Author Topic: Fakes in Canada  (Read 34482 times)

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Fakes in Canada
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2006, 03:14:05 am »
These people just keep coming on up outta that cesspool. ? And these are the people who can be the most dangerous as they honeslty believe this stuff, and have followers who believe this stuff.

It's no wonder they believe this stuff.
 Realistically, who can blame them for falling into these cults and believing their nonsense if they don't know any different?
 You try to find any info on the Net, all you get is self-perpetuating pablum from so many sites that it almost looks real.
For example you do a search on the chuluaqui quodoushka and all you find are glowing descriptions in almost the same wording from every Nuage site. Even the foregin sites translate to the same phrases. You really have to search to find the truth. How is anyone supposed to know any better when there is no site for truthful information. And I don't mean a forum like this but a full fledged website.
You need a site with articles like:
 Chuluaqui Quodoushka - also known as the "Q"
 A phoney sex workshop created to fraudulently teach non-existent "Cherokee Sacred Sexuality" to
people who should know better. Uses made up techniques and corruptions of other sex courses in an attempt to look legitimate. Has been known to be used by sexual perverts to troll for victims and encourage molestation of young people. Has been known to use degrading sexual rituals to help control and manuipulate people. Linked to cult groups. Avoid at all costs.

If people could find information worded like that on the Net, they might think twice about it....
 Law enforcement people might be less reticent to prosecute as once it's in the public eye it's harder to ignore.
 With that in mind when you hear about these people perpetuating these frauds, let someone know. Phone your local politicians, let the people in the neighbourhood know Get the old busy-body on the street thinking about it. You see an ad for them in your local alternative newspaper or on the Web, let somoene know! Your average local politician might not be too happy to find out he has 'live sex orgies' in his town or city.

Get the public educated and these people will go away when there are no more customers.
No offense, to anyone here, but sitting at your computer rehashing the same stuff (and I admit I do it too) to a bunch of people who already know all this stuff is fraudulent is not getting a hell of a lot accomplished. Same withsomeone running a backyard "sweat" for money. let the neighbours know. Ostracism works wonders.

Well, that's my rant for today. Hopefully I have not offended anyone today, and if I have I apologise now.

Offline raven

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Re: Fakes in Canada
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2006, 02:28:28 am »
Le Weaponnier, there is truth behind what you say. My grandmother used to call people that complained and did nothing were" pew warmers "

As for myself, I try very hard to do more than sit at a computer and post comments about frauds. In fact it is only been the last several months that I have used the computer for such things.
I have for many years traveled to groups and attended rallies speaking out against people such as these that are posted. I have gone as far as renting out buildings ( using my own money), to address the public, running ads in the papers, and ads on the radio stations .
I have obtained an attorney in Ky. against a fraud group that is posted here in this site. If it hadn't been for this site I would not have had the knowledge that this group existed.
Unfortunately not all people have the luxury of extra monies for traveling expenses and other things that sometimes it requires to do something in a physical form, for some all they can afford to spend is their time. And for that I am greatful for all that do.


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Re: Fakes in Canada
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2006, 04:37:30 am »
Le Weaponnier,
I hear your frustration as i've been there to many times. There is a lot of research that goes into this site, I for one have spent many hours to get accurate facts before posting with links to back it up.

As far as just sitting at the computer, there is much that can be and has been done, newspapers have been contacted with facts and links from this site, BBB has been notified, Elders and Chiefs of the Eastern and Western Cherokee have been notified and are aware of all these things ect..

Will we ever get rid of them?  I'm a realist and these things have always been in one form or another, the color of the coat simply changes. These things will always be. I do all I can and am very greatful for this site as it does state what you stated. To really want to know the truth one must seek it and examine it to know what is real.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Fakes in Canada
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2006, 08:03:15 pm »
Quote:"As far as just sitting at the computer, there is much that can be and has been done, newspapers have been contacted with facts and links from this site, BBB has been notified, Elders and Chiefs of the Eastern and Western Cherokee have been notified and are aware of all these things ect.. "

I have a better suggestion, a lot of these sites have the names and often the emails of Twinkies, why not email them the information or the location of this site.
 It could be done as a cleverly worded email to get them to logon to this site for example.

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Fakes in Canada
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2006, 09:14:16 pm »

 I have a better suggestion, a lot of these sites have the names and often the emails of Twinkies, why not email them the information or the location of this site.
 ? It could be done as a cleverly worded email to get them to logon to this site for example.

I agree it's not a bad idea, but I haven't seen to many that post theri emails. Some sites do have forums too though. Where they discuss dolphins, Atlantis and sacred sex and Mayan Tarot cards.   Post a 'nice' message like.
 "Visit this site for Native American information. Learn how to (insert whatever Nuage appropriate garbage here). Visit (add a link to the Frauds section of this forum). Tell your friends!"

 If only one person wakes up, you have done that person a service. Maybe they will make the difference to someone esle.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Fakes in Canada
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2006, 12:30:54 am »
Quote:"  I agree it's not a bad idea, but I haven't seen to many that post theri emails. Some sites do have forums too though. Where they discuss dolphins, Atlantis and sacred sex and Mayan Tarot cards.   Post a 'nice' message like.
 "Visit this site for Native American information. Learn how to (insert whatever Nuage appropriate garbage here). Visit (add a link to the Frauds section of this forum). Tell your friends!"

Dianne Harris

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Re: Fakes in Canada
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2006, 12:36:27 am »
 "Visit this site for Native American information. Learn how to (insert whatever Nuage appropriate garbage here). Visit (add a link to the Frauds section of this forum). Tell your friends!"

That's not a bad idea at all. The other thing I have done also is to call up the local City Hall and informed them that this stuff is going on. They also suggested I contact Crime Stoppers and any organizations along those lines.
It's my belief that one or two complaints won't get anything done, but eventually complain enough and some one will sit up and take notice.

Offline ironhead

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Re: Fakes in Canada
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2006, 05:41:52 pm »
All should be tested for HIV