Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422837 times)

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
My DNA tests indicate that I am almost equal parts African and aboriginal and the majority is Caucasian. My grandparents were mixed Cherokee/Creek and English on my mother's side. My father is a mulatto French/African/English. As far as I'm concerned being part Cherokee does not make me or anyone else an Indian. I was not raised in an Indian community, but am enrolled. I don't even live in the states and have no connection to the tribe. That doesn't mean that I don't believe that people who have no blood have the right to steal aboriginal heritage and traditions.
I believe that the reason these people hate me so much is that I am what I claim to be, and thats not a black Indian, but a mixed race man with Indian blood who has been accepted. It is really insignificant to me because I became a Canadian over 40 years ago. TBE and his ilk are just racists trying to make a fast buck, like any fraud.
What bothers me more than imposters like TBE are the professional "Indians" like the so called "pundits" in who are totally obsessed with proving who is the most Indian. I have learned that most internet Indians are NOT Indians, whether they are black or white. When I exposed a notorious black imposter, Charles Thompson AKA Chuck AKA charles48141 I was attacked. He's like the group's black mascot.
Anything I can do to help Canadian aboriginal people to fight against people like TBE I will. I don't want to see these people move into my country. Nikki, let me know what you need for legal action, I support you and your people in any action you take.

Offline educatedindian

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It's also been confirmed that Tecumseh Brown Eagle, Aka Abdul Abulla Mohammed or Muhammed, James Oliver Johnson 111, has been and is getting financially supported by Greg Rubino, involved in Mob related actives, whereas he was brought up on Cocciane charges, been investigated by the FBI on 3 occasions. Joseph Mays, the attorney for Greg Rubino's Passport Co's., (real estate)
and Energy companies, and Casinos.
These are really big, powerful men that are somehow in cahoots with the FBI as narcs due to Rubino's cocaine bust years ago, or land grabbers and big money casino operators and energy companies. They just got the tire-burning plant in Erie, and Tecumseh and "Erie Moundbuilders Indians" are PART of that desecration of the air .

This is pretty important. Can you point us to evidence of the criminal charges and exactly how Johnson is involved?

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
It's also been confirmed that Tecumseh Brown Eagle, Aka Abdul Abulla Mohammed or Muhammed, James Oliver Johnson 111, has been and is getting financially supported by Greg Rubino, involved in Mob related actives, whereas he was brought up on Cocciane charges, been investigated by the FBI on 3 occasions. Joseph Mays, the attorney for Greg Rubino's Passport Co's., (real estate)
and Energy companies, and Casinos.
These are really big, powerful men that are somehow in cahoots with the FBI as narcs due to Rubino's cocaine bust years ago, or land grabbers and big money casino operators and energy companies. They just got the tire-burning plant in Erie, and Tecumseh and "Erie Moundbuilders Indians" are PART of that desecration of the air .

This is pretty important. Can you point us to evidence of the criminal charges and exactly how Johnson is involved?

Do a google search on Greg Rubino and also Johnson is involved with Rubino because Rubino is his funding source. Notations of these things were received through other sources that I am not able to divulge where they came from. It will be held in file if TBE decides to sue us. It can all be used against him as he doesn't have a legal leg to stand on!!


Niiki from Tyendinga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: April 05, 2009, 02:19:33 pm by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Anything I can do to help Canadian aboriginal people to fight against people like TBE I will. I don't want to see these people move into my country. Nikki, let me know what you need for legal action, I support you and your people in any action you take.

Don you could also submit to CESIS the information on TBE as that has already been done with the FBI on the other side. You could also contact imigration and the border patrol offices to make sure that he is not permitted entry into Canada again. Also what needs to happen is charges laid for his fraudulent business practices.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
If TBE has a criminal record in the US he cannot legally enter Canada. It would help if you could research that. If he has any connections to organised crime or frauds he would be inadmissible. This man seems to have used multiple names and identities so it may be difficult to trace.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
If TBE has a criminal record in the US he cannot legally enter Canada. It would help if you could research that. If he has any connections to organised crime or frauds he would be inadmissible. This man seems to have used multiple names and identities so it may be difficult to trace.

