Author Topic: Gerald Osborne AKA Red Elk  (Read 11188 times)

Offline earthw7

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Gerald Osborne AKA Red Elk
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:06:02 pm »

My cousin has been trying to email this Red Elk and ask him to prove who he is

This is the emails that were send to my cousin


Tell this one I, as a Wakiyan,  WHICH IS LIKE A PASTOR / PRIEST, remain confidential.

Most being as won’t ‘til what is done "outside" Tradition.  IE : Fear of retaliation.

They ALL know Medicine People in their area.  Some are VERY useful / knowledgable.  MOST tho have "Big Mouths"...wanting "bragging rights".

I go to HELP...even if its Not "traditional" to encroach on another’s territory.

Know tho, in Canada I take certain TRADITIONAL Medicine Men (AND one Medicine WOMAN) with me on MANY works.  Works THEY have been UNABLE to 'do' via their way.  They in turn learn from me.  WE SHARE KNOWLEGE.  Aho?

Here, in USA I too have others of Traditional who seek me "do" and to LEARN.  Again, we trade knowledge.

These know their extensive training of plant uses, etc. WILL BE GOING SOON.  Each does NOT want to 'lay down their feathers' and had / have heard of the way I’ve learned / 'Do'.  NOW can go ON ... PAST this time ahead.

I hope you understand my reason for not telling.  Just not proper for a Wakiyan.  Aho?

I am NOT a SIOUX.   Blackfoot / Shoshone....French / Irish.  Aho?  re


Got some more red elk for you.  I called him on his bluff to meet him, so that is what he is referring to about being busy this summer.  Enjoy.
"I have no time to convince anybody; this summer is totally scheduled, there is no time.  Brother, you're just going to have to make up your own mind.  If you would ACTUALLY follow the directions I've given (TEST everything three times, no matter who says it, against the word of the Creator - WS) and (do so) consistently, you will find all the do-ability things are actually do-ability things and DO work.

Now, I TEACH NO SACRED MEDICINE WAYS.  I DO use traditional sacred ways, but I do not teach others how to do this.  The Inner Heyoka (yes, there IS such a society) use Scriptures that have been stripped of all white man's JUNK.   Whatever, it's your path and I wish you well.

I have the right to the card (to be enrolled), but I refuse to get the Indian card because I have seen far too many with far less Indian blood than me claiming what little you guys are doled out by the government.  To me, enough is enough. 


I wouldn't mind getting in touch with you, but I don't want to give out my phone number and if I called you you'd have the phone number on 'last call received'.  The next few months are terrible - people coming from overseas, from Canada, possible Canada trip, internet interviews, Coast to Coast (Coast to Coast AM with George Noory radio show), I've got to work on my own family's safe moving time is SO crowded from spring to late fall.  I don't even have time to rebuild my sweat lodge.  Generally I ignore dissenters, but everybody has their own path.  Only those who have been really paying attention to what I write find out I speak true.  Again, REALLY read and pay attention find out I speak true.  Most seem to read a little bit or totally disregard or pull out little bits and pieces to suit their opinions.  I am awful weary - not one single 'anti-' has paid attention to what I'm all about and just reads into things what they want.

I refuse to battle this kind of fight.  They are not my enemies, but they seem to think I'm theirs.  We are all one relation, just different paths. 

The best I can do is give you my post office address: PO Box 166, Thorp, WA  98946 


P.S. - "Ways" differ but only Creator love is always the same.  And that's what I try to teach ALL cultures, not just NA - worldwide."
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 01:09:20 am by educatedindian »
In Spirit


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Re: Red Elk
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 02:14:44 am »
How come so many of these guys and gals are in Washington state?  :)

« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 02:19:09 am by Epiphany »


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Re: Red Elk
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2013, 03:33:45 pm »
He is Gerald/Jerry/Gerry R. Osborne, born 1942. His family in local Ellensburg, Washington area news back a few decades were featured in stories about kite flying, cartooning, dog sledding, and survival living type themes. Haven't found anything from back then that mentions NDN heritage.

1983 Mother Earth News column
1984 kite flying
1988 cartoonist, dog sledding

There are several generations of Osbornes (sometimes surname is spelled Osborn) in Thorp Washington, prominent white settlers, if he is a member of this family then any possible NDN heritage would be distant.

