Author Topic: Steve McCullough aka Iktomi Sha & Salt Creek Sundance  (Read 306124 times)

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #120 on: September 24, 2008, 01:23:17 pm »
Steve's claims and credentials get questioned here and the website is suddenly down for maintainence; how convenient

Offline pink bear

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #121 on: September 24, 2008, 01:35:05 pm »
Yes I understand your feelings about it being convenient. It was also down for weeks during the summer. I quess she has much diffficulty with links. there is also a site on myspace .com blogs by Red Road Awareness  that has become very interesting in reading and this lady also seems to be helping to run the saltcreek sundance articles .

Offline Kristy983

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #122 on: September 27, 2008, 04:49:42 am »
Ok, I've read through this entire thread. All I want to know is if anyone who has posted here about their dislike of Steve McCullough has spoken to him, personally, or gone to the sundance in Indiana. Anyone? I've been to that sundance, and I know Steve indirectly, but please, don't judge me just yet. I have an open mind. I've looked at all the evidence against him and for him presented in this thread. There are some good arguments that make me question Steve and that Sundance. But from what I can tell, a lot of the evidence, for and against, is a bunch of he-said she-said. How is it fair to sit back and judge someone without giving them a chance to defend his or her self. Yes, you've invited Steve to come on the board and talk about all of this. The thing is, YOU are the people with the problem, so why don't you take a step up and ask the man himself? Give him a chance to tell his side of this. Call him, meet him somewhere, and discuss it. I'm sure he won't have a problem with it.

The only thing I can personally say about Steve is that no, he doesn't take money for what he does. Can you give physical proof that he does?

I'm sure my opinions aren't going to matter to many of you, since I'm not Lakota (as far as I know). I am, through both sides of my family, Shawnee, Delaware, and Cherokee. No, I don't have a tribal roll number, but my mother has all the proof I need to support it, since she's traced our family tree back through several, several generations.

I'm sorry if I come across as rude, or if I've said something that may seem "stupid". I do not claim to know everything. I'm just stating how I feel.

Offline C Standing Bear

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #123 on: September 27, 2008, 06:49:30 pm »
I've read through this thing too. What would sitting down and talking with a fraud do? It has been mentioned time and time again how he is a fraud, how he cheats, lies, steals, is unfaithful. Would a talk REALLY do any good? no.

I tried the websighte and found it to be up. I had no problem with it.

As for myself I have met STeve, I have seen and observered some of his wrong doings and threatened to knock him on his ass because of some of it. I too joined with Benard in trying to get the sundance stopped but because of the DNR there was nothing we could do.

There is no medicine to Steve, it is smooth talk, smoke and parlor tricks done by him and his sidekick rattle shaker fakkers. One of which isnt Indian but a mexican claiming Indian and a Canuk claiming whatever- for theyre own personall gains and followings.

I'm going to stop here because this gets my INDIAN blood boiling. Just leave it at yea, this guy needs to be stopped and lets prey that it is before someone else gets hurt. In this past year he lost at least four sundancers out of his circle which most would say is a hight number. I hate to think what th e number will be this year.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 07:19:31 pm by C Standing Bear »

Offline Cetan

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #124 on: September 27, 2008, 11:20:44 pm »
I have been there, met him, saw how he and his followers behave and am good friends with Darlene Cross who was treated with disrespect by him; she is Vernal's widow interpreted for him in ceremonies and she said he is a fraud, no medicine or spirits helping him.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #125 on: September 27, 2008, 11:41:07 pm »
The first person I ever saw object to what McCullough does was Albert Running Wolf of Indiana AIM, back when NAFPS was just getting started and still a yahoo group. Albert is Lakota, lives not far from where the phony Sundance happens, and not only has seen it, he's met with park officials about it.

