Author Topic: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez  (Read 33938 times)


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"Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« on: September 10, 2006, 06:11:37 pm »
- removed by author -
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:05:27 am by nighthawk »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Redman" Wellness?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2006, 11:13:48 pm »
"She also discovered, that like her Maternal Grandmother, she too was gifted with the extraordinary psychic and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance.

The journey of Pamela's spiritual awakening began at the early age of five. During a frantic search for her presumably drowned young body, she was buried inside a hidden cavern vortex in the earth encountering an amazing and phenomenal experience. It was then that she saw a vision of her Native American Cherokee Indian spirit guide, and was telepathically transported to the spirit world. There she encountered the Heavenly realm, and was awakened to the wisdom and knowledge that life truly is eternal. This experience, along with the many other visions and spirit world encounters occurring throughout her life, is the ultimate guide in her work and service, and for her own personal spiritual journey."

Interesting claim, since just about all that she claims as Cherokee is actually from other tribes, or the generic Nuage version of them. So much for her guide. So much for her clair-whatever senses failing her.

Formerly Pamela Nine Gladstone doing "permanent cosmetics."
March 23, 2002
WBIR CHANNEL 10 “LIVE AT FIVE??? aired Knoxville’s First Botox Party hosted by Pamela R. Nine-Gladstone, Owner of Permanent Cosmetics Derma Centre"

Real spirchul. Is that English spelling of center telling us where she's from or just being pretentious?

Moving this to (extremely obvious) Frauds.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 03:37:55 pm »
The old site is gone now. From her new site. Her legal (or perhaps her married) name is Pamela Martinez, but her new site is very similiar. An ordained minister, but I don't see by who. A hodgepodge of numerology, chakras, angels, Nuage, pyschic claims, and above all, her training in permanent cosmetics.

Gotta love the way "messenger of spirit" is a registered trademark. I also like the spray on tan in some of her photos.

Pamela Nine, Ph.D., is the Owner of Nine Wellness Centre, located in Knoxville, TN....known internationally as a "Messenger of Spirit™" and is a highly acclaimed Spiritual Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Counselor and Teacher. She is also a Licensed and Board Certified Dermapigmentologist, Certified Reiki Master, and Ordained Minister with a Doctorate Degree in Religion.

....She has been contacted by a number of law enforcement officials and families to work on current and cold missing child cases, and is very dedicated in providing her assistance and expertise.

[Long description of professional cosmetic experience follows] 


Some other things on her site are pretty strange and need an explanation.
1. Is she an enrolled member of one of the recognized Cherokee bands?
2. What evidence is there of psychics being part of Cherokee traditions?
3. Auras and chakras are part of traditions from India. Why does she present them as Cherokee?
4. She presents New Age versions of beliefs on totems as parts of Cherokee tradition. She uses cheetahs and rhinoceros as spirit guides when there were no such animals in the Cherokee homeland.
5. She includes New Age versions of Anishnaabe,Cheyenne, and Lakota traditions like the dream catcher, medicine wheel, and sacred pipes, and presents them as Cherokee.
6. I'd also like to see proof of her claim to have helped find missing children. I don't know of any verifiable cases where any alleged psychic has ever done that.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2009, 07:47:40 pm »
Pamela Nine/Martinez/whatever-her-actual-name -is has been spamming several email accounts for the past few days, demanding we delete this entire thread or she will take legal action.

But at the same time she's refused several requests to say just what it is she objects to, and also several offers for her to state her side.

Then she followed up with an utterly ridiculous attempt to get money out of me. "I can tell you about yourself and your future," etc.

Obviously she's not a very good psychic, or she would've been able to predict what I would say to that.  ::)

And get this: She claims we revealed her home address because...we posted a link to her site, where she herself posted her home address. She even ranted that we were trying to cause threats to her kids. No explanation as to why her revealing her own address is not to blame.

Oh brother...hopefully her lawyer (if she actually has one) will explain the law to her.

She's also joined NAFPS as a member, and so far hasn't done much here except spam with false claims using the "report posts" function. Ms. N or M, hopefully you'll take this chance to state your case. Who're your people? Where's the evidence you've ever helped anyone? (Outside of permanent cosmetics, etc.)

