program by clicking .Your devoted.Marion Kaplan V
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Albert-Claude QuemounWorld famous, he has participated in numerous studies,studies, research and humanitarian projects in various countries:Canada, Quebec, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic,Poland, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Greece, India, Bangladesh,Central African Republic, Mauritius, Russia.Doctor of PharmacyLecturer and scientific advisor at the Faculty of Paris 13President of the Scientific Institute HomeopathicInternational expert in homeopathy in GenevaVice President of the French Society of Homeopathy (existence since 1885)Coordinator 400 dissertations and theses.He recently received April 10, 2010,PRIM Research Award for all his scientific workin collaboration with INSERM on receptors in the brain.He participated in the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine,under the direction of Dr. Peter Cornillot(Dean of the Faculty of Medicine).He is a member of the Academy of Sciences of Lausanne.He is the author of 12 books on homeopathy.For more information:Go to Google and type: Albert-Claude Quemoun An honor!the sponsor of the second international congress Gold medal. PromotionMichel Conan MériadecInternational CongressHomeopathy31 May and 1 June 1997IHS and CFSH Paris
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Weekend program2 th International Congress of Quantum TherapiesSaturday, November 19, 2011 Lives to preserve quantum Health & Wellness
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9h-10h30: Prof. Emmanuel Ransford Researcher, lecturer and epistemologist. " The quantum and the "psychomatter"Two reasons to develop our hidden talents " Subatomic matter, described and studied by quantum physics, isweird. It is well known. It's even incomprehensible, as it facesintuition and common sense. Perhaps it is because it is in fact thepsychomatter, rich in a secret dimension allowing it to generatelife and consciousness? This track, I recall the rationale andbasis, is promising.After a brief review on the psychomatter and its amazing properties,I will explore its implications and its various practical applications,particularly in the broad field of therapies that take intoaccount the whole person.I will consider including magnetism and distant healing, thememory cells and cell reprogramming, the psycho-and transgenerational, etc ...All this leads me to point out our hidden potential, related to our naturepsycho-physical, which are in all of us. Developing them, wecan put more magic and light into our lives!Emmanuel Ransford continues several years of research onfoundations of quantum physics, with a dual requirement of opennessand rigor. Independent researcher specializing in quantum physics,epistemologist and lecturer, he is the author of "The New Physicsof the Spirit "and co-author, with Tom Atham, the book" Roots physicalof the Spirit. " Founder and President of IPI (International Institute ofPsychomatter & International Institute of Psychomatter), it tries to promotea comprehensive understanding of the world and a holistic view of life.
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10:30 to 11:30: Break Kangen water at willTea, coffee or fruit juice (optional extras)Expo Forum
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11h30-13h: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Biologist. " morphic resonance and the fields of organization of the body andof the mind " (In translation successive) According to the hypothesis of formative causation, all systems canself-organization - crystals, plants and animals included - contain ainherent memory, after previous similar systems. Processcalled morphic resonance. All human beings are based on acollective memory, in which each man in turn will contribute.Even individual memory depends on the morphic resonance ratheras a material memory traces of which are stored in thebrain. This hypothesis, verified experimentally, requires thatso-called laws of nature are more like habits. Morphic resonanceacts according to morphic fields, which hold the bodies of plants andanimals, coordinate the activities of the brain and underlyingmental activity. Minds extend beyond the brain, in bothspace and time.Rupert Sheldrake is a British biologist, author of over 80 articlesscientists and several books, including "A new science of life".Doctor of biology, he was a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, andresearcher from the Royal Society. Researcher at the Institute of Noetic SciencesCalifornia and Visiting Professor at the Graduate InstituteConnecticut, Rupert Sheldrake lives in London and moves only veryoften: We are privileged to come and present his latest workat our convention.Website:
www.sheldrake.orgPage 8
