General > Frauds
Frauds in the UK
Theresa Matthew AKA whitebuffalowoman (yes really)
I found this
--- Quote ---A Calling of the Ancestors
25 September 2010 - 7:52am | whitebuffalowoman
Start date:
Repeats every 7 days until Tue Dec 21 2010 .
5 Oct 2010 - 7:30pm
12 Oct 2010 - 7:30pm
19 Oct 2010 - 7:30pm
26 Oct 2010 - 7:30pm
2 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
9 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
16 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
23 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
30 Nov 2010 - 7:30pm
7 Dec 2010 - 7:30pm
14 Dec 2010 - 7:30pm
Location or City:
England in West Malling Kent
A Calling of the ancestors ~ you are ask to gather to raise divine energy the power of the sacred circle
working together with Sitting Bull and the Council of 21 Chiefs : their mantric chants rhythmic drumming
for full information please email
--- End quote ---
http://lightworkers. org/event/115246/calling-ancestors (link broken as I have serious concerns about the webiste)
google lead me to this website
where the following text can be found
--- Quote ---About 10 years ago I acquired my first Native Drum, then more recently two medicine drums and a collection of Native Indian flutes. Soon after I was contacted by the Spirit of Grey Owl and he in turn brought to me Sitting Bull ('He Who Sits Wisely', Chief of the Hungpapa Sioux) who came as spokesman for a Council of 21 Chiefs. We sat together for well over an hour and he explained to me that the Chiefs wanted to bring me their healing sacred chants and I remember saying “why me ?“ and Sitting Bull replied “why not!” Over the last few years it has warmed my heart to also have greater awareness of my incarnations as a Native Indian.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Gatherings at the Sacred Lodges
There are three lodges in Kent where we share pure love energy within the Radiant Circle.
We drum as One with the Native Indian Spirits whilst Whitebuffalowoman leads the Chants and Mantras given by a Council of 21 Chiefs for the opening of the heart with higher consciousness activations to empower healing, spiritual enlightenment and transformation of consciousness.
Star Cottage Lodge based in West Malling, Cedar Lodge in Meopham and Dancing Light Lodge near Maidstone.
We gather to share our Love in unity consciousness meditations with the healing power of sacred chants with devotional music and rhythmic drumming. These sacred spaces quickening spiritual development so that each souls blueprint for this incarnation may be fulfilled. As one through the power of the Christ Consciousness we can harness the energy of pure love to generate a transformation of consciousness on our earth, protecting the spirit of nature and restoring love into the leylines of the world. Within these sacred circles WhiteBuffalowoman shares teachings on Ancient Knowledge with flute meditations and activates the portal energy through sacred sound with the power of the spirit.
Cedar Lodge Meopham Kent
In the Spring 2011 we shall be expanding into the beautiful grounds of Cedar Lodge with the Redwood Trees into a Medicine Wheel with the Central Fire working in conscious co~operation with the nature spirits alphas and devas. We shall celebrate with the Spirits round the living central fire opening the space with ceremony and ritual, raising divine healing energy for mother nature and each other with voice, drum and dance and sharing in the teachings of Ancient Knowledge with Communication from the Ancestors.
Star Cottage Lodge
Working closely with the Elders of Light, co creating powerful healing spaces in higher consciousness meditations with the healing power of sacred chant mantras and music. Spiritual Courses on Ancient Knowledge. Teachings from the Beloveds and building a loving caring and sharing sacred community.
Dancing Light Lodge at The Radiant Light Centre
Teachings and Spiritual Courses on Ancient Knowledge with the healing power of sacred sound.
One to One and Group.
--- End quote ---
The Drums are Sounding, the Fire is Burning and you are invited to take your place in the SACRED HOOP
Sacred Drumming
Chants of the 21 Chiefs
Trance Dance
Vision Quest Meditation
Teachings on Sacred Knowledge
Communication with Elders of Light
Drum~making and craftworks
Journey with us to share sacred space in the tipi with the Ancestors and enter into the Divine Spirit:
Working with the vibrant energy of Sacred Chants of the 21 Chiefs we open the heart chakra
Sacred Rhythmic medicine drumming opens the third eye and crown chakras
and together we enter through the portal of light to experience the bliss of a merging consciousness with the Divine Spirit
Receive clarity of soul purposes and insights into relevant past incarnations from the Elders of Light to bring healing and transformation
and assistance in the awakening of your higher consciousness
We are the Ancient Ones Returned
After many centuries in the realms of Spirit, we are touching the earth once more and giving guidance to those who desire to walk our Ancient Way of Life.
