Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 423176 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Nikki, have you thought about contacting Ohoyo? Her organization of Freedmen descendants may not want to have their cause hurt by being linked to Johnson.

Niawen Gowa for your posts Educated Indian and yes Ohoyo has been contacted just now! We will see what happens with that.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Here is a post from a previous forum this is still current information about Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed or Muhammed, James Oliver Johnson 111:

"Title: Nuwabians, Washitaw, Binay Mythology-Robbing Native Cultures
Post by: Don Naconna on August 21, 2008, 06:16:14 PM


This video by Jaime Andes is an excellent critique of the Afrocentrics claim that Native American culture and civilization came from Africa. Please note that scholars such as Warren Barbour et al have disproved these theories with extensive on site research, in an highly acclaimed article Robbing Native Culture. Tecumseh Brown Eagle (Erie Tribe of Mound Builders), the Washitaw and Nuwabians, the Binay "Tribe", Black Native American Association, Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Center all follow this mythology. These "theories" are inherently anti Indian.
I am working on a book on all of these cults and other so called black Indians, which I hope to complete in the next year, and Al knows. I welcome contributions from members who uncoverd any black Indian cults and frauds, like those mentioned above.
Thanks for your attention, I look forward to your responses."

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
I do hope that members will follow the activities of these people. They use every trick they can to guilt trip people. TBE gets whites to believe his story, because of racial guilt and his new age preaching. Its not just because their beliefs are racially biased against Indians, but because underlying all the rhetoric is a core set of black supremacist beliefs. As a person of mixed ancestry I totally oppose black supremacy and white supremacy, these frauds rely on guilt and race hatred to build their organisations. TBE claims to be the chief of 28 nations in the US and Canada! Once people, particularly confused and greedy black people, get the idea that all blacks are actually "Indians" and that Indians have been getting the "benefits" that rightfully belong to black people racial conflicts are inevitable. I have seen the smear campaign of Al Carroll and this group in, those super Indians would be well advised to look for frauds instead attacking the only people who are.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This is from a black supremacist yahoogroup. This is what TBE really believes in and supports...

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Niawen gowa Don for your information! Word has come back from some of our Chiefs, that Tecumseh Brown Eagle has been in touch with some of them up here trying to again to promote himself as an NAI and saying all that has been said here in this forum is "just rumours". He has even accused certain people of lying about him. Also he stated he is going to pay us a visit up here in 2 weeks, to talk to us about setting up a Casino somewhere in Ontario. The Chiefs that he talked to have just laughed and are not going to take him seriously, as they know he is Fraud. They also know he is Black and not NAI as he claims, so therefore he will get no where with his requests with the Six Nations Confederacy. I hope this is a clear and final message to him and his supporters that we want nothing more to do with him and his Otah.

He also is still trying to promote himself as the best candidate than others within our Confederacy to be involved in the Bruce Nuclear Power Plant issue! Does this smell of a terrorist and a terrorist organization? Why such interest in pushing a nuclear power plant down our peoples throats, when it has not even been discussed in Council yet nor as a whole within our community? Is it because he has some sort of "plans" involving other activities in relationship to terrorism? As he has certainly made contact with people up here recently, and has behaved very much like a terrorist. This behavior only supports what Don has posted about his connection with Black Supremacist groups.

Food for thought.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 01:44:19 am by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Regardless of his fabricated genealogy he has no valid reason for being in Canada in te first place. Groups that he is involved with clearly have advocated racial hatred (Southern Poverty Law Center lists the Nuwabians as a hate group) against other groups. What the hell is an American citizen doing "advising" anyone on Bruce Nuclear Power  which is in Ontario, where I and 11.5 other CANADIAN live and BTW pay taxes. Shouldn't Canada Border Services be keeping this fraud out of the country instead of harassing aboriginal Canadians for exercising the legal rights.
TBE is just one of many, these black Indian frauds are gaining ground here and in the states. TBE has taken the black Indian myth to a new height, he has got some Indians and white new age people fooled. Seeing his video on a Ohio gaming commission is just one indication what their real goal is, acceptance and recognition. At first some of these people may appear like allies to aboriginal activists, but probe their motivation and you'll see something different. Racial surpremacists have their own agenda and by definition no one else counts, that's the nature of racism. TBE created a tribe and an amazing genealogy that appears to include everyone except Montezuma and Jesus Christ. He claims to be a full blood Indian from at least 4 tribes, but appears to be a full blood African, who also claims to be descended from the great families of Europe. Wow what a history, but he also claims to have knowledge of the "ancients" and also the people of "Mu" (Atlantis) and Planet X (Where dead black Muslims go to be with W.D. Fard and Elijah Muhammed)...

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
I meant to write , sorry, "I and 11.5 million Canadians live and pay taxes" (Ontario)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Regardless of his fabricated genealogy he has no valid reason for being in Canada in te first place. Groups that he is involved with clearly have advocated racial hatred (Southern Poverty Law Center lists the Nuwabians as a hate group) against other groups. What the hell is an American citizen doing "advising" anyone on Bruce Nuclear Power  which is in Ontario, where I and 11.5 other CANADIAN live and BTW pay taxes. Shouldn't Canada Border Services be keeping this fraud out of the country instead of harassing aboriginal Canadians for exercising the legal rights.
TBE is just one of many, these black Indian frauds are gaining ground here and in the states. TBE has taken the black Indian myth to a new height, he has got some Indians and white new age people fooled. Seeing his video on a Ohio gaming commission is just one indication what their real goal is, acceptance and recognition. At first some of these people may appear like allies to aboriginal activists, but probe their motivation and you'll see something different. Racial surpremacists have their own agenda and by definition no one else counts, that's the nature of racism. TBE created a tribe and an amazing genealogy that appears to include everyone except Montezuma and Jesus Christ. He claims to be a full blood Indian from at least 4 tribes, but appears to be a full blood African, who also claims to be descended from the great families of Europe. Wow what a history, but he also claims to have knowledge of the "ancients" and also the people of "Mu" (Atlantis) and Planet X (Where dead black Muslims go to be with W.D. Fard and Elijah Muhammed)...