I should also point out that she defends the earlier "Redman Wellness" site by saying the title was based on an older book she admires.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2009, 08:18:40 pm »
What follows are from her many (two dozen and counting) emails:

Thurs Sept 24. 2:16PM

The page addresses referenced in this forum no longer exist on the internet, however, I am very disappointed that anyone would question my intention in reference to my personal experiences my work and/or the quotes which were obviously and maliciously taken out of context.
This indeed is verbatim of what was really on the page referenced: "The Redman's traditional approach to all life and thought is spiritual. It is said that the true Indian's creed is in the joy of living and; "so live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart." A quote from The Gospel of the Redman; a fine book, written by Ernest and Julia Seton.
And, other quotes taken (and displayed in this forum) were also out of context and also a blatant attempt to defame my character which in itself is morally and legally wrong, and also is in direct violation of YOUR SITE'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS COPIED IN RED BELOW.
As of the date of this writing, this is to serve as your 10 day written notification for this content to be effectively and immediately REMOVED.

Thurs Sept 24 2:17PM
Identical to previous email

Fri Sept 25 5:22PM
Thank you for your reply. For your records, my name is PAMELA R. NINE not Pamela Martinez.
Due to the nature of this forum and it's blatant malicious attempt to defame me and my character, I feel a direct threat and harassment. I also feel in light of the fact that my name and personal information, including my address is clearly shown for the world see, that I am entitled to know the identity of the persons known as "educatedindian" and  "nighthawk" and more so, if I am in fact in any kind of personal danger, or if my children are in danger from someone who is so obviously malicious in posting this type of forum.


Fri Sept 25 5:22PM
Identical to previous email


Fri Sept 25 5:29PM
Identical to previous email


Fri Sept 25 5:30PM
Identical to previous email


Fri Sept 25 5:30PM
Identical to previous email


Fri Sept 25 5:30PM
Identical to previous email


Fri Sept 25 5:31PM
Identical to previous email


Fri Sept 25 5:32PM
Identical to previous email


Fri Sept 25 5:47PM

I have attached pdfs of YOUR FORUM regarding myself and my business, as well as YOUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
Please note the following copied directly from your Terms and Conditions:
[Terms & Conditions followed. It was also posted at the bottom of every previous email.]
If this is not removed immediately, the next correspondence you will receive will be from my attorney.


 Friday 5:48PM
Identical to previous email.


Friday 5:48PM
Identical to previous email.


Friday 5:56PM

This is written notification that you are in direct violation of the Terms and Conditions of my website and therefore if the Forum titled, "Redman Wellness" is not removed in its entirety IMMEDIATELY, I will begin legal proceedings against you and this NAFPS site to the fullest extent allowed by the law.


Friday 6:02PM
This is to notify you of of the messages I have just sent to "educatedindian" and "nighthawk" via YOUR NAFPS SITE. They are attached as pdf and have been forward to my attorney as well.


Friday 6:08PM


Friday 6:08PM
Identical to previous message


Friday 6:09PM
Identical to previous message

Friday 6:23PM


Friday 6:33PM
I'm sure by now you can see I do my homework well. And, let me assure you, I fully intend to follow through with my clearly stated intentions.
Your reply would in order at this time, don't you agree?


Friday 7:10PM
I'm sure you are aware that I am quite unhappy with your post titled "Redman Wellness" and the fact that I feel you have attacked both myself and my character maliciously. You took my words and transposed them (out of context) to suit your so-called claims. That's just not right, and no matter who you are or what you do, you know it's not.
You have no idea who I really am. That's a shame. If you did know, I think you'd be pleasantly surprised. I am a woman of my word and I stand for truth in everything I do. I have for many years and continue to devote my life's work to helping others.
I loved my Grandmother more than life itself and am very thankful that she taught me what she knew of the Native Traditions of the Cherokee. I honor that. I would never defame that in anyway intentionally or otherwise.  Please know that. I still want to learn more about the Native American Indian ways. I also treasured what was written in the book I quoted which was "Gospel of the Redman" Written by Ernest and Julia Seton. And, I believed it to be accurate in its content.
I am not one of anger...however, I will most definitely stand up what for I believe in and I feel I am now standing up for myself. My heart is pure as are my intentions. You have questioned my experiences and my background. It is what it is and it is the truth.
I'm asking you because it's the right thing to do, please remove that post. You should get to know the real "me" before you judge me. I would be happy to talk with you, if you would like.