Other names he has used is: Erie Resurrected Indigenous Entity Indians, c/o Abdul-Muta Abdullah-Muhammed, 410 Cherry St. #412, Erie, PA 16507-1136

That's his tax exempt organization

Other names are: Abdul-Muta Alli Abdullah-Muhammed
                        Abdul-Muta'al- Servant of the Most High o Abdul-Muttalib...Hadrat Ali ( may Allah bless his countenance)
 Organization: Daughters of Isis of North & South America, 410 Cherry St. #412, Erie, Pa 16507-1136
Director: Linda Shabazz-Muhammed, wife of Abul ( James Oliver Johnson 111 & Tecumseh Brown Eagle)

another address: 196 Pharaoh Court, Pharaoh, PA.. Note: Both Muhammed & Shabazz are Islamic names.
Islamic Cultural Center of Erie Pennsylvania, 9 East 12th St, Erie, PA 16501

Abdullah Shabazz home is at:
410 Cherry St.
Erie, PA 16507-1136
No phone number listing

410 Cherry St. is about 2000 ft from Gannon University.

The puzzle is fitting together!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 05:11:01 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
TBE is an American so his records would only be accessible in the states. I'm in Toronto and only have access to records that may be on line. You can find out about state records and charges from the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General. I used to live in PA and am familiar with the state laws regarding fraud. I'll see what I can find out from friends who are in state government. The governor is a former DA so there is vey little tolerance for fraud and con artists.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
TBE is an American so his records would only be accessible in the states. I'm in Toronto and only have access to records that may be on line. You can find out about state records and charges from the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General. I used to live in PA and am familiar with the state laws regarding fraud. I'll see what I can find out from friends who are in state government. The governor is a former DA so there is very little tolerance for fraud and con artists.

Niawen gowa Don. Go for it Don!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216


    Steve Pruitt,

    I am in receipt of your last email changing the date of the conference call. Allow me to please point out a few important concerns.

    FD5CT, Inc. met you in April of 2006 alone with representatives of 5 of the Indigenous (Freedmen) Nation., coming from California, Colorado, Kansas and Missouri. Please note that we rallied to attend with less than 10 days notice at our own expense. (Our good faith effort). At that meeting we were presented a game plan as to our gaining the recognition that we have spent the last 20 years working toward. We were making head way by route of the Department of Interior, who had advised the BIA to address the concerns of the 5 Freedmen Nations. (Copy of that letter was forwarded to you). Our progress was stalled based on your campaign proposal

    In your presentation you advised of the two types of tribal entities that the J. C. Watts, group would represent. The historical Tribe and the Freedmen Tribes. Tecumseh Brown-Eagle was to chair the historical side and I, Eleanor “Gypsy” Wyatt was to chair the Freedmen side.

    The first face to face meeting was to occur in June 2006 (this did not happen) however based on your words FD5CT, Inc. in a good faith effort and to gain the support of congress spent a total of 252 hours putting together congressional 43 reports including Diane Watson, background history of our plight, letters issued by congress in the late 1800s calling for the correction of the disenfranchisement of the Indians with black skin a courtesy report done on your mother’s maiden name for you and letters from the Department of the Interior. We included 6 executed contracts and burned our citizens names and address along with the above mentioned report to disc for your convenience. I was instructed by you after the Onam to Morgan Stanley change to send the invoice to you for payment (it is Attached, however this invoice remains unpaid).

    The following are the scheduled dates for meetings that were to be held in Washington, DC that were canceled.....Dec. 4-6, 2006, Jan. 22-24, 2007 and Feb. 19-22, 2007. after the first scheduled meeting of June 2006 did not occur.

    Conference calls have met the same faith however let me recap one that did occur: conference call of May 8, 2007


    The following are points of expression that you shared with the Tribal Representatives during the conference call on Tuesday, May 8, 2007.


