Author Topic: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops  (Read 11549 times)

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« on: October 24, 2010, 01:08:14 pm »
A friend notifiied me of this lady, having actually phoned her and pointed out that the Hopi do not wiish for their name to be used in conjunction with anythiing being inserted into ears and that anyone selling treatments, teachings and what is basically ceremony would be regarded as a fraud by the Native American people as well as the Hopi. From what he told me her attitude was she didn't care and would carry on. if somebody from the Hopi or somebody iin authority would care to phone her and explaiin she MIIGHT wiithdraw the word Hopi, but she feels that she is in the right and will carry on regardless. After all anyone phoning her might be anyone.
Her details are;

The Hopi Prairie-plain red Indians used this ancient therapy many years ago and it has healed many ear related illnesses ever since.  With the use of traditional Biosun Hopi ear candles which are linen tubes coated in beeswax & honey & traditional herbs such as sage & St Johns wort, camomile & pure essential oils you will be taught in this special workshop the protocol of hopi ear, when it is safe to use and when not, how to implant the candle into the ear canal safely and how to protect the hair whilst the candle is burning & how to do a hopi ear treatment from start to finish safely. You will also be taught how to incorporate a reiki healing with the hopi ear for maximum effect plus lots more. You will also experience a hopi ear treatment which is really lovely as well as healing.
The next Hop Ear Workshop is
Sunday 14th November starting at 11am
Cost £30
A £15 deposit is required to secure your place on the course
Tea & coffee will be provided but please bring a packed lunch
To book a place contact:
Lorraine Tricksey Tel: 07968015558
Reiki healing works exceptionally well with the hopi ear candling. If you would like to learn Reiki then please let me know & I will send you the dates of my next workshops.

I'm sure she will appreciate the e-mails and any phone calls, even if she doesn't change her ways. She'll probably even ask if you have ever experienced the treatment and offer to sell you a place on her course, she did my friend lol.


Offline piya

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 03:58:05 pm »
 "Hopi Prairie-plain red Indians" that says it all don't it.

Wonder what goes on at the chicken keeping workshop. Didn't want to read that part.

To Old To Die Young

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 06:49:26 pm »
Don't you love it when they call something "traditional" and "ancient" but they use herbs that don't grow in the region in question.

I've heard this ear candling thing is dangerous - that people have had their ears and hearing damaged by having burning hot wax drop onto their ear drums. EEEEK.

"Hopi Prairie-plain red Indians" that says it all don't it.

Oh my, yes it does.

Careful with that wax, shameon.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:27:19 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Julia

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 06:54:47 pm »
I see Lorraine has been busy updating this entry.  It now reads:

Ear Candling Workshop

Cost £50

This ancient therapy has been around for many years and it has healed many ear related illnesses ever since.  With the use of the traditional Biosun Hopi ear candles which are linen tubes coated in beeswax & honey, & traditional herbs such as sage & St Johns Wort, camomile & pure essential oils you will be taught in this special workshop  the protocol of ear candling, when it is safe to use and when not, how to implant the candle into the ear canal safely and how to protect the hair whilst the candle is burning and how to do a ear candling treatment from start to finish safely. You will also be taught how to incorporate a reiki healing with this treatment for maximum effect plus lots more. You will also experience an ear candling treatment which is really lovely as well as healing.

You will have needed to have completed your Reiki I & II to participate in this course

Please contact Lorraine Tricksey if you need to take any of these courses

Strange that she's also increased the cost by £20!

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 07:06:56 pm »

Updated, but still says:

"This ancient therapy has been around for many years and it has healed many ear related illnesses ever since.  With the use of the traditional Biosun Hopi ear candles..." [emphasis added]

I see Lorraine has been busy updating this entry.

Strange that she's also increased the cost by £20!

I guess she expects the marks to pay for the time it took her to change the page and read the emails from angry NDNs.

She's also exploiting people's fears about the 2012 hoax:

"With 2012 looming ahead change is definitely on the way it may be a struggle for us all to get there but this is why this centre has been put here to help you.

