Author Topic: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle  (Read 380277 times)

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #120 on: February 10, 2010, 10:07:21 pm »
I'm not sure if anyone checks to see if convicts who claim to be American Indian are who they say they are , and I guess it's possible people can identify however they want to, but if Burchett actually does have a Cherokee grandma, my previous comment may have been a bit harsh ...

quoting myself from reply 115
I was thinking  Firewalker was some lonely German wannabe who went way ......way ......way.... off the deep end. Now he is beginning to look like a calculating manipulator and more than a bit of a creep...

I can imagine that if a young man found himself facing a long prison sentence , the attention and prestige his German pen pals were willing to give him, just for being of NDN descent , would make it a huge temptation to tell these people whatever they wanted to hear.

Though being untruthful, making stuff up to get attention , and advertising and selling ceremonies , teachings or in this case just what someone has made up, is absolutely wrong , in his own way , Burchett may also be a victim. I can see where it would be a great temptation for someone to do what was required to get the attention and prestige they craved, especially if their life wasn't offering any other obvious opprotunities......  

It seems this person who posts as Many horses had some accurate information about Burchett

We already know that firewalker, firewalkerspeaks, Lakota warrior, William Jervis or William Burchett is the same person.

that man makes also advertising for radio luxembourg (radioaracountryshow)and I do know that it is one and the same person and please stop fooling me and other people. Firewalker aka William Jervis or William Firewalker Burchett requested assistance for a Native American Circle in New Jersey.
LG many

It sounds like this person also mentioned Burchett is enrolled...?
Reply #63
87 Beiträge
 RE: new age fraud web sites, 06 Dec. 2008 22:24  
Hello Petra,
you can believe me that he is registered as NA in USA. But as I told before I don‘t pass the information on him that I had got. I know his English is far away from being called a Native English speaker and I saw that he made many mistakes in his English and all these things as his reddish hair, mistakes in his English make it hard for us to believe that he is a NA. As far as I know William lived in Kentucky but was also in Virginia.
I wouldn‘t state that he is a NA if I didn‘t know it better.

I'm not sure if this is correct. I seem to remember Firewalker claiming his grandma was from SC , so I guess that would be Eastern band. I wonder if Burchet has any actual family, or connection with actual people in the EB  who could give hime some guidence?

Before he gets into even more trouble....
(edited to add)

I don't know where I may have read Firewalker claiming his Grandma was from SC, and his other accounts are that his Native ancestors lived in the Buffalo Mountains of kentucky... 
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 11:03:51 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline firemoon

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #121 on: February 11, 2010, 08:58:04 am »
There are too much questions to bring it together for me to answer.

But - the most is already replied with my attachments in this forum.

To find informations about a convicted person you have alot of possibilities to find the records.
Because I work since more than 10 years with mostly Native American prisoners, I am a member of
You can search there by case number, name etc. BUT - you have to pay for each page.
So the search I made, I had to pay for.
You can also search in but it does not go back as long as I wanted.

On you will find every federal prisoner that is or has been in prison.
For state prisoners you can make a search on the websites of the different Departements of Corrections.

Being listed as Native American by does not meen you are one, and vice versa, being NOT listed
as Native American does not mean you are not.
I know of many Native American prisoners, who are really a part Native American that are listed as white, or black or Hispanic etc.
I don't know which criterias they take to classify the people.
But I know too much people with the "wrong" race listed there.

You can be enrolled without problems in a non-existing tribe  ;D

I was knowing a guy who even reactivated a long distincted tribe, painted (by hand with color pencils) a fantasy paper for it, and sure also the member cards.

The facts about Firewalker are to heavy and don't come from fantasy. They are showed in court papers and I think that's enough evidence. For me, not necessary to go deeper. If he is a part Native American does not interest me. He sells ceremonies, cheats people who trust in his lies, he even bless people....
It does not interest me what race a person is, but it interest me WHAT they are doing.
In every race you have frauds, and also a full blooded Native American can be a liar, a fraud, a bad person.