    · “House passed the Virginia Indian's Bill; it moves onto the Senate - the importance of this move is now we know who supports our efforts”,

    · “We have all 42 Congressional Black Caucus members on board”,

    · “We have Diane Watson, John Conyers, and Jesse Jackson, Jr. and A. Davis introducing our Bill the first week of June as a Private Bill; what this means is we by-pass the Bureau of Indian Affairs and it will not require the full vote of the Senate. It will go to Committee and what they recommend is the way it usually rolls”,

    · “Morgan Stanley does not want the Bill delayed”,

    · “The 3rd Thursday of each month is when Private Bills are considered by the Judiciary Committee thus it could occur in June or July”,

    · “I will be sending the certified copies of the signed Cooperative Agreements of all the Tribes who are at present included in the Campaign”,

    · “Tribes will be added to our website as clients some time in the next week or two as an update has been planned”,

    · “Black Caucus/Congress sees the big picture now; not just the Black Cherokees; Campaign will not be delayed for other Tribes that wish to come on board; and add on at a later date is in place”.

    · “The only problem we face right now is to hope Bush is not impeached; if they start the impeachment process….everything goes on the back burner”.

    · “I will attempt to have another conference call sometime next week to hopefully set up the D.C. Campaign kick-off meeting”.

    There are hundreds of thousand Freedmen descendants many have called Rep Diane Washington’s office and all are told the same thing THEY KNOW OF NO OTHER GROUP OR ANYTHING ABOUT A PRIVATE BILL. Per the information in the May 8, 2007 conference call Diane Watson, John Conyers, and Jesse Jackson, Jr. and A. Davis were to introducing our Bill the first week of June as a Private Bill that too did not happen. (This was taken from an email you have confirmed was the summary of that conference call.). Meaning the bill was already drafted without the input of those who it was to cover. I am not an attorney, however I know my history better than any attorney, for I’ve research it for the past 25 years and other than Dr. Gavin Clarkson, choctaw attorney and professor I know of no attorney that is well versed in the history of all 5 Freedmen Nation. I may be sticking my neck out on a limb here but I’m willing to say the same for Hamaz and Tecumseh Brown-Eagle.

    How does one function as a chairman of anything when they are not informed of the inter-workings? All information I have receive comes from news reports, speaking among ourselves (Hamaz and Tecumseh Brown-Eagle and myself) and online message boards. Hamaz has shared an email from you more or less stating you are the star player. This raises grave concerns for me as Indians with dark skin play this game as a team, we have NO star players. I was under the impression that you were working toward the betterment of Indians with dark skin, none of us puts ourselves above the rest. None of us has not followed through on anything we have stated for our word is our bond.

    This campaign was to kick off one year ago as of June 2007, the only people who knows anything about the limited amount of action is a select few. I note all your emails are sent to my chiefs, council members, my United Nations contact, Hamaz and Tecumseh Brown-Eagle. (The people I keep informed). Who are the others that are in this campaign? Are they informed as well?

    I understand Rome was not built in a day but surly they laid the corner stone in a year. We have seen no action NONE in a year and two months. You say Morgan Stanley is backing this campaign is that a true statement for we have nothing to say they are. If this email sounds disgruntle then it has served its purpose for there is trouble in paradise, we are NOT happy campers. The simplest thing as adding our names to your websites client list was not done. I do however note Joe Byrd is listed. A good faith effort is needed on your part. Paying the attached invoice is needed on your part. Communication that is not enlisted by one of us is needed on your part.

    Our word has been our bond from the onset with the exception of your health issues we can not understand the delays for your words have produced NO fruit.

    As too our lost contracts due to staff turn over did all these you have previously mentioned leave the campaign? JCWC will have a 6 member project management team working on this project. In addition to Steve Pruitt, the team will include Ms. Angela Sailor, Ms. Lindsey Mitchell, Mr. Tripp Baird, Mr. Joe Byrd and Mr. Elroy Sailor.

