Author Topic: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf  (Read 66909 times)

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #60 on: January 25, 2017, 11:45:51 pm »

So now you're with the CIA? And the FBI? How are the Lizard People doing?

All these posts look to have come not from Royce or any NDN person but solely from Lydia Hersloff. The admins can see that the IP is registered in her name. This includes the posts from "Royce" where "Royce" claimed he was at Pine Ridge.

Only a total idiot believes that not wanting paranoid, delusional, confused and confusing, unsubstantiated rantings posted on a forum means that the forum owners and members are somehow in league with the confused persons enemies. If Lydia actually read the forum, she'd know that we already have threads on some of the people she things we should "investigate." Actually, we had warned people about them back when she was promoting these people and vouching for them. 

We are not here to help paranoid, aggressive people sort out their personal vendettas.  Lydia's insinuations that she's involved with the CIA and the Feds, though probably only in her own imagination, are still pretty serious claims to throw around on an activist forum. That stuff's not funny and in itself should be a banning offense, especially as it comes with threats. Even though her threats are ridiculous and will come to nothing, it's a severe drain on people's time, energy and sanity to have to deal with this display. 

The CIA shill center finally checks the IP addresses you insisted you could not above and can assure us of Jaonn's whereabout's over a 4 year period - the roaming meth addict. You apparently don't like The American Indian Movement. We don't like you either.  The American Indian Movement hereby denounces Joann Spotted Bear and we will have a formal Cease and Desist Order addressing all of you: Joann Spotted Bear, Al Carrol with your male milehighsalute who you share 'similar places' with  and is therefore credible to you - right on the list with Kevin Annett, Gray Wolf,  Jim Craven and Don Eagle Cruz. We alone reserve the right to declare frauds, which is the lot of you. You keep on doing what you do...hating Indigenous Peoples. We'll keep doing what we do, fighting the Washichu and his wickedness. We are the Resistance.

Royce White Calf
Akicita Waziyata Ptehinsilaska
and on behalf of Dennis Banks and The American Indian Movement


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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2017, 11:57:03 pm »
I read  "The CIA shill center" as the Royce White Calf description of us, NAFPS. Sounds like we all are being accused of being CIA shills.

So confusing.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #62 on: January 26, 2017, 12:21:18 am »
Ah, I see what you're saying, Piff. Well, that's an absurd and baseless accusation on her part, and something not be thrown around at people if you expect to be taken seriously. It's gaslighting, as well, as that's not at all what anyone said.

Offline loudcrow

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #63 on: January 26, 2017, 01:06:57 pm »
milehighsalute is NOT Joann Spotted Bear!!! Dunno what we have to do or say to prove that to you. How dare you accuse us of being CIA shills!!!
I suggest you cease and desist your false accusations!

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #64 on: March 21, 2017, 04:46:42 am »
how the hell this person gonna say they were there when joanne ALLEGEDLY (and was CLEARED) robbed jimi mcnair.........and then claim they don't know that Ethiopian punk eliase graywolf

he was the FIRST one to run to the cops

in fact with all his tough talk of "revolution" and claiming how badass he is he always threaten people with cops and first to call them


I posted a few conversations, and posts relating to Lydia, who I don't know (and probably don't want to) that were all stories from the Ethiopian fraud ELIASE GRAYWOLF.......and AGAIN as I said......take it up with him

I saw her name mentioned here so I posted about what I heard of her through stupid eliase and how he was BRAGGINg about his stupid plot "on behalf of the Lakota people" and claimed he had "big people" involved including your heroes in AIM

and who cares anyways this aint the 70s....while I respect AIM's message and many of the people in AIM........there are many that I don't, and that includes the ones everyone namedrops and are the well known family has a history with AIM that you don't wanna go there with me

and if it really came down to it......i'll slap em a grown man.....they don't scare me.....