"We will be having lots of different workshops, therapies, events, from shamanic healing, angel workshops, hopi ear candling, psychic art, mediumship evenings. Please see our events & workshop page for more details."[emphasis added]
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:29:02 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Julia

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 08:00:46 pm »
There's an interesting article about ear-candling here, including a Hopi response to similar misrepresention in the UK:

The story behind a picture described by Biosun as depicting Hopi ear candles is absolutely priceless.

Offline Durare

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 10:32:04 pm »
Ok, looking at the pic posted above...what I don't understand is why is the person naked while having ear treatment?  ???

Offline piya

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2010, 03:08:17 am »
Okay, I got a reply to my mail :

Thank you for your e-mail.
I am sorry if I have offended anyone as that really was not my
intention. I can see from your e-mail that you really do feel
passionately about this. I did receive a phone call last night which was
the first I knew about any of this and took me completely by surprise.
To be honest at first I did go on the defensive as this is what I have
been taught quite a few years ago, from a very respectable lady.  On
thinking about it I did then remove all of the words regarding Hopi from
my website but apparently I missed one word. I did not put up the price
of my workshop as also stated on the web and I would like to ask you in
good faith to have this removed as it is detrimental to my name. If I
had in anyway realised that what I had put on my website was wrong then
I would not have put it on in the first place & I am extremely sorry if
I have caused offence. On reading the comments on the web I do grow many
unusual herbs at my centre and as one person has stated they do not grow
in this part, then I am sorry but they are wrong as I do have them here.
I hope that everything has now been corrected.
Kind regards to you all - Lorraine
To Old To Die Young

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2010, 02:29:33 pm »
I still see it described as Traditional Biosun Hopi Ear Candles on one page, though the title of the workshop doesn't say Hopi any more.

And this.
Hopi Ear Treatment
(Thermal auricular therapy)

The Hopi Prairie-plain red Indians used this ancient therapy many years ago. We use Biosun Hopi ear candles which are linen tubes coated in beeswax & honey, & traditional herbs such as sage & St Johns Wort, camomile & pure essential oils. When placed into the auditory canal of the ear and the end is lite it then works on a chimney principal gently drawing out any impurities (wax).  The treatment also includes Reiki treatment to the head, face & neck. It is excellent for congestion & sinusitis, excessive wax - glue ear, post colds/flue, headaches, stress, flyers pressure, divers pressure.

The treatment induces a pleasant feeling of warmth and a re-balance of pressure in the ears, forehead & sinuses.
Hopi Ear treatment     £25 (25 mins)


And really, their disclaimer is not accurate either then. They still are making inaccurate claims.

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2010, 02:25:28 pm »
She also hasn't realised the point either. Her claim about local herbs as used in a claimed NDN treatment and then saying;

On reading the comments on the web I do grow many
unusual herbs at my centre and as one person has stated they do not grow
in this part, then I am sorry but they are wrong as I do have them here.
I hope that everything has now been corrected.

OK, she grows them there and has them local to her. Eiither she's not got the sense to realise that 'local' refers to local to the Hopi/plains Native Americans, or she grows white sage and lemon grass etc there and I'm the stupid one.


Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2010, 02:53:57 pm »
Well, anyone can get seeds/seedlings and plant and make something grow where it doesn't originate from.
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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2010, 08:45:43 pm »
Just noticed we have a thread on the "Hopi" ear candles in Frauds:

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Lorraine Tricksey - Hopi Ear Candling Workshops
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2010, 05:51:43 am »
i am wondering where did the hopi or any native get the wax and the honey?

Honey Bee, common name for any of several species of highly social bees known for their honey-hoarding behavior and their use as a domesticated species. The European honey bee is important in modern agriculture and in nature, providing pollination for many valuable crops and wild plants. It is native to Asia and the Middle East and was introduced to North America by early European colonists. By the mid-1800s honey bees had become widespread.