Author Topic: William Two Feather AKA William Schober  (Read 129834 times)

Offline Winston

  • Posts: 19
Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2010, 01:00:09 pm »
There's something I don't get about William Two Feather. If he is innocent of all the charges, then why doesn't he come on the sites that are attacking him and defend himself? It's not like there are thousands of sites attacking him. When you google his name, only two sites come up, my blog and the new age fraud forum, that are critical of him. It would not take more than an hour for him to come and defend himself or clear up any misunderstandings if the charges against him are false.

I understand that no one can defend themselves forever on every site, and that no celebrity has the time to respond to online rumors, but innocent people usually at least try once to clear up false statements about them online, or at least give their side of the story. On the other hand, those who are guilty and have no defense are usually the ones who avoid it altogether and have no comment.

So isn't that a bad sign that WTF has no comment or defense? If someone were lying about me, I sure would not be silent about it.

It does not take much time to at least put up ONE site defending yourself and giving your side of the story, so that people can see it and refer to it at least.

Why doesn't he do that, instead of threatening me to take down my blog? Even without my blog, the new age fraud forum thread already does the same damage, so my blog page about him doesn't make much of a difference. He ought to at least give his side of the story somewhere, if he even has a defense, don't you think?

Offline Winston

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2010, 01:12:52 pm »
That's not vicious, that's accurate. The only part remotely vicious is to call him a sociopath. How is calling a con man a con man anything but accurate? There are some vicious comments on your thread. They come from WTF supporters, aimed at his critics. BUt you don't see any of the critics, or us here, demanding you delete them.

I look at those photos and I don't see much but a white guy whose a poor actor. His tattoo, for example, looks to be Lakota inspired. Seemingly you restarted this thread, Winston, because you are upset a man you admire (mostly for the women he gets) is being mean to you. Hopefully you will learn to look at what's more important, that he's made his living abusing people.

Have you ever met WTF before?

I was mildly amused at his ability to get women. But that wasn't what impressed me. I found him to be a good talker, personable, interesting, etc. He reminded me of myself in a lot of ways with his freespirited esoteric lifestyle beyond boundaries. But like I said, I sensed a dark energy around him, like a manipulative energy that was controlling my mind. Did any of you who met WTF sense the same thing?

I am very sensitive to energy, being an Indigo child, so I pick up on it more than others.

Is there any chance that WTF is simply misunderstood? Or wounded inside? Or someone who was treated unjustly by the world growing up? Have you considered that? Sometimes, if the world is unfair to a child, that child grows up and feels that he does not have to be fair to others as well. A person raised with kindness treats others with kindness, and vice versa.

Now that I look at his photos again, you are right. He looks white, maybe Hispanic, but not like the Native American photos from history. Someone in my blog said that he was only partially Apache on his mother's side. Any chance that could be true?

Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2010, 02:02:29 pm »

Is there any chance that WTF is simply misunderstood? Or wounded inside? Or someone who was treated unjustly by the world growing up? Have you considered that? Sometimes, if the world is unfair to a child, that child grows up and feels that he does not have to be fair to others as well. A person raised with kindness treats others with kindness, and vice versa.

It doesn't matter if he was wounded inside or treated unjustly. Lots of people were, most of them don't go out and hurt others. Some of them become very compassionate because of it. Anyway it would not give him the right to do what he does. It's despicable. He's a fraud and a con. It doesn't matter why.

My question is, why is it so important to you to find reasons and excuses for his obvious fraudiness (is that a new word? ;))

and btw, the veracity of that Indigo Children theory is dubious. No science behind it at all. 

Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #48 on: November 13, 2010, 04:10:01 pm »
I find the comment about being an "indigo child" insulting.

Just wanted to say.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #49 on: November 15, 2010, 10:44:24 pm »
Yes, Winston, I have met him and was unimpressed by his attitude.  I watched him take advantage of some vulnerable people and do not understand why you do not see this as abusive as well as fraudulent.

I noticed that you included some of my comments, on your website, but called them "anonomous".  I have always used my given name, when I make comments on NAFPS, as I am not ashamed of them!

Offline nemesis

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2010, 09:19:33 am »
Isn't Winston the creepy racist / sexist guy who was banned a while back?


Offline Winston

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #51 on: November 17, 2010, 03:47:30 pm »

Is there any chance that WTF is simply misunderstood? Or wounded inside? Or someone who was treated unjustly by the world growing up? Have you considered that? Sometimes, if the world is unfair to a child, that child grows up and feels that he does not have to be fair to others as well. A person raised with kindness treats others with kindness, and vice versa.

It doesn't matter if he was wounded inside or treated unjustly. Lots of people were, most of them don't go out and hurt others. Some of them become very compassionate because of it. Anyway it would not give him the right to do what he does. It's despicable. He's a fraud and a con. It doesn't matter why.