So that makes three Lakota, at least, who have talked to McCullough in person about this. Though like CSB said, that should not be a standard. Frauds and fraud supporters are always trying to hide behind that argument.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #126 on: September 28, 2008, 11:42:35 pm »
Kristy983 ,

You are missing the point:

Steve is NOT Lakota. The Lakota people object to what he is doing. They have a right to have a say over their spiritual practices. I do not need to go to his "sundance." I do not need to go to meet him face to face. The fact that he is not Lakota and they object is enough for me. If he was pretending to be a Catholic priest and doing mass, the Catholics would object because they have a right to control their own beliefs. Same thing. What is it about Indigenous beliefs that the New Agers think they have some superior "right" to co-opt them?? I don't care if you have native blood. You are not participating/learning about your OWN heritage when you participate in cultural theft of another nation's beliefs.

Offline C Standing Bear

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #127 on: September 29, 2008, 01:51:15 am »
Yeah and to take it one farther, if you are a priest and are doing things that are not according to their doctrine then they can take away your priesthood or kick you out. What recourse does then native community have for those that are putting themselves in a teaching position? Even in the community schools a bad teacher loses their job. Maybe we need an Indian Board that oversees all teachers and they must meet certain criteria. wow. can you imagine the stink that would create if we band together and try to pass that one? <smilez>

Offline C Standing Bear

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #128 on: September 29, 2008, 01:57:01 am »
The first person I ever saw object to what McCullough does was Albert Running Wolf of Indiana AIM, back when NAFPS was just getting started and still a yahoo group. Albert is Lakota, lives not far from where the phony Sundance happens, and not only has seen it, he's met with park officials about it.

So that makes three Lakota, at least, who have talked to McCullough in person about this. Though like CSB said, that should not be a standard. Frauds and fraud supporters are always trying to hide behind that argument.

Actually Albert comes from the Kiowa. He was with Benard when they tried to shut down the dance in 2003 or 2004.

Offline Kristy983

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #129 on: October 01, 2008, 01:41:30 am »
I never said I condone the things talked about in this forum. All I said was to confront the problem, instead of just sitting back and whining about it on a message board. As for participating in cultural theft, I learn where I can, when I can, and I cannot help if I misguided. I didn't know there was such an opposition until I found this forum. The only person I have to teach me about my heritage is my mother, and she does her best. Unfortunately, I don't have some of the advantages that others have. I wasn't born with elders to teach me. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, that wasn't my intention, and I'm not trying to steal anyone's culture. This is the last I'll post here, because I didn't come here to be judged.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #130 on: October 01, 2008, 02:21:21 am »
Funny how the ones who angrily huff how they do not want to be judged, are so judgemental. While I am sorry that you weren't born with elders around to learn from, you are not the only one. Most of those who are in that situation do not got to frauds. They seek out people from their own culture to learn from. But hgey, I GET why people go to  frauds: they tell ya what ya want to hear!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #131 on: October 01, 2008, 09:24:16 am »
Kristi, your claim of being "judged" doesn't hold up. And you don't seem to have bothered to read what three of us told you. At least three NDNs did confront McCullough in person, exactly what you claim we supposedly did not do.

No, you were never "judged," though in common with many Nuage people, you seem to think judge is a bad word, when it just means using your brain to make a decision.

Instead, what happened was that four different NDNs patiently explained and answered your questions, that's it. No one said a thing about you personally until you tried to twist our words in your second post, then threw a fit in public by saying you would not post anymore.

Hopefully you stick around to read and learn. Think about this: If a hatewatch site reports hate crimes and puts out reports to the public, are they "whining"? If a center for exploited children puts out information of how to keep kids from being abused, are they "whining"?

Or are they both doing something about the problem, the same as we are in here?

And do you contribute to the problem by making excuses for McCullough, or by twisting what Lakota and other NDNs have to say about him?