    Eleanor “Gypsy” Wyatt

    Chairman of the Board, FD5CT, Inc. (A 501 c3 Native American Foundation)

    Clan’s Mother to 5 Indigenous Freedmen Nations (Chickasaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek and Seminole)

    Monday July 2, 2007 - 01:45pm (CDT)


Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Steve(Brother) Pruit is one of the leaders of the reparations for slavery movement in the states. Brother Pruit is in all the black supremacist groups trying to recruit black people to all of his reparations schemes. He's been quiet for a while because of the economy (people are interested in trillions in reparations with no economy), but I've seen him at it again recently.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
TBE is involved in a job development programme with Greg Rubino in Erie, PA. He is listed as a recruiter for minority job trainees. This appears to be some sheltered minority contract. My experience with these types of sheltered bidding contracts is that minorities and women act as fronts to get affirmative action status, they are given titles and salaries while the "partners" (white businesses) get the real money. TBE is apparently representing himself as "Chief" of an Indian nation and also being black is eligible for affirmative action status. I really doubt that any minority job trainees ever got a damned think from this programme, but I'm sure TBE and Rubino did paid.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
TBE's plan may include using the provisions of the Jay Treaty to claim free border crossing. If he can get any US entity to recognize him he would be able to cross the border without inspection.

This is from a  friend Hunter Bear, an American Indian, about the Jay Treaty...


Spring 2009: This is a brief update note on the functional status of the Jay Treaty [1794] as things now stand -- with respect to Native people. Essentially, the Treaty remains quite intact and, as a ratified treaty, cannot be formally amended nor modified without the consent of the national signatories. [That would be, to say the least, cumbersome.] What has changed, however, is the increasingly prejudiced and discriminatory interpretative views of many U.S. Immigration officials -- often quite un-educated as to Native Americans and the Jay Treaty -- when it comes to "permitting" the free passage of Native people to and fro re the United States. This back and forth free passage is guaranteed by the Jay Treaty and these negatively arbitrary judgments, by U.S. officials especially, constitute functional treaty violations.

As decades and generations passed following Jay and the subsequent Treaty of Ghent, the U.S. began to seek "identification/ verification" of Native status via tribal agency or Federal governmental "Indian cards" , or sometimes baptismal certificates. Again, as time passed, immigration officials came to try to insist on at least one-half "blood" status. All of this constituted a departure from, at the least, the spirit of the Jay Treaty.
But following the September 11, 2001, tragedy in New York City, the resultant atmosphere in the 'States obviously became more and more and more security conscious -- sometimes taking on the characteristics of outright fear and hysteria. Under the Bush administration, a wide variety of repressive policies -- some initiated via statute but others simply administrative -- flourished. On the Canadian border, this led to U.S. immigration and related officials often becoming increasingly restrictive and negative in their interpretations of "who is an Indian?" in the matter of the promise of the Jay Treaty. This frequently paranoid perception and practice led to U.S. efforts to block entrance by some Natives who, in the opinion of the frequently uninformed and often prejudiced opinion of the Immigration officer, "didn't look Indian." And, in a number of the those situations, the officials' judgments trumped the fact that the Native individual had all of the "proper" documentation -- e.g., "Indian card."

This sorry and increasingly complicated situation, to put it mildly, has led to much well justified Native protest and formal litigation in the U.S. Federal court system. If it's always been a battle for Native rights to be recognized and respected under, among other things, the Jay Treaty, it is much more of one at this point.

The situation for Native people seeking entrance into the United States, and/or residence therein, under the provisions of the Jay Treaty has, thanks to the Bush version of Homeland Security and corollary agencies, become ever more complicated -- and tangled.

Protests and court litigation will continue. And, with the election of a new administration in Washington, DC, new and fresh and rational winds appear -- appear -- to be blowing. Let's hope and work toward those new winds reaching the U.S. Canadian border, simplifying border-crossing procedures, and rejuvenating the commitments and promises to Native people by the Jay Treaty [and Ghent etc.]