My question is, why is it so important to you to find reasons and excuses for his obvious fraudiness (is that a new word? ;))

and btw, the veracity of that Indigo Children theory is dubious. No science behind it at all. 

The science behind it is that the Indigo Children have purple auras when Kirilian photographers take their aura photos. That science does seem pretty consistent. I guess the folks here are not spiritually oriented or metaphysical?

But this is an area beyond science and beyond the physical. We all know that science cannot explain MANY MANY things.

Also, it takes one to know one. If you are not a spiritual person, you will not recognize or appreciate those who are. If you are not an intellectual or have an inner life, you will not appreciate those who do. That's common sene. We are all on certain frequncies. Some are on a different plane of consciousness than others.

Most are conformists and materialists who follow the herd and don't think outside the box. Some are not. Some think outside the box and get condemned for it. History is filled with examples.

Indigo children is just a label. Whatever you want to call it, it is a fact that some people are different from the herd, less materialistic and do not fit into conformist structures. Nothing wrong with that. But our society condemns people who don't conform.

I don't get why you are offended though by the term. If I used the label ADHD, would you be offended too, since it's a label backed by no science other than the judgment of the system? Or would you accept that term cause it's given by the establishment?

Most are programmed with the fallacy of authority=truth, which any critical thinker knows is false and can debunk. The system is rigged so that people usually become either a robot or a bum. Only someone who can think outside the box can choose a third path usually.

Here are some informative videos about Indigo Children:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2010, 04:08:20 pm »
Winston, we have more than a few threads in here on the pseudo science gibberish about so called indigos. Basically it's something Nuage con artists invented to scam money off of frustrated parents of ADHD kids. Instead of it being a problem, they were lied to and told it somehow made them "special." Don't get insulting and abusive with us jusy because you and possibly your parents were scammed. Hopefully they weren't taken for too much money for such pseudo science.

Your insults and abusive attacks on the members won't be deleted only because otherwise the thread would make less sense. Don't do that again unless you want a permanent ban. This is your last warning.

Back on topic, you still have yet to directly answer why Schober (yes, that is his REAL name, don't play into his fantasy role playing by calling him by his pseudo Apache name) appeals toyou so much. But you did indirectly reveal why. You have this whole "rebel without a cause" fantasy of yourself and you imagine him to be doing the same.

But if he were truly a "rebel" against Native communities, then he wouldn't be a healer. Real healers are respected within their communities. They're not overaged teenagers with silly James Dean wannabe fantasies they should have outgrown decades ago.

Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #53 on: November 17, 2010, 04:09:51 pm »
Excuse me, but who are you to decide what is spiritual and what is not? Who are you to say that people who don't gobble up the gook about indigo children, or star children or any of the other new age GOOP are not spiritual?

In my estimation, you know very little.  

Indigo Children is just words for EGO to feel good and make someone think they're "special".. different from the "herd" mentality.
It's all BS.  ADD has actually been found in genetic studies. It's an anomaly genetically.

As for aura's, again, you know very little. That new age junk has polluted so many people's minds.

EDIT: (sorry, off topic can be deleted.. i will say no more on the off topic. thank you.)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 04:11:56 pm by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Winston

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #54 on: November 17, 2010, 06:18:06 pm »
Isn't Winston the creepy racist / sexist guy who was banned a while back?


No that's not me. You must have me mixed up with someone else. I am not racist or sexist, but I do not claim that all races are the same except for color either. I am not a politically correct automaton.

I am a public person with credibility and good character references. See here for proof:

Offline Winston

  • Posts: 19
Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #55 on: November 17, 2010, 06:34:46 pm »
Winston, we have more than a few threads in here on the pseudo science gibberish about so called indigos. Basically it's something Nuage con artists invented to scam money off of frustrated parents of ADHD kids. Instead of it being a problem, they were lied to and told it somehow made them "special." Don't get insulting and abusive with us jusy because you and possibly your parents were scammed. Hopefully they weren't taken for too much money for such pseudo science.

Your insults and abusive attacks on the members won't be deleted only because otherwise the thread would make less sense. Don't do that again unless you want a permanent ban. This is your last warning.

Back on topic, you still have yet to directly answer why Schober (yes, that is his REAL name, don't play into his fantasy role playing by calling him by his pseudo Apache name) appeals toyou so much. But you did indirectly reveal why. You have this whole "rebel without a cause" fantasy of yourself and you imagine him to be doing the same.

But if he were truly a "rebel" against Native communities, then he wouldn't be a healer. Real healers are respected within their communities. They're not overaged teenagers with silly James Dean wannabe fantasies they should have outgrown decades ago.