Offline rwaimin

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #132 on: October 01, 2008, 08:00:18 pm »
Looks like old Frauds never die. I just joined the forum and I am here to say a few things. Please listen to with your hearts and then your minds. I make no claim that I am an Elder, or wise man, medicine man, or spiritual leader. I am who I am, and that is a warrior for the people. I have been silent for many years but no more. Over the years we have lost many of our leaders Micheal Haney, Floyd Red Crow Westerman, and Vernon Bellecourt to name a few. I knew these men, if only for a short time I did know them. I sat with Mr. Haney and had dinner with him and we spoke of many things, I sat Mr. Westerman at Pipestone AIM Sundance and we spoke of many things, I have sat on many occasions with Uncle Vernon and we spoke of many things. Out of all the talks we had they all taught me one thing and that was to never forget about the people may they be Lakota, Kiowa, Cheyenne, Dine', you name it. I have not forgotten about them, I have not forgotten the promise I made to many of our Elders and Leaders that I would always fight for the protection of our ceremonies, our people, and our way of life.
I want to make it clear to many that I have gone the extra mile and then went on further to do what is needed to protect our ways, but there are some people out there who were once heard to say "Albert, call us and we will be there by your side", I ask you where were you when Bernard Red Cherries and I went to the Hoosier National Park and spoke to the Head people there, who turned us away as if we were ghost. Where were you when I was getting calls in the middle of the night, threatening my family and my life. Where were you when McCullough's daughter came to an open AIM meeting with others and said we have no right to stop "THEIR" ceremonies, as far as I remember these ceremonies belong to the people not one group who claims to have a Shawnee medicine man, but was raised on Pine Ridge, from Rosebud. Yes his list of lies grows. Now he is wanting to take over a so called Native Center in Ohio. they say on their website that they do not charge yet they as ask for money to keep it going. They say and I quote :

"Written by Lynny Prince   
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Check out the details for this years Wopila ceremony!

The 2008 Wopila (thank you) ceremony will be held at Black Swan Lake on Saturday, Aug. 30, 2008. As this is a private campground, there will be an entrance fee of $5.00 per person, to pay the rental fee. There will be primitive camping sites available for Friday and Saturday nights for all those who wish to stay. Electric hookup is available at extra cost for those who want it. Check out time is 6:00 PM Sunday evening, but individual arrangements may be made with campground hosts if you wish to stay longer.

There are showers and toilets available. Meals, cooking and all other facilities are up to the individual campers. Remember feast food for Saturday evening. No dogs will be permitted this year, as the owners failed to clean up after them last year. A kennel is available a mile up the road. (see phone numbers below) Fishing is available at $2.00 per pole, per day. There is no swimming allowed.

Randy, the owner, will have a concession stand open this year. Ice will be $2.00 for a 7 lb. bag, firewood is $5.00 for an armload and breakfast can be purchased Saturday and Sunday mornings at the campground. If you enjoy this, he will do more next year. "

You tell me what that looks like. I have been to many Sundances and I have never been asked for a donation, or rental fees, or to pay for anything including food. Hell I have never been to a sundance where they had a "concession stand".
If you truly want to help stop this mockery of not only the Lakota ways but of all exploitation of traditional ceremonies then write the Hoosier National Park, write the Gov. of Indiana. Write to the agencies at Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Cheyenne River, and tell them to write the Hoosier National Park and the Gov. of Indiana. Have those true spiritual leaders who McCullough claims to be taught by, have those Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people come to the Hoosier National Park and tell them to STOP allowing a fraud to abuse our ceremonies, our culture and our spiritual way of life.
I have done my part and now it is up to those who talk the talk to come forward and be heard and seen.

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
American Indian Movement Indiana Chairman
Albert RunningWolf
14065 West St.
Brookville, IN. 47012

Offline MatoSiWin

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #133 on: October 02, 2008, 07:37:07 pm »
DRB... if I could hug you or high-five you right now, I would!!!!

No one has the right to co-opt someone else's heritage.  And I agree 100%, not everyone has the benefit of elders, but if someone's intentions are true, they will seek out their own, not imposters.  And I completely agree with your comment about why people go to imposters... they tell you want you want to hear. 

All of it really needs to stop.  And voicing our opinions and facts on here is hardly whining and doing nothing, Kristy983.  you're the one whining about how people are judging you for not standing up for your alleged heritage.  Regardless of your alleged blood lines, you are of linear wasichu thinking. The free expression of ideas and sharing of information is how people start to move.  It's up to you which direction you choose to move in.

Offline Creative Native

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Re: Steve McCullough
« Reply #134 on: October 04, 2008, 01:29:08 pm »
Steve's claims and credentials get questioned here and the website is suddenly down for maintainence; how convenient

In reality that's kind of assumptive to think that the site being down has anything to do with what the people say here isn't it? Just trying to keep it real.