We dance the sacred passage with the Spirits of the Plains, the Mountains, the Rivers, and the Forest together with our Ancestors and the Nature Spirits, we protect this natural world from the predating eyes of those who come to destroy Wakantankas domain
Sit with us around the Ancient Tree decorated with your prayers
Sing to the heavens for the Tree vibrates with the energy of your consciousness
and be One with the Divine Source of All Being
Caring and Sharing together as a Sacred Community
reawakening incarnate memories and drawing together many who were soul mates in previous lifetimes
So making the foundations of the Ancient Tribes into one powerful and mystical influence for the good of Mother Earth
--- End quote ---
website as you would expect includes antique photos of NDNs and sparkly animated gifs of dream catchers wolves and tipis
This woman runs a lot of events in which "the ancestors" are contacted. Bizarrely it is other people's ancestors who she is in contact with and not her own.
If anyone would like to ask her any questions, contact details taken from her website as follows:
Please contact Theresa WhiteBuffaloWoman on 01622 817136 for further details or email
"We are the Ancient Ones Returned. After many centuries in the realms of Spirit, we are touching the earth once more and giving guidance to those who desire to walk our Ancient Way of Life. "
.......while the rest of us have been busy getting butchered and burned at the stake down here on the physical plane for the last several hundred/thousand years? Thanx! but no thanx!
Terry O'Sheehan in the UK. Claims he was a 'Sioux' in a past life, and that makes his as good as Indian in this life. Told him to take that info to the rez and try to get enrolled with it. He told me I'd better talk to Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and the other chiefs, because they speak to him and heal through him. He'd better read up on those chiefs again...they didn't like wasicus.
--- Quote from: nemesis on January 04, 2010, 11:35:54 am ---This is a very interesting thread, thank you
I first found out about frauds like this in the UK in the mid 1980s
A guy I knew at the time (called himself a "modern primitive" ::) )was covered in tattoos, piercings etc. attended a shamanic retreat with group of friends and his girlfriend.
If my memory is correct this retreat was somewhere in Devon. I did not know this man really well and have no idea what the name of the "shaman" was.
Anyway he returned from this retreat in a terrible state.
Basically the shaman had given all of them some kind of hallucinogenic stuff to drink as part of some ritual.
Then when everyone was under the influence of the drug he seduced this guy's girlfriend and some other women who were the gfs of other men attending.
Obviously being in a state of hallucinating and knowing that your girlfriend has gone off to have sex with the "shaman" was highly traumatic. This shaman had attendants who lectured the men about the importance of relinquishing jealousy and possessiveness if one was to develop spiritually.
A truly horrible time was had by all. Except for the "shaman" who seemed to enjoy himself immensely.
Mr "modern primitive" paid a lot of money for this experience too. He wasn't a bad person (at least not as far a I know), a bit of a naive person with a love for trying "edgy" experiences and a complete lack of understanding about cultural appropriation. I always hated the "modern primitive" movement on so many levels and find the term highly offensive, but what that so called shaman did to the people on that retreat was really terrible.
That was my first experience (albeit 2nd hand) of realising that some people use a combination of powerful hallucinogens and a "shamanism" to abuse and take advantage of people.
I think this stuff goes on a lot more than most people realise.
--- End quote ---
Sounds much like what the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi did...the Beatles quit him when they realized he was eating much better than them and having his way with young devotees.
Does anyone know anything about Celia M.Gunn? I have seen her speak at a few festivals now having been there to hear other people talk about other topics. I tried to engage her in conversation but she only wanted to talk about herself and how she has a medicine woman as an advisor on all things spiritual, how amazing her journey was (she apparently found out she has fantasy creatrues - like a pheonix - as totems) in between doing on the spot guided meditations with people and suggesting what crystals they should use to help them with this or that. While I was there I noticed a man who has spent time on Pine Ridge helping out and when he tried to speak to her she quickly shut off and avoided him (this was once she knew he had been on the Rez), maybe because she didn't want to get caught out on some of the things she says?
She claims to be a supporter of native rights and I'm not suggesting she didn't spend time helping out in Canada because I do not know and so cannot say but she now goes around claiming to promote awareness when all she really does is making a living off of selling native culture and religion mixed with new age ideas (though she claims to donate money to the Sinixt tribe from the sales of the new film made about her experience) as well as tacky 'made in china' looking animal totem stones amongst other things. She even said, (paraphrased as can't recall exact words) there is always a market for anything to do with Indians on the new age circut so I am fairly busy (in refrence to supporting herself through speaking engagements etc).
Thought or info welcome please.
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