13h - 14h30: Lunch Break BUFFET ANCESTRAL BIOLOGICALprepared by our chef from Lyon,Alain Alexanian and Matthew Toucas him.His site: www. alainalexanian consulting.comSTARTERS • Pumpkin Soup kind to the emulsion of coconut milk• Small cabbage stuffed with red rice from Camargue - chips & honey lemon goat sec• celeriac remoulade to the grated coconut - apricots and raisins• Change beet - potato and roasted hazelnuts• Pressed caramelized endive with orange - horseradish and coriander• Quinoa Tabbouleh - goat cheese - mint and basil• Caleslaw the apple ginger root and sesame• Tartare of potatoes and root curry gribiche Tarragon• Hummus Tartine of dill and garlic confit• Gateau of split peas tofu - Tea smoked sausage and chips THE HOT DISH • casserole pot-au-feu with autumn vegetables ACCOMPANYING • Sticks bacon • chicken Goujonnettes • Fricot carp DESSERTS • Melted dark chocolate gluten free and dairy free• apple-pear crumble with chestnut flour• Kangen Water as desired Wine and coffee in addition
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14h30-16h: Thierry Souccar Journalist, science writer and editor. " Evolutionary Medicine, a response to diseasecivilization " Seventy percent of the food we eat and additivestoday were completely unknown thousands of generationshave gone before for seven million years.Cereals, dairy products, salt, sugar appear fewer than 20 000years to the Neolithic. Pesticides, additives in the twentieth century. But ifFood has suddenly changed, our genes have changed little sincethe Palaeolithic period. Dr. Boyd Eaton (Emory University, Atlanta,Georgia) was the first issued in 1985 on the assumption that major diseasesmodern, including obesity, say they are because "we aregenetically more suited to the way food is ".According to him, "The Paleolithic diet or pre-agriculture can beconsidered a model for modern nutrition. " This line ofthought developed in the United States, Scandinavia and most recentlyin France under the name of medicine évolutionniste.Y actively collaboratingdoctors, nutritionists, epidemiologists, and paleoanthropologistsprimatologists. " Restoring the overall balance " These equilibria depend in particular on:- The energy density - the glycemic load - the acid-base balance - theratio sodium / potassium - fiber intake - nutrient density - the balancefatty acids.This presentation shows that it is nevertheless possible to reconstructfood of our ancestors, and without implementing a real planprehistoric, choose the food supply modern foodscan get closer.Website:
www.lanutrition.frPage 10
16h - 16h30: Break Kangen water at willTea, coffee or fruit juice (optional extras)Expo Forum
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16h30-18h: Dr. Olivier Soulier Clinician and researcher. " Microbes have created life on earth . " From Energy to matteralive. Microbes are the first forms of life on our planet and oursolar system.They were the first form of DNA, they created the atmosphere and oxygen,before joining forces to create life as we know it tous humans.We are microbes that have succeeded.They are the bridge of life between the initial energy of life and living formswhich we belong. They are a machine discovery of life. They areontological our opponent that we constantly test ourgrowth.Olivier Soulier is a medical doctor, homeopath and acupuncturist.It is both a clinician and researcher. He works on very large areasas the meaning of disease, germs, embryology, neurosciences,hormones, the symbolic vision, to connect our lives meaning. He wrotenumerous books including "life stories, the message body." Hecooperated with religious and scientific.He explains all this in a vision very simple and easily affordablea wonderful story.Website:
www.lessymboles.comPage 12
18h-19h30: Dr Thierry Lebrun Psychiatrist. " The new cures psychological problemsChinese medicine to quantum medicine " Thierry Lebrun is a psychiatrist former intern hospitalpsychiatric degree in phyto-aromatherapy and holistic medicineby the Faculty of Medicine PARIS. Also Thierry Lebrun has validated1990, three years of training in traditional Chinese medicine toMARSEILLE . The following year, Thierry discovers quantum medicine withits therapeutic applications in psychiatry that it will exhibit in 1996International Congress of Biocybernetics medicine in Germany, andin 2003, SWISS congress dealing with applications of physicsquantum biology and medicine. Ultimately, Thierry Lebruncontinues for more than twenty five years researching the origin andtreatment of mental illness in particular type-schizophRenique. This ongoing quest led him to travel the worldworld and meet many researchers.The content of the presentation can be summarized in a synthesis between medicineTraditional Chinese, ortho molecular psychiatry, psychoanalysis,the homéophytoaromathérapie and even allopathic medicine to quantum.Initially, Thierry Lebrun will exhibit rapid scientific basesscientists from these different techniques and their impact in the managementpsychological disorders.In a second step, it will give some examples of supportof patients using the energy balance system MORA, the electromagneticgnétothérapie, bioelectronics VINCENT of the blood test ortho molecularlar, and the camera GDV Prof. Korotkov.The combination of conventional psychiatry and complementary medicinedescribed above enables a broad understanding of the diseasemental monitoring. The purpose of this presentation is to open awith all caregivers and patients on a projecttherapy specifically targeting psychiatric disorders.