Saturday 9:48AM

Thank you for responding to the emails I have sent you. My intention was was not to "spam" your email as you have said, but merely to send you notifications which were clearly stated and contained information I felt were pertinent to this matter.
Again, for your records, my name is Pamela Nine not Pamela Martinez. Please address me as such, in the future.
My statement regarding the fact that my address is clearly shown for the world to see, is related to the fact that your forum lists my web site which also lists my address and personal contact information, unlike you and your forum, which works under the guise of usernames instead of revealing your true identity.
I do not criticize others in order to make myself or my beliefs appear superior. My way, is on the opposite end of that spectrum. My professional background of more than two decades speaks for itself. I will not debate this issue with you, nor will I defend myself, my work and or my personal practices and beliefs to you or your forum. My time is better spent helping others to be positive, kind and loving.
You have violated the Terms and Conditions clearly stated on my web site and have been given notice as such. Please remove the forum titled, "Redman Wellness" from your site immediately and this matter will be resolved.


Saturday 9:49AM

Identical to previous email.


Her final email to me thus far was at Saturday 1:16PM. This is the one where she made a pitch to me for my money, that she could tell my future, etc. She asked that this one not be reposted, so I won't.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2009, 08:26:57 pm »
These are my responses to her.


It is unclear what, exactly, you are alleging is defamatory. Some of the comments are critical, but that is certainly not the same.
Could you be more specific about your claims? We frequently receive empty threats of legal action from those unhappy about being criticized. In its more than ten years of existence, not once have any of those threats ever been carried out. Not once has anyone ever shown us to have defamed a person or their character.
Before we could remove any allegedly defamatory material, we would need to know more specifics than simply someone not liking what was said about them. Can you point to anything on the thread that is false?
Can you also provide proof of the claims you make on your own website?:
If you wish for us to post a statement from you giving your side of the story, we are more than happy to do so.
You are also welcome to join and post such a message yourself. We welcome all efforts to provide more information to the public and enable them to make up their own minds about the persons, groups, and institutions we post about.


Ms Nine or Ms. Martinez,
You might have a better chance of making your case if you did not repeatedly spam my email.
Once again, let me ask you, since you ignored it previously:
>>>What exactly are you alleging is "libelous"?
Kindly point to specfic statements, and explain how they are so. It does not help matters when you ignore the previous request, already sent to you, and instead spam my email.
As I explained in my previous email, under the law criticism is not the same as libel. You have been criticized, but you have yet to state why you feel the criticisms are libelous.
Once again, I repeat my previous offers: We would gladly post any statement from you, unedited in its entirety, where you may refute what has been said.
I see that you have already joined NAFPS. You may post such a statement yourself, as well as discuss with other members why you believe the criticism is wrong.
Also, any lawyer would tell you that under the Fair Use Doctrine, a site may be quoted for purposes of identification and/or critique. That is what has happened.
However, should you wish us to remove the copyrighted material, we will do so. All that will accomplish is that we will describe your site by paraphrasing what is on it.
Nowhere have I said anything about doubting that you are sincere in your beliefs. However it is quite obvious that much of what you present as Cherokee tradition is not.
I would be happy to discuss this with you at the forum. I feel the public would be best served by such a discussion being out in the open.


This [last]message went to my spam folder, so I did not see it before writing my previous email.
Again, it would be helpful if you did not repeatedly spam this email address.
It would also be helpful, as I have stated before, if you state exactly what you feel is "libelous" and why.
You may also wish to have your facts straight before making false accusations yourself. Your address is not anywhere in the thread and never has been.
I request that further discussion between us be in public at the forum.


My answers are within the text to be clearer what I'm responding to.
They are marked with>>>

-On Sat, 9/26/09, Pamela Nine [address deleted] wrote:

From: Pamela Nine [address deleted]
Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 9:48 AM

Mr. Carroll,
Thank you for responding to the emails I have sent you. My intention was was not to "spam" your email as you have said, but merely to send you notifications which were clearly stated and contained information I felt were pertinent to this matter.
>>>False. You sent multiple identical messages.
Again, for your records, my name is Pamela Nine not Pamela Martinez. Please address me as such, in the future.
>>>In some places you are listed as Pamela Nine Martinez. Is Martinez your legal and/or married name?
My statement regarding the fact that my address is clearly shown for the world to see, is related to the fact that 1. your forum lists my web site which also lists my address and personal contact information, unlike you and your forum, which works under the guise of 2. usernames instead of revealing your true identity.
>>>1. In that case you are listing your address, not us.
>>>2. We have many survivors of abuse by imposters posing as Native medicine people. Many contributors to the forum are quite open about their identity, including me. There is a whole thread talking about who I am in some detail, which is no doubt where you "discovered" me.
I do not criticize others in order to make myself or my beliefs appear superior. My way, is on the opposite end of that spectrum.
>>>No one ever said you did. But you keep avoiding the questions.
My professional background of more than two decades speaks for itself.
>>>Your background says you are qualified to do cosmetic treatments. There is nothing in your stated background which shows you know anything about Cherokee traditions. Quite the opposite.
I will not debate this issue with you, nor will I defend myself, my work and or my personal practices and beliefs to you or your forum. My time is better spent helping others to be positive, kind and loving.
>>>If you won't even say what is allegedly libelous or why, how could I possibly be expected to guess it? Unlike you, I don't claim to be psychic.
You have violated the Terms and Conditions clearly stated on my web site and have been given notice as such.
>>>That's meaningless. We are not on your website.
Please remove the forum titled, "Redman Wellness" from your site immediately and this matter will be resolved.
>>>There is no "forum" with that title. And how can we be expected to respond when you won't even answer the simplest questions?