Once I asked a traditional Native American what will happen if I am invited to a Sweat Lodge and will find out after, that this people were not serious. He smiled and said: Don't worry. From nothing comes nothing....

The most important for me is - to make people aware of Plastik Shamans and how they use people for their own pockets.
So, please make people aware of Firewalker and what he is doing.

Especially here in Europe people are longing for a mystical, heart warming, spiritual way to live and are an easy prey for so called spiritual "leader" who will change their life. They are willing to pay for it, not realizing that paying money for it brings nothing. You cannot pay with money for spirituality. And you will not be successfull by making the trade giving money and getting a spiritual way.
To walk a spiritual way is free and hard work, every moment of your life. The most time you do this without others, being lonely, sometimes separated, misunderstood by others, joked by others. Deep in yourself you must be sure it is the way you want to go, believing in the guidedance of the spirits. Being humble and good hearted, sober, giving away the gifts you got from the spirits, not being greedy and proving everything you do to others and yourself. Knowing that everything you do comes fourfold back to you. This is a big responsibility....

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #122 on: February 12, 2010, 04:36:52 pm »
"Especially here in Europe people are longing for a mystical, heart warming, spiritual way to live and are an easy prey for so called spiritual "leader" who will change their life. They are willing to pay for it, not realizing that paying money for it brings nothing. You cannot pay with money for spirituality. And you will not be successfull by making the trade giving money and getting a spiritual way."

Not just in Europe, Firemoon.  The same applies here in the USA as far as there being a lot of people longing for a better way to live especially as it relates to a spiritual connection.  That is how the frauds keep going as they will always find people willing to follow anyone who puts on the right type of "show" and says things that sound spiritual even if they are not.

Then again, such fraud is not limited to native customs, ceremonies and the like.  Just look at the number of so called ministries who beat the drum for more $$ from their congregation.  It has been going on for far longer than Europeans have been here on Turtle Island.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #123 on: February 19, 2010, 02:06:42 pm »
There's probably more than one event canceled for Jervis/Burchett. Here's his latest futile attempt at damage cosmetics:

in translation:

"Turtle Winds Firewalker invited to reservations

Turtle Winds Firewalker will be in the USA from Februar 22 to March 7 and has been invited to the following reservations as a ceremonial leader:

Feb 23: Hopi (Arizona)
Feb 25: Apache (Arizona)
Feb 27: Seminole (Florida)
Mar 2 : Blackfeet[sic] (Montana)
Mar 5 : Winnebago (Nebraska)"

For one, the Seminole do not have a rez, if I'm not mistaken.
Apart from that, I suspect the journey will have to be canceled after Feb 23 and his appearance as a 'ceremonial leader' in front of the Hopi... :sarcasm off:

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #124 on: February 19, 2010, 02:39:01 pm »
There's probably more than one event canceled for Jervis/Burchett. Here's his latest futile attempt at damage cosmetics:

in translation:

"Turtle Winds Firewalker invited to reservations

Turtle Winds Firewalker will be in the USA from Februar 22 to March 7 and has been invited to the following reservations as a ceremonial leader:

Feb 23: Hopi (Arizona)
Feb 25: Apache (Arizona)
Feb 27: Seminole (Florida)
Mar 2 : Blackfeet[sic] (Montana)
Mar 5 : Winnebago (Nebraska)"

For one, the Seminole do not have a rez, if I'm not mistaken.
Apart from that, I suspect the journey will have to be canceled after Feb 23 and his appearance as a 'ceremonial leader' in front of the Hopi... :sarcasm off:

Tryin' to cover up lies with more lies....oh brother.  Give it up Burchett....your deception is getting comical.  You should give up're not very good at it.  This list is a pure lie and for anyone that might not have all the info, none of these tribes ever invite any outsiders to lead anything ceremonial, nobody..not other Indians and especially not pure frauds such as this guy.

If anything this should be a clear sign to any event organizers that have hired him that this guy is blowin' smoke.  If they are informed organizers at all this should be a red flag and cause for immediate termination of his contract.


Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #125 on: February 19, 2010, 02:44:21 pm »
He has a new youtube channel as videos, but some telling comments on other people's videos.  His challenged spelling is also showcased.  Notice the channel name.

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #126 on: February 19, 2010, 06:00:11 pm »
Firemoon I believe Burchett has hacked your posts on the EsoWatch blog.


Reply #11:  Toja B. Drees  

"please call me turtle firewalker
i still love you
i miss you so much
Toja B. Drees"

Reply #12:  Toja B. Drees

"William Jervis alias “Firewalker” alias “Turtle Winds”
i love you with all my heart . william please come back to me
im sorry for al.l ive done to you my love.
Toja B. Drees"


Both posts are dated today Feb. 19, 2010.

You may want to contact the host of the blog and get it cleared up.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 06:06:38 pm by Superdog »

Offline oak

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #127 on: February 19, 2010, 06:27:36 pm »

Re: William Jervis
« Reply #128 on: February 19, 2010, 06:45:28 pm »
That should be grounds for some thing..  I'd contact his ISP provider as well.
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Offline firemoon

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #129 on: February 19, 2010, 09:53:05 pm »
Thank you very much for letting me know and making me aware of his lies.
I already posted my answer on esowatch and forumromanum and contacted the support of forumromanum. They told me they are not the owner of it. So I emailed the

I would really appreciate it if you can make me aware if he should going on with this.
More eyes to watch are very much welcome.....thank you!!

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #130 on: March 16, 2010, 07:39:13 pm »
Just a quick warning to you all....I visited Jervis/Burchett's myspace page and was greeted with a computer virus.  Be wary.  Never heard of a virus getting downloaded through a myspace page, but when I opened his page there was an adobe download...even right now, havin' a few computer problems....I'd advise anyone...public included to avoid his myspace page.


It wouldn't be the 1st time someone's "Myspace" page has been infected with a virus, Superdog.  Myspace attracts all sorts of hackers who occasionally manage to infect one or more pages. 

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #131 on: March 16, 2010, 10:49:34 pm »
Just revisiting this thread and checked out Burchett's youtube channel

There's three webcam videos on there.  I don't know exactly what Burchett is trying accomplish by publishing these videos..if anything it's proof of more of the craziness that seems to surround him.  All three are low quality webcam captures of a lady interviewing Don Hines.  Two of them discuss Don Hines daughter Carmen Sun Rising Pope and her marriage to Rolling Thunder.  He changes the ages slightly in each video, but Carmen married (or in Hines' words took care of) Rolling Thunder when she was in her early 40's or 40 and he was over 80.  

I'm drawing my own conclusion, but in my opinion that looks like a clear cut case of using marriage as a means to get close to what she perceived as wisdom for the sole purpose of writing her book....and making $$$ off of it.  Just an opinion.....

The other video is Hines showing a picture he painted, but he doesn't talk very clear (the audio is fine, just don't know the point of what he's saying) and about halfway through that video the audio takes a nose dive and becomes very loud static so be ready to adjust your volume.  Hines also says he was born in Pine Ridge.

As far as I can figure the point of the interview is to prove that Carmen is his daughter and that she actually married Rolling Thunder....all I can say is big deal.....Burchett's still a fraud.


ps Comments have been disabled for the vids, but you can still rate them 
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 10:52:29 pm by Superdog »

Offline chrissy

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #132 on: April 05, 2010, 10:01:36 am »
The small town in the district of Gifhorn Pollhöfen is inspired by Indian spirituality. Cherokee Indian "Turtle Winds Fire Walker visited" the family Salverius to build with them and 28 other hobby Indians a so-called medicine circle of stones that will give the seeker answers to their questions and give believers a positive withdrawal point.
Elliott Usifo takes you to the spiritual journey.

Hobby Indians  ???

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #133 on: July 15, 2010, 11:38:47 am »
Uh, ah- in august he will show up in a meeting with "white buffalo woman"! Check that out:


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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #134 on: July 16, 2010, 07:34:53 pm »
He's now made his MySpace pictures private, so the scary photos up-thread are not visible now. But I saved one.