Note To All: I do not represent any Indian nation. I represent only the Inner Heyoka Society. Our orders do not come from man, but from the Creator only. In so doing, many traditional ways are 'stepped on'. If anyone has a complaint, go to the Creator and tell HIM. I will continue to do what I and the others are ordered.

Note To All: Red Elk goes by HIS givin ceramonial name, he is NOT a "Mr." Red Elk etc..
Also Red Elk is a breed...not a fullblood, and plainly states so.

Due to the upcoming Earth Shift, there is an event that has recently started that, if you are unaware of it, may cause you mental distress ... even Madness.

Our inner Earth's plates are grating, creating a vibration that is now opening, or thinning, various "veils". All will be experiencing mental/body "shifts" due to this.

The veils will get thinner and much more frequent as time goes on. These veils will reveal phenomena, such as visually seeing Angels, Demonic Beings, various Inner Land Beings, more UFO sightings, etc.

Parallel Time Shifts will take place as well. We are made of the Earth, and are thus attuned to it. What has already started, and will get stronger, is as natural as breathing. By BEING AWARE that these things are before you, you will not be as anxious. You will be Pre-prepared. We serve an awesome Heavenly Father.

This knowledge alone will allow you to accept and understand. BE NOT AFRAID!

Again, THIS IS NATURAL, and happens at each earth flip.

Bend like a green reed
and you'll be safe.

* This warning will remain on this site at all times *

Red Elk
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 04:52:33 pm by Piff »

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Red Elk
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 05:43:43 am »
so he claims he is not how can he be in a heyoka society? sounds fishy to me

Offline earthw7

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Re: Red Elk
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2013, 03:33:33 pm »
He is a fake the is no "Inner Heyoka Society" plus when my cousin called him out he claimed to be
Native but was not enrolled, now he claim not to be native story changes
In Spirit

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Gerald Osborne AKA Red Elk
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2013, 03:23:08 pm »
of heyoka is a sioux word right? so how can anyone not lakota/dakota/nakoda be a heyoka?

any people claim to be thunder know why? because 1) it sounds cool and inspires awe to non-ndnz.....and 2) if they get something wrong in their teachings like they always do they can claim to be doing it their own way or even backwards...thus pulling the heyoka card out to cover their misinformation

Offline Sparks

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Re: Gerald Osborne AKA Red Elk
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2018, 03:08:29 am »

That's the first and long since archived thread (2004-2005) about "Red Elk".

Then there is a second one with posts from 2008:
'Red Elk' (Minister of YHWH) - aka: 'QuietBuck' on 'YouTube'

I want to update this present thread, that started in 2011 and where the previous post was in 2013.

There are lots of stuff out there involving Gerald Osborne AKA Red Elk. There is a 108 minute interview on YouTube (audio only) posted in 2011 and watched more than 35,000 times: with these claims:

Red Elk is a Native American Medicine man, and one of 12 Elders of the Inner Heyokah. He is a spiritual leader, speaker, visionary, and author of the newly published book: SHORT STORIES - The Tellings of a Medicne by Red Elk.
This is a fascinating S.P.I.R.I.T. exclusive interview that delves into the world of - Bigfoot, Giant Thunderbirds, Shamanism, Levitation, Supernatural Abilities, Astral Travel, Shapeshifting, Parallel Time Lines, Shadow Beings, Ghosts, Angels, Demons, Spiritual Cleansings, His Visions During a 69 Day Fast, His Near Death Experiences, 2012 and His Message For Humanity.

Exactly he same thing can be heard here (with the same photo of him showing most of the time):

In 2002 he was involved in searching for "Mel's Hole", a paranormal hole which probably never existed, although Osborne/Red Elk claimed to have seen it in 1961:

This story is being perpetuated on dozens of "Mystery Sites" on the Internet. Details vary, e.g.:

For me, the conclusive statement on "Mel's Hole" (and Mr.Osborne's involvement) is this 2009 Skeptoid Podcast:

Offline Sparks

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Re: Gerald Osborne AKA Red Elk
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2018, 04:56:16 am »
Here are the Red Elk books on sale at Amazon, including themes like "… invisibility, levitation and teleportation and telepathy":

Short Stories: Tellings Of A Medicine Man/Wakhan Paperback – February 24, 2011
by Red Elk (Author), TK Web (Author), Heather Dalberg (Editor), & 6 more

Red Elk is a Metis Medicine Man, who is a member of the inner Heyokha. Red Elk is a Wakhan, a Spiritual Adviser (similar to a priest/preacher) which is a called position. This book is a collection of short stories (tellings) based around the character Grandfather, who is an example of all the spiritually wise elders of ALL the world.

Lessons Paperback – July 31, 2012
by Red Elk (Author), TK Web (Author), Heather Dalberg (Editor), & 2 more

Red Elk teaches lessons on health, invisibility, levitation and teleportation and telepathy.

The Agenda Paperback – Large Print, April 3, 2013
by Red Elk (Author), Heather Dalberg (Author, Editor), Adam Barbera (Contributor)

This book is taken from letters of correspondence between Red Elk and another person who was asking Red Elk about how the world really works, and what is it that Red Elk can see that is happening.

Let There Be Eggs: Story and Coloring Book Paperback – June 6, 2016
by Red Elk (Author, Illustrator), Crystal Lewis (Editor)

One of Red Elk’s final requests was for me to publish “The Egg Book”, as a coloring book for children. Red Elk enjoyed to draw, and this was one of his last projects before his hands started to shake. He wanted the book to remain as he made it, and he wanted it to be in black and white so the kids could color in the book. Special thanks to Justene Merriman for cleaning up the original copy and Crystal Lewis for preparing it for publication. All proceeds for Red Elk’s books go directly into an account for his wife Meachelle, who is using the money to save up for a well. As Meachelle describes the book, “It was Red Elk’s sense of humor and the Lord’s work.” God Bless, Heather Dalberg

Offline Sparks

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Re: Gerald Osborne AKA Red Elk
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2018, 05:07:34 am »

These three links are still active. I will quote somewhat contradicting (?) biographical claims (some of which quoted in the 2013 post I refer to):

Red Elk, (Gerald R. Osborne) a half breed Medicine/Wakian man (spiritual teacher), belongs to three native American societies.
Note To All: I do not represent any Indian nation. I represent only the Inner Heyoka Society. Our orders do not come from man, but from the Creator only. In so doing, many traditional ways are 'stepped on'. If anyone has a complaint, go to the Creator and tell HIM. I will continue to do what I and the others are ordered.

Note To All: Red Elk goes by HIS givin ceramonial name, he is NOT a "Mr." Red Elk etc..
Also Red Elk is a breed...not a fullblood, and plainly states so.

Red Elk

Red Elk is an Inter-Tribal Medicine Man. He is a self-described half-breed Native American / white, of both the BlackFeet and Shoshoni Nations, as well as part Irish and French. He is a member of the Heyoka (hi - OH - kah) Society, a Contrarian group of Native Americans who do not follow the normal path of mankind. Red Elk is one of twelve Inner Heyoka members. He is one of the nine members of the Red Web Society who are working to bring understanding of many hidden sacred teachings to the people of Earth. He is also an honorary member of the Cherokee Nations Twisted Hair Society.

(My boldings in there, now what kind of societies are those three? Do they exist in a formal way?)

RED ELK † (1942 – 2015)
Red Elk was born in 1942 and dedicated his life to his spiritual work. Red Elk was an Inter-Tribal Native American Medicine man, a member of the twelve Inner Heyoka, and within the Red Web Society he was one of the last nine members bringing true understanding of the Earth we live in. He was official Keeper of the Tunnels, official Keeper of the Pyramids (North American territory). Caretaker for some sacred symbols of the Native Nations. Born of the BlackFoot and Shoshoni Nations, as well as the Irish and French, he bridged the differences between Whites and Native Americans and also worldwide in the later years. His many tellings are written down and published in his books available on this website. Far more experiences and explanations are given on this website to questions asked by many people over the world.

So then, he passed away in 2015. However, his supporters and family continue to spread the word, sell books, and ask for donations. So I guess we haven't heard the last of him.