Hunter Gray [Hunter Bear]
Abenaki/St. Regis Mohawk
Protected by Na´shdo´i´ba´i´
and Ohkwari' 

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
TBE is involved in a job development programme with Greg Rubino in Erie, PA. He is listed as a recruiter for minority job trainees. This appears to be some sheltered minority contract. My experience with these types of sheltered bidding contracts is that minorities and women act as fronts to get affirmative action status, they are given titles and salaries while the "partners" (white businesses) get the real money. TBE is apparently representing himself as "Chief" of an Indian nation and also being black is eligible for affirmative action status. I really doubt that any minority job trainees ever got a damned think from this programme, but I'm sure TBE and Rubino did paid.

   You may be right Don! Considering how many other businesses TBE has his sticky fingers into!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
TBE's plan may include using the provisions of the Jay Treaty to claim free border crossing. If he can get any US entity to recognize him he would be able to cross the border without inspection.

Yes he did try this with the Alleghany Seneca, the Tonawanda Seneca and the Six Nations Confederacy and will get no where with us.

We know that he is not able to get recognition by the US Government because of a previous post by Kosowith:

"It drives me crazy when fakes, or misinformed people make outragious claims, especially when so many legitimate groups/people suffer for this idiocy. I know this is a very long post but to do the subject justice would take several hundred pages and I will spare you that

I’ve been thinking about one of the original posts about that “Tecumseh Brown, et al” and the various responses,indicating that it had recently come to their attention that many of Brown’s claims were false.  Forgive me it I am quoting wrong or if I remember the post about the claims that Brown made as those quotes are no longer available on line.  And for those in the U.S. please forgive the British spellings, I can’t get my computer to keep its U.S. spellings. Another reason to buy local despite what seems to be a great bargain price.

There seems to be a GREAT deal of misinformation and lack of knowledge about, basic legal concepts, Indian law,  the recognition process, and the role and jurisdiction of the UN and world courts are I would like to give a very brief and superficial overview.  Please understand that to really understand takes years and years of study and these are ALWAYS shifting sands.  What I mean is, law, both in the US and internationally is under constant re-clarification and change.  That is how the court system works. This is not a comment on the justice of how this works or not – just how it is done.

First – the process for a North American Indian group living within the boundaries of the United States to attain federal recognition and government to government status.  (It is very different in Canada, so I am only looking at the US statues and proceedures)

Application must be made through the BAR (Branch of Acknowledgement and Research) within the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) which is part of the Department of the Interior.

The BAR implements 25 CFR Part 83 – Procedures for  Establishing that an American Indian Groups Exists as an Indian Tribe. The BAR consists of approximately eleven (11) staff persons -- professional anthropologists, genealogists and historians -- who evaluate petitions for federal recognition and make recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs on whether to approve or deny each petition.

Of the over 300 applications received between 1954, when the US began terminating American Indian Nation-US relationships, (terminating tribes) and 2007 only 15 have passed BAR review to proceed onto the next stage, or review by the Assistant Secretary of the Interior. MOST of these are groups that held recognition prior to the Termination Act and immediately upon termination began the process to gain re-recognition.  They have the clearest documentation based on the fact that they were recognized prior to 1950.  Even for them, as the BAR states, “Exceptional anthropological, genealogical and historical research is required for any consideration.”

Forbidden from application are: associations, organizations, corporations or groups of any character that have been formed in recent times (post 1934 is considered recent by most researchers) Splinter groups, political factions or groups of any nature that separate from the main body of a currently recognized tribe.

Criteria REQUIRED for petition to be accepted for further evaluation: The Assistant Secretary will acknowledge the existence of the petitioner as an Indian tribe if it satisfies all of the following criteria:
a.   The petitioner has been identified as an American Indian entity on a continuous basis since 1900.
b.   A predominant portion of the petitioning group comprises a distinct community and has existed as a community from historical times until the present. c.                   The petitioner has maintained political influence or authority over its members as an autonomous entity from historical times until the present.
d.     It submits to the BAR a copy of the group's present governing document including its membership criteria which must follow IRA regulations
e.    The petitioner's membership consists of individuals who descend from a historical Indian tribe or from historical Indian tribes which combined and functioned as a single autonomous political entity. (It must also submit a copy of each available former list of members based on the group's own criterion).