What insults and abuses? I have not insulted anyone. I merely gave my observations about spiritual realities. Why are you closed minded about them? It sounds like you've made up your mind. Don't tell me that you guys are affiliated with the James Randi crowd?

I have not been scammed by anyone telling me about Indigo children. I merely read about it and saw it on video, and it applied to me. No one asked me for money. There are many spiritual people in this world. Not everyone is a con.

And ADHD is the scam. There is no scientific proof for it. It's just a label that society puts on creative kids who are right brained and do not want to become automatons or robots. Not every kid is cut out to sit in class and take notes memorizing tedious and useless data to keep them left brained and subservient. People with higher consciousness live in a better reality than that. The flaw of the school system is that it assumes that every child is born to become a robot conformist but in reality that's not true. Thus the school system assumes a fallacy and blames everyone else for it rather than itself.

What we are talking about here is something OUTSIDE the realm of science. If you think that the laws of physics are the only reality, then read my treatise here:

And see the evidence here:

Are you all Atheists here?

I told you, I found Schober appearling cause he was interesting in a lot of ways. He said interesting things, and seemed like a rebel. He is not a dull automaton like the herd we are conditioned to be. But of course, that doesn't mean I trust him. I said I found him interesting, not a paragon of morality.

I didn't say he was a rebel against the Native Community. Some people go their own path, but that doesn't mean they can't have spiritual gifts. Not everyone fits into groups and structures. Some are freespirits. Being a rebel is not bad. Lots of characters we admire are. It's what a man does that determines his character.

Does that answer your question? I was fascinated by him. But I never said he was a paragon of morality.

Why not attack people who have committed higher crimes? This administration for instance, has started an unholy and unGodly war in Iraq and killed a million people already, all for oil, greed and power. Aren't any of you outraged by that? Evil gets away with their crimes, as long as they have power and money. Don't you resent that? Where is karma in all this? Why do good people suffer and evil people go unpunished?

Those are the bigger questions.

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #56 on: November 17, 2010, 06:43:15 pm »
Isn't Winston the creepy racist / sexist guy who was banned a while back?


No that's not me. You must have me mixed up with someone else. I am not racist or sexist, but I do not claim that all races are the same except for color either. I am not a politically correct automaton.

I am a public person with credibility and good character references. See here for proof:

Completely off topic.  I think nemesis is referring to the comments you've made here on this board, which ultimately range from broad stereotypes, which would actually go against your self-definition of a non-conformist.  Two thoughts come to mind "Me thinks he doth protest too much" as well as a South Park episode where Stan is attempting to recruit dancers for his dance team and asks the Goth kids who protest that dancing is "conformist" until the last character agrees because he's SUCH a non-conformist he's not gonna conform to any of them.

Reality is perception for people.  Your perception is that you're not an automaton and you seem to spend a lot of time conforming to that perception.  Others on here read your comments on this board (I'm not talking outside the board) and perceive a level of racism based on stereotypes.  Not that it can't be cured with a little knowledge...I think you'd be open to that, but you seem resistant to it.  I think also you must consider that no matter what context you put it in...there are those who would find your lifestyle can't escape that, but once again...a little personal knowledge would cure that.

On the topic of WTF, your comments defending him are not unrealistic to me.  For someone who's so completely out of touch with the Native American community as a whole I can see where you come to the conclusions you do.  I see some behavior that suggests you are trying to find the middle ground in all this....after all, the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.  However, when individuals have advised you that you're just not getting it and I think that's where the misperceptions seem to be taking control.  

WTF himself has exhibited behavior towards you that fits the descriptions offered by those that have come across him.  Some of them are members of this of them...Ric has proven to be more than credible and doesn't have a dog in the fight of whether WTF is truthful or not, he simply has stated an observation and based on the information he readily adds to discussions on this board, he has a leg to stand on.  

The end result is there is a lot of strife surrounding WTF.  He DOES make things up and a lot of that is more than evident in the youtube vids and other sources.  He's not silently ignorant...he's opening his mouth and removing all doubt.  I'm sure there are reasons for why he is like he is...but lies are lies no matter how they're justified.  If something happened to him that poisoned his judgment to allow for lies to how he gets to what he perceives as good in his life, then yes, he should be pitied for it.  But no matter what, without acknowledgement of these transgressions, one would tend to believe that he will continue transgressing against he's done to you.  To us a Dr. Philism....past behavior predicts future behavior AND you can't change what you don't acknowledge.  

His pedigree is of no interest to me...what is of interest is the negative effects that result from his behavior.  I don't wish to cure him....only to let others be knowledgeable of his behavior and inevitably the misinformation that he presents that personally affects me as I live off the reservation these days and have to constantly combat the misperceptions people have of me as either a "noble savage" or a poverty case worthy of pity....which I'm neither.  I'm not a character in a book, but a real human being, just as all Native people are, and I struggle with the same issues of my future and my survival and that of my loved ones just as any one else should.  I've had some hard times too, but that doesn't justify me turning away from truth as a means to bandage it....I've learned through examples of elders in my community and family, to address these issues head on as they approach and not hide from them, but engage them and learn something in the end.  I make mistakes too, but I don't pretend that I'm above reproach.


Offline Winston

  • Posts: 19
Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #57 on: November 17, 2010, 06:44:07 pm »
Excuse me, but who are you to decide what is spiritual and what is not? Who are you to say that people who don't gobble up the gook about indigo children, or star children or any of the other new age GOOP are not spiritual?

In my estimation, you know very little.  

Indigo Children is just words for EGO to feel good and make someone think they're "special".. different from the "herd" mentality.
It's all BS.  ADD has actually been found in genetic studies. It's an anomaly genetically.

As for aura's, again, you know very little. That new age junk has polluted so many people's minds.

EDIT: (sorry, off topic can be deleted.. i will say no more on the off topic. thank you.)

Can you show me these studies about ADHD or link to them?

I should have ADHD too, since I can't concentrate in class unless I'm interested in the subject. And my mind wanders. That doesn't mean there's something wrong with me. I simply can't force myself to memorize data if I find it boring.

This is true of many intelligent people.

Check out this video debunking ADHD:

Remember that not everything you are told is true. The swin flue scares of 1976 and last year turned out to be false, for example. Big Pharma is about profits, not truth.

Check out what these psychiatrists say about why psychiatry is a pseudo-science:

One psychiatrist explains here:

Again, I'm not trying to insult anyone, so please don't take everything too personally. Let's try to be objective here ok?


Offline Laurel

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #58 on: November 17, 2010, 08:29:40 pm »
Winston, you believe in Indigo Children and you ask that others be objective?

Leaving ADHD out of it, the so-called Indigo phenom is blatant, obvious pandering to the basic human need to feel different, better, or special than other humans. That's why the so-called Indigo traits apply to anyone. I have most of them. For one thing, I don't like waiting in lines very much--not like the rest of you lame-ass sheeple!!! I must be special and unique! (But I wasn't born at the right time to be an Indigo, so I'm one of those, um, lemmesee, Crystal Children! Because that sounds even more special!)

You liked WTF because you found him so very special and charismatic and rebellious that he reminded you of special, charismatic, rebellious you. This is precisely what allows people like him to prey on people like you. To rebel against everything presented to you is no more unique, intelligent or meritorious than to accept it all without question--either way, it's a jerking patella. Nothing special about those.

In short, you are unique, just like everyone else. It isn't exotic or charismatic, but it Is.

You think vaccines cause autism, don't you?

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #59 on: November 18, 2010, 09:21:26 am »
Isn't Winston the creepy racist / sexist guy who was banned a while back?


No that's not me. You must have me mixed up with someone else. I am not racist or sexist, but I do not claim that all races are the same except for color either. I am not a politically correct automaton.

I am a public person with credibility and good character references. See here for proof:

It speaks volumes about your lack of self awareness that you provide links to your seedy website to prove that you are not sexist.

Anyone perusing your blog and nasty little website will see the "adventures" of a socially inept man with a huge sense of entitlement as he takes advantage of vulnerable teenage girls in Russia, the Ukraine and other Eastern European countries.

In this video entitled "Asian playboy and 2 hot Russian blondes, Julia and Katya"

(direct link to video removed) - it was so degrading to the young girls in it that I don't feel comfortable leaving it here, it does not seem fair on the girls that not only do they have do deal with being pestered and mauled about by Winston but they also have to put up with the fact that he posts degrading videos of them on the internet.  :(

@ Winston  - You film Olga, who is just 16 years old, although she does not seem entirely happy.  Later you film Julia who wants to talk about her dog who she loves, you just keep saying that she is beautiful and trying to get her to dance, even though there is no music and she says that she does not want to dance.

Later you say "I totally had the hots for Julia (who wouldn't) but she played games and played hard to get".

However somehow you managed to persuade her to be intimate with you and you provide a sleazy photo as proof of this.

You then state that the next day her friend Katya came to visit and that you were mesmerised as "she was the perfect looking blonde of my dreams and fantasies"

Presumably at this point you lost interest in Julia as you provide another photo of you "making out" with Katya

This vile video ends with Julia finally doing some kind of sleazy dance, so presumably she finally gave in to your pestering.

Seems to me that you a predatory sex tourist, who relies on the poverty and vulnerability of young girls in order to promote yourself as some kind of playboy.

Your support for a sleazy fraud like two Feather makes sense on this basis, as you both seem to enjoy sexual adventures with vulnerable women.

You make me sick.  Literally.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 10:21:17 pm by nemesis »