Author Topic: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland  (Read 21453 times)

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« on: November 14, 2005, 01:22:40 am »
I happened to be sent a link to a Scottish Festival and there among the attractions they are selling sweat lodges;

Sweatlodge Ceremonies
Courtesy of Anam Cara ( the ancient ritual of the sweatlodge can be found at this year's festival. Still kept alive by the Native Americans, the sweatlodge ceremony is a rite of passage for personal purification, healing and clarity in life. It reconnects participants with nature, the elements and mother earth, and provides 'a sacred and safe space that allows us simply to be ourselves.'

Anam Cara will be building and manning a sweatlodge and fire at the festival. The ceremonies last 3 hours. Cost will be £15 per person booked in advance (deposit payable) or £20 on the day. Max number of participants in each ceremony 15. Ceremonies will be 4.00 - 7.00 PM on Friday 12th August; 11.00 AM - 2.00 PM and 3.00 - 6.00 PM on Saturday 13th August. To book, call Two Birds at Anam Cara on 01463 711702 or e-mail

Looking at the Aman Cara site you can even pay to learn to lead sweat lodges!!

Offline raven

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Re: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 01:04:20 pm »
I just sent a letter to the group. I asked them who they had that was a sundancer that ran their lodge. I also asked them if their churches there charged an admission to get it.  
I also stated it sounded like they are in need of money, since they had to charge to sweat people and to teach them about sweats. I told them here in our country tradtional people bring a dish of food to pass for the meal and tobacco. Though there has been times when a hat was passed for a family that traveled a long ways and did not have the gas to get back home.
I also requested if they would respond back to me with some of the questions I asked them. Will let you know if any response comes

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 03:45:10 pm »
Not the most original name, over 200,000 hits on it. Not just these ceremony sellers but also several other retreat centers, bed and breakfasts, Christian rock bands, and even a brand of macaroni.

They link to Eagle's Wing, led by the fraud Leo Rutherford. He's one of the Harner types, generic "core" shamanism. The leader of the sweats calls himself Two Birds.

Offline sox

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Re: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 08:24:17 pm »
Don't know if this helps at all but:

Registrant Name:Margaret Kearney
Registrant Organization:Anam Cara
Registrant Street1:18 Upper Learchkin
Registrant City:Inverness
Registrant Postal Code:IV3 8PN
Registrant Country:GB
Registrant Phone:+44.1463711702

Give 'em a ring if they don't answer your questions to your satisfaction.... I doubt they will....

"Trust me, I'm a professional"

Offline raven

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Re: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2005, 08:34:05 pm »
Thank Sox
Will ring them later tonight since we are on different time zones. Be interesting to see what kind of run around I get. Will let you know what comes of it.

Offline ironhead

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Re: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 09:32:55 pm »
Greetings native friends;
Concerning paid admission to "sweatlodge" ceremony.
According to what is stated in the homepage of this very website, a genuine man of medicine, could not charge a fee to conduct a beneficial act/ceremony. including a sweat, and be genuine.
If sweat lodges are now to be sold, then, let me see a model at the local Home Depot. How about the local  hardware store. Let me be told of the features, contained within the sweatlodge. Can there be a two story model ? Will it be fueled by propane or natural gas. How about a wood burning sweatlodge ? How about sweatlodge communities ? How bout' retirement sweatlodge communities ? You see where I am going with this ? This is ridiculous. Another harmful hijacking of native culture. BEWARE !!!

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2005, 05:37:06 pm »
I mailed them too and I've recieved this reply;

Dear Sir,Madam,
thank you very much for your e-mail and your concerns regarding the
Sweatlodges that we are running here in Scotland. I would very much like to
discuss the issue with you on the phone rather than via computers. Please
get in touch with me on 01463-711702.
I am looking forward to hearing from you,
best wishes

I'll ring him/her later and then report back

Offline Ganieda

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Re: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2005, 06:30:13 am »
Some of this info might be helpful to you.....

The White Horse Medicine Circle is run by Tim StarWalker a trained neo-traditional pipe carrier. Taught by Terra Mater Inc. an international network of people dedicated to the healing of humanity, creation and this good  mother earth. Founded by Native American Elder and Neo-Traditionalist John Twobirds, Terra Mater teaches a 'way ' for the "New Indigenous People of the Earth" to come together, regardless of race, colour or gender.

Aho! Mitakuye oyasin.

includes search words:

medicine path, native americans, shamans, totems, spirituality, carlos castenada, toltec warriors, nagualism, tonal, white buffalo calf woman, medicine pipe, peace pipe, sweat lodge, medicine lodge, naming ceremony, red indians, medicine hat, wigwam, teepee, medicine drum, white horse medicine family, spirit, white horse spirit camp, heathens, pagans, mysticism, psychics, Tim StarWalker, Tim CallingBear, Wind Fire, Shadow Warrior, Calling Bear, Black Dog, Star Walker, Terra Mater, John TwoBirds Arbuckle, medicine path, native americans, shamans, totems, spirituality, carlos castenada, toltec warriors, nagualism, tonal, white buffalo calf woman, medicine pipe, peace pipe, sweat lodge, medicine lodge, naming ceremony, red indians, medicine hat, wigwam, teepee, medicine drum, white horse medicine family, spirit, white horse spirit camp, heathens, pagans, mysticism, psychics, Tim StarWalker, Tim CallingBear, Wind Fire, Shadow Warrior, Calling Bear, Black Dog, Star Walker, Terra Mater, John TwoBirds Arbuckle, medicine path, native americans, shamans, totems, spirituality, carlos castenada, toltec warriors, nagualism, tonal, white buffalo calf woman, medicine pipe, peace pipe, sweat lodge, medicine lodge, naming ceremony, red indians, medicine hat, wigwam, teepee, medicine drum, white horse medicine family, spirit, white horse spirit camp, heathens, pagans, mysticism, psychics, Tim StarWalker, Tim CallingBear, Wind Fire, Shadow Warrior, Calling Bear, Black Dog, Star Walker, Terra Mater, John TwoBirds Arbuckle,medicine path, native americans, shamans, totems, spirituality, carlos castenada, toltec warriors, nagualism, tonal, white buffalo calf woman, medicine pipe, peace pipe, sweat lodge, medicine lodge, naming ceremony, red indians, medicine hat, wigwam, teepee, medicine drum, white horse medicine family, spirit, white horse spirit camp, heathens, pagans, mysticism, psychics, Tim StarWalker, Tim CallingBear, Wind Fire, Shadow Warrior, Calling Bear, Black Dog, Star Walker, Terra Mater, John TwoBirds Arbuckle ,medicine path, native americans, shamans, totems, spirituality, carlos castenada, toltec warriors, nagualism, tonal, white buffalo calf woman, medicine pipe, peace pipe, sweat lodge, medicine lodge, naming ceremony, red indians, medicine hat, wigwam, teepee, medicine drum, white horse medicine family, spirit, white horse spirit camp, heathens, pagans, mysticism, psychics, Tim StarWalker, Tim CallingBear, Wind Fire, Shadow Warrior, Calling Bear, Black Dog, Star Walker, Terra Mater, John TwoBirds Arbuckle


Jack Angelo

Since the mid 80s, Jack Angelo had been a teacher and writer in the field of subtle  energy medicine and natural spirituality. His work as a healer was considerably  enhanced in the 90s when he trained with American Indian medicine people, including  Jack Red Cloud, John Twobirds and Wallace Black Elk. Jack sees indigenous and  shamanic wisdom as the origin of all spiritual traditions and a gateway through which we  can access healing and spirituality. Dr Angelo is the author of the international healing  classic Your Healing Power. Sacred Healing, co-authored with Jan Angelo, emphasizes  that the essential base of healing is in indigenous, shamanic traditions.

Shamanic Healing
In this workshop you will be able to experience healing techniques which use drums, rattles and the voice - as taught in the Dreaming Bear Lodge. Our distant ancestors identified much of illness and life problems as signs that a person was out of step with Sacred Rhythm. Since then, women and men have been inspired to use various methods to help us return to the Sacred, and so to health and harmony. The Dreaming Bear Lodge, founded by Jack Angelo ("Brown Bear Dreaming"), is a shamanic teaching circle, which sees healing as a natural part of spiritual practice. If you use your drums and/or rattles "in a sacred manner", or if you would like them smudged and dedicated during the workshop, you are welcome to bring them.


and this is do you "give" ancient chants?

Awaken The Snake
Peru The Singing Woman

Native American Indian John Twobirds who features on track 4 gave the ancient chants to Peru.
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline kiya

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Re: Sweat lodges for sale in Scotland
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2010, 09:02:53 am »
Thank you ironhead and TimberlineWarrior!  I will be moving to UK later this year from Colorado and my English fiance told me that there were sweats available in the UK posted on the internet.  As I am here for the holidays I checked it out (suprised by the idea sweats were listed in a public forum like the my horror and disappointment, there are A LOT of sweats for pay here. 

For anyone who was raised in a Christian household I ask you... would EVER be ok to be charged money to go to church?  Or would you be ok if some random guy put on a catholic collar, called himself a priest (or minister) and performed baptism or rites of passage for a pre-determined 'fee'?  Seriously. faith and spirituality is NOT FOR SALE!!!  If ANY PERSON labeles themselves a medicineman or healer or shaman (no such thing as shaman in native N. American beliefs..btw) they are flat out liars...end of!  The arrogance of that statement , in itself precludes them from being that which they claim.  Just like no one calls themselves a virtuoso...that is for others to determine.  Anyone with that level of arrogance needs to be looked at with not only scepticism...but they are messing with things they obviously do not understand!  Please honor my ancestors and DO NOT support these sweats.  Trust in Spirit to gift you the opportunity. IF you are meant to learn the Native ways it cannot be forced, Spirit WILL provide when your heart is ready to receive.  Meanwhile there is a wonderful Author you can read... Dr. AC Ross.  His wonderful book 'Mitakaye Oysain' is a good place to start to understand Native philosophy. 

Good luck on your journey and most of all, trust, trust in Spirit/God/Allah/Creator/ect.  to provide what you need when you are ready to receive the gifts.

Aho, Mitakaye Oyasin my European brothers and sisters.  Kiya (turtle)