Niawen Gowa Don for your comments on Abdul! Along with that he has also suggested to more than one person, that if there were any human remains, found at any Erie/Neutral sites, including that of the proposed site of the Naticoke Nuclear Power Plant site, that it would be Okay to move the ancestors out of the way, because he and the EIMTN are "pro-development". He suggested moving them to the Mounds in Toronto, once again disturbing the peace of our ancient ancestors, to make room for others from other locations. Many of our people object to his ideas, as any removal of our ancestors to make room for development is a violation of our Great Law.

You are right Don, TBE has no right to say anything up here, as he has no rights as an Indigenous person. He needs to be happy being a Black African American because that's what he is. He also needs to stay in his boat and stay out of our canoe! Yes I agree the Canadian border services should be keeping this Fraud, Tecumseh Brown Eagle, from crossing that "Imaginary Line", as the Jay Treaty does not apply to him.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 09:52:02 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
You haveto remember this man has invented his own history, which means that he has no respect for other's histories. As a black supremacist American and as far as I'm concerned he has invaded my country. And that pisses me off!
I believe that too many Indians don't realise how much of a threat these so called black Indians are to them. TBE is claiming to be a chief if an extinct tribe, and claiming almost hald of the continent. I believe that people are afraid of being called racists if they say anything about black people regardless of how insane or criminal they may be. I am mixed race and don't play the guilt game, so I'm immune to TBE. I am also a very politically active Canadian and will use my influence to see that TBE is barred from entering Canada.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
You haveto remember this man has invented his own history, which means that he has no respect for other's histories. As a black supremacist American and as far as I'm concerned he has invaded my country. And that pisses me off!
I believe that too many Indians don't realise how much of a threat these so called black Indians are to them. TBE is claiming to be a chief if an extinct tribe, and claiming almost hald of the continent. I believe that people are afraid of being called racists if they say anything about black people regardless of how insane or criminal they may be. I am mixed race and don't play the guilt game, so I'm immune to TBE. I am also a very politically active Canadian and will use my influence to see that TBE is barred from entering Canada.

Sego Don;

   Yes go for it Don, as we have gotten word that he is terrorizing some of our Chiefs at Six Nations using FBI surveillance threats on them and others who are supporting our traditional leaders. He needs to be stopped and dealt with immediately.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 03:22:15 am by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
It's also been confirmed that Tecumseh Brown Eagle, Aka Abdul Abulla Mohammed or Muhammed, James Oliver Johnson 111, has been and is getting financially supported by Greg Rubino, involved in Mob related actives, whereas he was brought up on Cocciane charges, been investigated by the FBI on 3 occasions. Joseph Mays, the attorney for Greg Rubino's Passport Co's., (real estate)
and Energy companies, and Casinos.
These are really big, powerful men that are somehow in cahoots with the FBI as narcs due to Rubino's cocaine bust years ago, or land grabbers and big money casino operators and energy companies. They just got the tire-burning plant in Erie, and Tecumseh and "Erie Moundbuilders Indians" are PART of that desecration of the air .

So if Abdul thinks he has some sort of favour with the FBI and can use them to terrorize traditional people who are supporters of the Confederacy, that is soon to backfire on him. As he is the one who has a lot to worry about in that regard. So survail away, as I hope they are able to gather a ton of investigative material on this website, to use against Abdul, and put him where he belongs, behind bars for a very long time !

So anyone else who has incriminating evidence on Johnson to share , please don't be afraid to post it here, as the more the better.

It is also known and veriified that the 28 Nations that he claims to be a Chairman of, again are not the 30 Indigenous that are in Oklahoma, as many of them don't even know who Tecumseh Brown Eagle is.
These 28 nations, that claims to chair, are these fake Black Indian groups who are also Black Supremacist groups and also hold the same ideals as what Don had mentioned on previous posts.

I would suggest a google of Greg Rubino for starters!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 05:09:23 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
For anyone who doubts TBE's real agenda look at this from the Binay group.

This is Jerry Monroe's (Chief Jerry Eaglefeather) phony tribe the Binay (Black Indian Intertribal Native American Association, BIINAA) which is named after his organization although he claims that Binay comes from an ancient indigenous language. These people are so phony any intelligent person can see right through them.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This is where TBE and the "black Indians" are on Delphi Forums
There are as number of notables delusionals including Jerry "Eaglefeather" Monroe and of course Charles Thompson AKA cjt2010 and of course the Washitaws.
Its amazes me just how many black people claim to be Indian because of some mulatto ancestor who the family assumed to be an Indian. According to them there are at least 25 million of them!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
This is where TBE and the "black Indians" are on Delphi Forums
There are as number of notables delusionals including Jerry "Eaglefeather" Monroe and of course Charles Thompson AKA cjt2010 and of course the Washitaws.
Its amazes me just how many black people claim to be Indian because of some mulatto ancestor who the family assumed to be an Indian. According to them there are at least 25 million of them!

They should all have a DNA test done! I bet they would find that the vast majority of them have no Native blood at all. For the most part, they are white and black.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
DNA the great lie detector! The problem with DNA is it is only as good as the test. Some are just as phony as TBE...