Author Topic: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres  (Read 6904 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« on: May 26, 2018, 08:54:14 pm »
Another Nemenhah cult member and operator.

Crescence Allen, Nemenhah Medicine Woman, has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from California Southern University focusing on stress management and coping skills. A certified hypno-therapist focusing on wellness and Past Life de-hypnosis. She has a certificate in Herbal Studies from the Australasian College of Herbal Studies. She is attuned a Reiki Practitioner, Tibetan/Usui, traditional, second degree. Located in the greater St, Louis, Missouri area.

A whole week of training to be a "medicine woman"?
According to Chief Cloudpiler, the Nemenhah people were an ancient, indigenous people who lived in parts of Central America, North America, the Pacific Islands, Japan, Korea, China and Tibet. These peoples left evidence and writings of their ancient sacred ways so the Nemenhah might be restored in the future.

The writings are called the Mentinah Archives and are the sacred histories of the people known anciently as the "Nemenhah" (people of the truth). The stories trace their history and journey into the land now known as the "four corners" area of the USA.

According to, the histories were allegedly written upon plates of various metals, processed animal hides and paper velum...The only surviving copies of the Nemenhah histories are strictly guarded in libraries at a non-disclosed location in Sanpete County, Utah.

I joined the Nemenhah/ITO through the ancient covenant of Spiritual Adoption. This Ceremony of "Making of Relations," is the process for taking initial orders and is the essence of Nemenhah Ministry. I choose to participate in an intensive weeklong study culminating in status of Nemenhah Medicine Woman and minister of the church.

Past Lives therapy
...certificate in Herbal Studies from the Australasian College of Herbal Studies and is attuned a Tibetian/Usui, Reiki Practitioner.
No board certifications. No awards or honors.

Offline crescence

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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2018, 01:09:00 am »
I was slandered on the internet. I enjoy learning and am open minded about life, people, cultures and freedom of thought. I never imagined that by sharing what I have learned with others, some unknown person would view me as fair game for his nastiness. So, he slandered me and called me a fraud. [poltical sidetrack]

NAFPS Forum decided to defame and slander me. When you register to post on the site they require you to agree to this statement

This is my response to NAFPS:
Hello, my name is Crescence Allen. To call me a fraud is a mean, petty and hurtful statement when you have never met me. I question your ethical grounding. My professional ethics would never allow me to slander someone I never met.

I am requesting that you take down the slanderous post about me from your site. Everything I represent about myself is absolutely true. My credentials are listed with the Department of Education the State of Missouri. Whatever your attitudes are about Nemenhah it has nothing to do with me. I have no reason to defend Nemenhah because we have freedom of religion in the United States.

If you believe I have done something fraudulent then come to my house and say it to my face, bring your proof, or sue me. The site now has my email address contact me. I would find it very interesting to meet you.

Or I’ll come to you and you can prove to me why I am such a fraud. If you can’t do this then take the slanderous article down. The ridiculous idea that I am a fraud because I have not filled in the honors section of the healthgrades website (which is not a professional organization any way) confirms that your article about me is fake, undocumented tripe. By the way, Boards certifications apply to the medical profession. I am a PhD in psychology: that is a doctorate of philosophy in the area of psychology.

 I like Native American culture and I respect it. What I don’t like is an arrogant person who pretends to be saving the world from frauds at my expense.

 If you are offended by my use of the words Medicine Woman, get over yourself, you don’t own the words. There is no legal registry of Medicine Women. These are English words and I am speaking to my readers.  I have a right to my religion and to my culture; even a culture of one, just me. By the way, I use my real name, where is yours?

To the readers of my blog, my goal as always is to give you the best self-help information I can find. And I wish you all the very best of health, joy and peace!

Yes, I did take this attack very personally. [Long faux feminist rant to justify her racist exploitation]

So, after all I have learned, contributed to life and overcome, why should some cowardly, unidentified stranger think he has the right to call me a fraud?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2018, 12:34:18 am by educatedindian »

Offline Sparks

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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2018, 01:44:13 am »
… some unknown person … called me a fraud.
By the way, I use my real name, where is yours?
… cowardly, unidentified stranger …

If you look at educated Indian's profile, you will see his signature, which is also below every single post of his. There are at least three links that explain who he is:



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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2018, 02:00:49 am »
Ms. Allen:

I am a PhD in psychology: that is a doctorate of philosophy in the area of psychology.

Are you currently licensed to practice as a psychologist?

From your site:

The State of Missouri has established a code of ethics for professional counselors, which requires informed consent.

I am affiliated with Marilyn McCaffrey, NCC, LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor, #20001735598) Ms. McCaffrey supervises my work as a counselor

You yourself are not licensed as a professional counselor?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2018, 08:38:38 am »

This is my response to NAFPS:
Hello, my name is Crescence Allen. To call me a fraud is a mean, petty and hurtful statement when you have never met me. I question your ethical grounding. My professional ethics would never allow me to slander someone I never met.

I am requesting that you take down the slanderous post about me from your site. Everything I represent about myself is absolutely true. My credentials are listed with the Department of Education the State of Missouri. Whatever your attitudes are about Nemenhah it has nothing to do with me. I have no reason to defend Nemenhah because we have freedom of religion in the United States.

If you believe I have done something fraudulent then come to my house and say it to my face, bring your proof, or sue me. The site now has my email address contact me. I would find it very interesting to meet you.

Or I’ll come to you and you can prove to me why I am such a fraud. If you can’t do this then take the slanderous article down. The ridiculous idea that I am a fraud because I have not filled in the honors section of the healthgrades website (which is not a professional organization any way) confirms that your article about me is fake, undocumented tripe. By the way, Boards certifications apply to the medical profession. I am a PhD in psychology: that is a doctorate of philosophy in the area of psychology.

 I like Native American culture and I respect it. What I don’t like is an arrogant person who pretends to be saving the world from frauds at my expense. Was it a slow news day so you pulled my name out of a hat?

 If you are offended by my use of the words Medicine Woman, get over yourself, you don’t own the words. There is no legal registry of Medicine Women. These are English words and I am speaking to my readers.  I have a right to my religion and to my culture; even a culture of one, just me. By the way, I use my real name, where is yours?

Yes, you really were that lazy that you didn't bother to read what was literally right in front of you.

Get a dictionary. You know as little about the law as you do about Native religions.

You were neither defamed nor slandered. We correctly point out you are an imposter posing as a Native medicine woman, an exploiter working with fellow frauds in a fraudulent group posing for profit as a Native church, led by another imposter (this one a convicted serial con man who did time for it) falsely posing as Native.

You know so little about Native peoples you refer to "Native culture." There isn't one except in the imagination of racist exploiters like yourself. It's Native cultures, plural, thousands of them.

And you know nothing but the stereotypes fed you by your imposter of a leader who hustled you for his own profit so that you in turn can hustle other naive non-Natives who fall for your schlock and hucksterism posing as Native.

You've thrown your temper tantrum and decided to give your White-splaining lecture, talking down to people who actually know the cultures in your condescending racist manner. That's too bad.  Now everyone can see your "I'm so spiritual" pose is a phony front.

We have never removed a thread or deleted posts just because imposters and exploiters like yourself find that their profit margin made at the expense of Native peoples getting threatened. We've also never slandered, defamed, or libeled anyone. Our criticism and exposes are always on target, and that's what angers and terrifies hustlers and ignorant people like yourselves.

You can still post publicly, give your side of matters, defend your exploitation if you can. Your only real defense is your ignorance though. Now that you've been educated as to how you got taken in, you could do the right thing and change your ways, leave that phony "church" and urge others to do so. We doubt you will though. I'll bet the money and your ego are both just too big.

ETA: You could also do the right thing and apologize, make reparations to your victims, your clients who were taken in and fed falsehoods.

You could be honest and admit your PhD didn't hep you spot a phony imitation of white Mormon prophecy passing as Native.

You could admit you didn't do anything as simple as google your con man leader and look up his criminal convictions and his nearly causing the death of a small boy.

You didn't notice his being specifically denounced by the tribe he falsely claims, and having no Native ancestry whatsoever.

Instead you got taken in by his bad Halloween costume version of Native regalia.

Or you could have read about cultural appropriation and how what you're doing is morally wrong and deeply racist, and how younger generations increasingly see that.

But that would have required reflection, you know, that thing psychologists ask their clients to do. And you've already fallen for quack ideas before like "past life regression hypnosis."

Seemingly your PhD training was not much good at teaching you critical thinking, or basic common sense or morality or ethics. One might say you deserve to lose your license, but you lied about that too and don't have one.

Offline crescence

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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2018, 05:39:00 pm »
Thank you for your interest Piff. After a long career as a reading teacher and school psychologist in the Missouri public schools I retired. I am also a guidance counselor which is certified by the department of education in Missouri. I was working toward a LPC license under a provisional license with a supervisor when a serious illness required me to retire completely. I had passed my license exam and was working on my final 1500 hours of supervised practice. I have never claimed to be a licensed psychologist. I am relatively old...

To Sparks, so sorry I did not realize a persons name.

Well, I guess if you all want to, you can continue to pick the events in my life and tell me what a fraudulent person I am. [first world problem]. So let me repeat [fluffy Nuage cliche]
« Last Edit: July 05, 2018, 12:31:06 am by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2018, 12:42:43 am »
Allen sent an IM with extremely delusional rant, ignoring every question and criticism posed to her and making up her own little fantasy land where everyone just loves her and fluffy cliches solve everything. I have to wonder if she needs professional help more than anyone she's ever counseled.

Here it is.

I see and I understand. We are all one people in God's eyes. I accept your apology. I am so glad we are cross-cultural friends now. Thank you for the invitation to keep open our lines of communications.

 I agree with you that anger does little to improve the relations between people and that love trumps hate. I too agree with you that this thread should not be removed, as this forum can be an open door to understanding between different people and I totally appreciate your apology. Yes, it was horribly cruel of you to call me a fraud on the Internet. It takes a highly-evolved person to admit that, so thank you for being so open and self-revealing.

I have to agree, we do need to respect the spiritual and religious beliefs of others even if they do not agree with our own. It was so generous of you to share your personal revelation that anger and hostility between races must end, because anger is temporal and the soul is eternal. And that we must move forward together in balance and harmony. It has been an amazing experience getting to know you.
Best wishes, Crescence

What a loon. There must be a dozen places where she made up things I never said. I urge her to apologize and make reparations to her victims. She pretends I apologized to her. I point out her repeated racism and cultural appropriation. She says I agree with her colonialism-posing-as-enlightenment. And of course the exploiter is claiming to be the victim.

Then again, if one can so easily fall for fake Mormon prophecy and get taken in by a convicted con man who almost killed a child...someone keep her away from high places and make sure she doesn't run with scissors. In a just world, she'd be in prison for fraud, same as a con artist posing as a priest to rob a collection plate.


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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2018, 04:06:04 pm »
I also got an IM from her, a copy and paste of what she posted public at .

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2018, 08:46:21 pm »
Both of "doctor" Allen's degrees, including her PhD, are from correspondence schools. That's her "I am a PhD in psychology: that is a doctorate of philosophy in the area of psychology" claim.

Technically, it is. But it's from a for profit private school, much like Devry Institute or "University of Phoenix." IOW from a school with much higher tuition, much lower pay for faculty, most of its money spent on advertising to lure in students and lobbying to congress to avoid accountability. Most or all credits don't transfer. Classes are far less rigorous. Her school lets you complete a course in a few weeks rather than a full semester.

"Degrees" are generally not recognized by most other schools or employers. It's telling that she worked at a small town school as a guidance counselor rather than having a private practice anywhere. Typically for profit schools exploit the poor and minorities at high rates. There's a high rate of default, and a much higher rate of unemployment among graduates.

So in some ways this fits the pattern of her gullibility, lack of knowledge, and getting taking in when not knowing any better. She went to a poor choice of schools, likely because correspondence was one of the few options open to her. Later she fell for nonsense like "past life regression therapy" and faux Tibetan claims. She then fell for a white convicted serial con man dressed in a Halloween costume posing as Native, joined a cult because it offered her the hope of clients for a fee paid to that cult, and now feels victimized again when the ruse is exposed to the world.

I think she deserves pity as much as condemnation. Her being a victim is genuine, and her anger at it despite her "I'm so spiritual" empty pose is genuine also. But instead of directing her anger at her victimizers, she wants to shoot the messengers.

Again, Ms. Allen, quit the cult. Denounce them, expose them yourself for how they harm you and others. You could even sue them for the money they took from you. You'll feel and be empowered for the first time in your life. Try reading a book or a website by actual Natives. The truth is much better than the racist stereotypes and Mormon prophecy knockoffs posing as Native.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2018, 07:45:16 pm »
Both of "doctor" Allen's degrees, including her PhD, are from correspondence schools.

Dr. Allen’s Ph. D. in Psychology, California Southern University. Guidance Counseling Master’s degree is from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Past Lives Therapy (Morris Netherton Method).

At least, these institutions do exist, they are not merely degree or diploma mills. Only the first one is (mainly) a correspondence school:

As for "Past Lives Therapy (Morris Netherton Method)" I also found a few links, all in favor of that very weird theory:

I myself don't for a second believe this ridiculous stuff. I mostly consider it delusions, in many cases a deliberate hoax, and there are many good places where it all is satisfactorily explained and debunked. — As for this "Dr. Netherton", he is discussed here:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Crescence Allen AKA Dr. Cres
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2018, 04:04:36 am »
Both of "doctor" Allen's degrees, including her PhD, are from correspondence schools.

Dr. Allen’s Ph. D. in Psychology, California Southern University. Guidance Counseling Master’s degree is from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Past Lives Therapy (Morris Netherton Method).

At least, these institutions do exist, they are not merely degree or diploma mills. Only the first one is (mainly) a correspondence school:

The other school I was referring to was Australasian College of Herbal Medicine, which is correspondence. U MO St Louis was not the final school for her terminal degree, the PhD. If she'd sticked to UMSL, she could legitimate say she had a master's from a widely accepted school, fairly good rankings. Instead she got a "PhD" from a school roughly equal to "University of Phoenix."

CSU is not a degree mill. Never said it was. Its PhD degree is not accepted most places though. She couldn't teach at any university or college with it. I suspect its lack of pedigree likely played a role in her choice not to go thru with getting licensed.

It's also telling that if you google CSU scam, you find complaints at Ripoff Report that CSU administration personally responded to for months. This is a for profit school worried about branding, not a university as most people use the term.