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20h30: Buffet jazz BUFFET ANCESTRAL BIOLOGICAL prepared by our chef from Lyon,Alain Alexanian and Matthew Toucas him.His site: www. alainalexanian consulting.comSTARTERS • Refer to the list of lunch THE HOT DISH • Confit of duck with vegetables in the old onion compote, cassis and pepper.ACCOMPANYING • Sticks bacon • chicken Goujonnettes • Fricot carp DESSERTS • Melted dark chocolate gluten free and dairy free• apple-pear crumble with chestnut flour BEVERAGES • Kangen Water at will • Wines An evening in the presence of all stakeholderswhere conviviality, exchange, share and relaxationwill be at the meeting.Jazz hosted an evening with Dr.Puget, the famous "Dr. Sax" & friends.
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Lives to preserve quantum Health & Wellness Weekend program2 th International Congress of Quantum TherapiesSunday, November 20, 2011
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9h-10h30: Dr Christian Agrapart Neuropsychiatrist, acupuncturistEuropean expert and approved. " The medicine of the future Chromatotherapie ® " At the junction of the Chinese tradition, basic research(Prof. Benveniste, Prof. Popp) and clinical trials, theChromatotherapie ® relies on the transmission of electromagneticinformation and energy medicine foreshadows the future. Methodscientific and medical therapy, based on a dual diagnosis toboth traditional and energy, it uses the white light photonswhose wavelengths correspond to specific colors visibleby the human eye. Their healing power allows them to select andmobilize the energies traditional Chinese.The Chromatotherapie ®, vibrational medicine, each vibration,original material or light, trigger on any living being (man,animal, plant) an identical response.This technique without the risk of viral or bacterial contamination, has avery wide scope, from a projection on local conditionssimple (including head trauma, burns, sprains, wrinkles, etc.)an eye contact in the field of clinical psychology orFinally, on specific points of acupuncture for severe disease(Schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.). Orautoimmune diseases.Website:
www.chromatotherapie.comPage 16
10:30 to 11:30: Break Kangen water at willTea, coffee or fruit juice (optional extras)Expo Forum
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11h30-13h: Dominique Lussan Psychologist, anthropologist, chemist, economist. " Quantum Consciousness and Action " How can the emergence of inventions that will regenerate ourindividual and global ecosystems.How the exploration of states of consciousness stable and integratedaction, will be the close of the inventions of tomorrow? Inventionsallow the emergence of new forms of medicine and educationtaking into account all aspects of Being? New energy,agricultural practices and artistic creations that can regenerateBeing the world and awaken? The environmental professions in the worldthe company, many examples will be given during the procedure.Founding president of the center of research and developmentHarmonic Vision on states of consciousness and value creationOverall, Dominique Lussan modeled and defined a label named"Conscience and Action," which describes seven levels of professional practicein various fields of activities of our society. Chemist, economist,psychologist, anthropologist, naturopath, host of the Monroe Institute,founder of a school of Yoga, multidisciplinary trainingDominique Lussan allowed him to objectify seven states of consciousness whererespect to time, space, body and self are altered. His researchconsultant and work organization allowed him to make the connection with7 levels of action that create value overall, economic, human,environmental, societal ... This process of "Conscience and Action" canbe learned.Website:
www.harmonic-vision.comPage 18
13h - 14h15: Lunch Break BUFFET ANCESTRAL BIOLOGICALprepared by our chef from Lyon,Alain Alexanian and Matthew Toucas him.His site: www. alainalexanian consulting.comSTARTERS • Pumpkin Soup kind to the emulsion of coconut milk• Small cabbage stuffed with red rice from Camargue - chips & honey lemon goat sec• celeriac remoulade to the grated coconut - apricots and raisins• Change beet - potato and roasted hazelnuts• Pressed caramelized endive with orange - horseradish and coriander• Quinoa Tabbouleh - goat cheese - mint and basil• Caleslaw the apple ginger root and sesame• Tartare of potatoes and root curry gribiche Tarragon• Hummus Tartine of dill and garlic confit• Cake split peas tofu - Tea smoked sausage and chips THE HOT DISH • casserole pot-au-feu with autumn vegetables ACCOMPANYING • Sticks bacon • chicken Goujonnettes • Fricot carp DESSERTS • Melted dark chocolate gluten free and dairy free• apple-pear crumble with chestnut flour• Kangen Water as desired Wine and coffee in addition