Oh please, I have seen many others like you before. Our website is filled with threads debunking them
What you are doing is called a cold reading. Basically it's incredibly broad claims that could be applied to anyone, from Walt Disney to Jeffrey Dahmer. As an alleged "psychic" you are very unimpressive and I don't see any sign you have ever done anything to help someone.
If you have any evidence you have ever successfuly helped with a missing child, let's see it.
May I suggest one thing? If you wish to prove your ability to be psychic, it's simple:
Go to James Randi, a leading skeptic, and prove yourself to be psychic under his testing conditions.
I would gladly repost the results, be they positive or negative.
Since you asked to keep this email in confidence, I will do so. But the others will be posted online.
It's best if everyone knows just how bizarre and unreasonable your demands are. Truly spiritual leaders would not throw about empty threats that only show they don't know the law.

Offline pamelanine

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2009, 08:34:15 pm »

The Owner of this "Forum" Mr. Al Carroll (also known as, "educatedindian") has made a number of what I feel to be malicious statements regarding myself and my business. I contacted Mr. Carroll (also known as, "educatedindian") regarding the fact that he has VIOLATED THE TERMS AND AGREEMENTS OF MY WEB SITE and as you can see from his earlier post, he obviously misconstrued the message I sent him. I have no intention of defending myself or my business on this forum, however, I did want the readers to see verbatim what I actually sent to Mr. Carroll and I most certainly DID NOT ASK HIM FOR MONEY! Also, for your information, the "Gospel of the Redman" book I have quoted from was actually purchased at the Cherokee Museum in Cherokee, N.C.

I have copied two of the emails I sent to him, as well as his reply below.

The only thing I would like to say to Mr. Carroll now is...."I HOPE YOU ARE PROUD OF YOURSELF!!!!!"

Respectfully submitted by,
Pamela Nine

From: Pamela Nine
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 12:48 PM
To: naf ps
Subject: Re: Ms Nine or Ms Martinez...Please Read This

Mr. Carroll,
Thank you for responding to the emails I have sent you. My intention was was not to "spam" your email as you have said, but merely to send you notifications which were clearly stated and contained information I felt were pertinent to this matter.
Again, for your records, my name is Pamela Nine not Pamela Martinez. Please address me as such, in the future.
My statement regarding the fact that my address is clearly shown for the world to see, is related to the fact that your forum lists my web site which also lists my address and personal contact information, unlike you and your forum, which works under the guise of usernames instead of revealing your true identity.
I do not criticize others in order to make myself or my beliefs appear superior. My way, is on the opposite end of that spectrum. My professional background of more than two decades speaks for itself. I will not debate this issue with you, nor will I defend myself, my work and or my personal practices and beliefs to you or your forum. My time is better spent helping others to be positive, kind and loving.
You have violated the Terms and Conditions clearly stated on my web site and have been given notice as such. Please remove the forum titled, "Redman Wellness" from your site immediately and this matter will be resolved.
With kindest regards,
 Pamela Nine, Ph.D.

From: Pamela Nine
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:16 PM
To: naf ps
Subject: For Mr. Carroll

Mr. Carroll,
I would like to say a few things to you, personally. These statements are not meant to be published, but merely to give you an insight into my way of thinking.
First and foremost, I would never purposely cause anyone any grief, especially in regard to any Native American Traditions, Cherokee or otherwise.  It was never my intent to use the term "Redman" out of disrespect. It was quite the opposite. In light of the obvious offense I have caused, I am in the process of revising a similar page which will be on my new site. This is not being done for you. It is done out of respect for everyone who bears that name and who would ever conceive it in offense. The page will also be shown as a reflection of my personal beliefs and practices. Criticize if you must, but they are, and they serve God and others with pure intentions. I assure you.
You have been on my mind today. I'm not like anyone you have ever met. I tell people I'm a little different..."in a good way"....and I am.  My purpose in this life is simply to help others discover a path home, however best and out of love and light they can get there. Am I perfect? Heavens, no. Do I have all the answers? Again, no. However, I do know that through my gifts I have helped many and will continue on this path until I leave this world and go on to the next.
The missing children cases I have and will continue to work on is something very precious to me. There have been numerous times I have had to deliver a message from the other side to a mother who believes her child is still living here and cannot be found. I do not take this lightly, nor should anyone. I'm very good at what I do, and I am perhaps the hardest on myself, but rightly so where my type of work/service is concerned.
And while your comments were offensive to me regarding my background and experience. Here's how I see it....for many years I helped others with their "outer" beauty and then I was guided to also help others with their "inner" beauty. I'm very proud of who I am and what I have accomplished on my own as a single mother for many years.  Believe me, God has guided me every step of the way.
I am what I am. I could reveal many things to you about yourself and your life. This truly is my gift. Many years ago, I wanted to take it back and exchange it for one that others would find more...I'll say..."conventional" for a lack of finding a better word at this moment, but time has helped me embrace my gifts and be thankful for them, and I am very much so.
I feel you have a tremendous sense of power within and you enjoy it and it drives you. I hope that you choose to use it well. You can, you know. I know you worked very hard writing your book and it meant a great deal to you. And even though it too has received some harsh criticism. Your writing and work from what I've read and can feel is very good. Your heart meant well. I also believe you are a good man, strong in your beliefs, and very devoted to those you trust, which are few.
Why am I writing all this?  Beats me!  (ha ha)  I guess you saw the determined side of me that will always stand up for what I believe in, but I always wanted you to see the side of me that reflects my true nature.
So again, I won't defend myself on your forum. I know in my heart what I do is good and guided by Spirit. Do I want to pursue this with my attorney? I'm really not sure yet. We all are given test to endure. I see this as one too.
I wish you well in all that you do. I would also be more than happy to help you in anyway that I can.  All you have to do is ask.
With blessings,

From: naf ps
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 3:37 PM
To: Pamela Nine
Subject: Re: For Mr. Carroll

Oh please, I have seen many others like you before. Our website is filled with threads debunking them
What you are doing is called a cold reading. Basically it's incredibly broad claims that could be applied to anyone, from Walt Disney to Jeffrey Dahmer. As an alleged "psychic" you are very unimpressive and I don't see any sign you have ever done anything to help someone.
If you have any evidence you have ever successfuly helped with a missing child, let's see it.
May I suggest one thing? If you wish to prove your ability to be psychic, it's simple:
Go to James Randi, a leading skeptic, and prove yourself to be psychic under his testing conditions.
I would gladly repost the results, be they positive or negative.
Since you asked to keep this email in confidence, I will do so. But the others will be posted online.
It's best if everyone knows just how bizarre and unreasonable your demands are. Truly spiritual leaders would not throw about empty threats that only show they don't know the law..

« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 08:53:00 pm by pamelanine »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2009, 08:41:39 pm »
Gospel of the Redman, the book that she admires so much, is online here.

Ernest Seton was one of the founders of the Boy Scouts.

Some of it is collections of sayings from the old leaders. At other points it's gibberish about whites reincarnated as NDNs and praising a fraud, "Buffalo Child Long Lance" AKA Sylvester Long, a light skinned Black who passed as NDN for money and fame back in the 20s and 30s.

There's also a series of Indian "commandments" that've been greatly distorted to imitate the Christian commandments and lots of hokey OldChiefSpeak mixed in with genuine sayings and stories. Typical early Boy Scout fakelore.

If this is what Ms Nine/Martinez thinks is a good source...

Offline pamelanine

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« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2009, 08:47:14 pm »



Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2009, 08:48:04 pm »

The Owner of this "Forum" Mr. Al Carroll (also known as, "educatedindian") has made a number of what I feel to be malicious statements regarding myself and my business. I contacted Mr. Carroll (also known as, "educatedindian") regarding the fact that he has VIOLATED THE TERMS AND AGREEMENTS OF MY WEB SITE and as you can see from his earlier post, he obviously misconstrued the message I sent him. I have no intention of defending myself or my business on this forum, however, I did want the readers to see vertabim what I actually sent to Mr. Carroll and I most certainly DID NOT ASK HIM FOR MONEY!  I have copied two of the emails I sent to him, as well as his reply below.

The only thing I would like to say to Mr. Carroll now is...."I HOPE YOU ARE PROUD OF YOURSELF!!!!!"

Respectfully submitted by,
Pamela Nine

Thank you for releasing me from any need to keep in confidence the email that you previously asked me to.

As anyone can see, you were attempting to solicit me for your business, where you routinely charge. If I was being "favored" by no direct request for money yet, it's pretty obvious you hoped to get in my good graces by your silly attempt to play psychic.

I think everyone is as unimpressed by your alleged psychic abilities as ever.

BTW, in case you hadn't noticed, we are not on your website.

And once again, you avoid answering the questions I put to you several times before:

1. Are you an enrolled member of one of the recognized Cherokee bands, or member of a Cherokee community?
2. What evidence is there of psychics being part of Cherokee traditions?
3. Auras and chakras are part of traditions from India. Why do you present them as Cherokee?
4. You presents New Age versions of beliefs on totems as parts of Cherokee tradition. You use cheetahs and rhinoceros as spirit guides when there were no such animals in the Cherokee homeland.
5. You include New Age versions of Anishnaabe,Cheyenne, and Lakota traditions like the dream catcher, medicine wheel, and sacred pipes, and presents them as Cherokee.
6. I'd also like to see proof of your claim to have helped find missing children. I don't know of any verifiable cases where any alleged psychic has ever done that.

And yes, we at NAFPS are very proud of the work we do exposing imposters and exploiters.

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Re: Redman Wellness & Pamela Nine/Martinez
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2009, 08:50:42 pm »



 ;D Do you promise? Do you cross your heart with cosmetic treatments and psychic readings for 9.99 a minute, Mastercard and Paypal accepted?

I sent two emails, and solely in response to yours, but I am more than happy not to ever contact you again, provided you do the same.

It's like pulling teeth to get you to make any sense. Or to quit being so childish. Someone as immature as you can hardly claim to be a spiritual leader...

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: "Redman" Wellness?
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2009, 03:29:59 am »
"She also discovered, that like her Maternal Grandmother, she too was gifted with the extraordinary psychic and intuitive abilities of clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance.
"Brought to you by Clairessence Clairabilities"  ;)
The journey of Pamela's spiritual awakening began at the early age of five. During a frantic search for her presumably drowned young body, she was buried inside a hidden cavern vortex in the earth encountering an amazing and phenomenal experience. It was then that she saw a vision of her Native American Cherokee Indian spirit guide, and was telepathically transported to the spirit world. There she encountered the Heavenly realm, and was awakened to the wisdom and knowledge that life truly is eternal. This experience, along with the many other visions and spirit world encounters occurring throughout her life, is the ultimate guide in her work and service, and for her own personal spiritual journey."

 This was ghostwritten by Neil Gaiman, I know it......

Offline pamelanine

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FROM: Pamela Nine
TO: Mr. Al Carroll, Site Administrator of NAFPS (aka educatedindian), NAFPS Forum, and "nighthawk", "educatedindian", "NanticokePiney" and any other Authors of the NAFPS Website
RE: Harassment and Spam Email From NAFPS

This message is to advise Mr. Al Carroll, Site Administrator of NAFPS Forum (aka educatedindian), NAFPS Forum, and Authors "nighthawk", "educatedindian", "NanticokePiney" and any other Authors of the NAFPS Website regarding the fact that I feel I am being harassed by you and this website. I am also still receiving spam email from you and this site after I have clearly sent notification for you to NOT TO CONTACT ME.

This message is also to advise you that I have notified my email provider and other appropriate officials of this matter.


Submitted by, Pamela Nine

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2009, 03:45:16 pm »
"Notification" shows you don't know the law, since the term as you use it is meaningless.

Kindly submit proof of such spam. I haven't sent you any further email. I doubt NP has either, and Nighthawk hasn't been at NAFPS for many months.

It's far more likely you forgot to change your settings and had it originally set up to send you the posts automatically. Either that or you may be just simply lying. Or you even may be fabricating emails in the hopes of causing problems, since your empty legal threats have gone nowhere. I'll make it simpler and remove you from the forum, in case you're too lazy to change your settings.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2009, 06:23:54 pm »
Wow. I feel left out.

I guess, "and any other Authors of the NAFPS Website" is intended to include all of us who post here. But you'd think that someone with the time to email Al two dozen times would have the courtesy to list us all individually. You know, so we would know how it is we're "harassing" her. Maybe by reading her posts we're "harassing". Or looking at her website. This is fascinating, really. It's good that she's educating us about all this.