 There are other rules that apply to groups that were terminated, but would not apply to the Erie.

For a good example of how difficult the historic criteria (identified as an American Indian entity on a substantially continuous basis since 1900) is,  you can take the example of the followers of Little Shell who were not given land at the same time as Stone Child and Little Bear, even though the Canadian government and the US government have documentation as their being a separate group, their intermarriage, continued relationship with other Chippewa-Cree groups has prohibited them from the final acceptance of the Dept. of Interior.  They have state recognition, but so far, not federal.  This is the same for almost all of the groups who have reached the final review status.
It is my understanding from what was posted on line and from what I have seen of some of Mr. Brown’s claims on his sites, that they would have difficulty with all of these. Also,
Since the introduction of the American Indian Gaming Act – 12 States have filed suits against the BIA for recognizing groups within their boundaries that they do not want to have gaming establishments.  The ruling of the Supreme Court in February 2009  (just last month for this
posting) ruled for Rhode Island and against the Tribes.  So, it is getting even more difficult to establish recognition.

So now lets switch to International law – and Mr. Browns ludicrous assertion that he could file some sort of action against the US, the Seneca or anything else.

The International Court of Justice Court or ICJ; (Cour internationale de Justice) is the primary judicial organ of the United Nations. It is based in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. Its main functions are to settle legal disputes submitted to it by member states and to give advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by duly authorized international organizations, agencies, and the UN General Assembly.
Not by unrecognized groups within a member state – especially anyone that exists in a member state that sits on the Security Council. (is:  the US)
The ICJ should not be confused with the International Criminal Court, which also potentially has some "global" jurisdiction.  The United States withdrew from compulsory jurisdiction in 1986, and so accepts the court's jurisdiction only on a case-to-case basis.  Chapter XIV of the United Nations Charter authorizes the UN Security Council to enforce World Court rulings, but such enforcement is subject to the veto power of the five permanent members of the Council.(One of which is the US)
In contentious cases (adversial proceedings seeking to settle a dispute), the ICJ produces a binding ruling between states that agree to submit to the ruling of the court. Only nation states may be parties in contentious cases. Individuals, corporations, parts of a federal state, NGOs, and self-determination groups are excluded from direct participation in cases.
Jurisdiction is often a crucial question for the Court in contentious cases. The key principle is that the ICJ has jurisdiction only on the basis of consent.
International Court of Appeals (Also in the Hague) has the jurisdiction over cases in which an entity has already files a suit against a nation-state and has lost.   It is similar to the Supreme Court in the US and can only review cases that have passed through all other appeals. (US Supreme Court, North American Appeals Court, Appeals Court of the Americas, etc.)  Then and only then will it review.  AND – this is again non-binding.  A negative judgment only provides negative press.
At this time I won’t even begin to comment on the rather idiotic assertions that he or his group have ANY rights to NAMAI or anything else."

So who is this TBE that he thinks that he can contact our people, our chiefs and leaders threatening the way he does??? He is nothing to us and he can go to hell!!  You don't scare us Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Shabazz Muhammed Mohammed, James Oliver Johnson 111 , who is African American Muslem and not a NAI!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 02:00:42 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
After Jerry "Eaglefeather" discovered that TBE was a bigger fraud than his tribe, he broke off his connection with him. I got a very nasty email from him yesterday. Nikki, "Chief" Jerry Eaglefeather, claims to to be recognised by these people (from his email) " Chief Kenny BlackSmith and Grand Chief Linda Prince of Canada and the Mohawks of Tiendenega territory". Do you know  these people, are they from your Nation, let them know about this thread and the black Indian thread.