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2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Dr. Nadine SCHUSTER Professor at the European Humanities Universityand human resources. " Quantum Medicine: A new dimension of health " The work of Dr. Nadine Schuster arise in the approximationof quantum physics and medicine.Indeed, for 20 years, she practiced medicine while liberaldeepening search and reflect on an approach of quantumhuman body. Quantum medicine is a medicine that deals withall interactions between quantum fields transmitted and received bythe living organism. Medicine is a study of the depth ofhumans in relation to its environment-related influencesexternal environmental and internal. At the atomic level, there is nodifference between man and his environment, whether material orfor nature.Oscillatory imbalances come from external causes (foodor stress for example) and especially of internal causality (interactionsaffective, emotional and mental). Close as practicalpossible attitudes "quantum" that underlie these vital processes,represents the current work of Dr. Nadine Schuster. Thanks in part toresearch of Russian scientists, working largely on the typesoscillatory wave emissions and specific living. Psycho-neuro-immunology is the scope of the study ontologicalQuantum of disease. Dr. Nadine Schuster spoke at largeinternational conferences, particularly in Germany (Cologne, 1988, "Ecolog 88 "Munich, 1999," Advanced Medicine in Immune Disorders andCancer ") but also in Russia where, within the Union of ScientistsSt. Petersburg, Professor Oleg Kossogov was able to establish with it aline of research in atomic spectroscopy on living.Website:
www.nadine-schuster.comPage 20
15h30 - 16h: Pause Kangen water at willTea, coffee or fruit juice (optional extras)Expo Forum
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16h-17h30: Dr Bruno Donatini Immunologist. " Chronic Diseases: Importance of the intestinal flora, the myceliamushrooms and electromagnetic waves " Most chronic diseases could be explained by mechanismsautoimmune: atherosclerosis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid,arthritis, thyroiditis, etc. ..Deficiency interferon (Th1) or IL4 (Th2) explains the emergence ofautoimmunity via the secretion of IL-17 (TH3). The intestine controls the synthesisof IL-17 by the presence of T-cell regulators, hence the importance ofmaintain a healthy gut. It is possible to modulate these regulatory T by:A gut-controlled-The mycelia of fungi-The polyphenols (resveratrol, curcumin, extracts of bark, etc.).Eggs-parasite-pulsed electromagnetic waves.We can consider improving digestive disorders in the permeabilitydigestive activating stem cells by magnetic waves ormycelial extracts (Hericium).This presentation will attempt to summarize the main mechanisms of diseasechronic, illustrated with clinical cases, and highlight the interest of the waveselectromagnetic.Dr. Bruno is Donatini gastroenterologist hepatologist, oncologist andimmunologist, and a graduate of osteopathy. It is one of the co-founders of theMycoceutics ® company whose goal is to develop natural productsfrom the logged forest in the spirit of sustainable development. Thispromote the use of concrete elements such as wood, bark,buds, sap, fungi, clay and water but alsoenergy items from the life of the forest such as electromagnetic wavestransmitted by magnetic rocks or trees with clay, water ormycelia (white mushrooms). Research interest so aschemical properties as the vibrational properties of the products.Website:
www.fungimedicinal.comPage 22
17h30-19h: Dr Bernard Vial Homeopath. " The stress of protéion " Dr. Bernard VIAL, 30 years studying the relationship between emotionalin the plant world and human emotions. The Affective Sciencesexplores the similarities between plant sexuality and emotions and desireshumans. Botany becomes a mode of explanation remedieshomeopathic plant. The support is PROTEIONIQUEobjective of affects, the protein profiles revealed by the computerized CEIA;You will discover the STRESS PROTEION.How to move from the experience of Chief Medical Clinic at University HospitalMontpellier in 1972-73 to describe the emotions, feelings, impulses,desires?Dr Bernard Vial 30 years studying how to reportAssigned to protein carriers blood.The Affective Sciences is the field of clinical experience and biologicalBecause of the general medicine and homeopathy DOCTORSTHE UNCONSCIOUS. With the stress of Protéion, Bernard Vial developsobjective findings of computerized protein profiles of CEIA andaddresses "entry in" information (PHYSIOLOGY INFORMATION).
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And given that Lyon2 is an tourist town in France whereaccommodation saturates very quickly, ifyou wish to attend this meetingknowledge and discoverytherapies on quantumthen we urge youyou to register and reserve yourHotel now. PLACES LIMITED Lives to preserve quantum Health & Wellness Download the registration form, click on: